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1 中国继续教育现状 特点与发展趋势 The Status Quo,Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 中国石油大学 ( 华东 ) 远程与继续教育学院院长 2010 年 10 月 齐高岱 China University of Petroleum(Huadong), College of Distance and Continuing Education Qi Gaodai October 2010

2 主要内容 Contents 1 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 2 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 3 中国石油大学远程与继续教育 Distance and Continuing Education of China University of Petroleum

3 前言 Preface 国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要 ( 年 ) The outline of National Medium-Long Term Educational Reform and Development Planning ( ) 继续教育是面向学校教育之后所有社会成员的教育活动, 特别是成人教育活动, 是终身学习体系的重要组成部分 大力发展非学历继续教育, 稳步发展学历继续教育

4 前言 Preface 国家中长期人才发展规划纲要 ( 年 ) The Outline of National Medium-Long Term Talent Development Planning ( ) 突出培养造就创新型科技人才, 努力造就一批世界水平的科学家 科技领军人才 工程师和高水平创新团队, 注重培养一线创新人才和青年科技人才 大力开发国民经济和社会发展重点领域急需紧缺专门人才 统筹推进党政人才 企业经营管理人才 专业技术人才 高技能人才 农村实用人才 社会工作人才等人才队伍建设

5 前言 Preface 2010 年全国教育工作会议 National Education Conference 2010 坚持育人为本, 以改革创新为动力, 以促进公平为重点, 以提高质量为核心, 推动教育事业在新的历史起点上科学发展, 加快从教育大国向教育强国 从人力资源大国向人力资源强国迈进, 为中华民族伟大复兴和人类文明进步作出更大贡献

6 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education

7 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 一 发展概况 Overview 1. 历史沿革 History 年, 从无到有, 快速发展, 全国成人教育毕业生 万人 ; National adult education developed rapidly from scratch with 2,839,000 graduates 年, 成人教育体系形成, 全国成人高等教育迅速发展,1965 年有职工业余学校 964 所, 在校生 41 万人 ; Adult education system formed. There were 964 amateur schools for the employees and 410,000 students in school in 1965.

8 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 年, 文革期间停办 ; Adult education was destroyed during Cultural Revolution 至今, 恢复并实现跨越式发展 1977 Adult education was restored and achieved rapid develpoment

9 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 1979 年 2 月, 国务院批准中央广播电视大学开学 ; The Open University of China resumed school with the approval of State Council and there were 560,000 students in school in 年 10 月, 北京市率先建立高等自学考试制度 ; 随后国家出台 < 高等教育自学考试条例 > Beijing took lead in establishing self-taught examination system 年, 教育部开始现代远程教育试点, 先后批准 68 所高校试点 1999 The pilot modern distance education started.

10 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 2. 办学机构 Educational Institutions 普通高校 (college) 2305 所 成人高校 (adult college) 384 所成人高中 (adult high school) 753 所成人中专 (adult secondary specialized school) 1883 所成人初等学校 (adult primary school) 所 2009 年 民办高校 (private colleges) 658 所 民办非学历高等教育机构 (private non-degree higher education institutions) 812 所 其他民办培训机构 (private training institutions) 所 自考助学组织 (self-taught and learning supporting institution ) 1336 个 各类职业技术培训机构 (vocational and technical training institutions) 万个

11 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 3. 办学规模 Educational Scale 2009 年普通高校成人高等学历教育 ( 函授 夜大 脱产 ) 近 500 万人, 独立设置成人高校学历教育在读学生近 60 万人, 网络教育 万人, 非学历高等继续教育结业 万人次, 注册 万人次 In 2009, the number of students of adult degree higher education in colleges reached nearly 5 million. The number of current students of adult education college was nearly 600,000 and the number of on-line education was 4,172,700. The number of school completion of nondegree continuing education was 5,317,000 and the number of registration was up to 2,894,600.

12 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 电大开放教育 open education % 2009 年成人高等教育在读学生分布情况 ( 单位 : 万人 ) The distribution of adult higher education students in 2009 (Unit: ten thousand) 成人高校 adult college % 普通高校 college %

13 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 年不同形式成人高等学历教育招生情况 The enrollment of Adult Degree Education from 1999 to 2009 correspondence education night universities full-time education on-line degree education distance open education

14 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 2009 年不同形式成人高等学历教育在校生情况 ( 单位 : 万人 ) The number of current students of adult higher education in 2009 (Unit: ten thousand) Open education 电大开放教育 % 函授 % Correspondence education 网络高等学历教育 % On-line education 脱产班 % Full-time education 夜大 % Night universities

15 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 二 学历继续教育情况 Degree Continuing Education 2009 年, 全国各类高等教育总规模达到 2979 万人, 高等 教育毛入学率达到 24.2% 目前, 中国学历继续教育仍存在巨大的市场需求, 非学历继 续教育发展迅猛 国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要 ( 年 ) 提出 稳步发展学历继续教育 In 2009, the total number of students ranging from various kinds of higher education reached 29,790,000 and the gross enrollment rate of higher education was 24.2%.

