编译快报 TRANSLATION EXPRESS 中国知网社科双语出版中心 1

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编译快报 TRANSLATION EXPRESS 2020. 05 中国知网社科双语出版中心 1

导读 译文探讨 3 稿件常见问题分析 编译素材... 10 疫情相关词汇 学习平台... 17 新型冠状病毒肺炎专题研究成果网络首发平台 2

译文探讨 本期的译文探讨主要选取语言学类稿件中逻辑关系, 经济和政治类稿件中人名和数字错误 变量正斜体 专有名词查证 历史时期, 以及古文转译等典型案例, 供大家参考, 旨在帮助大家在以后的翻译实践中避免出现同类错误 此处列举的错误案例仅作学习交流之用, 欢迎各位专家批评指正 一 逻辑关系 例 1 实际上, 非组字今读 [f] 之后, 来自三等合口的 [u] 介音因为异化作用而常常被 [f] 所吞没 ( 少数方言点读 [Φ],[-u-] 介音才得以保留 ), 哪来的 [u] 介音使得 [f] 舌根化为 [h] 呢? 译文 : As a matter of fact, after the non-group words read [f] today, the [u] sound from the third-class syncopation is often swallowed up by [f] because of alienation (only when a few dialects read [Φ], [-u-] sound is preserved). Where does the [u] sound come from to make the [f] tongue root become [h]? 修改 : As a matter of fact, after the Fei-group initials are pronounced as [f] today, the medial trigger [u] from category 3 initials with closing medial are often swallowed up by [f] because of alienation (only when in few dialect places people pronounce [f] as [Φ] can the medial trigger [-u-] be preserved). It is inappropriate to say that the medial trigger [u] velarizes [f] to [h]. 解析 : 此句中, 读 是指发音, 并非阅读, 此处翻译为 read 不妥 ; 此外, 哪来的 这句话需要结合上下文来理解其逻辑关系 这句话本意是因为非组字今读 [f] 之后, 来自三等合口的 [u] 介音因为异化作用而常常被 [f] 所吞没, 并不是介音 [u] 使 [f] 舌根化为 [h] 从译文可以看出, 译者缺少专业背景知识, 并未仔细理清句子逻辑联系, 导致译文错误 二 人名错误 经济类稿件涉及较多西方经济学家, 部分译文未经查证, 仅采用音译翻译, 导致译 文错误和理解困难 3

例 2 从经济学的角度来看, 重商主义学者霍尼亚 塞拉等人就已经意识到人口 资源等要素对经济发展的重要作用 译文 : From the perspective of economics, mercantilist scholars such as Honia and Serra realized the important role of population, resources, and other factors in economic development. 修改 : From the perspective of economics, mercantilist scholars such as Hornick and Serra realized the important role of population, resources, and other factors in economic development. 解析 : 霍尼亚全名菲利普 冯 霍尼亚 (Phillipp von Hornick), 奥地利官房学派经济学家, 重商主义学者, 代表作为 奥地利富强论 原译文未查证, 直接使用音译 例 3 约翰 穆勒则第一次探讨了关于人类社会的经济增长和自然环境的承受界限问题 译文 : John Muller firstly discussed the economic growth of human society and the tolerance of natural environment. 修改 : John Mill firstly discussed the economic growth and the tolerance to natural environmental change. 解析 : 约翰 穆勒全名约翰 斯图亚特 穆勒 (John Stuart Mill), 英国著名哲学家 心理学家和经济学家,19 世纪影响力很大的古典自由主义思想家 原译文未经查证, 直接采用了音译 例 4 这一结论, 对于当前我们对治蔡英文 赖清德之流的 文化台独 柔性台独 荒谬作为有着重要现实意义 译文 : This conclusion has important practical significance currently for us to cope with the ridiculous management of Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Qing-de who have proposed cultural Taiwan independence and flexible Taiwan independence. 修改 : This conclusion has important practical significance currently for us to cope with the ridiculous management of Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Ching-te who have proposed cultural 4

