大学英语综合教程 2 例词 :incident, fiction, victory, timber, winner, liberate 3. 位于两个辅音字母加上词尾音节 -le 之前例词 :simple, little, middle, single, wrinkle 4. 在倒数第三个重读开音节

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Unit 1 Performing Arts Section A Listening and Speaking Task A General Pronunciation Rules I 在重读音节中的发音 : [ai] 1. i 或 i 加上不发音的 e 位于单音节词尾例词 :lie, pie, tie, hi 特例 :ski [ski:] 2. 位于辅音字母加上不发音的 e 之前例词 :dive, dime, wipe, twice, five, nine, slide 特例 :give [giv], live (v.) [liv], police [pə li:s] 3. 在词中位于一个辅音字母加上一个元音字母之前例词 :vital, driver, tiger, final, rival, item 特例 :river [ rivə], minute (n.) [ minit], fatigue [fə ti:g] 4. 位于词尾 -ld 或 -nd 之前例词 :child, mild, wild, kind, mind, find, behind 特例 :wind (n.) [wind], children [ tʃildrən] 5. 位于一个辅音字母加上音节 -le,-re,-ra 之前时例词 :title, idle, trifle, Bible, library, fibre 特例 :litre [ li:tə] [i] 1. 在闭音节中例词 :city, bit, chick, pig, slip, fix, sink, silk 2. 在双音节或多音节单词中位于两个或更多的辅音字母之前

大学英语综合教程 2 例词 :incident, fiction, victory, timber, winner, liberate 3. 位于两个辅音字母加上词尾音节 -le 之前例词 :simple, little, middle, single, wrinkle 4. 在倒数第三个重读开音节中例词 :ability, flexibility, possibility, Italy, liberty [aiə] i 加上后面的元音字母读 [aiə] 例词 :dial, dialogue, trial, liable, quiet, diet [i:] 在词尾 -ine,-ique 中例词 :machine, routine, magazine, technique Task B Conversations Model Dialogue 1: Going to the Movies 1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. Jack: Kathy, I have two coupons ( 优惠券 ) for the Center Cinema.? Kathy: That s great. I haven t been to the movies for ages. Jack: You should have a little fun. Well,? Kathy: You know I m a big fan of science fiction. Jack: Science fiction? OK, let me check. Interstellar ( 星际穿越 ) and Jurassic Park ( 侏罗纪公园 ) are showing.? Kathy: I am afraid of the frightening dinosaurs. How about Interstellar? Jack: Haha, it stars Anne Hathaway, and she s my favorite actress. Kathy: Come on.? Jack: Let me see. If we hurry up, we can make the six o clock show. Kathy: We d better go early,. Jack: OK, let s go now! 1. or else we may have problems getting good seats 2. How about going to a movie tonight 3. When will be the next show 4. what kind of movies do you like 5. Which one would you like to see 2

Unit 1 Performing Arts 2. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to the given situation. It is Friday. Jack wants to invite Kathy to watch the classic romance Titanic in 3D. Kathy says she has already known the plot. Jack tries to persuade her to go to the cinema with him. Model Dialogue 2: Movies Comments 1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. Nancy: How do you like the movie Taken 3 ( 飓风营救 3 )? James:. Nancy: Yeah, the explosions and gunfire are so real, and. James: Yeah, but I don t think the plot is as good as the previous episodes. Nancy:. The plot may be similar to some other movies. James: You know, : the hero gets misunderstood, and he has to prove his innocence ( 无辜 ). At the same time, he has to save others and punish bad people. Nancy: Haha, that s what I want to say. Heroes go through the similar experiences. James: Well, I like the father featured by Liam Neeson. Nancy: He featured in many classic movies, and. 1. I agree with you 2. The special effect is wonderful 3. his acting has always been incredible 4. my heart even beats up faster 5. stories always go like this 2. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to the given situation. Going out of the cinema, David and Lily are talking about the movie Jurassic Park. Task C Passage Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question. Word Tips: 1. variety [və raiəti] n. 多样 ; 种类 2. shut [ʃʌt] vt. & vi. 关闭 ; 合上 3. emotionally [i məuʃənəli] adv. 感情上, 情绪上 3

大学英语综合教程 2 1) When women sit together to watch a movie on TV, they usually talk about all the following except. A. children B. men C. politics D. career 2) According to passage, women consider that the point of getting together is to. A. relax and enjoy the movie B. have good time and develop relationship C. analyze relationship between characters D. explain the plots to men 3) Women are more sensitive to in the movies. A. characters feelings B. historical background C. special effects D. film-making skills Task D Spot Dictation Listen to the passage three times and fill in the blanks. Word Tips: 1. Bollywood [ bɔliwud] n. 宝莱坞 ( 印度孟买的电影制作中心 ) 2. costume [ kɔstju:m] n.( 戏剧或电影的 ) 戏装, 演出服 3. theme [θi:m] n. 主题, 题目, 话题 Bollywood dance is fun and an 1) influence factor towards the international 2) of Bollywood films. The songs for the dance are a kind of indirect 3) through which the characters can express thoughts. Costume is an important part of this form of dance. The dance songs often have 4) themes and usually go together with the 5) in the movies. It is not unusual to find Bollywood song and dance 6) the thoughts and wishes of the characters. Bollywood dance parties are a very 7) affair in US colleges. Section B Reading Passage A A Grand Musical Play Pre-reading Questions 1. What are the differences between musical plays and operas? 4

