注册截止日期 : 2019 年 3 月 3 日 提摩太国际教育协会新约导论课程介绍 2019 年 6 月 日 教授 : 罗伯特 亚伯勒博士 (Robert W. Yarbrough, PhD), 圣约神学院 (Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Loui

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1 注册截止日期 : 2019 年 3 月 3 日 提摩太国际教育协会新约导论课程介绍 2019 年 6 月 日 教授 : 罗伯特 亚伯勒博士 (Robert W. Yarbrough, PhD), 圣约神学院 (Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, USA) 课程编号 : /NT5000 课程学分 : 3 学分 课程注册要求 1. 旧约导论和新约导论是所有 2019 年 1 月之后开始学位课程之学员的基础课程 若您尚不确定自己是否会进入学位课程, 但有兴趣对旧约和新约进行全面了解, 我们也强烈推荐您选修这两门导论课 2. 本课程以学分学员为主, 亦开放少量旁听名额 ; 其中学分学员需完成所有课程作业, 旁听学员若要达到参课最大收效, 我们也强烈推荐您按照要求完成课前阅读 3. 作业的书写必须用自己的文字表达, 不可以有任何 抄袭 的行为 课程描述本课程旨在从文学 历史 文化和神学层面介绍新约, 也会探讨新约的背景, 包括其犹太教和希腊 - 罗马背景 本课程聚焦于 1) 圣经对我们主耶稣基督之来临的完整叙述, 2) 圣经指向基督的所有真理 本课程会通过新约的逐卷分析, 突出每卷新约书卷对圣经总体信息的贡献 课程目标 1. 学员可以了解新约展开所依托的旧约背景和第二圣殿时期犹太教的背景 同学还可以了解希腊 - 罗马文化的基本轮廓, 这也是新约所处之环境及其叙事的一部分 换言之, 学员将学会更多地将新约放到其历史背景当中去解读 2. 学员可以了解新约每部书卷的内容, 以及每卷书与基督教教义 实践和灵修生活 / 敬拜的关联 3. 学员可以初步了解新约释经学, 以及当代对新约的各类诠释路径, 它们当中有的使人对圣经信息更有信心, 有的则在总体上使人对圣经信息乃至圣经本身更加怀疑

2 指定阅读 1. 圣经中文和合本 2. 沃尔特 埃尔韦尔与罗伯特 亚伯勒, 圣经透析 : 新约透析 李爱明译 香 港 : 汉语圣经协会,2013 年第二版 (Elwell, Walter and Robert W. Yarbrough. Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey. Third edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013.) 3. 罗伯特 亚伯勒, 新约概览进阶, 未经出版的课程笔记,2018 TTi 为同学提 供的课程笔记是在此基础上所作的节略版本 (Yarbrough, Robert W. Advanced Survey of the New Testament. Unpublished lecture notes,2018. Abridged by TTi in course handout for students.) 4. 史哲罗, 认识圣经 张百合译, 改革宗经典出版社 (Sproul, Robert Charles. Knowing Scripture. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2016.) 课程大纲 E = 埃尔韦尔 / 亚伯勒 圣经透析 S = 史哲罗粗体 = 新约书卷 日期 / 时间 6 月 15 日周六下午 6 月 16 日周日上午 6 月 16 日周日下午 课时主题阅读作业 1 1A. 伟大的圣经 ( 或 : 理解福音书从哪里入手 ) 1B. 新约的旧约背景与犹太背景 1C. 马太福音 2 2A. 马太福音重要内容 1: 登山宝训 2B. 马太福音重要内容 2: 比喻 2C. 马太福音重要内容 3: 基督受难 3 3A. 马太福音重要内容 4: 基督复活和大使命 3B. 马可福音概览 3C. 马可福音中耶稣的神性 4 4A. 耶稣攻击 ( 死的 ) 传统和自以为义的宗教图谋 4B. 马可福音中的比喻 4C. 马可福音中的仆人式门徒 5 5A. 耶稣之死 马可福音的教导 末世论 5B. 路加福音 - 使徒行传导言 5C. 路加福音的特色 : 风格和重点 1 6 6A. 路加福音的特色 : 风格和重点 2 6B. 路加福音的其他特色 : 众妇女和马利亚的喜乐 6C. 耶稣 : 福星还是主? 7 7A. 路加福音 教义 国度 7B. 耶稣和为末世预备 7C. 使徒行传一览 : 福音进入罗马世界 8 8A. 使徒行传概览 8B & 8C. 使徒行传中的教会 (Ekklesia): 教会 / 门徒 / 信徒 / 兄弟姐妹 (Adelphoi) E 章马太福音 S 1 章 E 39 章马可福音 S 2 章 E 42 章 E 40, 43 章路加福音 E 44 章 使徒行传 E 47,48 章 TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 2 / 18 页

