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2012 3 * 0. 20 0. 36 0. 05 2006 2010 1. 46 / 2. 14 / 2. 93 / 4. 41 / 1. 27 / 2. 12 / 47% 50% 67% 2006 1 3. 48 / 2010 11 5. 84 / 68% 1 2010 CPI 70% 2006 2006 1 106. 06 2008 6 188. 02 77. 3% 2010 11 173. 35 5 130% 64% 91% 115% 2 3 * 100872 xiaosong0420 @ gmail. com xsx786@ yahoo. com. cn 11YJC790217 ZR2011GQ005 10CGJ021 141

1 2002 2010 2 2002 2010 Alexander & Wyeth 1994 3 2002 2010 - Dercon 1995 ECM - Johansen Goodwin 1992 VEC Asche 1999 Gonzalez 2001 ECM Goodwin 2001 1999 2000 ECM 2009 142

2012 3 Johansen VEC 2009 VAR ECM CPI 2002 VEC 1987 1999 2006 2008 CPI VEC CPI 1999 VAR VEC 143

VEC 2009 Johansen 2009 Trostle 2008 Trostle 2008 2008 2008 2007 2009 2008 VEC VEC 144

2012 3 Δp c x t = β 0 + β 1 E t -1 + t -1 β i Δp c x i + t -1 β j Δp f x j + ε c t 1 i = t - l j = t - k Δp f x t = γ 0 + γ 1 E t -1 + t -1 γ i Δp c x i + t -1 γ j Δp f x j + ε f t 2 i = t - l j = t - k p E Δ x = g c w r s t l k c f ε β γ β 1 γ 1 β j γ i E 1 2 Step p = f Foreign Eco Pop Stock Cost Wea M Exch Energy Foreign Eco GDP Pop Stock Cost Wea M Exch Energy p c x t = α + δp f x t -1 + θ i w i t - li + ε t 4 i OLS 4 p f x x w i 2007 p f x 1 w i l i l i AIC α δ θ i ε Trostle 2008 2002 2001 2002 1 2010 11 IMF 1 2005 1 100 3 1 145

GDP GDP GDP GDP CME 1 2008 2009 2010 M2 M2 CPI 1 Johansen 2 5 5% 3 VAR VEC 1 2 VEC Step 2 1 50% 2 3 146 ADF Johansen 2002 12

2012 3 1 p c g p c c p c w p c r p c s p f g p f c p f w p f r p f s GDP Vad Conf Pop Coal Crudeoil Proexp Fertexp Disa1 Disa2 M2 Reser p CME g p CME c p CME w p CME r p CME s Stockg Stocks Stockc Stockr Stockw 1995 1 100 107 4. 698 0. 310 / 107 5. 235 0. 285 / 107 5. 287 0. 281 / 107 5. 949 0. 330 / 107 6. 209 0. 333 1995 1 100 107 4. 776 0. 221 + 2 FOB / 107 4. 898 0. 303 + 1 FOB / 107 5. 259 0. 298 + 5% FOB / 107 5. 816 0. 450 + CME2 / 107 5. 638 0. 315 + GDP 36 10. 87 0. 430 + 107 3. 662 0. 517 + 2005 1 100 107 4. 571 0. 046 + 9 11. 79 0. 016 + FOB / 107 4. 000 0. 521 + / 107 3. 876 0. 491 + 36 4. 700 0. 522 + 36 3. 215 0. 313 + 9 10. 67 0. 133 + 9 10. 02 0. 213 + 107 12. 57 0. 424 + % 107 2. 472 1. 545 + CME / 107 5. 098 0. 412 CME / 107 4. 778 0. 330 CME / 107 5. 156 0. 339 CME / 107 5. 639 0. 402 CME / 107 5. 531 0. 285 107 10. 49 0. 256-107 8. 568 0. 685-107 10. 73 0. 220-107 10. 64 0. 163-107 10. 71 0. 196-2 1-0. 721 1% 0. 721% 147

