PAPA CAMBRIDGE Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education * * DRAMA 0

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PAPA CAMBRIDGE Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education * 9 1 4 2 2 8 9 9 3 4 * DRAMA 0411/12/T/PRE Paper 1 Set Text May/June 2014 PRE-RELEASE MATERIAL To be given to candidates on receipt by the Centre. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST The questions in Paper 1 will be based on the three stimuli and on the extract from Alan Bennett s play The Madness of George III provided in this booklet. You may do any preparatory work that is considered appropriate. It is recommended that you perform the extract, at least informally. You will not be permitted to take this copy of the text or any other notes or preparation into the examination. A clean copy of the text will be provided with the Question Paper. This document consists of 33 printed pages and 3 blank pages. DC (CW) 103124 [Turn over

2 STIMULI You are required to produce a short piece of drama on each stimulus in preparation for your written examination. Questions will be asked on each of the stimuli and will cover both practical and theoretical issues. 1 A tempestuous day 2 The value of money 3 I love my new gadget!

3 EXTRACT Taken from The Madness of George III, by Alan Bennett These notes are intended to help you understand the context of the drama. Alan Bennett s play The Madness of George III is set in England towards the end of the 18th century. It was first performed in London in 1991. Although based on historical events, Bennett alters some points for dramatic effect. George III became King in 1760 at the age of 22. He reigned for almost 60 years, making him one of the longest-reigning British monarchs. His many achievements included the founding of the Royal Academy of Arts, and he was a passionate advocate of science and literature. His reign is remembered for two main reasons, however: the loss of Britain s American colonies, and his frequent bouts of mental instability, possibly caused by the illness porphyria, which affected him in his twenties and at various points later in his life. Various treatments were tried, one in particular being to apply poultices to his body, so that the resulting painful blisters would draw out his harmful vapours. At the time the play is set, Britain had two main political parties: the Whigs (led by Charles James Fox), and the Tories (led by William Pitt the Younger). The method of appointing the British Prime Minister during the reign of George III relied on the King s patronage. This is significant in the play, as Pitt is Prime Minister at the King s invitation. Pitt could be replaced by Fox if the King s illness prevented him from continuing to reign. The play is in two Acts, and the extract consists of the whole of Act One. The extract is set in three locations: Windsor is the residence of the King; Westminster is the home of the British Parliament, and Carlton House is the residence of the Prince of Wales. The settings are as follows: Scene 1 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4 Scene 5 Scene 6 Scene 7 Scene 8 Scene 9 Scene 10 Scene 11 Scene 12 Scene 13 Scene 14 Windsor Windsor Westminster Carlton House Windsor Windsor Windsor Westminster Windsor Carlton House Westminster Windsor Westminster Windsor [Turn over

4 Characters The Royal Household King George III Queen Charlotte Prince of Wales Duke of York Lady Elizabeth Pembroke Captain Fitzroy Greville Arthur Papandiek Fortnum Braun Unnamed page The Doctors Sir George Baker Sir Lucas Pepys Dr Richard Warren Dr Willis The Government (Tories) William Pitt the Younger Henry Dundas Edward Thurlow The Opposition (Whigs) Charles James Fox Richard Brinsley Sheridan Others Sir Boothby Skrymshir Ramsden Margaret Nicholson The King s wife The King s eldest son, and heir to the throne The King s younger son The Queen s Mistress of the Robes (chief lady-in-waiting) An experienced equerry to the King A novice equerry to the King A page (described as the kindest of the pages ) A page A page The King s first physician A supposed expert, whom Baker consults The Prince of Wales physician A doctor and clergyman The Prime Minister A government minister The Lord Chancellor Leader of the Opposition and arch-rival of Pitt Whig politician (and playwright) Member of Parliament and landowner His nephew A commoner Maid Footman

5 1 WINDSOR The curtain rises to Handel s Music for the Royal Fireworks, the stage bare except for a flight of stairs. [Turn over


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33 [The Coronation Anthem finally reaches its climax and bursts forth in the chorus of Zadok the Priest, as the KING struggles, howling, in the chair, with Willis s men lined up behind him.]



36 BLANK PAGE Copyright Acknowledgements: EXTRACT Alan Bennett; The Madness of George III; Faber & Faber Ltd; 1995. Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity. Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.