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The Parent-Child Conflicts and Coping Process of the Junior High School Students in Divorced Female Single Families Kuang-Hui Wang* Ming-Chin Li Maw-Sen Lin Feng-Wen Chiu Li-Ying Huang Abstract The purpose of the study was to discuss the types and the causes of parent-child conflicts of junior high school students in the divorced female single families and the coping processes of perceived parent-child conflicts, analyzing the types and the causes of parent-child conflicts, children perception for their own behaviors and opinions, and children opinions and perceived thinking for their mothers behaviors. The study took an interview for three participants to ask their subjective perception, thinking, and feeling in the coping process and after the coping process of parent-child conflicts. That was the focal point in this study. The content of the interview was analyzed by the method of narrative research. The results showed that: 1. Power and values were the main factors causing parent-child conflicts, poor communication was the next. 2. The types of parent-child conflicts of junior high school students in the divorced female single families included family relationships, social life and school life. 3. Children subjective perception for their own coping behaviors in the conflicting events included to yield, to compete and to compromise. * Kuang-Hui Wang, Ming-Chin Li, Maw-Sen Lin, Feng-Wen Chiu, Li-Ying Huang: Graduate Student, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling: Notional Pingtung Teachers College.

4. Children subjective perception for their own coping thinking in the conflicting events included self-absorbed and to sympathize. 5. Children feeling after their coping conflicts differed from various behaviors and thinking of parent-child conflicts. 6. Children subjective perception for mothers coping behaviors in the conflicting events included to blame, to prohibit and to order. 7. Children subjective perception for mothers coping thinking in the conflicting events included can t sympathize mother s hardship, to worry about children security, to be friendly with their sibling and to worry about children schoolwork. 8. Children feeling after their mothers coping behaviors differed from perceived mothers various behaviors and thinking in parent-child conflicts. Based on the results of this study above, advanced discussion and suggestion are raised for parent-child conflicts and coping of junior high school students in the divorced female single families. Key words: divorced female single families, parent-child conflict, coping process

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