3 6 月 17 日周一上午 6 月 17 日周一下午 9 9A. 使徒行传中的 ( 那种 ) 信 9B. 使徒行传的教导 : 总结 9C. 使徒行传和世界历史 10 10A. 约翰福音 : 鹰福音 10B. 约翰福音的评述和导言 10C. 约翰福音中七处展现神子的伟大 11 11A. 约翰福音的教训 : 太多讲台信息里欠缺的要素 11B. 约翰福音中耶稣所用的圣经 11C. 约翰 ( 福音 书信 启示录 ) 提出的有理有据的观念是违反希腊化常规模式的 ( 但本着旧约背景来看是有道理的 ) 12 12A & 12B. 约翰福音中耶稣的 32 个 (18+14) 伟大之处 12C. 约翰福音和符类福音比较 E 49, 50 章 E 41, 45, 46 章约翰福音 6 月 18 日周二上午 6 月 19 日周三上午 6 月 19 日周三下午 13 13A. 约翰福音中基督教重要教义精萃 13B. 罗马书概览 13C. 罗马书 : 标题 文本 作者 14 14A. 罗马书 : 写作年代 写作情境 写作目的 14B. 罗马书 : 体裁和文学特征 14C. 罗马书神学 15 15A. 罗马书 : 与圣经其他书卷的关系, 以及与基督的关系 15B. 以罗马书讲道 15C. 释经方面的挑战 16 16A. 哥林多书信中的神 16B. 哥林多前书中的教会 : 重点是什么 ( 林前 12:12-31)? 16C. 哥林多前书 : 回顾和总结 17 17A &17B. 哥林多后书的 17 样宝藏 17C. 哥林多后书 : 背景 目的 总结 18 18A. 加拉太书 ( 和罗马书 ): 一窥两卷书的核心 神 18B. 加拉太书的主要教导 18C. 加拉太书 :20 点书信概览 19 19A. 以弗所书 : 以弗所城和写作目的 19B & 19C. 以弗所书和基督教教导 20 20A. 腓立比书 20B & 20C. 腓立比书见证事工的压力 (20B) 和资源 (20C) 21 21A & 21B. 歌罗西书 21C. 腓利门书 22 22A. 保罗书信 使徒行传 他的布道旅行 : 总结与回顾 22B & 22C. 帖撒罗尼迦前后书 23 23A. 提摩太前后书和提多书 23B & 23C. 提摩太前书教义重点 E 52 章罗马书 S 3 章 E 51, 53 章 E 53 章 a 哥林多前书 E 53 章相关内容哥林多后书 E 53 章相关内容加拉太书 E 54 章相关内容以弗所书, S 4 章 E 54 章 c 腓立比书 E 55 章 a 歌罗西书 腓利门书 E 55 章 b 帖撒罗尼迦前后书 E 55 章 c 提摩太前书 TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 3 / 18 页

4 6 月 20 日周四上午 6 月 20 日周四下午 6 月 21 日周五上午 24 24A. 教牧书信中保罗的心肠 : 是我们需要找寻的 24B. 提摩太是谁? 24C. 关于以弗所的一点说明 25 25A. 提摩太后书诠释之引导 25B & 25C. 提摩太后书和基督教教义 26 26A. 提多书 : 克里特岛 ( 革哩底 ) 26B. 提多是谁? 26C. 提多书和基督教教义 27 27A. 希伯来书 : 导言 27B. 主题和希伯来书的负担 27C. 解释希伯来书 : 关键问题 28 28A. 希伯来书使用频率最高的词语 28B. 希伯来书 : 基督超越天使 28C. 希伯来书的教导及关于祷告的说明 29 29A. 雅各书 : 作者是哪位雅各? 29B. 雅各书的结构 29C. 雅各书和基督教教义 30 30A. 彼得前书 : 主要词语和出现次数 30B. 彼得前书 : 导言 30C. 彼得前书的教导 31 31A & 31B. 彼得后书 31C. 彼得后书和基督教教义 32 32A. 约翰一书 : 背景和问题 32B. 约翰书信的教导 32C. 约翰二 三书 S 5 章 E 55 章 d 提摩太后书 E 55 章 e 提多书 希伯来书 E 56 章 a 希伯来书 E 56 章 b 雅各书 E 57 章 a 彼得前书 E 57 章 b 彼得后书 E 57 章 c 约翰一 二 三书 6 月 21 日周五下午 33 33A & 33B. 犹大书 33C. 启示录 : 主要词语和概览 34 34A. 启示录概览 ( 续 ) 34B. 启示录概览 ( 续 ) 34C. 解释启示录 E 57 章 d 犹大书 E 58 章启示录 35 回顾, 答疑 E 末篇 研习题 背景和释经 : 1. 第二圣殿时期犹太教的哪三大发展在福音书中留下了明显印记? 了解这些发展是否影响我们对某些经文的理解呢? 请与同学分享这一背景知识对你的影响 2. 当代释经学是否影响了亚洲教会对圣经的解读? 在哪些方面有影响? 是正面影响 负面影响还是两者兼有? TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 4 / 18 页