Taiwan independence and flexible Taiwan independence. 解析 : 赖清德, 台湾地区副领导人 新华网上出现的是 Lai Ching-te 三 数字问题经济类稿件涉及较多数字, 部分译文未对其中的数字进行核对, 导致中英文不对应, 影响译文的理解 常见的数字问题包括漏掉个别数字, 个别数字错误, 数字转换错误, 漏掉百分号, 漏掉负号等 例 5 调查问卷涉及吉林 福建 安徽 内蒙古 贵州 江苏 河南 四川 湖南 宁夏 10 个省份, 共抽取 263 县 2004 村 20040 户 译文 : The survey involves 10 provincial administrative regions of Jilin, Fujian, Anhui, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Henan, Sichuan, Hunan and Ningxia, a total of 2040 households in 2004 villages in 264 counties. 修改 : The survey involves 10 provincial administrative regions of Jilin, Fujian, Anhui, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Henan, Sichuan, Hunan and Ningxia, a total of 20,040 households in 2004 villages of 263 counties. 解析 : 稿件中数字位数较多时容易漏掉个别数字, 另外也容易出现个别数字错误, 须要核查一下译文中的数字是否与原文相同 例 6 2010 年人口普查数据表明,60 岁及以上的老年人口为 1.78 亿 译文 : According to the sixth national population census in 2010, there were 178000 million older people who were aged 60 or above. 修改 : According to the sixth national population census in 2010, people aged 60 or above totaled 178 million. 解析 : 原译文的数字为 1780 亿, 显然不符合事实, 数字在翻译转换的过程中要保证与原文一致, 否则将严重影响读者的理解 四 变量正斜体 经济类稿件一般有大量变量符号, 部分译文未按照中文 PDF 修改其中的变量正斜 5

体, 导致中英文不一致 例 7 i 行业在 t 年的产出 Y it 由对应的资本存量 K it 和人力投入 L it 所决定 译文 : The output Y it of industry i in year t is determined by the corresponding capital stock K it and human input L it. 修改 : The output Y it of industry i in year t is determined by the corresponding capital stock K it and human input L it. 解析 : 原译文未将变量斜体 ; 由于技术原因, 编校平台左侧中文中的变量可能未斜体, 导致部分译者以为不用将其斜体, 实际上, 译文的变量正斜体需要与中文 PDF 保持一致 例 8 本文假设 F 为 C-D 生产函数并将其移至产出一侧, 即 :Y it /F(K it, L it ) = A(O 1it, O 2it ) 译文 : This paper assumes that F is a C-D production function and moves it to the output side, namely, Yit/F(Kit, Lit) = A(O1it, O2it). 修改 : This paper assumes that F is a C-D production function and moves it to the output side, namely, Y it /F(K it, L it ) = A(O 1it, O 2it ). 解析 : 原译文变量的斜体和上下角标均未修改 ; 建议直接将平台左侧中文中的公式粘贴到译文中, 然后再修改斜体, 以保证变量符号准确性 五 专有名词查证政治类稿件涉及较多专有名词, 部分译文未查证相关文件, 导致错译等 例 9 改革开放 40 年来, 我国的体育法治建设取得了巨大成绩, 但这与党和国家的要求 还有很大的距离 译文 : In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, great achievements have been made in the construction of the rule of law in sports in China. However, there is still a long way to go to meet the demands of the party and the state... 修改 : In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, great achievements have been made in the construction of the rule of law in sports in China. However, there is still a long way to go to meet the demands of the Party and the country... 解析 : 参考中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会报告英文版, 党和国家 英译一般为 6

the Party and the country, 其中 Party 首字母大写特指中国共产党 例 10 2015 年 3 月 6 日, 习近平总书记在参加十二届全国人大三次会议和全国政协十二届三次会议江西代表团审议时指出 译文 : On March 6, 2015, when participating in the deliberation of the delegation of Jiangxi Province at the Third Session of the 12th National People s Congress and the Third Session of the 12th Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that... 修改 : On March 6, 2015, when participating in the deliberation of the delegation of Jiangxi Province at the Third Session of the 12th National People s Congress and the Third Session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that... 解析 : 中国人民政治协商会议第十二届全国委员会第三次会议, 简称全国政协十二届三次会议 翻译全国两会相关内容时, 可参考届时两会热词和官方网站的表述 例 11 党的十九大指出 我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段, 要求中国未来经济发展应以新理念为指导 译文 : The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party pointed out, China s economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development, requiring that in terms of the future economic development, China should be guided by new ideas. 修改 : The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out, China s economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development, requiring that in terms of the future economic development, China should be guided by new ideas. 解析 : 重要会议名称不可缺少内容, 此处中国共产党英译建议补全 例 12 典型危机事件的案例研究也引起了中国学者的重视, 如 Luo 和 Zhai 对香港 占 中 事件中表现出的危机传播机制进行了探索, 研究发现社交媒体在二次危机传播中扮 演重要角色 7

