Schools that are eligible for the Full Award are experienced in working with international partners on various projects, and are sustaining this activ

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Full International School Award 中英 校际交流奖 ( 高级奖 ) 2014-2017 Guidance for the Application 申请指南 Purpose of the Award 目标 The International School Award (ISA) acknowledges school collaboration internationally and provides a framework for recognising schools that: 中英 校际交流奖 是对学校的国际交流合作工作的认可, 并为学校提供了相应的操作体 系 : champion international work and collaboration with partners to build and develop lasting relationships 树立国际交流合作的标兵, 鼓励友好学校发展持久的合作关系 benchmark best practice and share professional development in teaching and learning 分享教学和专业发展的最佳实践, 量化相关标准 engage young people in both the global economy and global citizenship and develop their skills for life and work 让青少年在全球经济一体化的背景和世界公民的理念中, 发展生活和工作的能力 support whole-school projects that contribute towards school improvement 支持全校性项目并促进学校发展 enrich education through international work 通过国际交流合作活动丰富教育内涵 Full Award who is it for? 中英 校际交流奖 ", 适合哪些学校? 1

Schools that are eligible for the Full Award are experienced in working with international partners on various projects, and are sustaining this activity throughout the year. Activities are embedded across the whole school and the curriculum. 申请中英 校际交流奖 " 的学校, 为已经与国外友好学校开展了多种活动, 并有丰富经验的学校 能确保这些活动在申请的学年中持续开展 活动需在全校范围内开展, 并融入到各学科 Educators are identifying areas for professional development and observing how the impact of collaborative projects (including language skills) can evidence increased engagement and achievement for young people. 教育工作者确认专业发展的领域, 观察这些合作项目 ( 包括语言能力 ) 怎样促进青少年的交流和取得成就 Young people have developed skills for life through their interaction internationally with partners as global citizens and have an in-depth understanding of different ways of life (e.g. economically, culturally and historically). 青少年将通过国际交流合作活动来发展自身生活的能力和世界公民的意识, 从而对 ( 经济的 文化的 历史的 ) 不同生活方式有深入的理解 Some schools take advantage of the ISA s flexibility by taking a stepped approach towards gaining full accreditation, others undertake a different stage each year or tackle two or three stages in one year. If you are interested in the ISA it is worth looking at the criteria for all the stages to determine which level suits your school best. 校际交流奖 " 的体制是丰富多样, 分不同阶段以适应不同要求 学校可以采取不同的策略, 在申请 校际交流奖 " 之前, 先尝试达到不同的阶段 如果你对 校际交流奖 " 感兴趣, 请先了解不同阶段的要求, 以确定你学校的发展阶段 Reaching any level of the Award is a real achievement; however schools are only accredited with the ISA once the Full stage is completed. The accreditation lasts for three years, after which, reaccreditation could applied for. 达到任何一个阶段都是了不起的成就, 但目前我们只对高级阶段即 校际交流奖 进行评审 奖项的有效期为三年, 期满后可再次申请认可 The International School Award Journey 校际交流奖 " 之旅 Each stage of the ISA reflects a partnership and collaboration journey for the school. For this stage of the award this journey is illustrated in the activities table below. 每个级别都代表了学校的伙伴关系和合作之旅 For the complete journey and activity areas for international work download the full ISA journey table 请对照 校际交流奖 " 之旅, 了解学校的国际交流合作活动在各阶段相对应的水平 The ISA journey FULL AWARD activities should reflect each of these areas. 校际交流奖 " 应反映出以下各领域的成就 2

