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22 ABSTRACTS liabilitiesbyadoptingaportfoliostrategyspecificalyexpressedinpriorandposthoc verticalandhorizontalstrategies.practicehasprovedthatavoidanceofresponsibility hasseriousconsequencesforgrass-rootsgovernmentsincludingalackofinnovation dissipationofauthority and passiveresponses.thistriggerschain reactionsand hindersthesounddevelopmentofpoliticstheeconomyandsociety.tore-energize grass-rootsinnovationandvitalitythereforeitisimperativetofurtherdeepenthe reform of administrative systems and organsestablish crisis management and dynamicriskcontrolmechanismsandachieveadynamicbalancebetweenincentives andconstraints. (7)The Vilage Governance Experiment:The DevelopmentalPaternand Logicof RuralGrassrootsDemocracyinChina Ma Hua 36 Againstthebackground oftraditionalchineseruralself-governmentandthe historicalchangesinruralgrass-rootsdemocracyoverthelastcenturyand more three vilagegovernanceexperiments revolvingaround institutions organization and capability reflectthe developmental paterns and practicallogic ofrural grassrootsdemocracyin China.Firstcomesthedevelopmental modalitymoving fromthetraditionalpeasantconsciousnessofbeingsubjectsoftheemperorthrough awakeningtotheirrightspre-949topost-949politicalmobilizationandthenceto thebuildingofthedemocraticcapabilityofautonomousfarmers;andfromtraditional vilage autonomy topre-949ruralreconstructionandthencetopost-949rural colectivizationvilageself-governmentandfinaly consultative democracy.the secondispracticallogic:ruralgrass-rootsdemocracyhassucceededstepbystepin theunification ofdemocraticvaluesand democratictechniquestheunification of democraticobjectsanddemocraticsubjectstheunificationofdemocraticsystems organizationsandcapabilitiesandtheefectiveunificationofdemocraticconstruction andgovernanceeficiency.inthefinalanalysisthepracticeanddevelopmentofrural grassrootsdemocracyinchinaisatwo-wayinteractionbetweentheinternalneedsof ruralsocietyandtheconstructionofa modernstate.thisdemocraticpatern has developedinthetensionbetweenthestateandsocietyandhasbeenadvancedinthe subtle balance between moderation and excess thus reflecting distinctive Chinesecharacteristics. (8)IntegrationandInnovationin AncientTribalCultureandtheFormationofthe NineSongs Jiang Linchang 60 ThetraditionalunderstandingthattheNineSongs (Jiuge )werecomposed 207

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