Printing Media and the Transformation of Tang Poetry in the Song Dynasty: Grasp the Essence and the Anthologies of Tang Poetry of Song publication Cha

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97 3 ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ 10 ヽ

262 舂音詞社和漚社都成立於上海 在這個新興的文化大都會各種思想的交匯促 進了文學社團的發展不同政治社會背景的文人亦多了交往的機會 加上出版業 的蓬勃人才的集中使得上海的文學社團格外多姿多彩在全國的新舊文壇帶領 5 風騷 在詞學方面龍榆生 便將上海視為民國時期的詞學中心 另一

230 東華漢學 第18期 2013年12月 的瑞兆象徵 而乾隆皇帝的題詩跋語亦可視為其登基六十年的 時代 筆記 三希堂 位處全國政治權力中樞 但 三希堂 所藏不過是前代 所遺而與政治權力無關的三件歷史文物 亦因為如此 三希堂 的設 立本身便有混淆政治文化兩種面貌的可能性 而面對 快雪時晴帖 這位文

96 7 () 124

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2007 4 1-44 着 1

Printing Media and the Transformation of Tang Poetry in the Song Dynasty: Grasp the Essence and the Anthologies of Tang Poetry of Song publication Chang Kao-Ping Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract The rise of the xylograph accelerated the spread of knowledge in the Song Dynasty. In addition, the circulation of codices and the abundant pluralism of the information of the books, the printed-book reading movement was thus formed. To impel classical renaissance, the flourishing of historiography, and a new era in Song literature, it is the intellectual revolution. During this period, people believed that the profundity of one s knowledge gained through extensive reading helped one to write creatively and to capture the essence of literary works. In short, Po-Ti (genre-hybrid technique) and Chu-Wei (interdisciplinary technique) became the two major features of reading and composing Song poems, emphasizing on Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Idea Concept and Cultures which resulted in the so-called The Medici Effect in the West. The magnificent poetry heritage of the Tang Dynasty s left the Song Dynasty a plethora of brilliant paradigms. Hence, the Song Dynasty makes an effort compiling Tang poems into selections or anthologies. In so doing, it also catalyzed the Song Dynasty s altering-while-mimicking Tang poetry spirit and caused the fast transformation of Tang poetry. This spirit praises poets Li-Po and Du-Hu in the High-Tang Dynasty, promoting a new poetry style which focused on the equality of both poetry and painting, while imitating the mid-and-late-tang poetic form, or combining both Tang and Song poetic 2

genres. In addition, the Song also published Tang poetry in engraved printing form. Actually, the Song Dynasty, from reading, recognizing, comprehending, and further imitating and changing Tang poems, successfully inherited the grace of writing from the previous generation and fused it with its own zeitgeist. It is, therefore, appropriate to say that Quia Zhong-shu s proposal of Tang and Song poetic demarcation, or Naitoo Konan s Tang and Song revolution theory, even Fu Yue-cheng and Cheng Yin-ke s Song-style culture can be interpreted from the perspectives of printing technique and book circulation. Keywords: Read widely and Grasp the Essence, Song poetry, the Imitation of the Tang Poetry and Transformation, the Anthologies of Tang Poetry of Song publication, Printing Media 3


1 覩 1 1994.8 62-150 5

0 714 1053-1102 2 2 1967 35-43 6

1143 7

1186 500 1000 1000 1000 籒 3 1005 1333 1694 932-1010 998-1022 25 3 2003.11 50 8

3327 39142 1472 8446 1906 26289 4 1034-1037 30669 1178 44486 1220 14943 5 1127-1194 1249 1183-1249 1195-1264 6 1866-1934 1901-1995 7 8 4 1990 5032-5033 5 2005.10 402 1987.12 236 6 1984 120 7 2005.12 2-5 8 2004.7 2005 5-71 2006 1 125-171 9

9 9 2005 12 2006 6 1-36 1-44 10

皐 11

1037-1101 10 1045-1105 10 1985.9 221-222 233-234 247 543 12

11 12 13 11 1997 1 146-163 12 2006.1 67-70 13 49 2006.12 191-223 13

14 Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Idea Concept and Cultures The Medici Effect 15 14 1995.9 89-112 15 Frans Johansson 2005.10 6 129 14

16 17 16 2000.4 20-33 17 2005.7 298-307 15

16 18 19 0 18 1990.6 16-18 2001.5 93-117 19 1981.7 86-87 1990.5 2001.1

藁 38 689 114 1838 43 250 8 15 9 32 47 52 187 17

97 625 413 20 396 447 1321 102 359 394 1216 20 21 20 2004.11 189-247 21 2000.8 16-27 18

19 485 22 23 22 1993.9 42-51 1994.9 238-243 23 1994.7 113-260 295-323 2003.6 120-151

5000 971 5048 5790 6434 6117 5480 5740 7000 6362 6017 24 263 740 25 1252 26 勅 3737 4359 206 4565 5378 1111-1118 1192 6455 27 263 740 24 2002.12 58-83 114-140 25 2003.7 53-55 26 1986.5 1412-1415 27 1990.6 75-79 20

21 448 28 29 28 1983.7 194-242 1990.5 1-34 迹 1990.3 279-301 29

231 6396 41 1108 30 1989.4 79-104 30 1989.6 307-358 22

31 32 33 31 1999 11 2004 5 32 1988 1502 33 2004.5 196-206 236-246 23

34 35 1225-1264 1265-1274 34 20 1-11 35 1976.10 6 24

Harold Bloom anxiety influence 36 36 2006.4 63 25

37 37 1986.6 536 26

38 39 38 1982.2 39 2006.11.28-29 1-28 27

40 41 42 40 1986.9 272-274 41 2002.7 4-10 42 28

43 44 龏 2006.10 99-100 踪 2005.5 28-37 43 1988.3 1-102 2001.3 118-155 44 1987.9 38-79 1988.2 435-445 29

1227-1307 45 46 45 20 叁 43-62 46 30

47 48 17573 49 1978.12 37 2002.4 49 47 録 1987.12 444 37 48 37 49 1994 2. 1995.5 20-47 31

50 1060 徧 108 1246 51 50 1998.8 364 51 41 75-78 32

1098 1169 却 52 1098 舘 53 1123-1202 5400 録 52 1994.1 340-350 2005 12 165-187 53 1988.12 27-30 33

1192 勅 勅 1604 1211 54 55 1955 1226 622 397 267 5950 3199 492 128 54 1991.12 1565-1567 55 1568 34

687 180 56 57 58 59 1187-1269 4000 60 56 2005.4 170-206 57 1987.10 277-294 58 1994.7 88-134 59 54 60 煅 2004.2 95-220 35

61 62 1255-1270 咏 63 61 2002.12 1-8 2002.10 100-112 62 902-906 1995 154-162 63 2001.1 5-8 1983.7 194-242 36

-1187 1187 擕 64 65 64 2004.5 152-156 65 1994.7 129-230 1990.3 266-279 37

66 1194-1257 牀 弜 牀 66 2004.5 287-290 38

67 66 52 16 68 1256 1352 40791 45 69 67 41 99-107 1999 25-37 68 2002.6 110-120 69 53 36-37 39

70 1190-1257 71 96 597 72 1308 70 1980.5 134-140 71 800 1992.5 14-18 72 2000.7 40

41 73 73 2002.9 2006.3 1 2002.6 83-158 2004.7 87-122

74 74 2004.5 356-358 42

Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Idea Concept and Cultures The Medici Effect 43