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2 结 果 409 例 报 告 中, 男 性 249 例 (60.88%), 女 性 160 例 (39.12%), 男 女 比 例 1.6:1; 年 龄 最 小 的 仅 1 天, 年 龄 最 大 的 84 岁 其 中,14 岁 以 下 儿 童 患 者 360 例, 占 88.02% ( 表 1)



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240 生 异 性 相 吸 的 异 性 效 应 [6] 虽 然, 心 理 学 基 础 研 [7-8] 究 已 经 证 实 存 在 异 性 相 吸 异 性 相 吸 是 否 存 在 于 名 字 认 知 识 别 尚 无 报 道 本 实 验 选 取 不 同 性 别 的 名 字 作 为 刺 激 材 料, 通


绎 阴 元 元 渊 210046 210046 渊 210046 173 111 62-76 P 约 0.05 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3849.2013.01.020 喎 喎 喎 [1] 2012-07-13 2012-08-15 元 973 2011CB505300-01 元 元 105

2013 绎 Vol.15 No.1 1. [2] CNKI 1911 ~1979 1980 ~1993 1994 ~2012 3 2. 1 [3] 2 1911~1979 1980~1993 1994~2012 3 1. PASW18 2. Association rules [4, 5] 3. (Correspondence analysis) [6] [7, 8] 96529 111 102 9 62 54 8 173 1. 173 111 62 字 2 =44.507 P 约 0.05 1 2. 10 2 1 % n=111 n=62 55.86 27.42 37.84 27.42 34.23 4.24 28.83 40.32 27.93 14.52 22.52 41.94 19.82 45.16 33.33 32.43 13.51 1.27 16.13 35.48 106

绎 2 % n=111 (n=62) 44.14 66.13 43.24 46.77 34.23 43.55 32.43 41.94 32.43 40.32 31.53 40.32 30.63 35.48 29.73 35.48 29.73 33.87 29.73 32.26 3 3. 34 29 22 57 1 1. 173 3 102 6 --- - 1 0-1 -2 1-2 -1 0 1 3 -- 9 9 2 - - 2 54 4 ---- 7 n=111 102 0 9 n=62 54 8 0 107

2013 绎 Vol.15 No.1 8 2 -- - 76 43.93% - 34 19.65% 17 9.82% -- 2 50.98% 49.02 24.07% 77.78% 2. 9-8 -- 1,,,.., 2011,52(12) 颐 991~993. 2,..:,1999. 3..:,2007. 4,,,..,2009,16(3) 颐 94~96. 5,,,.. 3,2010 颐 352~355. 6,,,..,2011,18(5) 颐 20~22. 7,,,..,2012,27(1) 颐 13~15. 8,,,..,2008,24(6) 颐 379~382. Study on Characteristics of Ancient and Contemporary Prescriptions Containing "18 Incompatible Pairs of Drugs" for Stroke Treatment Yang Huan 1, 2, Fan Xinsheng 1, 2,BianYali 3,LiYun 3,JiangChenxue 1, 2 (1. Basic Medical College of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210046, China; 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory for High Technology Research of TCM Formulae, Nanjing 210046, China; 3. Literature Research Institute of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210046, China) Abstract: This study was aimed to analyze the characteristics of ancient and contemporary formulas containing " 18 Incompatible Pairs of Drugs" for stroke treatment through the application of association rules and correspon 鄄 dence analysis. Ancient and contemporary prescriptions, which are listed inthe"18incompatiblepairsofdrugs," for stroke treatment were collected and collated. Then, crucial drugs of these formulas were explored by using data mining methods as association rules. And correspondence of age and preparation of these prescriptions was 108

绎 also investigated. The results showed that there were in all 173 formulas which contain "18 Incompatible Pairs of Drugs" for stroke treatment, including 111 ancient formulas and 62 modern formulas. Altogether 76 formulas con 鄄 tain the pair "Rhizoma Pinelliae 要 Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata" ranking the first among all the "18 In 鄄 compatible Pairs of Drugs." It was concluded that the central drugs in stroke treatment are significantly different between ancient and modern formulas (P < 0.05). Both ancient and modern formulas paid great attention to phlegm syndrome. Main drugs of ancient formulas are Rhizoma Arisaematis, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong, Scor 鄄 pio, Rhizoma Gastrodiae, Rhizoma Typhonii, Bombyx Batryticatus, and etc. Their effects are focused on promoting blood circulation and removing phlegm. They are aimed at syndromes of intermingled phlegm and blood stasis. The central drugs of modern formulas are Radix Glycyrrhizae, Poria, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Peri 鄄 carpium Citri Reticulatae, and etc. Their effects are concentrated on benefiting qi, invigorating spleen and remov 鄄 ing phlegm. The focus is on the treatment of deficiency syndrome. Keywords: Stroke, "18 Incompatible Pairs of Drugs", incompatible-pair drugs in one prescription, synergy 109