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Tim Ingold the dwelling perspective Julian Steward 70 Roy Rappaport Marvin Harris Ingold Franz Boas the build

, 000 3, 500 1, Smithsonian Institution [1]



(6) 149-172 2004 1 sllai@social.ntu.edu.tw free, gift [ ]2003/08/04; [ ]2003/12/03

150 (6) R. W. Emerson download 1 2 3 * 1 PC (client) (server) 2 (dig (Internet) (networks 3 2000:35-9

151 (cyberspace) website bbs email ftp chat instant messenger 4 (dow 4

152 (6) (upload) (downloa 5 ( archetype ) ( social habitus ) 5 BBS, anonymous ftp WWW P2P edonkey emule mp3

153 M. Mauss 2001 6 2001:48 7 8 6 7 2001:63 8 2001:11-3 (Gregory, 1982:19)

154 (6) (alienation) 9 2001:60 Gregory (Gregory, 1982:19) 10 11 (hacker) 12 WWW DNS email ftp 9 10 Gregory, 1982:23-4 11 12 hacker (hacker) (cracker) 3 219

155 13 14 2002:167 Levy 13 (passion) 14 2002:165ff

156 (6) 15 ( mentality ) Barbrook 16 15 gift culture gift economy Bell 16 Barbrook Barbrook, Richard. 'The Hi-Tech Gift Economy'. http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue3_12/barbrook/index.html

157 ( habitus ) 17 18 ( information is alw mediated ) 19 C. J. Murray 17 18 Morgan, Eric Lease. 'Gift Cultures, Librarianship, and Open Source Software Development', http://www.infomotions.com/musings/gift-cultures.shtml 19 2000:32-5

158 (6) 20 1996:11 21 (bugs) ( end user ) ( ex nihilo ) 20 IA 21

159 22 computers ) (Homebrew Computer Club) 23 Levy 24 ( All information should be free "free" ) ( 25 self 22 Brand, 'We Owe it all to the Hippies', 1995, http://members.aye.net/~hippie/hippie/special_.htm 23 Levy, 1994:201ff 24 (1). (2). (3). (4). ( hacking ) (6). Levy, 1994:39-49 25 Clarke, Freedom of Information?, http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_11/clarke/

160 (6) 26 ( gift from God) ( frontier ) 27 28 29 26 (program) (data) 27 Barlow, J. A Perry. Declaration ' of the Independence of Cyberspace'. http://www.eff.org/~barlow/declaration-final.html 28 ESR Linux 29 2000:18-20

161 ( recognition ) ( peer review ) ( hackdom ) ESR 30 ( Raymond, 1999:101-2) 30 Eric S. Raymond ESR

162 (6) ESR (Webster, 1999:8-9) 31 32 33 31 2000:14-7 32 33 MS Word

163 34 (software of the person, by the person person) 35 just for fun and for other's respect.doc http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~ckhung/published/997nodoc.shtml 34 Branscomb, 1996:192ff 35 Information wants to eators be free, of but information cr need to eat. Clarke, Freedom of Information?, http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_11/clarke/

164 (6) 36 free gift free gift free gift ( Free Software FS ) ( Open Source Software OSS ) RMS 37 36 Netscape browser server 37 Richard M. Stallman RMS 1984

165 ( copyleft ) GPL GPL 38 GPL 39 GPL GPL GPL ( Library ) GPL 38 copyleft ) ( software" GPL copyleft http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~ckhung/published/98bip.shtml 39 http://www.linux.org.tw/cldp/doc/cathedral-bazaar-9.html

166 (6) ESR OSS FS OSS OSS ( Free Redistribution ) OSS 40 OSS OSS 41 Linux Linux Linux IBM, Sun, Oracle, Corel, Apple Linux 40 http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition.php 41 ESR http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/

167 RMS Linux Inside FS GPL PC Linux IA Linux 42 1960 42 1971 (Intel) 4004 1975 1 Altair 8800

168 (6) 43 free gift FS OSS 43

169 44 45 46 44 2000:5-8 45 (real time) NII NICI (GII) google 46

170 (6) 47 Gregory, C(1982) Gifts and commodities, New York : Academic Press. Naughton, John(2000), A Brief History of the Future, NY: The Overlook Press, Peter Mayer Publishers, Inc. Raymond, Eric S.(1996), The New hacker's dictionary, Cambridge: The MIT Press. Raymond, Eric S.(1999), The Cathedral and the Bazaar, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Webster, Frank(1999), (1989), (2001), (Pekka Himanen)(2002), (2002), (1996), 2 (2000), 47 (C Linux (Chinese Linux Extension, CLE)

171 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~ckhung/ Barbrook, Richard. 'The Hi-Tech Gift Economy'. http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue3_12/barbrook/index.html Barlow, J. Perry. 'A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace'. http://www.eff.org/~barlow/declaration-final.html Brand, Steward. 'We Owe it all to the Hippies', 1995, http://members.aye.net/~hippie/hippie/special_.htm Clarke, Roger. 'Freedom of Information?'', http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_11/clarke/ Morgan, Eric Lease. 'Gift Cultures, Librarianship, and Open Source Software Development', http://www.infomotions.com/musings/gift-cultures.shtml Raymond, Eric. 'How to Become a Hacker', http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/

172 (6) Internet as a Gift Culture Shao-lee Lai Department of Sociology National Taiwan University Abstract This article discusses one important behavior of Internet: downloading. Why do people share their informations, softwares, movies and music etc. with others on Internet? We find hackers gift culture is the archetype of all sharing on Internet. Also, the author tries to indicate the ambiguity of two words: free and gift. Free speech is different from free beer, and gift form God is not the same with a gift of a friend. So the term free gift can mean either a talented man who is free from any limitation, or a present without payment. Gift culture then stands at the crossroads: freedom or profits. Keywords: hacker, gift culture