5 史罗哲 : 1. 在史罗哲著作的前两章内容里, 有哪件事是你深深认同的, 哪件事是你不认同或者不确定的? 2. 关于信仰的类比 ( 3 章 ), 它究竟指什么? 它的根据是什么? 为什么这一点很重要? 3. 关于释经的实践准则 (4 章 ), 是否有圣经教导或讲道并未遵守这些准则? 哪三条准则在你看来最重要? 4. 关于文化与圣经, 亚洲文化或中国文化当中有哪些方面支持圣经的信息? 中国文化又会如何防碍我们对圣经信息的理解? 福音书与使徒行传 : 1. 我们读圣经常有新的看见 当你读福音书的记载时, 有什么全新的认识触动了你? 2. 登山宝训有否重现旧约教导? 它跟旧约有何不同? 你在登山宝训里学到什么新功课? 3. 国度 ( 神国 / 天国 ) 一次在马太福音里提到 50 多次, 在路加福音里提到大约 45 次, 在马可福音里提到 15 次 根据耶稣的教导, 神国 / 天国的特征是什么? 它跟我们常规的国度观有何差异? 它是否符合你对神国的期待? 4. 约翰福音所启示的耶稣如何伟大? 老师提到七个伟大之处, 哪一个对你的影响最大? 5. 使徒行传关于救恩的教导是怎样的? 它是逐步进行的吗? 它要求人必须说方言吗? 6. 使徒行传的主题经文是哪一节? 它在整卷书里怎样展开? 这一主题在今日的实践过程中, 我们扮演着怎样的角色? 7. 使徒行传用以下四种术语来称呼所有的基督徒 : 教会 / 门徒 / 信徒 / 弟兄姊妹 在你所处的环境中, 哪一种是基督徒最喜欢 / 最不喜欢用来称呼自己的? 你认为这种现象的背后是什么原因? 有什么是需要改进的? 保罗书信 1. 罗马书被描述为基督教教义最完整的呈现 你同意这一说法吗? 在你看来, 这一说法在哪方面是正确的 ( 或不正确的 )? 2. 哥林多前书当中, 你觉得最重要的是哪一章或哪一段经文? 为什么? 3. 哥林多后书 11:13-15 有沉重的警告之语 我们现今时代有哪些类似的危险也可能损害健全的基督信仰和实践? 保罗提供了什么对策? 4. 加拉太书 2:20 描述的是我们在基督里每日生活的核心真理 你是否同意这一说法? 为什么? 5. 腓立比书 : 提摩太和以巴弗提为今日的教牧同工树立了怎样的榜样 (2:19-30)? 这些洞见可如何应用于今日的中国教会? 6. 提摩太前后书与提多书 : 今日教牧同工最需要从这两卷书 ( 重新 ) 学习的功课是什么? 中国文化有助于还是有碍于我们应用这些教导? TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 5 / 18 页

6 普通书信和启示录 : 1. 希伯来书 : 根据 12:1-11, 仰望耶稣 的益处何在? 这段经文为我们提供了怎样的救恩确据? 换言之, 根据这段经文, 神儿女的标志是什么? 2. 雅各书 : 雅各提醒读者回想 在神我们的父面前那清洁没有玷污的虔诚 是什么 雅各为何觉得有此必要? 试举三个原因 3. 彼得前后书 : 彼得前后书的重点教义有哪些? 它们如何教导有关苦难 圣经 成圣等主题? 这两卷书对今日中国教会的重要性何在? 4. 约翰一二三书 : 根据约翰一书,1) 这封信传达了什么信息? 2) 作者为什么写这封书信? 作者在信里所说的跟今日有何关联? 5. 启示录 : 根据埃尔韦尔 - 亚伯勒的著作的 58 章, 启示录的基本信息是 : 神是 启示录里, 神以各种方式坚定地表明他掌管万有, 试举出其中三种 课程作业 课前作业 ( 占课程评分的 45%): 1. 线上研讨会 ( 必须参加 ) 参加两次线上研讨会, 时间安排如下 迟到超过十分钟, 视作缺席, 缺席一次则扣除课程总分的 5% 第 1 次线上研讨会 : 2019 年 3 月 12 日 ( 周二 ) 晚上 8-9:30 ( 北京时间 ) 第 2 次线上研讨会 : 2019 年 7 月 23 日 ( 周二 ) 晚上 8-9:30 ( 北京时间 ) 2. 阅读作业第一部分, 写作与互评 ( 占课程总分 40%) a) 按照下列表格内的次序, 阅读新约所有书卷, 并沃尔特 埃尔韦尔与罗伯特 亚伯勒合著之 圣经透析 : 新约透析 的相关内容 ( 占总成绩 18%) b) 为每部新约书卷写一段小结, 中文字或 英文字 ( 无需为教科书写小结 )( 占总成绩 16%) c) 根据提供的模板并按照各阶段作业的截止日期上交一份阅读声明, 说明是否已经完成指定阅读内容以及使用了多少时间完成阅读, 每卷书的小结一并提交 d) 您将被邀请参与同辈互评 ( 占总成绩 6%) 请注意 : 写作与互评不得延迟提 交 不提交书卷小结的学员不能参与互评 ; 未参与互评的同学, 作业得分为零 阅读 : 圣经书卷及指定阅读第 2 项 小结篇数提交截止期同辈互评截止期 马太福音至使徒行传 罗马书至歌罗西书 帖撒罗尼迦前书至腓利门书 希伯来书至启示录 TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 6 / 18 页