Unit 1 Performing Arts 2. What are the characteristics of traditional Chinese operas? Like a play, an opera is a story acted out on stage. In an opera the actors sing their lines instead of speaking them. Unlike in a musical show, opera performers usually don t speak at all. Their songs don t happen between conversations, but rather their songs are the conversations. Traditional opera tells a big story. The story is usually serious, though there are comic operas too. Many operas tell tragic tales of lovers who are kept apart. Richard Wagner s Tristan and Isolde is one of these. Some operas, like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart s The Magic Flute tell a story of mystery. Comic operas, such as Gioacchino Rossini s The Barber of Seville, often feature funny situations and people. Classic operas are usually performed in the language they were written in. Today, if the audience doesn t speak the language of the opera, the opera company may show the singers words in the audience s language on a screen above the stage. But today s opera composers continue the dramatic spirit of classic opera, even though their topics have changed. A special form of opera developed in China during the Mid-19th century. It is called jingxi, a spectacular musical and dramatic show, and English speakers know it as Peking opera. Its performers use movements to portray their characters. The rhythmic beating marks time for movements and the performance may feature fighting scenes. In addition to its presence in Mainland China, Peking opera has spread to many other places. It can be found in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese communities elsewhere. Mei Lanfang, one of the most famous Dan performers of all time, was also one of the greatest stars of Peking opera abroad. Although some believed that Peking opera could never be a success in the United States, the great reception of Mei in New York City disproved this notion. The performances had to be removed from the 49th Street Theater to the larger National Theater. 5

大学英语综合教程 2 New Words opera [ ɔprə] n. 歌剧, 歌剧艺术 stage [steidʒ] n. 阶段, 舞台 line [lain] n. 台词, 线条, 行列 conversation [ˌkɔnvə seiʃn] n. 交谈, 会话, 交往 comic [ kɔmik] adj. 喜剧的, 滑稽的, 好笑的 ;n. 连环漫画, 喜剧演员 tragic [ trædʒik] adj. 悲剧的, 悲惨的 tale [teil] n. 故事, 传说 mystery [ mistri] n. 秘密, 谜, 神秘 feature [ fi:tʃə(r)] vt. 由 主演, 以 为主要内容 ; vi. 出演重头戏, 担任主演 ;n. 特征, 特点, 容貌 screen [skri:n] n. 屏幕, 银幕 composer [kəm pəuzə(r)] n. 作曲家 dramatic [drə mætik] adj. 戏剧的, 引人注目的, 激动人心的 spectacular [spek tækjələ(r)] adj. 场面富丽的, 壮观的, 引人注意的 portray [pɔ: trei] vt. 画像, 描述, 描绘 rhythmic [ riðmik] adj. 有韵律的, 有节奏的 mark [ma:k] vt. & vi. 做记号, 打分 ;n. 斑点, 记号, 成绩 scene [si:n] n. 场面, 现场, 景色, 风景 presence [ prezns] n. 出席 reception [ri sepʃn] n. 欢迎, 接待, 招待会 disprove [ˌdis pru:v] vt. 反驳 notion [ nəuʃn] n. 概念, 观念, 意见 Useful Expressions instead of 代替,( 是 ) 而不是,( 用 ) 而不用 keep apart ( 使 ) 分开 even though 尽管, 即使 in addition to 除 之外 Proper Names Richard Wagner [ ritʃəd wægnə] 理查德 瓦格纳 ( 人名 )( 德国音乐家 ) Tristan and Isolde [tri stən ənd ɑizɔld] 特里斯坦与伊索尔德 ( 歌剧作品 ) 6

Unit 1 Performing Arts Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [ wulfgæŋ a: ma:diəs məuza:t] 沃尔夫冈 阿玛多伊斯 莫扎特 ( 人名 )( 奥地利音乐家 ) The Magic Flute [ðə mædʒik flu:t] 魔笛 ( 歌剧作品 ) Gioacchino Rossini [dʒəu tʃi:nəu rəu si:ni] 焦阿基诺 罗西尼 ( 人名 )( 意大利音乐家 ) The Barber of Seville [ðə ba:bə(r) əv sevil] 塞维利亚的理发师 ( 歌剧作品 ) Mei Lanfang [mei lænfʌŋ] 梅兰芳 ( 人名 )( 京剧表演艺术家 ) Dan performer [dæn pə fɔ:mə(r)] 旦角 ( 戏曲中的女性形象 ) Street Theater [stri:t θiətə(r)] 街头剧场 After-reading Activity Have you ever been to a theater to watch operas? With the rapid development of the Internet, we can enjoy the videos of operas on internet as well. Would you like to go to a theater or watch the video of operas on internet? List your reasons. Background Information 1. Richard Wagner s Tristan and Isolde( 理查德 瓦格纳的 特里斯坦与伊索尔德 ) 理查德 瓦格纳 (1813 年 1883 年 ) 德国作曲家, 著名的古典音乐大师 特里斯坦与伊索尔德 是瓦格纳的一部歌剧作品, 讲述了一个凄美动人的爱情故事 它与 罗密欧与朱丽叶 并称西方两大爱情经典 爱尔兰公主伊索尔德救治了杀害自己未婚夫的特里斯坦并爱上了他 战败后的爱尔兰许诺将伊索尔德嫁给康沃尔国王, 而前来迎亲的正是特里斯坦 愤怒的公主本想毒死自己和特里斯坦, 不料毒药被侍女换成了使两人坠入爱河的魔药 两人的感情被人告发, 在混乱当中, 特里斯坦负伤死在爱人怀中, 伊索尔德唱尽一曲 爱中死 后也悄然逝去 7

