填空 第三部分, 共 5 题 提供 5 个问句和 5 个回答, 考生要找出对应关系 第四部分, 共 5 题 每题提供一个句子, 句子中有一个空格, 考生要从提供的选项中选词 试卷上的试题都加拼音 三 成绩报告 HSK( 一级 ) 成绩报告提供听力 阅读和总分三个分数 总分 120 分为合格 满分 你

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HSK 各级介绍 : HSK 一级介绍一 考试对象 HSK( 一级 ) 主要面向按每周 2-3 课时进度学习汉语一个学期 ( 半学年 ), 掌握 150 个最常用词语和相关语法知识的考生 二 考试内容 HSK( 一级 ) 共 40 题, 分听力 阅读两部分 考试内容 试题数量 ( 个 ) 考试时间 ( 分钟 ) 一 听力 第一部分 5 20 约 15 第二部分 5 第三部分 5 第四部分 5 填写答题卡 ( 将听力部分的答案填涂到答题卡上 ) 3 二 阅读 第一部分 5 20 17 第二部分 5 第三部分 5 第四部分 5 共计 / 40 约 35 全部考试约 40 分钟 ( 含考生填写个人信息时间 5 分钟 ) 1. 听力第一部分, 共 5 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个短语, 试卷上提供一张图片, 考生根据听到的内容判断对错 第二部分, 共 5 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个句子, 试卷上提供 3 张图片, 考生根据听到的内容选出对应的图片 第三部分, 共 5 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个对话, 试卷上提供几张图片, 考生根据听到的内容选出对应的图片 第四部分, 共 5 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个人说一句话, 第二个人根据这句话问一个问题并说出 3 个选项, 试卷上每题都有 3 个选项, 考生根据听到的内容选出答案 2. 阅读第一部分, 共 5 题 每题提供一张图片和一个词语, 考生要判断是否一致 第二部分, 共 5 题 试卷上有几张图片, 每题提供一个句子, 考生根据句子内容, 选出对应的图片

填空 第三部分, 共 5 题 提供 5 个问句和 5 个回答, 考生要找出对应关系 第四部分, 共 5 题 每题提供一个句子, 句子中有一个空格, 考生要从提供的选项中选词 试卷上的试题都加拼音 三 成绩报告 HSK( 一级 ) 成绩报告提供听力 阅读和总分三个分数 总分 120 分为合格 满分 你的分数 听力 100 阅读 100 总分 200 HSK 成绩长期有效 作为外国留学生进入中国院校学习的汉语能力的证明,HSK 成绩有效 期为两年 ( 从考试当日算起 ) HSK 二级介绍 HSK( 一级 ) 考查考生的日常汉语应用能力, 它对应于 国际汉语能力标准 一级 欧洲语言共同参考框架 (CEF) A1 级 通过 HSK( 一级 ) 的考生可以理解并使用一些非常简单的汉语词语和句子, 满足具体的交际需求, 具备进一步学习汉语的能力 一 考试对象 HSK( 一级 ) 主要面向按每周 2-3 课时进度学习汉语一个学期 ( 半学年 ), 掌握 150 个最 常用词语和相关语法知识的考生 二 考试内容 HSK( 一级 ) 共 40 题, 分听力 阅读两部分 考试内容 试题数量 ( 个 ) 考试时间 ( 分钟 ) 一 听力 第一部分 5 20 约 15 第二部分 5 第三部分 5 第四部分 5 填写答题卡 ( 将听力部分的答案填涂到答题卡上 ) 3 二 阅读 第一部分 5 20 17