译文 : The case study of typical crisis events have also attracted the attention of Chinese scholars. For example, Luo and Zhai explored the crisis communication mechanism in the Occupy Central event in Hong Kong, and they found that social media plays an important role in the secondary crisis communication. 修改 : The case study of typical crisis events have also attracted the attention of Chinese scholars. For example, Luo and Zhai explored the crisis communication mechanism in the Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong, and they found that social media plays an important role in the secondary crisis communication. 解析 : 2019 年 4 月 29 日外交部发言人主持例行记者会上, 提及 2014 年的非法 占中 对香港的法治 社会秩序 经济民生造成的损害 因此, 可参考例行记者会英文版本里的官方表述 翻译港台地区发生的事件时, 推荐使用外交部等方面的权威信息 六 历史时期政治类稿件涉及各个历史时期时, 需注意关联词语在句中的位置 例 13 在今天云南省档案馆的民国档案中较为详尽地留存下了云南省政府当时在德钦 腾越等地设立简易师范学校, 在福贡 兰坪等县设立小学的档案史料 译文 : In today s Republic of China archives stored in Yunnan Archives, there are detailed records of the simple normal schools set up by the Yunnan government at that time in Deqin, Tengyue and other places, and the primary schools set up in Fugong, Lanping and other counties. 修改 : In the Republic of China archives stored in today s Yunnan Archives, there are detailed records of the simple normal schools set up by the Yunnan government at that time in Deqin, Tengyue and other places, and the primary schools set up in Fugong, Lanping and other counties. 解析 : 句中包括民国一词, 因此建议注意 today s 的位置, 避免产生歧义 七 直译问题 稿件输出英文时, 需准确理解原文含义, 避免直译引起歧义误解 例 14 台湾地区出口增长率的波动性最大, 经常大起大落, 但 GDP 增长相对稳定, 主 8

要得益于内需尤其是消费增长较为稳定 译文 : The export growth rate of China s Taiwan is the most volatile and often fluctuating, but the GDP growth is relatively stable, which is mainly due to domestic demand, especially the relatively stable consumption growth. 修改 : The export growth rate of China s Taiwan fluctuates drastically, but its GDP, especially the consumption level witnesses steady growth due to internal demand. 解析 : 句中指台湾地区,domestic 有 国内的 含义, 建议使用地区相关词汇 例 15 刘坤一来电: 旋乾转坤, 熙天浴日, 惟公是赖 中国之福, 苍生之庆, 祈展布方略, 迅速施行 译文 : Liu Kunyi telegrammed Li Hongzhang that spinning the heaven and the earth, bathing in shining sunshine, all of these relied on him. It was the blessing of China and the celebration of the celestial life. Everyone prayed for him to take actions and rapid implementation. 修改 : Liu Kunyi telegrammed Li Hongzhang, saying that people could only rely on Li Hongzhang to change the situation at the time. He hoped that Li Hongzhang could implement plans as soon as possible, which was also good for China and the whole society. 解析 : 原译文直接采用直译的方法, spinning the heaven and the earth, bathing in shining sunshine, all of these relied on him, 很让人费解 针对古文的翻译, 建议先理解原文, 然后再进行翻译 旋乾转坤是比喻从根本上改变社会面貌或已成的局面 这句话大意是 想要改变现在的局面, 只能依靠李鸿章 如果李鸿章能尽快实施方略, 这将是中国与苍生的福气 如果译者翻译过程中遇到难懂的古文, 可以联系调度部, 先进行古文转译 9

编译素材 中国外文局牵头组建的国家重大翻译项目审定工作委员会以及配套建立的中国翻译研究院重点翻译任务统筹工作机制, 按政策举措 防控救治 社会生活 医学名词和其他语汇共五个类别, 策划整理 翻译审定了第三批新冠肺炎疫情相关词汇英文表达, 供参考使用 更多词汇可以参考 http:// www.catticenter.com/tgmj/2057 一 政策举措 1. 领导能力 应对能力 组织动员能力 贯彻执行能力 the ability to lead, respond, mobilize, and to execute orders 2. 科学战疫 science-based approach in fighting the epidemic 3. 国家疫苗储备制度 national vaccine reserve system 4. 疫情防控预警预测机制 early warning and forecasting mechanism for epidemic prevention and control 5. 调整应急响应等级 to adjust the emergency response level 6. 生物安全法 biosecurity law 7. 国家生物安全风险防控和治理体系建设 to develop a national biosecurity risk control and management system 8. 深化疫情防控国际合作 deeper international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control/containment measures 10

9. 两年户口和档案托管 two-year custodian service for household registration and personal files 10. 拓宽就地就近就业渠道 to create more jobs locally 11. 援企 稳岗 扩就业 to assist businesses, stabilize employment, and create more jobs 12. 优先吸纳贫困劳动力务工就业 to prioritize the employment of poor migrant workers 13. 减免企业社会保险费 reduction of and exemption from corporate social insurance premiums 14. 社保延缴 (to allow) deferred social security contributions 15. 社保制度 social insurance system; social security system 16. 优惠帮扶举措 preferential support measures 17. 发挥医疗救助资金的兜底保障作用 to make full use of the medical assistance fund to ensure that medical bills (of COVID-19 patients) are paid promptly 18. 做好工伤认定和待遇保障 (to streamline/implement procedures) to identify and facilitate compensation for work-related infection 二 防控救治 19. 安全距离 safe distance 20. 防雾霾口罩 anti-smog mask 21. 口罩产能 11

