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% 82. 8% You & Kobayashi % 2007 %

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66 臺 中 教 育 大 學 學 報 : 數 理 科 技 類 Abstract This study adopts a quasi experiment method to utilize an instructional experiment via frog ecological lessons



62 互 動 性 裝 置 藝 術 對 幼 保 系 學 生 壓 力 情 緒 療 癒 影 響 之 案 例 探 究 62 壹 緒 論 一 研 究 背 景 與 動 機 根 據 財 團 法 人 董 氏 基 金 會 於 2008 年 1 對 大 學 生 主 觀 壓 力 來 源 與 憂 鬱 情 緒 相 關 性 研

2011/ P P

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別 則 為 9.8% 12.1% 27.6% 及 32%, 過 重 的 情 況 隨 著 年 齡 增 加 而 上 升 停 經 後 婦 女 多 屬 中 央 型 肥 胖, 研 究 指 出 婦 女 在 更 年 期 後 代 謝 症 候 群 的 盛 行 率 會 急 速 上 升 (Rosano, Vitale,


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Evan1995 2004 60% (Van Der Bij, Laurant, & Wensing, 2002) 2002 1998 33 50 (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004) Paffenbarger, Hyde, Wing, Jung, Kampert (1993)? 3

4 65 Houde & Melillo, 2002 2000 65 207 8 1. 1995 2003 2. Likert-style 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 3. principal axis analysis 31 7 7 8 4 5 42.27 9.17 7.22 5.27 4.45 Cronbach a.94 SPSS (Scheffe method) 46.4%(96)53.6%(111) 65~7071~7576~8081 35.3%(73 )27.5%(57)20.3%(42)16.9%(35) 57.5%(119 )26.6%(55)1.9%(4)14.0%(29) 5

16.9%(35)12.6%(26)17.9%(37)9.7%(20 )4.8%(10)14.0%(29)4.3%(9)19.8%(41) 1 234 2.8%(6) 8.6%(18)10.2%(21)78.4%(162) 15 16~3031~6061 1.4%(3)11.1%(23)46.4%(96)41.1%(85) /3.87 4.39 3.54 4.01 3.53 3.67 1. 2. 3. 4. / 7 205 30.72 4.96 4.39 1 7 207 24.76 6.05 3.54 4 8 207 32.08 6.04 4.01 2 4 207 14.10 3.54 3.53 5 5 207 18.37 4.11 3.67 3 31 205 119.93 19.32 3.87 N ( ) 205 *p.05 t 1.70 t 6

t t 96 29.77 5.12-2.60 109 31.55 4.68 96 26.25 5.75 3.38 111 23.47 6.04 96 32.71 5.87 1.40 111 31.53 6.15 96 14.54 3.48 1.67 111 13.72 3.56 96 19.09 3.68 2.39* 111 17.74 4.37 96 122.36 18.33 1.70 109 117.79 20.00 *p.05 F 6.75 65~70 76~80 65~70 81 71~75 81 F 65~70 71~75 76~80 81 65~70 72 32.19 3.16 71~75 57 30.79 4.97 76~80 41 30.17 5.75 81 35 28.20 5.96 65~70 73 26.81 5.71 71~75 57 24.95 5.74 76~80 42 23.40 5.88 81 35 21.80 6.06 65~70 73 33.51 5.58 7

71~75 57 32.02 6.50 76~80 42 30.98 6.01 81 35 30.51 5.76 65~70 73 15.11 2.97 71~75 57 14.02 3.41 76~80 42 13.24 4.02 81 35 13.17 3.78 65~70 73 19.33 3.87 71~75 57 18.40 3.99 76~80 42 17.52 4.46 81 35 17.31 4.09 65~70 72 126.71 16.24 71~75 57 120.18 19.01 76~80 41 115.32 19.02 81 35 111.00 21.54 F 391.43 3 130.48 5.67* 1>4,2>4 4626.16 201 23.02 692.05 3 230.68 6.83* 1>3,1>4,2>4 6853.88 203 33.76 285.82 3 95.27 2.68* 1>3,1>4 7216.95 203 35.55 136.17 3 45.39 3.78* 1>3,1>4 2438.70 203 12.01 136.25 3 45.42 2.75* 1>3,1>4 3349.85 203 16.50 6975.05 3 2325.02 6.75* 1>3,1>4,2>4 69204.00 201 344.30 * p.05 #1:65~70 2:71~75 3:76~80 4 :81 F 3.84 8