1% 1% 1% 1. 1% 1. 6% 1 2 VEC 1-0. 721 0. 194 3. 002-0. 056-1. 098 t 1-1. 117 0. 037 2. 164-0. 064-1. 473 1-0. 977 0. 030 2. 210-0. 033-0. 817 1-1. 582 0. 094 1. 616-0. 032-1. 001 1-0. 968 0. 153 3. 028-0. 057-0. 860 4 OLS 1 Trefler 2004 VIF 4 1. 3 1 0. 4051% 1% 0. 4% 0. 4 R 2 0. 904 F 282 ADF - 5. 837 1% VEC GDP 1 VEC 148

2012 3 3 p f g p f c p f w p f r p f s Vad Conf Pop Crudeoil Coal Proexp Fertexp Disa1 Disa2 M2 Reser Stockg Stockc Stockw Stockr Stocks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *** 105. 2 29. 87 0. 405 *** 0. 081-0. 012 0. 060 7. 944 *** 2. 136 0. 059 ** 0. 027-0. 006 0. 011 0. 337 *** 0. 070 0. 517 *** 0. 170 0. 0003 0. 004-0. 172 *** 0. 057 85. 58 *** 22. 39 0. 396 *** 0. 077 0. 604 *** 0. 211 6. 201 *** 1. 989 0. 041 *** 0. 005-0. 007 0. 033 0. 265 *** 0. 038 0. 505 *** 0. 134 0. 001 0. 004-0. 112 ** 0. 054 21. 55 26. 37 0. 234 *** 0. 040 0. 012 0. 029 3. 805 *** 0. 571 0. 118 *** 0. 010-0. 007 0. 012 0. 402 *** 0. 067 0. 403 *** 0. 184 0. 001 0. 003-0. 142 *** 0. 060 12. 94 13. 33 0. 235 *** 0. 041 0. 728 *** 0. 352 4. 033 *** 0. 482 0. 068 *** 0. 014-0. 011 0. 026 0. 209 *** 0. 021 0. 527 *** 0. 115 0. 002 0. 003-0. 185 ** 0. 063 73. 76 *** 21. 17 0. 044 ** 0. 020 0. 035 0. 041 2. 696 *** 0. 831 0. 219 *** 0. 021-0. 006 0. 019 0. 301 *** 0. 026 0. 446 *** 0. 138-0. 001 0. 005-0. 322 *** 0. 031 40. 17 * * 16. 69 0. 061 *** 0. 032 0. 592 0. 168 2. 531 *** 0. 420 0. 064 *** 0. 025 0. 019 0. 028 0. 284 *** 0. 011 0. 452 *** 0. 114-0. 001 0. 004-0. 287 *** 0. 061 131. 7 *** 38. 80 0. 208 ** 0. 062 0. 042 0. 057 3. 662 *** 0. 307 0. 088 ** 0. 040 0. 009 0. 028 0. 445 *** 0. 010 0. 893 *** 0. 116-0. 002 0. 007-0. 854 *** 0. 087 97. 05 *** 28. 33 0. 273 *** 0. 085 1. 044 *** 0. 367 2. 804 *** 0. 128 0. 055 *** 0. 003-0. 031 0. 050 0. 245 *** 0. 031 0. 803 *** 0. 185-0. 002 0. 003-0. 589 *** 0. 072 108. 2 *** 21. 36 0. 359 *** 0. 063 0. 039 0. 065 1. 697 *** 0. 634 0. 062 ** 0. 028 0. 002 0. 021 0. 789 *** 0. 104 0. 703 *** 0. 165-0. 001 0. 005-0. 314 *** 0. 025 95. 68 *** 18. 07 0. 278 *** 0. 034 0. 541 ** 0. 267 1. 437 *** 0. 501 0. 061 * 0. 034 0. 033 0. 053 0. 214 *** 0. 037 0. 738 *** 0. 170 0. 001 0. 005-0. 315 *** 0. 013 R 2 0. 904 0. 839 0. 912 0. 954 0. 930 0. 915 0. 908 0. 933 0. 896 0. 902 F 281. 9 365. 2 294. 6 363. 7 580. 2 568. 4 186. 3 204. 5. 179. 2 205. 0 ADF - 5. 837-7. 488-3. 889-5. 882-4. 117-6. 907-6. 320-9. 683-7. 083-6. 213 *** ** * 1% 5% 10% 2 1 p f g 149

