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4. 5. 2

Session VI Evolution of Narrative singing in Nanguan Music over Times and Places Lin Po-chi Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan Abstract Nanguan music has been circulated in the southern part of Fujian Province for at least four to five hundred years, as indicated through a comparison of ancient and modern texts scrutinized in this study. Many of the songs are still being sung and circulated. Some have their Men-tou s (musical form) remain unchanged, while others have deviated from the original. In this study, a correlation between the ancient and modern texts that contain historical accounts of Men-tou s is established through a comparison of texts from different times, and an interesting process of divergence and convergence of repertoire is identified as a result of comparing hand-written copies from different places. Furthermore, audio publications released over the past hundred years collected are collected and compiled to render an understanding of the singing and circulation of Nanguan repertoire, which in turn indicates an evolutionary path of narrative singing in Nanguan that begins with a convergence across places and then diversifies into two different directions between both sides of the Taiwan Straits. One singular feature of this study is how the evolution of narrative singing in Nanguan music has been revealed through comparing audio data across times and places. 3


1 1. 1 1992 p.49-55. 5

6 2.

3. 7

p.15 4. 8

50 5. 9

1. 2 2 CD2 10

3 3 CD 11

4 4 12

1. 2. 3. 4. 13

5. g2 6. 14


16 5 6

1. 2. 7 3. 8 7 8 17

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 18

9 9 60 19

19 1897 01 His Master s Voice 20

19-131651910 02 Victor 426031920 Victor 4 03 Victor 42879-11920 04 Victor 437151920 05 Victor 437331920 06 Victor 570061920 07 REGAL T31 F124 NIPPONOPHONE F124 1920 F FORMOSA 08 NIPPONOPHONE F129 REGAL T37 21

1920 A B 09 Columbia Columbia 15 150061930 10 Columbia 150071930 No.01-10 2000 CD CD 1920-1930 6 CD 61 30 1-3 5-6 1. CD 9 7 2 22

40 2. 10 3. CD 4. 11 12 1928 10 45 18 13 11 P.92004 12 23

F D 13 5. 6. REGAL 14 15 13 tshin2 hi6 14 15 P.7P.47P.130 P.7 1925 P.47 1922 P.130 1925-1926 24

7. 11 REGAL T29 1920 1925-1926 12 REGAL T30 1920 13 REGAL T31 1920 14 REGAL T32 1920 15 REGAL T33 T33 1920 T34 16 REGAL T34 1920 17 REGAL Niponophone T351920 F12 25

18 REGAL T36 1920 19 REGAL T37 NIPPONOPHONE 1920 F129 20 REGAL T38 1920 T3 T38 21 REGAL T39 1920 22 REGAL T108 1920 23 REGAL T114 1920 24 REGAL T135 1920 26

11-24 13 1938 1925-1926 89 87 16 72 1925 REGAL 1928 Columbia 1931 1 65 1 20 90 60 1. 2. 16 27

3. 25 Columbia 150001930 26 Columbia 150011930 27 Columbia 150021930 28 Columbia 150031930 29 Columbia 150041930 30 Columbia 150051930 31 Columbia 15006 15007 28

150061930 32 Columbia 150071930 33 Columbia 150081930 34 Columbia 150091930 35 Columbia 150101930 36 Columbia 150111930 37 Columbia 150121930 38 Columbia 150131930 39 Columbia Columbia 800011930 8 40 Columbia 800021930 18-20 29

41 Columbia 800031930 42 Columbia 800041930 43 Columbia 800051930 80004 80005 44 Columbia 800311930 45 Columbia 800321930 46 Columbia 800611930 47 Columbia 800621930 No25-47 1938 6 30

31 REGAL T31F124F124 NIPPONOPHONE 1. 2. 3. 45 48 Victor 43152

A B 49 Victor A 43718 B Pitch 50 Victor 43723 51 Victor 43726 32

52 Victor 43727 A B 53 Victor 43728 54 Victor 43729 A B 55 Victor 43731 56 Victor 43732 A 33

B 57 Victor 43733 58 Victor 43734 59 60 61 Columbia 62 Victor 42567 63 NITTO MARK SWC WS2508 1923 34

17 17 49-58 17 17 70 4 17 35

62 No.63 64 1033 1920-30 65 Niponophone REGAL T35Columbia F1271920 A F127 B 18 36

No.64-65 1 VLP165 1950 2 VLP202 37

1950 VLP202VL271VL272 VL276 3 VLP204 1950 4 VLP207 1950 5 VLP208 1950 6 VLP209 1950 7 VL271 1950 8 VL272 1950 9 VL273 1950 A. 38

B. 10 VLP33 11 VLP34 12 VLP35 13 VL-36 VLP204VLP207VLP208 VLP209VL27 VLP33 VLP34VLP35VL-36 VLP74VLP75 11 14 VL276 1950 15 VLP71-73 1950 39

16 VLP74 1950 17 VLP75 No2-17 1950 18 TL-1 19 TL-2 1 2 40

41 3 4 18-19 16 45 40-70 20 FL-271

21 FL-272 22 FL-273 23 FL-274 42

24 RR-702 A. 33 B. 1/3 L 25 RR-702 A. B. 26 FL-394 RA-8072 FL-394 FL-396 27 FL-395 28 FL-396 29 FL-397 30 FL-398 31 FL-399 43

32 FL-400 51 33 FL-700 1956 1970 34 FL-701 35 FL-702 36 FL-703 37 FL-704 38 FL-721 44

39 FL-722 RA-8067 FL-722 FL-399 40 FL-723 41 FL-724 42 FL-725 43 FL-726 44 FL-727 45 FL-757-759 46 FL-760-761 45

47 RA-8061 48 RA-80 62 FL701726727 49 RA-8063 50 RA-8064 FL-724FL-721 51 RA-8065 52 RA-8066 RA-8066 FL-725 FL-398 46

53 RA-8067 54 RA-8068 55 RA-8069 56 1964 RA-8070 57 RA-8071 58 RA-8072 47

59 RA-8073 FL-760-761 60 1964 RA-8074 61 1964 RA-8075 62 1960 RA-8076 63 1960 RA-8077 64 RA-8078 65 RA-8079 1960 53 66 RA-8080A 1960 48

67 RA-8080B 68 RA-8081A 1960 69 RA-8081B 50 70 10 33.3rpm 52 71 72 49

73 74 1971 Anthology Record Tape Company A MUSICAL ANTHOLOGY OF THE ORIENTTHE MUSIC OF CHINA F RR RA No20-23 RR No.26-32 51 No33-44 53 1970 70-73 50

51 74 1. 2. 3 1 2 3 4 1964

52 70 70 50

17-60 60 53

40 19 45 1914 19 54

20 50 20 55

60-80 90-2005 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 5 56

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 1. 1985 2. 1999 3. 1985 4. 1975 1. 2. 3. 57

21 22 21 22 58

1986a 1986b 1996 2001 59

1987 1992 1995 1997 1998 2004 2004 2002 1921 60

1914 1930 1992 1976 1981 1983 1978 1979 1999 1999 2000 2000 61