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2012 1 159 2012 1 Comparative Economic & Social Systems No. 1 2012 Jan. 2012 20 1997 2001 2008 F81 A 1003-3947 2012 01-0078-11 1991 20 20 Superannuation 19 20 80 50% 30% 25% Bateman and Piggott 2001 1991 1992 ~ 1993 3% ~ 4% 2002 ~ 2003 9% Schulz 2005 2007 96% 79% 72% 73% 50% 2009

20 79 Bateman 2008 2005 APRA ATO 2008 1. 1 GDP APRA 2010 1 2008 6 505 1. 3% 389308 383633 99% 7687 3327 3301 15. 2 85 86 3123. 7 72. 8 72. 1 2. 46 45. 67 45. 75 1 2008 6 768. 7 505 1522 3123. 7 2. 46 332. 7 389308 0. 85 72. 8 45. 67 330. 1 383633 0. 86 72. 1 45. 75 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Annual Superannuation Bulletin June 2008 revised 10 February 2010 p25.

80 2012 1 DB DC 1 DC 20 DB DC DB 20 80 80% 2007 2% 1995 21. 6% 2008 8. 3% APRA 2009 1. 2008 4480 4869 2049 39. 3% 42. 7% 18% 1995 ~ 2008 10% 20% APRA 2010 2. 64% 86. 6% 50% 68 93. 9% APRA 2010 2 2008 6 52% 10% 26% 9% 23% 11% 2 2008 6 29% 23% 3% 7% 11% 6% 9% 13% APRA Annual Superannuation Bulletin June 2008 revised 10 February 2010 p43. 1997 ~ 2007 7. 3% 1 DB DC

20 81 0. 85 1 2002 2003 9 8. 3% 2004 ~ 2007 12. 1% 0. 9% 4. 1% 3 3 1 / 2 2 /1 1997 ~ 2001 22517 7. 8% 3. 6% 0. 46 2624 11. 7% 1997 ~ 2007 35585 7. 3% 6. 2% 0. 85 3045 8. 6% 2004 ~ 2007 73217 12. 1% 0. 9% 0. 07 2968 4. 1% 1997 ~ 2010 21512 5. 0% 8. 4% 1. 68 3233 15. 0% APRA Celebrating 10 years of superannuation data collection 1996-2006 Insight Issue 2 2007 pp. 28-35 APRA Annual Superannuation Bulletin June 2008 revised 10 February 2010 p43 APRA Superannuation Performance June 2010 issued 9 September 2010 p12. 1997 ~ 2006 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 5000 6 30 1. 1998 1998 1 1997 247. 8 12. 5% 1998 182. 9 6. 8% 1997 153. 5 1998 1999 225. 8 241. 4 6. 2% 12. 3% 12. 1% 6. 8% APRA 2009 2. 2001 2001 9. 11 2000 4. 7% 2001 2. 5% 1994 3. 5% Henry 2002 1 2000 9. 7% 2001 3% 2002 2003-5% - 2. 1% 2000 30. 9 2003 44. 5 13% APRA 2009 1998 2001 3. 2008

82 2012 1 38. 5% 44. 3% 42% 41. 7% 1 2007 6 38% 54% 1999 1 6. 8% 2001-5% 2002 2008 2009 5000-7. 8% - 12% 1 2008 54-26. 7% OECD - 17. 4% - 26. 2% OECD 2009 2008 6 2007 6 2. 1% GDP 114% 104% APRA 2009 1997 GDP 1997 ~ 2001 7. 8% 1997 ~ 2007 7. 3% 2007 1997 ~ 2010 5% 68% 3 APRA Celebrating 10 years of superannuation data collection 1996-2006 Insight Issue 2 2007 p28-35 APRA Annual Superannuation Bulletin June 2008 revised 10 February 2010 p43 APRA Superannuation Performance June 2010 issued 9 September 2010 p11-12. 1 7 1 6 30 1997 ~ 2010 1 http / /www. lincolnindicators. com. au /Article /2009-02 - 19 - Australia - vs - the - world.

