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カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 83 巻第 744 号,353-363,2018 年 2 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 83 No. 744, 353-363, Feb., 2018 DOI http://doi.org/10.3130/aija.83.353 日本における 近現代建築資料 の特性把握 統計的仮説検定とアーカイブズ学を用いて CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTS IN JAPAN With statistical hypothesis testing and archival science *1 齋藤歩 Ayumu SAITO This paper examines the characteristics of architectural documents in Japan using quantitative analysis. The research objective was the result of a nationwide survey entrusted by the Agency for Cultural Affairs to the Architectural Institute of Japan. We first organized (chap. 3) and tabulated (chap. 4) the data of the survey results, and then performed analysis using statistical hypothesis testing (chap. 5). Finally, we discussed the test results based on archival science (chap. 6). Consequently, considering the Passage of Time, we classified the characteristics of the documents as follows: (1) various conditions governing access; (2) association between museums, libraries, archives, and regional characteristics; and (3) client documents. In addition, we noted that issues remaining in the survey itself have limited the analysis. Modern Architectural Documents, Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Archival Science 2013 Architectural Records 1970 2013 2014 2 WG2 2 *1 学習院大学大学院人文科学研究科アーカイブズ学専攻大学院生 アーカイブズ学修 Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Course in Archival Science, Graduate School of Humanities, Gakushuin Univ., M.Archival Science 353

3 4 R 5 6 1960 UDC 20 2006 1997 2000 2003 2014 1 2 1970 1980 2.12.2 2013 2014 2013 2013 7 29 2014 3 31 2014 354

2014 7 30 2015 3 31 1 4. 5. 4589 4.5. 8. docomomo 8. 2 1 355

4.2.2 4 5 3.12.2 4. 4.3.2 1 2 4. 7 90 3,4,5 2.3 certain consistent players 1.7. 2. 2. 3.4. 3 4 5. 27 88 2 90 1,078 1,020 5. 6 4.5. 8.4. 4.14. 4.2,4.3 4. 2, 3 356

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4.8.4 8 4 2 2 54. 8. 5 1.a. 4. 1 8 8. a f 48 86 2 2 1 1 5 50.09 11 5 1 1 1 6.63 χ 2 6.63 5 50.09 6.63 50.09 5 14.1. 8.a. 4. 8.1a, 1d, 2c, 2e, 2f, 3f, 6d, 6e 6 6.3 2 5 1 1 68 37.14844511020 4.5. 1 7 50.09 358

4.4 6.4.3. 4. 6.3 c.d.4.2 4.3 3.4.5. 50 a.1. e.2.6. f.2.3. c.2. d.6. 3 2 26 WG 2 1 25 814 26 2 9. docomomo japan 174 2002 67 4. 3.3 1.docomomo3. 2. 4 6. 1.7.8. 359

6. 5. 6. 3. 4.5. 6. 6 4.8. 48 5.3 8.4. 6 10 a1, c2, e2, f3 10 d1, f2 d6, e6 A a8, f4, f5 B a5, c8 AC a1, c2, e2, f3 d1, f2 d6, e6 a.1. e.2.6. f.3.2. c.2. d.1.6. 1. 2. 3. f. 6. d.e. 2. a8, f4, f5 a5, c8 4.5. f.a.8. 4. 360

6. 6. 8. 6 6.3 3.f. D4.5.f. 4. 6.1 2 6. 5. 8. 3 Implications of the selection decision 3-1 External relations 6.4.1 i ii iii i ii iii i ii 2 3 6.4.2 iiii 361

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CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTS IN JAPAN With statistical hypothesis testing and archival science Ayumu SAITO *1 *1 Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Course in Archival Science, Graduate School of Humanities, Gakushuin Univ., M.Archival Science 1. Introduction This paper examines the characteristics of architectural documents in Japan using quantitative analysis. The research objective was the result of a nationwide survey entrusted by the Agency for Cultural Affairs to the Architectural Institute of Japan. Although the survey s results help understand the qualitative characteristics of the documents as diversity, quantitative analysis methods failed to support such features objectively. In this paper, we first organized (chap. 3) and tabulated (chap. 4) the data of the survey results, and then performed analysis using statistical hypothesis testing (chap. 5). Finally, we discussed the test results based on archival science (chap. 6). 2. Outline of the survey This chapter contains the background of this survey (2.1) and elements of the Modern Architectural Documents List in Japan, thus summarizing the survey results (2.2). The list consists of the following nine elements: 1. Reference Number, 2. Document Name, 3. Repository, 4. Repository Type, 5. Access Status, 6. Documents Summary, 7. Major Projects, 8. Criteria, and 9. Survey Scope. 3. Organization of the Documents List We inspected the entire Documents List, and modified the data (3.1). By defining the attributes of 4. Repository Type, we ensured consistency, which helped us reselect them (3.2). To examine the relationship between the Public Records and Archives Management Act, ordinances of local organizations, and the architectural documents, in Japan, we included a new element Archives, etc. in 4. Repository Type (3.3). 4. Tabulation of survey results The tabulation targets were 4. Repository Type, 5. Access Status, and 8. Criteria. For each of the eight attributes of 4. Repository Type, we tabulated the distribution for the attributes of the other two elements. From the results, we obtained five hypothetical characteristics of the documents. 5. Analysis by statistical method The adequacy of the hypothetical characteristics was analyzed using statistical hypothesis testing. We conducted a chi-square test with qualitative variables of 4. Repository Type and 5. Access Status or 4. Repository Type and 8. Criteria. The test revealed whether the variables were independent or had statistical significance. Based on the results, we modified the hypothetical characteristics of the last chapter, and indicated the seven characteristics. 6. Discussion The contexts of the seven characteristics from the test were discussed based on archival science. Consequently, considering the Passage of Time, we classified the characteristics of the documents as follows: (1) various conditions governing access; (2) association between museums, libraries, archives, and regional characteristics; and (3) client documents. In addition, we noted that issues remaining in the survey itself have limited the analysis. 7. Conclusion In this paper, we reviewed the characteristics of Modern Architectural Documents in Japan by organizing, tabulating, and analyzing the Modern Architectural Documents List in Japan, which summarizes the nationwide survey of architectural documents. In other words, we clarified three characteristics of diversity, which are notable as characteristics of the architectural documents. (2017 年 7 月 10 日原稿受理,2017 年 10 月 30 日採用決定 ) 363