Global Citizenship 世界公民 Enriching Education 丰富教育内涵 International school ethos 国际学校文化的建设 Young people and educators take action to tackle global themes. 师生应采取积极行动, 来应对国际问题 Schools run collaborative curriculum projects that facilitate young people taking positive social action on a global theme 学校实施课程共建项目, 帮助引导学生采取积极的社会行动应对国际问题 Young people collaborate on global themes with international partners 学生与国际友好学校的伙伴一起, 共同探究国际问题 Educators are able to embed global citizenship themes in teaching 教育工作者将世界公民主题融入教学中 Educators take action to improve their teaching and curriculum. 教育工作者采取行动改进教学和课程 Educators implement useful changes to their teaching and curriculum based on collaborative learning 教育工作者采用协作学习有效地改进教学和课程带来改革 Schools embed their international work 学校内化国际交流合作工作 Schools review international activity and assess the development of young people and Educators 学校对国际交流合作工作及其对师生的影响定期评估 Schools commit more resources to their international co-ordinator and international policy 学校为国际交流合作工作的规划和开展承诺增加投入 Schools carry out more activities with partner schools internationally and build equal and sustainable partnerships 学校与国际友好学校开展多项合作, 建立了平等的 可持续的伙伴关系 To apply for the Full Award your school will have: 申请中英 校际交流奖 " 的学校需要提交 : conducted an audit of international activity already taking place in school 完成学校的国际合作交流工作自我评估 appointed an international co-ordinator 任命国际交流合作联络人 written an international policy 制定学校的国际交流合作方针 worked with partner schools internationally 与国际友好学校合作开展活动 completed at least seven activities. At least three of the seven activities should be completed with schools or organisations that support school education in other countries. Three of seven activities are supposed to be completed with the same school, or with different schools in the UK One of these activities should be based around languages 全年至少完成了七项活动, 其中至少三项是与国外友好学校或教育机构共同开展的活动, 并支持于所在国的教育发展 三项活动可以是与同一所英国友好学校开展的, 也可以是分别与不同的英国友好学校开展的 其中一项是基于语言的国际合作交流活动 3

completed a set of evaluation forms for parents, pupils, teachers and school visitors for all activities providing individual refection on the collaborative activities undertaken. 每项活动有来自家长 学生 老师 访问者的评估反馈, 反映了他们对该合作性活动的个人意见 school reflection on the collaborative activities undertaken with evidences. 学校对活动的自我评估, 能够提供每项活动的资料和证据 Full Award in more detail 中英 校际交流奖 细则 The application is made up of two stages 申请分两步完成 Stage 1 - Complete an Action Plan 阶段一 : 提交行动计划申请 The Action Plan document describes the activities the school intends to undertake as part of its application for the Full Award. This plan will need to be approved by ISA team. 行动计划中描述学校为了申请校际交流奖所计划开展的活动 行动计划必须获得英国大使馆文化教育处的批准 It must contain a minimum of seven curriculum-based international activities that will take place in the next curriculum year 行动计划中必须包括下一年里计划开展的七项基于课程的国际合作交流活动 Stage 2 Complete the Impact Evaluation form 阶段二 : 成果评估报告 This is where the school provides evidence of the completed activities. The evidence must illustrate the impact that the activities have had on the school, educators, young people and the local or international community, including any relevant learning outcomes. 学校需提供完成活动的证据 这些证据证明了该项目活动对学校 教育工作者 青少年 本地 / 国际社区所产生的影响, 包括相关的学习成果 Activity requirements 活动要求 1. Curriculum-based activities 基于课程的活动 International projects must be part of genuine classroom activity that relates to a National or local curriculum and should take place during normal lesson time. Projects and clubs carried out at lunchtime and/ or after school are not usually eligible for consideration, unless they clearly relate to curriculum-based work. 4