20 83 1. 2 1998 1999 5. 05% 7. 62% 1997 0. 74% 2001 2001 4. 8% 2002 21% 2003 22. 7% 2007 34% 2008 12% 1997 49. 3% 1998 15. 43% 1999 11. 71% 2001 2001 3. 1% 2003 11. 3% 2008 2007 3% APRA Annual Superannuation Bulletin June 2008 revised 10 February 2010 pp. 26-34 and APRA Celebrating 10 years of superannuation data collection 1996-2006 Insight Issue 2 2007 p20 2 1997 ~ 2008 2001 1998 11. 8% 23. 5% 13. 4% 25. 5% 1999 12. 1% 23. 5% 11. 2% 30. 1% 1999 2001 1998 2003

84 2012 1 32% 12% 2008 7. 1% 5. 1% 2001 1998 2001 4. 01% 5. 02% 2007 30. 18% 2008 7. 55% APRA 2007 2010 2. DC DB DC 3 1998 1999 6. 8% DB DC 2001 2002 2003-5% - 2. 1% APRA 2007 DB DC 2005 DB DC DC 2004 61. 1% 2005 49. 6% 2006 45. 5% DB 2004 4. 2% 34. 7% 2005 9. 1% 41. 3% APRA Annual Superannuation Bulletin June 2008 revised 10 June 2009 p43. 3 1996 ~ 2008 2001 2008 2009-7. 8% - 12. 0% 2010 9. 3% APRA 2010 DC

20 85 DC DB DB 2001 DC DB 3. 1997 4 1997 ~ 2008 25. 2% 39. 3% 38. 6% 42. 7% 36. 2% 17. 5% 10 APRA Annual Superannuation Bulletin June 2008 revised 10 June 2009 p41. 4 1997 ~ 2008 2004 ~ 2007 55% 9% 17% 8% 2008 3% 1% 2004 ~ 2007 42% ~ 43% 2008 40% 29% ~ 30% APRA 2007 2009 1996

86 2012 1 6477 GDP 38% 2006 9228 APRA 2007 GDP 2007 20 90 2005 Fear 2009 DB DC 50% 1998 2001 2005 DC DB 1997 ~ 2010 5% 1. 68 3 Harmer 2009 OECD2009 2008

20 87-37. 5% - 26. 7% - 26. 2% 30. 6% 26. 9% 23. 6% OECD 2009 50% 30% 2001 1998 2001 12% 2001 APRA 2007. Celebrating 10 Years of Superannuation Data Collection 1996-2006. APRA Insight Issue 2 2007. APRA 2008. Annual Superannuation Bulletin. APRA Statistics June 2008. revised 10 February 2010. APRA 2009. Superannuation Industry Overview. APRA Insight Issue 2 2009. APRA 2010. Quarterly Superannuation Performance. APRA Statistics June 2010. Hazel Bateman and John Piggott 2001. The Australian Approach to Retirement Income Provision. Presentation at the International Seminar on Social Security Pensions March 2001. Hazel Bateman 2008. Australia's Lost Superannuation Retirement Saving Accounts. Presentation at the 2008 General Assembly of the Japan Pension Research Council JPRC. James Schulz 2005. Old - Age Income Security Australia Tries a Different Way. AARP Public Policy Institute December 2005. Jeff Harmer 2009. Pension Review Report. Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs of Australia 27 February 2009. Joshua Fear and Geraldine Pace 2009. Australia's Choice of Fund Legislation Success or Failure. Rotman

88 2012 1 International Journal of Pension Management. 2 2. Ken Henry 2002. On the Economy and Fiscal Policy. Address to the Australian Business Economists Sydney 21 May 2002. OECD 2009. Pensions at a Glance Retirement - Income Systems in OECD Countries. www. oecd. org /publishing / corrigenda. Lessons of Australia's Superannuation on Responding to Crises Based on the Study of 20 Years of Reform Zheng Bingwen and LiYajun Institute of Latin America Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Abstract Based on a sketch of Australia's retirement income security system and the goal of superannuation this paper analyzes the asset management allocation and investment pattern of Australia's superannuation compares the different impact of the three ever-deeper crises in 1997 2001 and 2008 and the ability of superannuation to respond to them and identifies three possible institutional factors underlying them. Finally the paper summarizes the lessons of superannuation on absorbing the shock of financial crises. Key words Australia's Superannuation Financial Crises Pension Fund Management and Investment Pension Reform 2011 6 154 5 1. 2. 11YJC630010 2011 12