新竹市東區青草湖國民小學 106 學年度五年級第一學期英語延伸課程計畫 一 本領域每週學習節數( 1 )節, 本學期共( 21+1 )節 設計者 : 英語科教師 & 外師 二 本學期學習目標 : ( 一 ) 依照康軒 Hello! Kids! 單元教材做延伸學習 三 本學期課程架構 : Extens

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新竹市東區青草湖國民小學 06 學年度五年級第一學期英語延伸課程計畫 一 本領域每週學習節數( )節, 本學期共( 2+ )節 設計者 : 英語科教師 & 外師 二 本學期學習目標 : ( 一 ) 依照康軒 Hello! Kids! 單元教材做延伸學習 三 本學期課程架構 : Extension Hello Kid. Lesson Extension Hello Kid. Lesson 2 五年級英語延伸 Extension Hello Kid Extension Hello Kid. Lesson 4 Extension Hello Kid. Lesson 5

四 本學期課程內涵 Warm up: Greetings(5 mins) 一 8/30-9/ Orientation Presentation: Review introduction (0mins) Practice: Work in pair to have students tell one another about themselves. Then have them stand and introduce one another.(0mins) 二 9/4-9/8 Lesson : He Is Smart L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Pre-task: watch video clip of students describing their friends5min) Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure use flash and powerpoints(5mins) Practice: Practice Chant: Have students read over chants then practice chant as a class (0min) Review family members then have students illustrate family members and describe them using the vocabulary Wrap up: have students stand and introduce their illustrations and descriptions 2

三 9/-9/5 四 9/8-9/22 Lesson : He Is Smart Cultural Lesson: Moon Festival L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-4 在聽讀短文時, 能辨識書本中相對 Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns/ Use flash and PowerPoint (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song My Friend then sing the song as a class. Have students compete to see which table sings the loudest. Phonics: review vowel sounds. Short and long sounds. have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page. Wrap up: Review sentence structure using a flashcard game. Greetings: Have students also greet one another Intro: Listen to the story then answer the questions that follow. Review vocabulary and have students add to the list other word they can think of that relate to the holiday Practice: Let s Sing: I See the Moon Complete Challenge Time Have students read out load what they would like to order. Wrap up: Watch Video on how Moon Festival 3

應的書寫文字 is celebrated around the world 五 9/25-9/30 六 0/2-0/6 Lesson 2: I Feel Sad Lesson 2: I Feel Sad L2- 能聽辨所習得字詞及片語的重音 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S2- 能以正確的重音說出字詞及片語 S2-2 能有節奏 (rhythm) 的說出句子 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 (phonics) L2- 能聽辨所習得字詞及片語的重音 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S2- 能以正確的重音說出字詞及片語 S2-2 能有節奏 (rhythm) 的說出句子 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 Pre-task: ask students to list all the feeling they can think of. Give hints by making faces to see if they can name that feeling (5min) Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure (5mins) Practice: Practice Chant and check which picture matches the chant Create a story: assign students a picture and have them come up with a story and explain how the character is feeling and why Wrap-up: select 5 students to present their character and their back story Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns/ Use flash and PowerPoint (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song Mama,You Look Angry then sing the song as a class. Have students compete to see which table sings the loudest. Phonics: review vowel sounds. Short and 4

七 0/9-0/3 Review 八 0/6-0/20 Halloween Lesson/Review W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 (phonics) L2- 能聽辨所習得字詞及片語的重音 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S2- 能以正確的重音說出字詞及片語 S2-2 能有節奏 (rhythm) 的說出句子 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 (phonics) L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 5 long sounds. have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page for short and long e sounds Wrap up: Play Relay Vowel sounds Greeting(0 mins) practice other ways to greet one another. Hey! Hello! How is it going? What s up? Presentation: Vocabulary& Sentence Patterns Reviewing(0mins) Review Game: Break up into 4 groups and play Battle Field.(5min) Greetings Introduction: Watch families prank their children on Halloween. Presentation: review vocabulary and sentence structure