7 3. 阅读作业第二部分 ( 占总成绩 5%): 阅读史哲罗所著之 认识圣经 全本内容 ( 见指定阅读第 4 项 ) 于 2019 年 6 月 14 日之前上交一份阅读声明, 说明是否已经完成这部分阅读内容以及使用了多少时间完成阅读 课后作业 ( 占课程总分 55% ): 1. 实习 : 预备并宣讲一篇释经讲道, 内容从以下经文当中挑选 ( 占课程总分 30%) 马太福音 13 章 ( 一个或几个比喻 ) 马可福音 13 章 ( 耶稣的末世预言 ) 约翰福音 19 章 ( 耶稣之死 ) 使徒行传 2 章 ( 初代教会的兴起 ) 罗马书 4 章 ( 亚伯拉罕是我们的信心之父 ) 哥林多前书 15 章 ( 复活 ) 提摩太后书 4 章 ( 传道 ) a) 讲道内容不必涵盖整段经文 b) 请于 2019 年 5 月 29 日以前安排好讲道日期, 并根据提供的模板于 2019 年 6 月 20 日前上交日期声明以及你所挑选的讲道经文 c) 根据提供的 归纳法查经之观察问题, 回答该份资料中所列的问题, 然后再构思讲章 观察问题 意在帮助你建构并写作讲章 请将你对每个问题的回答完整地写下来, 与讲章一并提交 若不提交完整回答, 则讲章不会得到评分 回答的质量对讲章的评分也会有影响 d) 请于 2019 年 7 月 19 日前提交一篇讲章逐字稿 ( 中文字, 或 英文字 ), 及三份讲道评估表, 其中一份为自评 每缺少一份评估表将扣 3 分 ; 评估表内容或页码不完整, 每份将扣 1 分 2. 专文 : 从以下两题中任选一题, 写一篇专文 ( 中文字或 英文字 ): 占课程总分的 25%, 截止日期为 2019 年 8 月 23 日 a) 总结从使徒行传 1 章至 28 章的三十年历史 b) 总结罗马书 1:18-3:20 所阐述的罪的教义, 以及罗马书 3:21-31 所概括的救恩的教义 课程作业提交日期及所占比重 作业 日期 所占的总成绩比重 第 1 次线上研讨会 缺席处罚 马太福音至使徒行传 : 阅读声明及 5 篇小结 / 互评 /4.1 阅读 + 小结 + 互评 = 17% 罗马书至歌罗西书 : / =8.5% 阅读声明及 7 篇小结 / 互评 帖撒罗尼迦前书至腓利门书 : / =5.6% 阅读声明及 6 篇小结 / 互评 希伯来书至启示录 : / =8.9% 阅读声明及 9 篇小结 / 互评 认识圣经 阅读声明 % 讲道日期以及讲道经文声明 经文观察 讲章以及三份讲道评估 % 第 2 次线上研讨会 缺席处罚 专文 % TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 7 / 18 页

8 作业提交注意事项 1. 作业可以用中文或英文书写, 格式请参考 学术研究与写作 ( 简体版 ) 圣经 神学与教牧学研究手册 ( 李志秋 张心玮合著, 恩道出版社,2017) 英文作业 : 请参考 A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertation (9th ed. Kate L. Turabian. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2018). 2. 作业字数包括标题与注脚, 但不包括参考书目 3. 中文作业中的引文和注脚请参照 学术研究与写作 第 页 注释 - 书目格式 说明与示例 旧文档 TTi 中文专文规范 自 2017 年 6 月起作废 4. 作业须是学员原创的作品, 引述的文字不可太多 讨论经文引述字词 片语, 或句子片段已经足够, 较长经文说明出处便可 引述学者著作亦以简明为上 ; 段落引用当维持在三 四行内, 亦不宜过度频繁 5. 任何作业若出现抄袭, 将不予批改, 课程总成绩将自动评为 F ( 不合格 ) 若该学员在另一门课程中再次出现抄袭, 则今后入学资格须重新申请 6. 作业及相关活动的日期与时间均以北京时间为准 7. 如因健康 服事或其他特殊情况无法按时提交作业, 请在该项作业截止日期前至少七天向教务组提出延期申请, 说明情况及希望延期的天数 ( 延期最长时限为七天 ), 电邮至 Jiaowuzu@timotai.org 若事先没有提出申请并获得批准, 迟交的作业将不被接受 ( 新约导论课前业不接受任何延期申请 ) 8. 交齐全部课前作业者才能参加香港营会 未交齐作业, 视同旷课, 所缴学费与膳宿费概不退还, 该课程总成绩将自动被评为 F ( 不合格 ) 9. 如因健康 服事或其他特殊情况无法按时参加线上研讨会, 请在该研讨会日期前至少三天向教务组说明情况, 电邮至 Jiaowuzu@timotai.org 两次缺席线上研讨会者, 将自动失去香港营期听课资格, 视同旷课, 所缴学费与膳宿费概不退还 TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 8 / 18 页

