Abstract The most well known novels about Madam Riverside, a goddess popular in the northern Fujian province, is Linshui Pingyao Ji (An Account of Riv

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Abstract The most well known novels about Madam Riverside, a goddess popular in the northern Fujian province, is Linshui Pingyao Ji (An Account of Riverside Subdued a Monster). This novel was lost in China and later brought back to China from Taiwan recently. The content of this novel is based on the first few chapters of Mindu Bieji (An Account of the Min Capital). Mindu Bieji was written during the reigns of Emperor Qianlong and Jiaqing. Another work related to this series of works is Chen Jingu Zhuan (A Biography of Chen Jingu). As this book was lost so it would be hard to date it. Quanxiang Xianfa Xiangshe Haiyiu Jizhuan (A Complete Illustrated Account of Manifestation of Spiritual Power in a Journey to the Ocean in which a Serpent was Tamed) seems to be the earliest among this series of books based on the story of Madame 32

Riverside subduing the monsters. This statement is based on the fact that this novel is not mentioned in any of the research on Fujian popular beliefs published in China, nor was it mentioned in any papers presented at a conference on Madame Riverside held in Fujian, Gutian. Even in a reference book in which the excerpts of classical novels are collected, this novel is not mentioned. Although there is a novel entitled Journey to the Ocean in this reference book, it has no connection to our subject of study as the content is quite different. The rediscovery of this novel gives rise to the following issues that require further investigation. First, it is a Qianlong era reprint by Wenyuan Hall based on the mode carved by the Ming Zhongzheng Hall (run by Xiong Longfeng). It is printed on very thin and fragile paper with round edges. The illustrations and writings remain intact in this edition. Although it is a Qing reprint and is not as valuable as the Ming and Yuan editions, the discovery of this text is important in that this kind of edition is quite rare. Second, the content of this novel is very similar to the chapter four of Sanjiao Yuanliu Soushen Daquan but not Mindu Bieji and Linshui Pingyao ji. This provides us some clues for the time and location of this novel. Third, this novel is quite unique in that the significance of local shamanism is stressed. Although Guanyin Bodhisattva is portrayed as the advisor of Chen Jingu who guides Chen to leave household, to subdue the monster serpent, and finally to attain the Dao, its Buddhist inclination is outweighed by the doctrine of Lu Mountain that seems to be the real center of this novel. Fourth, the literary skills adopted in this novel are immature and unsophisticated, which points to the possibility of popular writers creating stories drawing from folk beliefs. Fifth, another complete illustrated novel is Tianfei Maniang Zhang (The Biography of Heavenly Consort Maniang), a biography portraying the life of Lin 33

Moniang of Meizhou in southern Fujian. As both novels are biographies of goddess related to water, and one was popular in Southern Fujian and another in Northern Fujian, and they were both worshipped in Taiwan, a comparison and contrast of these two deities become a very interesting and important topic. These are the five issues that I will discuss in my paper. Keywords: Qianlong, Chen Jingu, Madame Riverside, folk religion, shamanism 34

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