国际交流合作活动必须是真正的课堂教学活动, 符合国家 / 地方课程标准, 并且安排在日常教学时间 安排在午间或课余的活动, 除非能够清楚地证明与课程相关, 否则不符合要求 2. Collaborative work with partner schools 与友好学校的合作性活动 At least three activities should be based on collaboration between pupils and teachers with schools or organisations that support school education between China and UK. These three activities can be completed with the same school, or with different schools from around the world. 至少有三项活动必须是中英友好学校间共同开展的 可以是与一所或几所国际友好学校开展的 One of these activities should be based around languages 其中一项活动是基于语言的国际合作交流活动 Every activity should have an international focus, its content must be embedded within the National or local curriculum and it should contribute to improving educational outcomes. 每项活动都要有国际主题, 其内容要符合国家 / 地方课程的要求, 并能促进教育质量的提升 The table below gives further advice on what is acceptable in terms of collaborative work. 下表给出了活动是否被视为国际交流合作活动的一些建议 : Activities such as 活动形式 Visits and trips (non reciprocal). See note below. 单向的参观 / 访问 ( 详见后面关于参观与访问的说明 ) fundraising and sponsoring 募捐与赞助 exchanges and work experience (reciprocal) 互访和实习 school-to-school projects 校对校的项目 is acceptable provided that 符合活动要求 as part of genuine curriculum work young people have exchanged cultural information via emails and letters with their peers in the partner school before and after the visit. 是真正的课程教学的一部分 访问的前后, 友好学校的学生通过电子邮件和信件进行文化的交流 young people are in regular contact with a school abroad and the content of the information exchange has an impact on the curriculum. Fundraising alone is not a suitable activity. 友好学校的学生有规律地保持沟通, 交流的内容是能够促进课程学习的 募捐本身并不是一个符合要求的活动 young people have exchanged cultural information via emails and letters with their peers in the partner school before and after the exchange as part of curriculum work. 互访的前后, 友好学校的学生通过电子邮件和信件进行文化的交流 it illustrates the impact this activity has had on young people and educators in understanding the world as a global citizen, through improved teaching practices or improved outcomes for is not acceptable when there is 不符合活动要求 no evidence of young people exchanging information as part of curriculum work. 无证据证明这些活动是课堂教学的一部分 no evidence of young people exchanging information as part of curriculum work. 无证据证明这些活动是课堂教学的一部分 no evidence of young people exchanging information as part of curriculum work. 无证据证明这些活动是课堂教学的一部分 no evidence of reflective learning or a change of behaviour, knowledge or outcome in these areas at 5

young people. 该活动展示了通过改进教学实践或者提高学生学习成果, 对师生的国际理解教育产生的积极影响 A note about visits and trips 关于参观与访问的说明 individual, classroom, schools or community level. 无证据表明该活动促成在学生 班级 学校或者社区层面发生了反思式学习, 或者是行为 知识和学习成果的改变 domestic visits 国内访问 A trip or visit will not qualify as an activity on its own, but should be included in addition to curriculum-based projects. (For example, a trip to the synagogue does not count, but as part of a term-long project on religions of the world, it should certainly be included.) 单纯的国内参观 / 访问不符合要求, 但基于课程的访问项目是符合要求的活动 ( 如, 参观犹太教堂是不符合要求的活动 ; 但如果是一个学期里关于世界宗教学习项目的组成部分, 则满足要求 ) Overseas visits 国外访问 Ski trips and other extra-curricular visits, which have no impact on lessons, are not acceptable as curriculum-based international activities. 滑雪之旅及其他课外活动, 如果对课程没有影响的, 不能被视为国际交流合作活动 3. Global citizenship 世界公民教育 Your activities must encourage young people to show awareness of global themes and explore the differences between their local community and that of their partner school. Examples of global themes include the following: 活动必须鼓励青少年对全球问题的关注, 探索本地社区 ( 社会 ) 和国际友好学校所在的社区 ( 社会 ) 的不同之处 国际主题包括 : conflict and peace 冲突和和平 sustainable living 持久生存 rights and responsibilities 权力和责任 fairness and equality 公平和平等 identity and belonging 认同和归属 For more guidance on global citizenship visit Schools Online: Connecting Classrooms <>. 更多世界公民的信息请访问 : 4. Continuous professional development 持续的专业发展 As well as building relationships with partner schools, and reflecting critically on these, educators should also outline a school-to-school activity that illustrates changes to their 6