9 罗伯特 亚伯勒曾于 年间任教于圣约神学院 (Covenant Theological Seminary),2010 年重回圣约神学院任教 此前他就职于三一神学院 (Trinity Theological Semimary, ) 惠顿神学院 (Wheaton College, IL, ), 以及自由大学 (Liberty University, ) 他于英国阿伯丁大学 (University of Aberdeen, Scotland) 取得博士学位 亚伯勒博士自 1989 年起参与非洲的神学教育, 尤其是在苏丹和南非等地 年间, 他在东欧多地教学 他还曾在澳大利亚 韩国和香港授课 他也在美国国内牧养过教会 亚伯勒博士为 柱石新约注释丛书 (Pillar New Testament Commentary series, Eerdmans, 2018) 撰写了 提摩太前后书和提多书释义 他与 Victor Kuligan 合著了 在基督里 ( In Christ Alone,2017), 该书在南非出版, 主题为改教运动的五个 惟独 (solas) 他还为 贝克解经丛书 (Baker Exegetical Commentary) 的新约部分撰写了 约翰一二三书释义 (2008), 他也是该丛书新约部分的编者之一 ( 另一位编者是 Joshua Jipp) 他还与 Andreas Köstenberger 合编了 希腊文新约解经导引 (Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament) 他负责主编圣约神学院的学术期刊 Presbyterion 他的其他著作包括 : 救恩 - 历史的错谬? 再评新约神学史 (The Salvation-Historical Fallacy? Reassessing the History of New Testament Theology,2004), 以及 约翰福音 (The Gospel of John, 初版 1991; 新版 2011) 他与沃尔特 埃尔韦尔合著了 新约透析 (Engaging the New Testament, 第三版,2013), 这本教科书广为使用, 已被翻译成多种语言 他还与沃尔特 埃尔韦尔合著了 来自第一世纪的阅读材料 : 新约研习的一手资料 (Readings from the First Century World: Primary Sources for New Testament Study,1998) 亚伯勒博士于 1973 年与护士 Bernie 结合 他们育有二子, 均已成年 他在大学和神学院执教以前, 曾是青少年棒球队教练, 也当过伐木工人 他目前在美国长老会担任负责教导的长老 TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 9 / 18 页

10 Registration Deadline: March 3, 2019 Timothy Training International Introduction to the New Testament Course Syllabus June 15-22, 2019 Instructor: Robert W. Yarbrough, PhD, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri Course Code: /NT5000 Course Credit: 3 semester hours COURSE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT 4. Both Introduction to the Old Testament and Introduction to the New Testament are fundamental courses required of all students who begin a degree program at TTi anytime from January Students who are not sure if they would enter a degree program but are interested in acquiring a comprehensive knowledge of the Old Testament/New Testament are also highly recommended to take these two courses. 5. This course is intended for credit students. A few seats are available for audit students. Credit students need to fulfill all listed course assignments. Audit students are recommended to do all required pre-course readings for their maximum course benefits. 6. Please use your own words in your expression. Plagiarism is not allowed in any assignment. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will introduce the literary, historical, cultural, and theological dimensions of the New Testament and its background, both Jewish and Greco-Roman. Focus will be on 1) the fulfillment of the narrative which the Bible sets forth in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and 2) the truth of all of Scripture, which points to him. This course will include a book-bybook analysis focusing on how each New Testament book contributes to the overall message of Scripture. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. The student will gain understanding of the Old Testament and Second Temple background of the Jewish world in which the New Testament unfolds. The student will also learn the basic contours of Greco-Roman elements that are part of the New Testament setting and story. In other words, students will grow in reading the New Testament in its historical setting. 2. The student will gain an understanding of the content of each book of the New Testament and how each relates to Christian doctrine, practice, and spirituality/worship. 3. The student will gain an introductory understanding of New Testament hermeneutics and of contemporary approaches to the New Testament that have increased both faith in Scripture s message and skepticism toward that message and the Bible more generally. TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 10 / 18 页

11 COURSE TEXTBOOKS 1. A standard translation of the Bible. 2. Elwell, Walter and Robert W. Yarbrough. Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey. Third edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, Yarbrough, Robert W. Advanced Survey of the New Testament, Unpublished lecture notes, ((Abridged by TTi in course handout for students) 4. Sproul, Robert Charles. Knowing Scripture. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, LECTURE SCHEDULE E = Elwell/Yarbrough S = Sproul Bold = Books of the New Testament Date/time Session Sat. June 15 PM Sun. June 16 AM Sun. June 16 PM Topic 1 1A. The Grandeur of the Bible (or: How to Begin to Grasp the Gospels) 1B. The Old Testament and Jewish background of the New Testament 1C. The Gospel of Matthew 2 2A. Matthew Highlights I: Sermon on the Mount 2B. Matthew Highlights II: Parables 2C. Matthew Highlights III: Christ s Passion 3 3A. Matthew Highlights IV: Christ s Resurrection and the Great Send-Off 3B. Survey of Mark 3C. Jesus Divinity in Mark 4 4A. Jesus Assault on (Dead) Tradition and Self- Righteous Religious Conniving 4B. Parables in Mark 4C. Servant-Discipleship in Mark 5 5A. Jesus Death, Mark s Teaching, and Eschatology 5B. Introduction to Luke-Acts 5C. Lukan Distinctives: Style and Stress I 6 6A. Lukan Distinctives: Style and Stress II 6B. Other Lucan Distinctives: Women and Mary s Joy 6C. Jesus: Mascot or Master? 7 7A. Luke, Doctrine, and Kingdom 7B. Jesus and Eschatological Readiness 7C. Acts at a Glance: The Gospel Goes into the Roman World 8 8A. The Book of Acts: Overview 8B & 8C. Ekklesia (church) in Acts: Church / Disciples / Believers/ Adelphoi (brothers and sisters) Reading Assignments E chs. 1-4 Matthew S ch. 1 E chapter 5 Mark S ch. 2 E ch. 8 E chs. 6, 9 Luke E ch. 10 Acts E chs TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 11 / 18 页