第二部分 5 第三部分 5 第四部分 5 共计 / 40 约 35 全部考试约 40 分钟 ( 含考生填写个人信息时间 5 分钟 ) 1. 听力第一部分, 共 5 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个短语, 试卷上提供一张图片, 考生根据听到的内容判断对错 第二部分, 共 5 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个句子, 试卷上提供 3 张图片, 考生根据听到的内容选出对应的图片 第三部分, 共 5 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个对话, 试卷上提供几张图片, 考生根据听到的内容选出对应的图片 第四部分, 共 5 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个人说一句话, 第二个人根据这句话问一个问题并说出 3 个选项, 试卷上每题都有 3 个选项, 考生根据听到的内容选出答案 2. 阅读第一部分, 共 5 题 每题提供一张图片和一个词语, 考生要判断是否一致 第二部分, 共 5 题 试卷上有几张图片, 每题提供一个句子, 考生根据句子内容, 选出对应的图片 第三部分, 共 5 题 提供 5 个问句和 5 个回答, 考生要找出对应关系 第四部分, 共 5 题 每题提供一个句子, 句子中有一个空格, 考生要从提供的选项中选词填空 试卷上的试题都加拼音 三 成绩报告 HSK( 一级 ) 成绩报告提供听力 阅读和总分三个分数 总分 120 分为合格 满分 你的分数 听力 100 阅读 100 总分 200 HSK 成绩长期有效 作为外国留学生进入中国院校学习的汉语能力的证明,HSK 成绩有效 期为两年 ( 从考试当日算起 )

HSK 三级介绍 HSK( 三级 ) 考查考生的汉语应用能力, 它对应于 国际汉语能力标准 三级 欧洲语言共同参考框架 (CEF) B1 级 通过 HSK( 三级 ) 的考生可以用汉语完成生活 学习 工作等方面的基本交际任务, 在中国旅游时, 可应对遇到的大部分交际任务 一 考试对象 HSK( 三级 ) 主要面向按每周 2-3 课时进度学习汉语三个学期 ( 一个半学年 ), 掌握 600 个最常用词语和相关语法知识的考生 二 考试内容 HSK( 三级 ) 共 80 题, 分听力 阅读 书写三部分 考试内容 试题数量 ( 个 ) 考试时间 ( 分钟 ) 一 听力 第一部分 10 40 约 35 第二部分 10 第三部分 10 第四部分 10 填写答题卡 ( 将听力部分的答案填涂到答题卡上 ) 5 二 阅读 第一部分 10 30 30 第二部分 10 第三部分 10 三 书写 第一部分 5 10 15 第二部分 5 共计 / 80 约 85 全部考试约 90 分钟 ( 含考生填写个人信息时间 5 分钟 ) 1. 听力第一部分, 共 10 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个对话, 试卷上提供几张图片, 考生根据听到的内容选出对应的图片 第二部分, 共 10 题 每题听两次 每题都是一个人先说一小段话, 另一人根据这段话说一个句子, 试卷上也提供这个句子, 要求考生判断对错 第三部分, 共 10 题 每题听两次 每题都是两个人的两句对话, 第三个人根据对话问一个问题, 试卷上提供 3 个选项, 考生根据听到的内容选出答案 第四部分, 共 10 题 每题听两次 每题都是两个人的 4 到 5 句对话, 第三个人根据对话问一个问题, 试卷上提供 3 个选项, 考生根据听到的内容选出答案

2. 阅读第一部分, 共 10 题 提供 20 个句子, 考生要找出对应关系 第二部分, 共 10 题 每题提供一到两个句子, 句子中有一个空格, 考生要从提供的选项中选词填空 第三部分, 共 10 题 提供 10 小段文字, 每段文字带一个问题, 考生要从 3 个选项中选出答案 3. 书写 第一部分, 共 5 题 每题提供几个词语, 要求考生用这几个词语写一个句子 第二部分, 共 5 题 每题提供一个带空格的句子, 要求考生在空格上写正确的汉字 三 成绩报告 HSK( 三级 ) 成绩报告提供听力 阅读 书写和总分四个分数 总分 180 分为合格 满分 你的分数 听力 100 阅读 100 书写 100 总分 300 HSK 成绩长期有效 作为外国留学生进入中国院校学习的汉语能力的证明,HSK 成 绩有效期为两年 ( 从考试当日算起 ) 英文版 HSK (Level I) HSK (Level I) assesses test takers abilities in the application of everyday Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level I of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the A1 Level of thecommon European Framework of Reference (CEF). Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies. I. Test Target The HSK (Level I) is intended for students who have studied Chinese for a semester (half an academic year), with 2-3 class hours in each week. These students have mastered 150 commonly used words and basic grammar patterns.

