107 * 80 Katari Katari 80 Katari TAIPEI THEATRE JOURNAL 24 (2016) : School of Theatre, Taipei National University of the Arts

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107 * 80 Katari Katari 80 Katari 107-132 TAIPEI THEATRE JOURNAL 24 (2016) : 107-132 School of Theatre, Taipei National University of the Arts 2016.3.29 2016.6.22 *

108 戲劇學刊 From Dialogue to Storytelling : King Lear Directed by Tadashi Suzuki Yu-pin Lin* Abstract This study sees drama as a form of cultural practice, analyzing Tadashi Suzuki s King Lear to discuss how Japanese directors responded to the cultural situation in the 1980s. Using the technique of Honka Dori to adapt William Shakespeare s play, Tadashi Suzuki turns events in the play into stories of particular characters. With such techniques of the director, the narrative structure of Suzuki s King Lear has an obviously high similarity with that of Fukushiki Mugen-Noh. Tadashi Suzuki borrows the concept of Waki from Noh to hold King Lear on the stage, and with such a mise-en-scène technique, William Shakespeare s King Lear no longer presents an objective world anymore; instead, it is an onstage illusion seen through a certain subjectivity. On the stage of Tadashi Suzuki, an invisible mirror is set. Locations of characters mirror images have created dialogues between characters in the play and their reflected counterparts, and thus the stage has been made into a surreal scene. The mise-en-scène technique of reflections of the mirror not only makes this translated Western classic play a mirror image, but also alters the performance=body/language relationship among actors, characters and the audience. The final goal, and what Tadashi Suzuki is seeking through this, is the actor s corporeality which he describes as Katari, narration = Katari, deception. Such an aesthetic aspect of the director also reflects ideas of Japanese theatre in the 1980s toward the modernization of Japan and the cultural situation after WWII. Keywords: Tadashi Suzuki, postwar Japanese director, King Lear, Fukushiki Mugen- Noh, Katari * Associate Professor, Department of Theatre, Taipei National University of the Arts

109 1936 1961 1974 70 1984 80 70 70 1976 80 80 70 70 80 80 1984

110 戲劇學刊 1985 1988 12 The Tale of Lear 147 1994 1998 2004 50 15 1984 1984 1984 1 1988 2 3 1988 1988 1988 2009 II 1988 1 辺 556 1989 6 58-63 2 辺 556 1989 6 60 3 辺 556 1989 6 63

111 5 26 4 21 21 1 2 4 29 2001

112 戲劇學刊 3 4 5

113 1 2 3 彌

114 戲劇學刊 説 説 source culture target culture 説 1 2

115 5 1984 5 1972 231

116 戲劇學刊 渋 Georg Friedrich Händel Largo 6 Largo A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology preexpressivity 7 6 渋 彦 様 県 学 45 2008 159-165 7 Eugenio Barba Eugenio Barba, and Nikola Savarese. A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology: The Secret Art of the Performer. trans. Richard Fowler. ( New York: Routledge, 2006), p. 195.

117 渋 8 渋 9 shite waki 8 渋 彦 様 県 学 45 2008 162 9

118 戲劇學刊 10 11 10 5.5 5.5 honbutai kagami no ma hashigakari a no yo ko no yo 11 1994 55

119 1971 12 13 12 読売 1971 1 19 内 1972 13 内 1972 152

120 戲劇學刊 1 2 1910 3 1924 14 15 14 内薫 1999 7 15 内薫 1999

121 1924 16 17 1924 8 来 衆 16 1926 1929 88 24 17 内薫 1965 44

122 戲劇學刊 18 Drama Theatre 19 1913 1906 1914 1918 20 18 内薫 1965 48 19 内薫 1965 48-49

123 1922 20 1 2 3 Theatre Drama 1919 訳 21 20 内薫 1965 21 21 内薫 1965 86

124 戲劇學刊 22 Theatre Drama 1 2 Patrice Pavis Mise-en-scène 23 22 内薫 1965 49 23 Patrice Pavis Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture

125 source culture target culture 24 reality Drama source culture target culture culture modeling artistic modeling preparatory work by actors choice of a theatrical form 24 内 1972 12-13

126 戲劇學刊 1

127 2

128 戲劇學刊 Katari Katari 1979 katari mono Utau Mono 25 Narration Utai Mono Mise-en-scène 25 1980 226

129 26 Katari Katari 27 70 Suzuki Method Konstantin Stanislavski 26 1980 227 27 1980 227-228

130 戲劇學刊 Drama Drama Drama Peter Szondi Drama Theatre Drama

131 80 Drama Suzuki Method

132 戲劇學刊 2009 Barba, Eugenio, and Nikola Savarese. 2006. A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology: The Secret Art of the Performer. trans. Richard Fowler. New York: Routledge. Szondi, Peter. 1987. Theory of the Modern Drama: Theory and History of Literature. University of Minnesota Press. Pavis, Patrice. 1991. Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture. London: Routledge. 1994 1994 学 渋 彦 2008 様 県 学 45 159-165 1965 内薫 内薫 1981 戦 辺 1989 556 58-63 1972 内 1979 会 1980 1981 1994 発 2006 静 静 県 2009 II 静 静 県 増 彦 1999 内薫