118 31.10 4.53 55 29.49 6.08 4 31.00 3.16 28 31.46 4.19 119 26.10 5.69 55 23.58 6.35 4 24.00 5.89 29 21.59 5.54 119 32.79 5.80 55 32.27 6.51 4 26.25 3.86 29 29.59 5.43 119 14.55 3.42 55 13.98 4.04 4 13.25 3.40 29 12.62 2.60 119 19.01 3.95 55 18.27 4.49 4 16.75 2.75 29 16.14 3.42 118 123.38 18.16 55 117.60 21.78 4 111.25 17.33 28 111.21 16.02 F 116.10 3 38.70 1.59 -- 4901.49 201 24.39 584.72 3 194.91 5.68* 1>32>3 6961.21 203 34.29 378.32 3 126.11 3.59* 1>32>3 7124.44 203 35.10 90.81 3 30.27 2.47 -- 2484.06 203 12.24 204.00 3 68.00 4.21* 1>32>3 3282.10 203 16.17 4132.54 3 1377.51 3.84* -- 72046.50 201 358.44 * p.05 #1 2 3 4 9

F 0.64 F 35 32.20 4.14 24 30.38 4.02 37 28.19 5.82 20 31.75 5.10 10 33.70 2.26 29 29.90 6.00 9 30.33 5.68 41 31.37 3.79 35 25.43 6.22 26 26.35 5.37 37 23.86 6.42 20 23.65 5.00 10 22.80 6.39 29 23.72 5.99 9 23.44 6.75 41 26.02 6.18 35 32.31 6.43 26 32.50 5.74 37 32.22 6.13 20 32.20 5.85 10 28.70 5.29 29 31.66 6.00 9 34.11 5.40 41 32.10 6.35 35 13.94 3.56 26 15.15 3.17 37 13.86 3.36 20 14.45 3.14 10 11.50 3.24 29 13.83 3.56 9 14.78 4.35 41 14.29 3.84 35 18.23 3.92 26 19.46 3.72 37 18.73 4.32 20 18.00 4.35 10 16.70 4.83 29 17.93 3.84 9 18.78 4.87 41 18.27 4.18 35 122.11 19.86 24 123.42 17.31 37 116.86 19.30 20 120.05 17.74 10 113.40 18.42 29 117.03 19.47 9 121.44 22.98 41 122.05 20.56 10

F 464.64 7 66.38 2.87* 5>6.3,1.4>3 4552.95 197 23.11 286.00 7 40.86 1.12 -- 7259.92 199 36.48 164.10 7 23.44 0.64 -- 7338.66 199 36.88 109.64 7 15.66 1.26 -- 2465.23 199 12.39 74.60 7 10.66 0.62 -- 3411.50 199 17.14 1680.90 7 240.13 0.64 -- 74498.14 197 378.16 * p.05 #1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: F 1.79 F 1 5 30.80 4.02 2 18 30.56 4.60 3 21 31.48 4.59 4 161 30.63 5.10 1 5 24.00 5.20 2 18 23.28 6.33 3 21 23.05 5.51 4 163 25.17 6.10 1 5 32.00 8.60 2 18 28.72 4.85 3 21 30.10 5.78 4 163 32.71 5.98 1 5 14.00 3.81 2 18 13.06 3.65 3 21 13.33 3.09 4 163 14.32 3.57 1 5 17.60 4.88 2 18 16.61 3.20 3 21 17.05 4.53 4 163 18.75 4.07 11

1 5 118.40 20.14 2 18 112.22 17.54 3 21 115.00 17.46 4 161 121.48 19.57 F 13.73 3 4.58 0.18 -- 5003.86 201 24.90 130.83 3 43.61 1.19 -- 7415.09 203 36.53 349.48 3 116.49 3.306* -- 7153.29 203 35.24 39.85 3 13.28 1.06 -- 2535.02 203 12.49 119.48 3 39.83 2.40 -- 3366.61 203 16.58 1980.52 3 660.17 1.79 -- 74198.52 201 369.15 * p.05 #11 22 33 44 F 5.73 F 61 15 61 15 12

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A Study of Elderly Regular Exercise Behavior in Physical Performance Lo Hung-Jen Koung Rong Jennior High School of Taichung County ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the physical performance in the regular elderly exercise behavior. The data were collected from 207 elderly who participate in the regular exercise in public garden of Tai-Chung, Data obtained included structure questionnaires tests. Structure questionnaires contained physical performance tests. The questionnaire was composed of two parts: the background of the elderly, physical performance. The data was analyzed through the methods of t-test, one-way ANOVA. The results indicated that: Based on the current analysis among physical performance, bilateral training is the most effective factors and understood evaluate the effects of different types of exercise on physical performance, Qi-Gong higher than Wai Tan Kung, Aerobic Dane. Yuan- Ji Dance, Calisthenics higher than Aerobic Dane. It was expected that the result of this research suggest could addition to advocate the benefits of regular exercise, introduction of the appropriate and easy exercise for the elderly are also important to encourage their regular exercise habit. Key words : elderly, physical performance, regular exercise behavior 18