II. Test Content HSK (Level I) test is made up of listening comprehension and reading comprehension sections and contains a total of 40 items. Section Number of Items Duration (Min) Part I 5 I. Listening Part II 5 Part III 5 Part IV 5 20 About 15 Filling out the answer sheet(mark your answers for listening comprehension on Answer Sheet) 3 II. Reading Part I 5 Part II 5 Part III 5 Part IV 5 20 17 Total / 40 About 35 The test will last for 40 minutes in total (including 5 minutes in which the test takers fill in personal information). 1. Listening Comprehension There are 5 items in Part I. The recording of each item will be played twice. A phrase and picture will be provided with each item. The test takers should make a true-or-false judgment based on what they hear. There are 5 items in Part II. The recording of each item will be played twice. A sentence and 3 pictures will be provided with each item. The test takers should choose corresponding pictures based on what they hear. There are 5 items in Part III. The recording of each item will be played twice. A dialogue and several pictures will be provided with each item. The test takers should choose corresponding pictures based on what they hear. There are 5 items in Part IV. The recording of each item will be played twice. For each item, a person will make a statement. Another person will then ask a question and provide three possible answers. The three possible answers will be listed on the test paper, and test takers can choose one of the answers based on what they hear.

2. Reading Comprehension There are 5 items in Part I. Each item will provide a picture and a phrase. The test taker should judge whether or not they are consistent with each other. There are 5 items in Part II. The test paper will display several pictures. For each item, a sentence will be provided. The test taker needs to choose one of the corresponding pictures based on the content of the sentence. There are 5 items in Part III. During this section, 5 questions and 5 answers will be provided. The test take should match the question with the appropriate answer. There are 5 items in Part IV. Each item will display a sentence with one word missing. The test taker should select one of the words in the answer section to fill in the blank. All items on the test paper are shown in pinyin. III. Results Certificate For the HSK (Level I), three results will be provided including listening, reading and total. The test taker must score at least 120 points total to be considered passing. Max Score Your Score Listening 100 Reading 100 Total 200 As a Chinese language certificate for foreign students entry into Chinese colleges, the results of the HSK are valid for two years (beginning from the test date). HSK (Level II) The HSK (Level II) assesses test takers abilities in the application of everyday Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level II of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the A2 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF). Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level II) have an excellent grasp of basic Chinese and can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. I. Test Target

The HSK (Level II) is intended for students who have studied Chinese for two semesters (an academic year), with 2-3 class hours in each week. These students have mastered 300 commonly used words and related grammar patterns. II. Test Content The HSK (Level II) test is made up of listening comprehension and reading comprehension sections and contains a total of 60 items. Section Number of Items Duration (Min) Part I 10 I. Listening Part II 10 Part III 10 Part IV 5 35 About 25 Filling out the answer sheet(mark your answers for listening comprehension on Answer Sheet) 3 II. Reading Part I 5 Part II 5 Part III 5 Part IV 10 25 22 Total / 60 About 50 The test will last for a total of 55 minutes (including 5 minutes in which the test takers fill in personal information). 1. Listening Comprehension There are 10 items in Part I. The recording of each item will be played twice. A sentence and a picture will be provided with each item. The test takers should make a true-or-false judgment based on what they hear. There are 10 items in Part II. The recording of each item will be played twice. For each item, a dialogue and several pictures will be provided. The test takers should select the appropriate answer based on what they hear. There are 10 items in Part III. The recording of each item will be played twice. Each item consists of a dialogue between two persons with a third person asking a question related to the content. There will be three possible answers on the test paper from which the test takers can select the correct one based on the passage.