九 0/23-0/27 Mid-term Oral Exam W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 Practice: complete Halloween sheet. Have students compare answers. Wrap up: Pass out holiday candy and have students practice saying trick or treat before receiving their treat. L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 Mid-Term Oral Exam (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 十 0/30-/3 Midterm Oral Exam L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 Mid-Term Oral Exam 6 紙筆測驗

W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 十一 /6-/0 十二 /3-/7 Lesson 3: What Day Is Today? Lesson 3: What Day Is Today? L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 Pre-task: ask students to list the days of the week and their spelling (5min) Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure (5mins) Practice: Practice Chant and check which picture matches the chant Create a calendar: Have students create a calendar and write each day of the week. On each day have students write an activity they will perform on that day include question about the date of the week. Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns/ Use flash and PowerPoint (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of 7

W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 the song Today Is Monday then sing the song as a class. Have students compete to see which table sings the loudest. Phonics: review vowel sounds. Short and long sounds. have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page for short and long i sounds Wrap up: Review sentence structure using a flashcard game. Greeting(5 mins): use alternative greeting and see if students can respond to the new greeting 十三 /20-/24 Lesson 4: Who Is Talking? L2- 能聽辨所習得字詞及片語的重音 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S2- 能以正確的重音說出字詞及片語 S2-2 能有節奏 (rhythm) 的說出句子 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Pre-task: go through random picture and see if students can identify what is happening. Identify the people in the picture as man, woman, girl, boy or baby. (5min) Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure (5mins) Practice: Practice Chant and check which picture matches the chant Create a story: assign students a picture and have them come up with a story and explain how the character is feeling and why 8

十四 /27-2/ Lesson 4: Who Is Talking? L2- 能聽辨所習得字詞及片語的重音 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S2- 能以正確的重音說出字詞及片語 S2-2 能有節奏 (rhythm) 的說出句子 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 A0- 樂於參與各種課堂練習活動 A0-3 樂於回答教師或同學所提的問題 Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns/ Use flash and PowerPoint (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song Who Is Talking then sing the song as a class. Have half the class read the blue part and the other half read the black part Phonics: review vowel sounds. Short and long sounds. have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page. 十五 2/4-2/8 Lesson 5: What Time Do You Go To Bed? L2- 能聽辨所習得字詞及片語的重音 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S2- 能以正確的重音說出字詞及片語 S2-2 能有節奏 (rhythm) 的說出句子 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Wrap up: ACT IT OUT! Have students speak to 5 students in the class using the dialog from last class Greeting(5 mins) Pre-task: ask students what time it is. Then show slide of different times on an analog clock and see who can tell the time in English around the class (5min) Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure (5mins) Practice: Practice Chant and check which picture matches the chant Create a schedule: Have students fill out 9

a chart using that list what time they do each activity or task listed in their vocabulary list. 十六 2/-2/5 十七 2/8-2/22 Lesson 5: What Time Do You Go To Bed? Holiday: Christmas Lesson! L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns/ Use flash and PowerPoint (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song What Time Do You Go To Bed? then sing the song as a class. Have boys and Girls sing different parts of the song. Phonics: review vowel sounds. Short and long sounds. have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page for short and long u sounds Wrap up: Practice Let s Repeat Dialog at the bottom of page 62. Watch video on how Christmas is celebrated around the world. Presentation: Vocabulary& Sentence Patterns Teaching. Review. ask students what is happening in each image.(5mins) Have students make a Santa wish list: 0

十八 2/25-2/29 Review 2 十九 /-/5 Final: Exam Oral W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 - First teacher present their Christmas - Then create a wish list as a class - After have students create a list by themselves Greeting(0 mins) review all the greetings we ve learned throughout the year. Hey! Hello! How is it going? What s up? Presentation: Vocabulary& Sentence Patterns Reviewing follow PowerPoint for random facts about the teachers(0mins) Review Game: Break up into 4 groups and play JEOPARDY.(5min) Final Oral Exam

