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THEMATIC UNIT TEMPLATE for 北京九日游 2013 Virginia STARTALK Chinese Teacher Academy By Wei Gao 高薇, Jenny Qin 秦艳, Jenny Shuijun Huang 黄水君 Theme: Family Proficiency Level: Novice low Grade Level: 8 th &9th Time frame: 3 hours Learning Objectives: 1. Students can identify family members: 爸爸, 妈妈, 哥哥, 姐姐, 弟弟, 妹妹 2. Students can ask and give information regarding family members. 3. Students can ask and give information regarding family member s occupation. 4. Student can introduce themselves in Chinese to their Chinese host families through phone. 1.1 Interpersonal communication 1.2 Interpretive communication PowerPoint slides Authentic family photos Class handout Worksheets The 1 st hour: Family members 1. Warm up: 10 minuets a. Review: numbers, greeting, conversation based on the previous day s teaching curriculum b. Pair students up to ask them greet and ask questions concerning names. c. Ask students to introduce themselves to the teacher 2. Practice: Key vocabulary/structures: 爸爸, 妈妈, 哥哥, 弟弟, 姐姐, 妹妹, 有, 没有, 几个, 谁 1

Activities 1) 10 minuets Teacher teaches the key vocabulary in combination to the sentence structure: 我有一个 这是我的 2) 10 minuets: Interpretative and Presentational Students practice in pairs by using their own family photo: Teachers check on the students correct usage of the sentence structures. 3) 15 minuets: Teacher teaches sentence structure: 你家有几个人? 我家有 个人 有谁? 有... Activity: students pair up and do conversation 4) Closure: 15 minuets Presentational Communication 1) Students present on their family pictures and exchange information with each other about their family 2) Students take turn to present on one of the students they have interviewed. The 2 nd hour: Learning Objectives: Identify the different kinship terms of family 哥哥, 姐姐, 弟弟, 妹妹 Ask for /give information regarding to family members. 1.1 Interpretative communication 1.2 Interpersonal communication 2.1 Cultural products PowerPoint Picture chart for family members, Handout worksheet. Key vocabulary: 大, 中, 小 大学 / 大学生, 中学 / 中学生, 小学 / 小学生 2

Structures: 你有 吗? 我有 / 我没有 这是 的..; 他 / 她是.. 吗?, 那是 的..; 这个人是谁? 他 / 她是 那个人是谁? 他 / 她是 1. Warm up: review 1 st session content 爸爸, 妈妈, 哥哥, 姐姐, 弟弟, 妹妹和我. 我家有.., 2. Presenting new words: 大, 中, 小, 大学 - 大学生, 中学 - 中学生, 小学 - 小学生. 3. Student centered activity: pair work question and answer: 是大学生, 中学生, 还是小学生? 我 是. 4. Presenting new words: 有 / 没有. 有几个 5. Student centered activity: students use their real picture to introduce family members to others. 6. Presenting new words: 这是, 这个人是, 那是, 那个人是 7. Student centered activity: Survey--interview 3-4 students, ask them How many college/ high school/ middle school / elementary school students are in their family? Who are they? Closure: Students present their survey in front of class. The 3 rd hour 1.1 Interpersonal communication 1.2 Interpretive communication PowerPoint slides Authentic family photos Class handout Worksheets Key vocabulary/structures: 医生 律师 商人 工程师 家庭主妇 老师 学生 工作 做 什么 What s his occupation? He is a. 他做什么工作? 他是 3

What s your occupation? I am a. 你 (or family member) 做什么工作? 我 (or family member) 是 1. Warm up (5 minutes) Review- teacher-led questions: 你 / 她 / 他家有几个人? 你 / 她 / 他家有谁? 你是小学生 / 中学生 / 大学生吗? 2. Practice: (35 minute) Part 1: Learn and practice the structure of ask for occupation A. Teacher- modeling (10 minutes) (1) Use PowerPoint to go over vocabulary 老师, 学生, 工程师, 医生, 律师, 商人, 家庭主妇 (2) Ask yes/no questions to check understanding (3) The teacher models the dialogue and starts with teacher-student modeling/practice A: 我是学生 A: 我是老师 A: 我是医生 A: 我是律师 A: 我是商人 A: 我是工程师 A: 我是家庭主妇 B. Student-centered activity- (10 minutes) Interpretive & Interpersonal (1) Teacher distributes pictures of profession to students. The students are going to looking for their friend who has the same pictures of profession, and then ask/answer the questions. 你做什么工作? 我是老师 / 工程师 / 医生 (2) Students will be given a checklist of profession. Students need to go around the classroom to ask/answer the questions, 4

你爸爸 / 妈妈 / 哥哥 / 姐姐 / 弟弟 / 妹妹做什么工作? 我爸爸 / 妈妈 / 哥哥 / 姐姐 / 弟弟 / 妹妹是老师 / 工程师 / 医生 Part 2: Review the sentences and vocabulary in this unit A. Teacher modeling ( 5 minutes) A: 你家有几个人? B: 我家有 个人 A: 你家有谁? B: 我家有 A: 你爸爸做什么工作? B: 我爸爸是 (occupation) A: 你妈妈做什么工作? B: 我妈妈是 (occupation) A: 你哥哥 / 姐姐 / 弟弟 / 妹妹 / 做什么工作? B: 我你哥哥 / 姐姐 / 弟弟 / 妹妹 / 是 B. Student-centered ( 10 minutes)-presentational Describe family members and their occupation with a picture. 我家有 个人 我爸爸是 我妈妈是 我哥哥 / 姐姐是 我弟弟 / 妹妹是 我是 Interview three of your classmates. Students pick one of the students they interviewed and write a report about that students family and their occupation, and then report to the class. 3. Closure: (10 minutes) Interpersonal & Presentational Task: Before you leave for China, you want to chat with your host Chinese family via a Skype call to introduce yourself and your family in Chinese. Before-class/After-class planning Before class: Ask students to complete survey about family (family member, name, occupation), collect the surveys to prepare for next class student-centered activities Ask student to bring their family pictures to next class which will be used during activities After class: Review the material and complete the homework about family members on smartphone and homework assignment 5