practice as a result of collaborative partnership work or adaptations they have made to their own pedagogy or classroom management. 学校除了保持友好学校关系和不断总结经验外, 还应该设计校际活动展示合作如何改变了教学和课堂管理的方法 5. Majority of curricular subjects involved 活动涵盖绝大部分学科 A broad range of subjects should be included in international activities during the year. The teaching of a foreign language is not an international activity when it focuses solely on learning language skills. It becomes a valid activity when young people learn about the country, its customs, geography or culture and can compare and contrast it with their own country. This should be clearly demonstrated in the evidence in the portfolio. At least one of the activities needs to be based around the use of language within this context. 这一年的国际交流合作活动应该涵盖多个学科 仅仅关注语言技能学习的外语教学不能被称为国际交流合作活动 ; 只有当该教学活动让青少年了解其他国家及其习俗 地理 文化, 并且能够与本国比较异同时, 该活动才能被视为国际交流合作活动 成果评估报告中应清晰地提交这些证据 至少有一项活动是基于语言运用的国际交流合作活动 6. Majority of pupils involved 大多数学生参与活动 The first three activities must include involvement by the majority of young people in the school (above about 75 per cent). Small groups of pupils on visits can only be considered in addition to the first three activities. Whole school activities should illustrate the schools leadership in embedding global citizenship and awareness at the heart of the school. 三项最重要的活动要涉及到学校的大部分学生 ( 达到 75% 的全校学生人数 ) 少数学生参加的访问活动只能被视为三项最重要的活动的补充活动 全校性活动应能展示学校管理层把世界公民教育融入学校教育重心的领导力 7. Year round activity 活动贯穿全年 International activities must take place throughout the year, with some activities running each term. It is not acceptable for all activities to take place during one week or in a concentrated period. 国际交流合作活动应该贯穿全年, 分散在不同学期 活动不应该集中安排在一周或在一个密集的时段里 Three years Full ISA accreditation 中英 校际交流奖 有效期为三年 Full ISA accreditation lasts for three years, after which time you can apply for reaccreditation. We envisage that throughout these three years you would continue to sustain and develop your international work with partners and continue to measure the outcomes and impact of these activities over time on pupils, professional development, the school, or the wider community. 中英 校际交流奖 有效期为三年 三年后可再次申请 我们期待在这三年中, 学校将与其友好学校一起, 持续发展国际交流合作活动, 并评估活动的成果及其在青少年发展 教师专业发展 在学校范围和当地社区所产生的影响 7

What does a good partnership look like? 怎样是一个好的伙伴关系? Here is our definition of a successful school partnership. 成功的校际伙伴关系定义 A good partnership is sustainable, soundly managed, motivates staff and young people alike, is supported by senior management, involves the wider school community, is integrated into the curriculum, strategically planned, addresses global and real issues relevant to local communities, and contributes to key competence development of educators and young people. All these factors contribute to the development of critical cultural awareness and intercultural learning and understanding. 良好的校际伙伴关系具有可持续性, 管理得当, 能激发师生积极性, 能得到高层管理者的支持, 更广泛的社区参与, 与课程相结合, 有战略性规划, 关注全球和当地的现实问题, 有利于教师和学生的能力发展 这些因素促进了文化意识及跨文化学习与理解能力的培养 A partnership will flourish if the international work is integrated with existing curricula and everyday classroom activity. Work that tackles global themes does not necessarily require extra effort. A truly embedded approach will make it easier to engage the whole school, particularly other educators and the senior management team, which in turn facilitates international activities across the school. 国际交流合作工作如果与现有课程和日常教学相结合, 就能促进伙伴关系的蓬勃发展 开展全球性主题活动不一定增加额外的工作负担 内化国际交流合作活动的工作方法更容易激发全校所有人员的参与积极性, 尤其是学校管理层的积极性, 反过来又能推动国际交流合作活动在全校的开展 8