大学英语综合教程2 2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart s The Magic Flute 沃 尔 夫 冈 阿 玛 多 伊 斯 莫 扎特的 魔笛 沃尔冈夫 阿玛多伊斯 莫扎特 1756 年 1791 年 奥地利作曲家 杰出的古典主 义 音乐大师 魔笛 是莫扎特最杰出的歌剧之一 取材于一篇名为 璐璐的魔笛 的童话 邪恶的夜王后谎称自己的女儿帕米娜公主被萨拉斯特罗劫走 希望埃及王子塔米诺营 救公主 并承诺如果王子能够成功解救公主 就把公主嫁给他 对公主画像一见钟情的王 子答应了夜王后 带上魔笛 出发去寻找公主 经历了种种考验和磨炼后 王子得知萨拉 斯特罗并不是坏人 而是智慧的主宰 最终 王子摧毁了夜王后的阴谋 与公主有情人终 成眷属 3. Gioacchino Rossini s The Barber of Seville 焦阿基诺 罗西尼的 塞维利亚的理发师 焦阿基诺 罗西尼 1792 年 1868 年 意大利作曲家 代表作有 坦克雷迪 和 塞维利亚的理发师 塞维利亚的理发师 集意大利喜剧的精华于一体 是语言生动 形式自由 充满幻 想的意大利喜歌剧的代表作之一 叙述了理发师费加罗帮助一位美少女脱离贪财好色的监 护人的控制 与其情投意合的心上人终成眷属的故事 8

Unit 1 Performing Arts 4. Mei Lanfang and Dan performer 梅兰芳和旦角 梅 兰 芳 1894 年 1961 年 京 剧 大 师 著 名 京 剧 旦 角 梅 兰 芳 8 岁 学 艺 11 岁 登 台 是 近 代 杰 出 的 京 昆 旦 行 演 员 四 大 名 旦 之 首 梅派 艺术的创始人 同 时 也 是 享 有 国 际 盛 誉 的 表 演 艺 术 大 师 其 表 演 被 推 为 世 界 三 大 表 演 体 系 之 一 旦角 指戏曲中的女性形象 可分为青衣 花旦 刀马旦 武旦 老旦 彩旦等 类别 5. Street Theater 街头剧场 街头剧场 是在户外为观众呈现舞蹈 戏剧 音乐 杂技等表演 街头剧场以其流 动演出 简单舞美 观众主演的三大特征 颠覆了当下世界各地广场文化舞台固定 舞美 繁复 观众陪看的状态 成为城市创意的 发电机 Comprehension 1. Choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences. 1) Opera actors their lines instead of speaking them. A. sing B. dance C. shout D. gesture 9

大学英语综合教程2 2) Richard Wagner s Tristan and Isolde is one example of A. historical B. tragic C. comic D. frightening opera. 2. Complete the following summary with the words from the passage. The first letter of each missing word is given for your reference. In an opera, performers sing their 1) l the 2)c instead of speaking. Their songs are. Operas tell stories. There are 3) t operas like Richard Wagner s Tristan and Isolde. It is a sad story about lovers who are 4) k Gioacchino Rossini s The Barber of Seville is one example of 5) c apart. operas. It 6) f funny situation and people. Jingxi, the traditional Chinese opera, is a 7) s musical and 8) d 9) p the character. Mei Lanfang, the greatest Dan performer, has gained great 10) r in the United States. show. The performers use movements to Vocabulary 1. Complete the following sentences with the words given below. Change the form if necessary. comic 1) He tragic mystery feature portray himself as a champion for democracy ( 民主 ). 2) He was killed in a accident at the age of 24. 3) Zhou Xingchi is a famous actor. 4) We set out to find the truth behind the 5) The festival will. delicious food, live music, and celebrations. 2. Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs. 1) Instead moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running. 2) He s a strange boy, as he keeps 3) He s the best teacher even 4) In addition from all the activities in the university. he has the least experience. his homework, he did many exercises. Sentence Structure Combine the following sentences using the structure even though. Sample: He worked hard. He failed the exam. 10