24. 含酒精的消毒液 alcohol-based disinfectant 25. 消毒机器人 disinfecting robot 26. 抗菌洗手液 antibiotic hand sanitizer 27. 无人机 drone 28. 注意下水道的通畅 to ensure that sewers are not clogged 29. 入户检测 door-to-door testing 30. 严控境外疫情输入 strict control of imported infection 31. 暂时隔离区域 area for temporary quarantine 32. 加强病毒溯源和传播机理研究 to strengthen research on the traceability and transmission mechanism of the virus 33. 分享病毒基因序列 to share the genetic sequence of the virus 34. 紧急救治 emergency treatment 35. 外科处置 surgical treatment 36. 修订诊断标准 revision of diagnostic criteria 37. 应收尽收 All suspected and confirmed patients should be admitted to the hospital. 38. 应治尽治 12

39. 心理疏导 psychological counseling 40. 分区严格隔离 strict quarantine 41. 污染集中处理 centralized treatment of medical waste 42. 医疗垃圾处理 medical waste disposal 三 社会生活 43. 慕课 MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) 44. 网上面试 online interview 45. 网上签约 to sign an employment contract online 46. 员工健康监测和报告 employee health monitoring and reporting 47. 出行轨迹 travel records 48. 返岗证明 health certificate for returning to work 49. 个人行程证明 proof of travel; travel records 50. 共享员工 employee sharing 51. 缓解用工荒 to address labor shortage 52. 产业扶贫 13

53. 消费扶贫 poverty alleviation by consuming products and services from poor areas 54. 服务消费 consumption of services 55. 实物消费 consumption of products 56. 助农 to support farmers and agriculture 57. 把被抑制 被冻结的消费释放出来 to stimulate consumption stifled by the outbreak 58. 送货机器人 (self-driving) delivery robot 59. 社区批发计划 community wholesale program 60. 无接触销售 non-physical-contact sales service 61. 有效地填补供需缺口 to effectively fill the gap between supply and demand 62. 健康码 health code 63. 健康申报 declaration of health status 64. 绿码 green (health) code 65. 绿色通道 green channel 66. 无接触电梯按钮 virtual elevator buttons 67. 客座率 14

68. 春节返乡高峰 Spring Festival travel rush 69. 昼夜不停的施工进度 around-the-clock construction 四 医学名词 70. 假阴性 false negative 71.L 型冠状病毒 L-type coronavirus 72.S 型冠状病毒 S-type coronavirus 73. 体外膜肺氧合 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) 74. 法匹拉韦 favipiravir 75. 磷酸氯喹 chloroquine phosphate 76. 瑞德西韦 remdesivir 77. 托珠单抗 tocilizumab 78. 负压房间 negative pressure room 79. 基础性疾病 underlying medical conditions 80. 病人专用通道 entrance for patients 81. 医护人员专用通道 15

82. 半污染区 partially contaminated area 83. 污染区 contaminated area 84. 检疫区 quarantine area 85. 清洁区 clean area 五 其他词汇 86. 不获全胜决不轻言成功 We will not proclaim success until we have secured the final victory over COVID-19. 87. 沧海横流, 方显英雄本色 True heroes arise in times of hardship. 88. 公共卫生安全是人类面临的共同挑战 Public health security is a common challenge for humanity. 89. 生命安全和生物安全领域的重大科技成果是国之重器 Major scientific and technological achievements in the fields of life safety and biosecurity are of vital importance to our country. 90. 这是一次危机, 也是一次大考 This is a crisis and also a test. 91. 中国力量 中国精神 中国效率 China has demonstrated strength, character and efficiency in fighting against the epidemic. 92. 负责任大国 a responsible major country 93. 聚集性疫情 outbreak in clusters 94. 二级传播 ( 继发性传播 ) secondary transmission 16

学习平台 万众一心, 抗击疫情! 为了以最快的速度将 新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎 相关的全国高质量 高水平研究成果向全国 全球传播, 中国知网 新型冠状病毒肺炎专题研究成果网络首发平台 (OA) 已经上线了, 网址为 http://cajn.cnki.net/gzbd/brief/default.aspx, 有需要的专家学者可以登录阅读学习 17

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