二十 /8-/2 Final: Exam Oral W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 Final Oral Exam (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 紙筆測驗 二十一 /5-/9 Last Day Class Activity C0- 能認識課堂中所介紹的國內外主要節慶習俗 C0-2 能從多元文化觀點, 瞭解並尊重不同的文化 Class Relay: Plan 4 different relay activities students can compete in. Also reward class and students who did outstanding throughout the year and explain and pass out superlatives. 2

補 2/2-2/4 課程 Greetings 一 /22-/24 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 Pop song starting for new semester New wishes sharing and giving friends blessing 3

新竹市東區青草湖國民小學 05 學年度六年級第一學期英語延伸課程計畫 一 本領域每週學習節數( )節, 本學期共( 2+ )節 設計者 : 英語科教師 & 外師 二 本學期學習目標 : ( 一 ) 了解各國的民俗風情 文化 習俗及食物 ( 二 ) 了解各國的文化 食物的英語用法 ( 三 ) 了解如何使用英語介紹各國的文化 三 本學期課程架構 : 國 家 Text Lessons 六年級英語延伸 文 化 Culture Lesson 4

四 本學期課程內涵 Warm up: Greetings(5 mins) Presentation: Review introduction (0mins) 一 8/30-9/ Orientation Practice: Work in pair to have students tell one another about themselves. Then have them stand and introduce one another.(0mins) Wrap-up: Guess the truth. Have students determine true and false statements about the teacher 二 9/4-9/8 Lesson : How s The Weather? L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 R3-4 能讀懂高年段所習得的句 Wrap up: funny seasonal video 子 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 Pre-task: ask students to list as many weather related terms as they can think of.(5min) Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure (5mins) Practice: Practice Chant and complete the missing space in the blank (0min) 2 5

(phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 三 9/-9/5 Lesson : How s The Weather? L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song then sing the song as a class. Have students compete to see which table sings the loudest. Review Phonics: have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page. Wrap up: Review sentence structure using a flashcard game. 四 9/8-9/22 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 活動式評量課堂觀察口語評量 6

Lesson 2: Where Are You From? S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Pre-task: ask students to list as many countries (5min) Show students maps from around the world and see how many flags students can identify Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure (5mins) Practice: Practice Chant and complete the by circling the right direction(0min) Wrap up: introduce homework Homework: Have students create their own flags and name their own nation 課堂問答 五 9/25-9/30 Lesson 2: Where Are You From? L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 HW Review: Have students present their flags and what they would name their country Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song then sing the song as a class. Have students compete to see which table sings the loudest. Review Phonics: have students think of other 7

R3-4 能讀懂高年段所習得的句 words that share a similar pattern 子 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用 Practice: Complete the phonic page. 字詞 Wrap up: Review sentence structure using a (phonics) flashcard game. I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 六 0/2-0/6 Lesson 3: How Can We Get There? L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-4 在聽讀短文時, 能辨識書本 Warm up: Greeting Pre-task: ask students to list as many forms of transportation as they can think of. Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure Practice: Let s Chant and circle the right answer. Wrap up: Play a wrap up game 8

中相對應的書寫文字 七 0/9-0/3 Lesson 3: How Can We Get There? L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song then sing the song as a class. Have students compete to see which table sings the loudest. Review Phonics: have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page. Wrap up: Review sentence structure using a flashcard game. 八 0/6-0/20 Holiday Unit: Halloween L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 Greetings Introduction: Watch families prank their children on Halloween. 9

R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Presentation: review vocabulary and sentence structure Read the history of Halloween and have students answer comprehension questions Practice: complete Halloween sheet. Have students compare answers. Wrap up: Pass out holiday candy and have students practice saying trick or treat before their treat. 九 0/23-0/27 Review L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字 詞 L3-3 能聽懂高年段所習得的句 子 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字 詞 S3-4 能以高年段簡易句型作適當 Presentation: Vocabulary& Sentence Patterns 的提問 回答 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 Reviewing(5mins) Practice: Play Jeopardy and review lessons, 2 and 3. 20

(phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 十 0/30-/3 Midterm-Oral Exam 紙筆測驗 十一 /6-/0 Lesson 4: It s Too Hot to Drink L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-4 在聽讀短文時, 能辨識書本 Pre-task: show a clip of foods to students and see if they can say how the food taste. Give points to students who use the vocabulary for the chapter. (5min) Presentation: Review new vocabulary and sentence structure (5mins) Practice: Practice Chant and complete the missing space in the blank (0min) Warm-up: play a taste game using the flash card and facial expressions 2

中相對應的書寫文字 十二 /3-/7 Lesson 4: It s Too Hot to Drink L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song then sing the song as a class. Have students compete to see which table sings the loudest. Review Phonics: have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page. Wrap up: Review sentence structure using a flashcard game. 十三 /20-/24 Lesson 5: What s Wrong? L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 Presentation: New Vocabulary Teaching (5mins) Practice: Matching Game! (5mins) When the teacher shows the picture, the students have to say the word. Wrap up: Review & Homework(5mins) 22

R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 十四 /27-2/ Lesson 5: What s Wrong? L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 Presentation: Review vocabulary and Sentence Patterns (0mins) Let s Sing: Read through the lyrics of the song then sing the song as a class. Have students compete to see which table sings the loudest. Review Phonics: have students think of other words that share a similar pattern Practice: Complete the phonic page. Wrap up: Review sentence structure using a flashcard game. 23

(phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 十五 2/4-2/8 Class Project: Create country a L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Warm up: Greeting(5mins) Presentation: show students what they will be doing as a class project Group students in partners. Give each group a poster board. Tell them they will create a country and have the list of requirements for each country. 24

十六 2/-2/5 Class Project: Create country a L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 Continue working on the project on the first /3 R3-4 能讀懂高年段所習得的句 of the class. 子 Then have students present each of their country W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用 at the end we will vote for the best poster and 字詞 country with the best food, flag and weather. (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 十七 2/8-2/22 Holiday Unit: Christmas Lesson L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 Watch video on how Christmas is celebrated around the world. Presentation: Vocabulary& Sentence Patterns Teaching. Review where students guess which country is being represented. (5mins) Create a holiday as a class. Have students help you make a holiday as a class. 25

Project: Have students create a holiday. The R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 name the date and how it is celebrated. R3-4 能讀懂高年段所習得的句 (5mins) 子 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用 Wrap up: Review & Homework(5mins) 字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Cultural 十八 Lesson: New Years From 2/25-2/29 Around the World L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) Continue project: put up the poster of the holiday that was created the class before. show clips of more holiday Have students get back into groups and continue working on their projects. 26

十九 /-/5 Review 二十 /8-/2 I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 L3- 能聽懂高年段所習得的字詞 S3- 能說出高年段所習得的字詞 R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 Presentation: Vocabulary& Sentence Patterns Reviewing(5mins) Practice: Play review game Battle Field until the end of the period Final Exam 紙筆測驗 二十一 /5-/9 Culture Lesson: C0- 能認識課堂中所介紹的國內 外主要節慶習俗 Chinese New Ask students what they do to celebrate CNY 活動式評量課堂觀察口語評量 27

Year! C0-2 能從多元文化觀點, 瞭解並尊重不同的文化 Presentation: Vocabulary & Sentence Practice: Listen to the story and complete the fill in the blank.pg.69-70 Let s Sing: read the song as a class then sing along with the CD. 課堂問答 補 2/2-2/4 課程 Greetings 一 /22-/24 Complete the Challenge Wrap up: Watch fun video on how people celebrate the holiday around the world R3- 能辨識高年段所習得的字詞 W3- 能拼寫高年段所習得的應用字詞 Pop song starting for new semester New wishes sharing and giving friends blessing (phonics) I3- 能聽懂 讀懂 說出並寫出高年段所習得的字詞 I3-2 能聽懂 讀懂高年段的生活用語, 並能做回應 28