12 Mon. June 17 AM Mon. June 17 PM Tues. June 18 AM Wed. June 19 AM 9 9A. (The) Faith in Acts 9B. The Teaching of Acts Summary 9C. Acts and World History 10 10A. John: The Eagle Gospel 10B. Review and More Introduction to John 10C. Seven Glimpses Greatness of the Son of God in the Gospel of John 11 11A. A Lesson from John s Gospel: The Missing Ingredient in Too Much Preaching 11B. The Bible of the Jesus of John s Gospel 11C. Assumptions Arguably Present in John (Gospel, Epistles, Revelation) That Violate Hellenistic Norms (but make sense against an OT background) 12 12A & 12B. The 32-Fold ( ) Greatness of the Jesus of John 12C. John and the Synoptic Gospels Compared 13 13A. Summary of Selected Major Christian Doctrines in John s Gospel 13B. Romans Overview 13C. Romans: Title, Text, Author 14 14A. Romans: Date, Occasion, Purpose 14B. Romans: Genre and Literary Features 14C. Theology of Romans 15 15A. Romans: Relationship to the Rest of the Bible and to Christ 15B. Preaching from Romans 15C. Interpretive Challenges 16 16A. God at Corinth 16B. Church in 1 Corinthians: What s It All About? (1 Cor 12:12-31) 16C. 1 Corinthians: Review and Summary 17 17A &17B.Seventeen Treasures in 2 Corinthians 17C. 2 Corinthians: Setting, Purpose, Summary 18 18A. Galatians (and Romans): A Glimpse at Their God-Centeredness 18B. Major Teachings in Galatians 18C. Galatians: The Epistle in 20 Snapshots 19 19A. Ephesians: City and Purpose 19B & 19C. Ephesians and Christian Teaching 20 20A. Philippians 20B & 20C. The Witness of Philippians to Ministry Stresses (20B) and Resources (20C) E chs E chs. 7, 11, 12; John E ch. 18 Romans S ch. 3 E chs. 17, 19 E ch. 19a 1 Corinthians Relevant portions of E ch Corinthians Relevant portions of E ch. 19 Galatians Relevant portion of E ch. 20 Ephesians; S ch. 4 E ch. 20c Philippians TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 12 / 18 页

13 Wed. June 19 PM Thur. June 20 AM Thur. June 20 PM Fri. June 21 AM Fri. June 21 PM 21 21A & 21B. Colossians 21C. Philemon 22 22A. Paul s Letters, Acts, and His Missionary Journeys: Reminder and Review 22B & 22C. 1-2 Thessalonians 23 23A. Letters to Timothy and Titus 23B & 23C. 1 Timothy Doctrinal Emphases 24 24A. Paul s Heart in the Pastoral Letters: Something to Look For 24B. Who Was Timothy? 24C. A Note on Ephesus 25 25A. Orientation to Interpreting 2 Timothy 25B & 25C. Second Timothy and Christian Doctrine 26 26A. Titus: The island of Crete 26B. Titus: Who Was He? 26C. Titus and Christian Doctrine 27 27A. The Letter to the Hebrews: Introductory Matters 27B. Theme and Burden of Hebrews 27C. Interpretation of Hebrews: Key Issues 28 28A. Most Frequent Words in Hebrews 28B. Hebrews: Christ Is Superior to the Angels 28C. Hebrews: Summary of Its Teaching and Note on Prayer 29 29A. James: Who are we talking about? 29B. Structure of James 29C. James and Christian Doctrine 30 30A. 1 Peter: Major Words and Frequency 30B. 1 Peter: Introductory Issues 30C. Teaching of 1 Peter 31 31A & 31B. 2 Peter 31C. 2 Peter and Christian Doctrine 32 32A. 1 John: Setting and Problems 32B. The teaching of the Johannine Letters 32C. 2 and 3 John 33 33A & 33B. Jude 33C. Revelation: Prominent Words and Survey 34 34A. Survey of Revelation (continued) 34B. Survey of Revelation (continued) 34C. Interpreting Revelation E ch. 21a Colossians, Philemon E ch. 21b 1-2 Thessalonians E ch. 21c 1 Timothy S ch. 5 E ch. 21d 2 Timothy E ch. 21e Titus Hebrews E ch. 22a Hebrews E ch. 22b James E ch. 23a 1 Peter E ch. 23b 2 Peter E ch. 23c 1-3 John E ch. 23d Jude E ch. 4 Revelation 35 Review, Q and A E Epilogue TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 13 / 18 页

