(inappropriate social behaviors) (specific emotional disturbance) (disorders of physical regulation) 1. : 2. : 3. : 4. : 5. : 6. : 7. : 186 120 8. : 2

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The management strategies and funtional analysis of severe behavior problems---as an example of a student with severe autism and mental retardation in a senior occupational school Chang Hai-ching Kaohsiung Chi Hsien Junior School Abstract Teaching is interrupted by the students with severe behavior problems. The life of the families and the community is also disturbed if the inappropriate social behaviors frequently happen. It may be interruption and disturbance for other people, but it may be a way of sending a message for the people with disabilities, especially for the people without oral expression. Environmental elements, basic physical needs, seeking helps may be the reasons of severe behavior problems. The behaviors have purposes and the ways of communication. They are functional and meaningful. The decrease of the severe behavior problems can make the teaching more effective and the quality of life in the family and community better. The person of this context is a student with severe autism and mental retardation in a senior occupational school for the students with disabilities. I use a part of his daily life to discover the reasons of his behavior problems and understand the meanings of his expressions by functional analysis. At the same time, I observe his present behaviors and study his past behaviors and the ways of his behavior management. Then I plan behavior management strategies and build support systems to decrease his behavior problems. The strategies and support systems can become the references of related special educators. Then, the student can happily live in the school, family and community. keywords:severe behavioral problem, functional analysis, behavior management strategy 269 270