0. 396 1% 1 3 10 0. 234 0. 05 5 2007 0. 20 0. 36 3 2. GDP 2004 GDP GDP 4 5% 2 3 3 GDP 4 p f x GDP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0. 305 *** 0. 118 0. 952 *** 0. 089 0. 291 *** 0. 112 1. 082 *** 0. 097 0. 180 ** 0. 068 0. 238 *** 0. 031 0. 203 *** 0. 077 0. 296 *** 0. 078 0. 092 0. 057 0. 169 *** 0. 041 0. 075 0. 051 0. 156 *** 0. 062 0. 187 0. 124 0. 879 *** 0. 154 0. 196 ** 0. 103 0. 720 *** 0. 272 0. 456 *** 0. 053 0. 201 *** 0. 084 0. 317 *** 0. 064 0. 135 *** 0. 010 R 2 0. 974 0. 983 0. 979 0. 974 0. 980 0. 991 0. 976 0. 971 0. 979 0. 958 F 115. 6 156. 3 129. 4 118. 0 112. 4 220. 5 151. 7 121. 4 138. 0 101. 2 ADF - 2. 907-5. 129-5. 874-5. 127-5. 093-4. 038-6. 502-6. 907-4. 828-5. 083 x = g c w r s 2 1 3 2 4 6 3 15% 150

2012 3 p f g Acemoglu et al 2001 5 I II III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0. 035 0. 028 0. 786 *** 0. 005 0. 040 0. 030 0. 209 *** 0. 023 0. 231 0. 169 0. 912 *** 0. 010 0. 217 *** 0. 030 0. 245 0. 177-0. 006 0. 025 0. 870 *** 0. 012-0. 007 0. 028 0. 335 *** 0. 026 0. 321 0. 248 0. 939 *** 0. 038 0. 391 *** 0. 032 0. 309 0. 221 0. 443 *** 0. 049-0. 026 0. 173 1. 080 *** 0. 022 0. 459 *** 0. 037-0. 023 0. 176 I II III 6 p f x p CME x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0. 438 *** 0. 103 0. 671 *** 0. 083 0. 440 *** 0. 096 0. 668 *** 0. 076 0. 270 *** 0. 059 0. 868 *** 0. 015 0. 229 *** 0. 030 0. 852 *** 0. 023 0. 189 *** 0. 042 0. 544 *** 0. 069 0. 190 ** 0. 035 0. 540 *** 0. 072 0. 284 ** 0. 151 0. 985 *** 0. 110 0. 311 *** 0. 159 1. 038 *** 0. 115 0. 324 *** 0. 058 1. 105 *** 0. 033 0. 220 *** 0. 065 1. 114 *** 0. 020 R 2 I 0. 962 0. 969 0. 980 0. 982 0. 987 0. 986 0. 951 0. 972 0. 949 0. 956 R 2 II 0. 903 0. 916 0. 973 0. 967 0. 974 0. 951 0. 964 0. 568 0. 958 0. 957 Hausman 0. 058 0. 060 0. 009 0. 011 0. 132 0. 117 0. 022 0. 013 0. 045 0. 051 R 2 I R 2 II R 2 Hausman p 5 I II 4 III 2SLS 6 OLS 3 0. 44 0. 22 0. 27 0. 3 OLS R 2 0. 94 R 2 0. 9 6 Hausman OLS p 151

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