14 STUDY QUESTIONS Background & Hermeneutics: 1. Name three developments in Second Temple Judaism that leave a visible mark in the Gospels. Does the knowledge of these developments affect how we understand certain passages? Share with each other how they have affected you. 2. Has contemporary hermeneutics left a mark on how the Bible is read in Asia? In what ways? Is the impact positive, negative, or some of both? Sproul: 1. Name one thing you deeply agreed with from Sproul chs. 1-2, and one thing you disagree with or aren t sure about. 2. Regarding the analogy of faith (ch. 3), what is it? What is it based on? Why is it important? 3. Regarding practical rules (ch. 4), are there any you have seen disregarded in teaching or preaching of the Bible? Which three do you think are most important and why? 4. Regarding culture and the Bible, what aspects of Asian or Chinese culture support the Bible s message? How might Chinese culture work against understanding that message? Gospels & Acts: 1. Often when we read the Bible we see something in a new or fresh way. What new insight struck you as you read the Gospel accounts? 2. Does the Sermon on the Mount reiterate Old Testament teachings? How is in different from the Old Testament? Are there new things you have learned about this passage? 3. Kingdom (kingdom of God / kingdom of heaven) is mentioned over 50 times in Matthew, some 45 in Luke, 15 in Mark. According to Jesus teaching, what are the characteristics of the kingdom of God/heaven? How does it differ from our normal concept of kingdom? Does it match what you expect of the kingdom of God? 4. How is the greatness of Jesus revealed in John? Amongst the seven glimpses the professor mentioned, which one impact you the most? 5. What does Acts teach about salvation? Does it come in steps? Does it require speaking in tongues? 6. What is the theme verse of Acts, how does it play out through the whole book, and what is our role in carrying out that theme today? 7. Acts applies the four terms, church / disciples / believers/ brothers and sisters, to all Christians. In your context, which of the four is the most/least popular term that Christians apply to themselves? What do you think is behind the phenomenon and need to improve? Pauline Epistles 1. Romans is described as a most complete presentation of Christian doctrine. Do you agree with this statement? In what way is this true (or not true) to you? 2. What do you think is the most important chapter or passage in 1 Corinthians and why? 3. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 contains dire warnings. Name some similar threats to the integrity of Christian faith and practice in our own times? What antidote does Paul offer? 4. Galatians 2:20 describes the core truth of everyday life in Christ. Do you agree or disagree? Why? 5. Philippians: How are Timothy and Epaphroditus models for minsters today (2:19-30)? How can these insights be applied in the Chinese church today. 6. Timothy & Titus: What do pastors today most need to (re)learn from these two books? Does the Chinese culture make it easier or more difficult to apply these teachings? TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 14 / 18 页

15 General Epistles & Revelation: 1. Hebrews: What is the benefit of fixing our eyes on Jesus according to 12:1-11? What is the assurance of salvation that is offered in that passage? In other words, what is the mark of being a child of God, according to those verses? 2. James: Give three reasons why James finds it necessary to remind readers of what pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is? 3. Peter: What are some major doctrinal emphases of the two epistles of Peter? What do they teach about suffering, about the Bible, and about sanctification? How are these two books important to the church in China today? John: According to 1 Jn 1, 1) what is this letter s message, and 2) why does the author write? How is what the author presents still relevant today? 5. Revelation: According to Elwell-Yarbrough, ch. 24, the basic message of Revelation is: God is. Name three ways God asserts that control in Revelation. COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Pre-course Assignments (45% of course grade): 1. Webinars (Required attendance) Attendance in the two webinars scheduled below is required. Tardiness for more than 10 minutes will be considered as an absence. One absence will lose 5% of the course grade. Webinar #1: Mar 12, 2019 (Tuesday) 8 9:30pm (Beijing Time) Webinar #2: July 23, 2019 (Tuesday) 8 9:30pm (Beijing Time) 2. Reading assignments (part 1), book summaries and peer assessment: (40% of the course grade) a. Follow the sequence as listed in the table and read all NT books and their corresponding sections in Elwell and Yarbrough, Encountering the New Testament. (18% of course grade) b. Write a brief summary of each NT book in English words or Chinese words 中文字. (Do not include any summary of the course textbook.)(16% of course grade) c. Submit a statement via the template provided, with the NT book summaries according to their due dates, indicating whether you have finished all assigned readings, and how many hours you have spent in these readings. d. You will be given instruction how to take part in a peer assessment of your NT book summaries (6% of course grade). Please note that NO DUE DATE EXTENSION is permitted for submitting book summaries and peer assessment. Students who do not turn in their book summaries cannot take part in the peer assessment; students who do not take part in peer assessment will receive an 0 score for their assignment. Readings from Books of the Bible & Textbook #2 No of Summaries Assignment Due Peer Assessment Due Matthew to Acts Romans Colossians Thessalonians Philemon Hebrews Revelation TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 15 / 18 页

