An Action Research in Teaching Life Curriculum

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An Action Research in Teaching Life Curriculum

by Making Thematic Booklets Abstract This study is the action research on teaching thematic booklets making incorporated into life curriculum. The teaching processes, reactions between teacher and students, the problems and the solving strategies, and the growths of teacher are also discussed. The curriculum are designed from the real life experiences of children, through the teaching strategies, and provided the opportunities of learning in real life experiences. In this research, three times of marking thematic book incorporated into life curriculum are been observed. From this action research, the conclusions and suggestions are as following. 1. The researcher found that making the thematic book incorporated into the life curriculum is a good and effective teaching methodology. The thematic book will record children s life experiences, provide the students the integrated learning and increase students learning motivations in life curriculum. 2. When teaching by thematic book in life curriculum, the five categories problems will be encountered and overcome. These are environmental resources in school, teaching activities, cooperative partners, students, and students parents. Also, these problems are reactive and effective by the others. 3. The researcher s growth are focus on facing and realizing the life curriculum aggressively, designing the learning activities on children themselves, improving the abilities of the thematic teaching design, sharing the teaching experiences, and enjoying the joy of feedback. At last, according to the research result, the researcher provides some concrete suggestions about life curriculum, the thematic teaching design and the future research directions. Keywords: life curriculum, thematic booklets

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B910604 D910420 91 6 4 B 91 4 20 D 87 investigator triangulation 50

APA 85 85 85 51



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10625 10620 Thematic teaching 10632 10627 88 64

910505 910508 ~ 65

1. B910604 2. 10632 10608 10603 10614 910606 66

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1 2 3 115

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91 4 2 2 2-1-2 2-1-3 7-3-5 7-3-9 8-3-1 9-3-1 1. 2. ~ 1. 2. 3.~ 117

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.~ 134

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 136

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92 1 14 5.6 2-1-1 5-2-1 9-3-1 9-3-3 9-3-7 9-3-9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 1 2. 3. 4. 139



~ 92 6 10 1-1-5 4-2-6 7-3-11 8-3-1 8-3-3 9-3-1 9-3-2 1. 5 5 1. 2. 142

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92 6 16 1-1-5 7-3-1 7-3-3 7-3-4 7-3-11 8-3-1 9-3-1 9-3-2 1. 2. & 2 & 1. 2. 3. & 144

92 6 17 3 1-1-5 4-2-1 4-2-2 4-2-6 4-2-7 5-2-6 6-2-6 9-3-6 1. 2. 1. 2. 145

91 12 26 2.3 A 1. 2. 146

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