There are 5 items in Part IV. The recording of each item will be played twice. Each item consists of a 4-5 sentence dialogue between two persons with a third person will asking a question at the end of the passage. There will be three possible answers on the test paper from which the test takers can select the correct one based on what they hear in the passage. 2. Reading Comprehension There are 5 items in Part I. Several pictures will be shown on the test paper. For each item, a sentence will be provided. The test taker should choose corresponding pictures based on the sentence. There are 5 items in Part II. For each item, one or two sentences will be provided in which one word is missing. The test taker should select one of the words in the answer section to fill in the blank. There are 5 items in Part III. For each item, two sentences will be provided. The test taker should judge whether or not the second sentence is consistent with the first one. There are 10 items in Part IV. In this section, 20 sentences will be provided. The test taker will be asked to find the correlations between the sentences. All the items on the test paper are shown in pinyin. III. Results Certificate For the HSK (Level II), three results will be provided including listening, reading and total. The test taker must score at least 120 points total to be considered passing. Max Score Your Score Listening 100 Reading 100 Total 200 As a Chinese language certificate for foreign students entry into Chinese colleges, the results of the HSK are valid for two years (beginning from the test date). HSK (Level III) The HSK (Level III) assesses test takers abilities in the application of everyday Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level III of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the B1 Level of the Common European

Framework of Reference (CEF). Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academic and professional lives. They can manage most communication in Chinese when travelling in China. I. Test Target The HSK (Level III) is intended for students who have studied Chinese for three semesters (one and a half academic years), with 2-3 class hours in each week. These students have mastered 600 commonly used words and related grammar patterns. II. Test Content The HSK (Level III) test is made up of listening comprehension, reading comprehension and writing sections and contains a total of 80 items. Section Number of Items Duration (Min) Part I 10 I. Listening Part II 10 Part III 10 Part IV 10 40 Approximately 35 Filling out the answer sheet(mark your answers for listening comprehension on Answer Sheet) 5 II. Reading III. Writing Part I 10 Part II 10 Part III 10 Part I 5 Part II 5 30 30 10 15 Total / 80 Approximately 85 The test will last for 90 minutes in total (including 5 minutes in which the test takers fill in personal information). 1. Listening Comprehension There are 10 items in Part I. The recording of each item will be played twice. For each item, a dialogue and several pictures will be provided. The test takers should select corresponding pictures based on what they hear. There are 10 items in Part II. The recording of each item will be played twice. For each item, a short passage will be read out, followed by an assertion, which also

appears on the paper. The test taker should decide whether the assertion made is true or false. There are 10 items in Part III. The recording of each item will be played twice. Each item consists of a dialogue between two persons. A third person will then ask a question about the dialogue. There will be three possible answers on the test paper, from which the test takers can select the best answer based on what they hear. There are 10 items in Part IV. The recording of each item will be played twice. Each item consists of a 4-5 sentence dialogue between two persons. A third person will then ask a question based on the dialogue. There will be three possible answers on the test paper, from which the test takers can choose best answer based on what they hear. 2. Reading Comprehension There are 10 items in Part I. In this section, 20 sentences will be provided and the test taker will be asked to correlate them. There are 10 items in Part II. For each item, one or two sentences will be provided, in which one word/phrase is missing. The test taker should choose one of the suggested words/phrases to fill in the blank. There are 10 items in Part III. This part consists of 10 short passages, each followed by a question. The test taker should choose the best answer from the 3 choices provided. 3. Writing There are 5 items in Part I. Each item lists several words. The test taker should construct a sentence using the words provided. There are 5 items in Part II. Each item provides a sentence with several blanks. The test taker should fill in the blanks with the appropriate characters. III. Results Certificate For the HSK (Level III), four results will be provided including listening, reading, writing and the total. The test taker must score at least 180 points to be considered passing. Max Score Your Score Listening 100 Reading 100 Writing 100

Total 300 As a Chinese language certificate for foreign students entry into Chinese colleges, the results of the HSK are valid for two years (beginning from the test date).