16 3. Reading assignment (part 2) (5% of the course grade): Read Sproul, Knowing Scripture (textbook #4) in its entirety. Submit a statement by Jun 14, 2019 indicating how much you have read and how many hours you have spent in this reading. Post-course Assignments (55% of course grade): 1. Prepare and preach an expository sermon from one of the following passages. (30%) Matthew 13 (one or more parables) Mark 13 (Jesus end times predictions) John 19 (Jesus death) Acts 2 (rise of the early church) Romans 4 (Abraham as our father in the faith) 1 Corinthians 15 (the resurrection) 2 Timothy 4 (preach the word) a) You do not have to cover the whole chapter in your sermon. b) Set the date of preaching before you come to the seminar and submit a statement of the date AND the biblical text you choose by June 20, 2019 via the template provided. c) Follow and answer all questions in the provided handout Questions for Observation in Inductive Bible Study before you construct your sermon. Questions for Observation are designed to help you develop your sermon. Written notes in answer to each question should be completed and submitted with your sermon. Your sermon would not be graded if your written notes are missing. The quality of these notes will also affect the grade of your sermon. d) Submit a complete manuscript ( words, 中文字 ) of your sermon with three sermon evaluations by July 19, One of these evaluations must be your own critique. 3% of the course grade will be deducted for EACH missing evaluation and 1% of course grade for EACH incomplete or page-missing evaluation. 2. Choose one of the following topics to write an essay of English words OR Chinese words 中文字 : 25% of the course grade, due date August 23, a) Summarize the events in the 30-year history that runs from Acts 1 to Acts 28., OR b) Summarize the doctrine of sin advanced in Romans 1:18-3:20 and the doctrine of salvation sketched in Romans 3: Summary of assignment schedule and percentage of course grade Assignment Date Course Grade % Webinar # Absence penalty Matthew to Acts: Reading statement &5 summaries /peer assessment /4.1 Readings + summaries + peer assessment = 17% Romans Colossians: / =8.5% Reading statement & 7 summaries /peer assessment 1 Thessalonians - Philemon: / =5.6% Reading statement & 6 summaries /peer assessment Hebrews- Revelation: / =8.9% Reading statement & 9 summaries /peer assessment Reading statement of Sproul, Knowing Scripture % Statement of preaching date Text observation, sermon and 3 sermon evaluations % Webinar # Absence penalty Essay % TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 16 / 18 页

17 Assignment submission guidelines 1. Assignments can be written in either Chinese or English. For Chinese, use 学术研究与写作 ( 简体版 ) 圣经 神学与教牧学研究手册 ( 李志秋 张心玮合著, 恩道出版社,2017)for formats; for English: A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertation (9th ed. Kate L. Turabian. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2018). 2. Word count of the assignment should include the title and footnotes but not the bibliography. 3. Follow 学术研究与写作 第 页 注释 - 书目格式 for formats of quotations and footnotes. TTi 中文专文规范 is obsolete as of June, Assignments must be the student s original work and excessive quotations are discouraged. In discussions that involve biblical text, mere words, phrases, or biblical references are enough. Quotations from scholarly works should also be concise. Block quotations should be used sparingly, limited to three or four lines. 5. If plagiarism is detected in any part of an assignment, it will not be graded, and an F (fail) would be recorded as the final grade for the course. If plagiarism is repeated, the student s admission status is revoked, and re-application is necessary to become a student. 6. Beijing time is used in all assignment submission deadlines and class activities. 7. If an assignment cannot be submitted on time due to health, ministry, or other extraordinary reason, the student must apply for an extension from the Academic Office Jiaowuzu@timotai.org no less than seven (7) days before the deadline. Explain your reason and specify the length of your extension. Normally, maximum extension is seven [7] days. Late assignments will not be accepted without prior application and the granting of an extension. (No due date extension is permitted for the pre-course assignment of NT Intro.) 8. Pre-course assignments must be completed in full before a student attends the Hong Kong seminar. Non-completion will be regarded as truancy; tuition and room and board fees already paid will be forfeited, and an F (fail) will be recorded as the grade for that course. 9. If a student is unable to attend a webinar on time due to health, ministry, or other extraordinary reason, he or she must the Academic Office at least three (3) days in advance with a detailed explanation. Missing two webinars will be regarded as truancy and the student will not be allowed to attend the Hong Kong seminar. Paid tuition and room and board fees will also be forfeited. TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 17 / 18 页

18 Robert Yarbrough taught at Covenant Theological Seminary from and returned in Previously he served at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School ( ), Wheaton College (IL) ( ), and Liberty University ( ). His PhD is from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). He has been involved in theological education in Africa since 1989, especially in Sudan and currently in South Africa. He taught extensively in Eastern Europe He has lectured in Australia, South Korea, and Hong Kong. In the US he has pastored in several states. He is the author of The Letters to Timothy and Titus in The Pillar New Testament Commentary series (Eerdmans, 2018). He co-authored (with Victor Kuligan) In Christ Alone (2017), a book on the five Reformation solas published in South Africa. He is author of 1-3 John (2008) in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series, which he co-edits (with Joshua Jipp). He is also co-editor (with Andreas Köstenberger) of the Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament. He serves as editor of the Covenant Seminary journal Presbyterion. His other books include The Salvation-Historical Fallacy? Reassessing the History of New Testament Theology (2004) and The Gospel of John (1991; new edition 2011). With Walter Elwell he authored the widely used textbook Engaging the New Testament (3rd ed. 2013), which has been translated into numerous languages. He also co-edited (again with Walter Elwell) Readings from the First Century World: Primary Sources for New Testament Study (1998). Dr. Yarbrough has been married to Bernie, a nurse, since They have two adult sons. He has coached youth baseball and was a lumberjack prior to college and seminary teaching. He is a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 新约导论 NT Introduction 第 18 / 18 页

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