The Counter-School Culture of Playgirls and Its Gender and Class Implication Lin, Yu-Hsuan Abstract Since resistance theory appears, counter-school cu

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The Counter-School Culture of Playgirls and Its Gender and Class Implication Lin, Yu-Hsuan Abstract Since resistance theory appears, counter-school culture is viewed as a form of class resistance, not deviant behavior. However resistance theory often put too much emphasis on boy s counter culture, ignoring girl s experience. To remedy the gender bias inhabiting in resistance theory, this paper focuses solely on girls counter-school culture and its gender and class dynamics. The research participants are three junior high school girls, who are labeled as bad girls by the school faculty. Qualitative methods such as in-depth interview, observation and document analysis are employed. The author finds that girls counter culture is different form boys. Girls have to resist the ear oles and the good girl images at the same time. Therefore they apply working class gender culture, such as exaggerated femininity and hegemonic masculinity to counter middle class ideologies which is pervading in schools. Keywords: counter-school culture, resistance theory, working class culture, girls culture. 2

1970 delinquency, deviance (Collins, 1995: 6) Willis (1981) (lads) McLaren (1986) (cool guys) Macleod (1987) (hallway hangers) Ecker (1989) (burnouts) Davies, 1995: 663 McRobbie (1978, 1991) 2000 2002 (resistance) Willis (1977) lads Willis 3

Willis Willis Willis MacRobbie Gaber (1976) McRobbie (1977) 13-16 Thomas (1980) Willis 4

5 Davies, 1995: 663 2000 2002 2000 Simmons (2002) 88

6 2002 1 2 1 2

3 3 7

Bettie (2003: 193-194) (fixed class taxonomy) Bettie (2003) 8

ok 940617 9

(school-sanctioned version of femininity) 930318 AB only one 940630 Bettie (2003) practices performances 10

badges of dignity (symbolic economy) (Bettie, 2003: 57-64) 4 30625 930517 4 McRobbie (1978), Thomas (1980), Valli (1986) 11

McRobbie (1978) Thomas (1980) (overt display of sexuality ) (exaggerated femininity) proper femininity Ecker (1993) (jocks) (burnouts) Bettie (2003: 61) (badges of dignity) (proper femininity) 930513 940601 930513 12

13 940512 Proweller (1998) vs. 930514

( 930323) 14

930504 McRobbie (1978) 15

(Willis, 1977: 18-19) 930323 (Cowie & Lees, 1981) (Wilson, 1978; Smith, 1978) 16


(femininity) 930318 / 930420 18

19 Willis (1977) Connell (2000 2004 128) Willis Willis Willis 2000 2002

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