Han-Nan Textual Research on the Vietnam Goddess, Princess Liou-shing Chen Yi-Yuan Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung Uni

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Han-Nan Textual Research on the Vietnam Goddess, Princess Liou-shing Chen Yi-Yuan Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract The belief of Dao-Mo is largely increasing in Vietnam. Into this aspect, Princess Liou-shing is the most celebrated Goddess with its incense brought by the pilgrim's joss sticks. The study in turn investigates this Vietnamese Goddess all sorts of sources in Vietnam s Han-Nan bibliography about Princess Liou-shing (including essay, novel, tale of god, commendation of god, miracles, god's merit, Revelation of Spiritual Writings, couplet posts, inscribed poetry, transliteration, chao-wen, tales of making-presence, folktales, and so forth), seeking into the development of Princess Liou-shing s stories, presenting the diversity and variety of Dao-Mo belief in Vietnam, and enacting one of the evidences to the relationship between Vietnamese Chinese fiction (such as Chuan-Chi Shin-Pu) and Vietnamese folk beliefs. In addition, the study also noticed that, with the spread of Chinese Dao religion, the belief in Princess Liou-shing was brought back to Guang-Shi Jing Tribe. This provides obvious evidence to the interrelationship between Chinese and Vietnamese Dao Religion culture. Keywords: Vietnam, Dao Religion, Princess Liou-shing, Han-Nan bilbiography 200

1 1 1979 4 44 1981 4 688-694 201

2 3 1935 4 却 2 2004 4 17-21 3 2005 4 173-179 4 A.3094 202

5 1898 6 1705-1748 7 8 9 1557 1663-1671 5 1992 11 188 6 A.1495 7 8 1755-1786 猫 9 203

噍 庯 10 A.2215 A.1917 11 A.2215 1557 12 1557 10 1987 4 24-40 11 2002 12 206 12 A.1917 204

13 鐄 猫 猫 14 13 A.2818 14 1992 11 273 205

1851 15 1619-1628 16 15 1992 11 328-330 16 206

207 AD.a2/28 AD.a2/53 AD.a13/16 AD.a13/16 鐄 鐄 AE.a2/96 AE.a13/21 AE.a13/23 AE.a13/28 AE.a17/1 AE.a17/1 AE.a15/4 AE.a15/8 AE.a15/9 AE.a15/26 AE.a15/28 AE.a15/3 AE.a4/37 AE.a5/32 AE.a5/61 AE.a5/28 AE.b2/3

AE.b2/5 17 18 19 A.3181 20 1623 1940 21 A.2978 1910 22 23 24 17 AD AE 18 19 1910 AB.286 2002 12 213-214 20 21 2002 12 251 22 2002 12 193 23 24 208

209 326 VHv.42 1889 Paris SA.PD.2343 1900 A.1249b/1-3 1904 VHv.1091 1904 A.2412 A.2475 A.2585 1906-1907 A.2520 1922 A.2521 1922 AB.505 1904 AB.644 1905 VNv.42 1906 AB.260 1908 AB.225/1-2 1910

AB.237 1910 AB.250 1911 AB.504 1919 AB.524 1922 25 AB.505 1766-1821 26 徧 27 25 26 1992 11 331 27 1992 11 332 210

28 29 30 31 32 AB.362 33 28 2002 12 338-339 29 A.2207 30 AB.352 31 1998 3 337-339 32 33 2002 12 618 211

34 35 36 37 38 34 1987 4 28 35 1992 11 330 36 A.500 2005 6 45-47 37 38 212

256 39 菓 40 1428-1433 39 1997 6 194-199 40 1992 11 268 213

41 41 1987 12 49 1993 5 119 214

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 42 1999 1 145-164 43 1998 3 46-52 44 1868-1925 1992 11 309 45 1998 3 108-109 46 1997 6 19-20 47 1998 3 29-31 48 1997 6 9-10 49 1997 6 11-12 215