16 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 1 普通高校办学情况 The situation of the universities 2009 年, 普通高校成人高等学历教育 ( 函授 业余 脱产 ) 在读学生 万人 ; 网络教育在读学生 万人 In 2009, the number of students of adult higher education in colleges was 4,871,600; the number of students of online education reached1,509,200. The distribution of students of adult higher education in 2009 (Unit: ten thousand) online education full-time education correspondence education night universities

17 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 函授教育 Correspondence Education 2009 年普通高校函授教育在校生 万人, 占成人高等学历教育的 43% In 2009, the number of students of correspondence education in colleges was 2,751,900, which took up 43% of adult degree education

18 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 夜大学教育 Education of Night Universities 2009 年, 普通高校夜大学教育在读生 万人, 占成人高等学历教 育总规模的 29% The number of students in Night Universities from 2005 to 2009 (Unit: ten thousand)

19 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 成人脱产班 Full-time classes 2009 年, 普通高校成人脱产班在校生规模为 万人, 占当年成人高等教育在校生规模的 4% 2008 年所有普通高校成人脱产班停止招生 graduates enrollment School attendance

20 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 现代远程教育 Morden Distance Education 2009 年, 普通高校网络教育在读学生 万人 ; 招生规模和在读学生规模呈逐年上升趋势 The enrollment of students of On-line Education from 2001 to 2009 (Unit: ten thousand)

21 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 2 广播电视大学教育 Education of Radio and Television Universities 2009 年, 广播电视大学系统共有中央广播电视大学 1 所 ; 省级广播电视大学 44 所 ; 地市级广播电视大学分校 933 所 ; 县级广播电视大学工作站 1829 个 2009 年, 全国电大学历教育规模达到 万人, 其中开放教育在校生 万人 In 2009, the total number of students involved in degree education of Radio and Television Universities reached 2,827,800, including 2,663,500 students in school.

22 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education The enrollment of students of Radio and Television Open Education from 1999 to 2009 (Unit: ten thousand)

23 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education The number of students of Radio and Television Open Education from 1999 to 2009 (Unit: ten thousand)

24 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 3 独立设置成人高校办学情况 Adult Education Colleges 学校数量 The Number of Colleges 独立设置成人高校经 1999 年的改组改制, 一部分改组为普通院校, 一部分与 其他普通高校合并, 数量骤减,2009 年仅有 384 所 The number of colleges for adult education from 2003 to 2009

25 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 办学规模 Educational Scale 招生数逐年下降, 在校生数也呈现锐减态势 2009 年在校生 不足 54.2 万人 The total number of enrollment has reduced year by year, and the number of school attendance slumps. The number of school attendance was less than 542,000 in 2009.

26 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 年成人高校在校生规模变化情况 The scale of adult school attendance from 2000 to 年 2001 年 2002 年 2003 年 2004 年 2005 年 2006 年 2007 年 2008 年 2009 年

27 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 4 自学考试 Self-taught Examination 主考学校及助学机构 Examination colleges and learning supporting organizations 2009 年, 共有 566 所高校担任自学考试的主考学校, 比 2008 年 (543 所 ) 略有增加 ; 全国注册登记并经教育行政管理部门批准的社会助学组织共有 1336 个 In 2009, 566 colleges was authorized to organize self-taught examination, slightly more than that in 2008(543); the number of learning supporting organizations that are registered and authorized by education administration departments is 1336.

28 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 办学规模 Educational Scale 截至 2009 年底, 全国累计共有 2.1 亿人次参加自学考试, 学历教育累计报考 5420 万人 2009 年, 全国高等教育自学考试报考 1042 万人次, 取得毕业证书 62.5 万人 By the end of 2009, 210,000,000 people have attended the self-taught examination nationwide. Changes of the number of students for self-study examination from 2000 to 2009

29 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 高等教育自学考试总规模有所扩大, 但学历考试规模逐年萎缩, 各类职业资格和职业技能证书考试社会需求明显上升 ; 自考系统已成为全国最大 也是最权威的考试机构 Self-taught examination system ha s become the largest and most authoritative examination body.

30 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 三 非学历继续教育情况 Non-degree Continuing Education 2009 年, 全国注册各种非学历高等教育的学生为 万人次, 当年结业 万人次 2009 年, 全国接受各种非学历中等教育的学生达 万人次, 当年结业 万人次 The outline of National Medium-Long Term Educational Reform and Development Planning ( ) states: "To develop non-degree Continuing Education."

31 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 年非学历高等继续教育结业和注册人次变化情况 Changes of the number of school completion and registration for nondegree continuing education from 2003 to 2009 registration School completion

32 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 截至 2009 年底, 自考系统全国非学历教育累计报考 2900 万人次, 约 1000 万人获得各种非学历证书 2009 年报考 1051 万人次 By the end of 2009, the total number of registration for non-degree education has reached 29,000,000, among whom 10,000,000 have been authorized with non-degree certificate. In 2009, the total number of the registration for non-degree education reached 10,510, 年自考系统非学历报考人次变化情况 ( 单位 : 万人次 ) The change of the number of registration for non-degree education of self-taught 1200 system from 2000 to 2009 (unit: 10 thousand) 年 2001 年 2002 年 2003 年 2004 年 2005 年 2006 年 2007 年 2008 年 2009 年

33 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The status quo of China's Continuing Education 网络远程培训发展迅速, 受到行业企业重视 The rapid development of network distance training has attracted the attention of walks of life. 中国邮政网络培训学院 中国电信网上大学 中国工商银行网络大学 华为网上学校 思科网络技术学院 现代远程教育试点高校, 利用自 身技术优势和资源优势面向行业企业 积极开展远程培训.

34 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education The total number of distance training programs in 68 experimental colleges from 2003 to 2009

35 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 2009 年, 有 55 所试点高校开展了非学历教育, 开展了 585 个非学历教育项目,700 多万个学时数, 培训 80 多万人 中央电大与 14 个部委 行业系统密切合作开展专业技术人才培养和继续教育, 全国电大系统每年开展非学历教育培训百万人次 ; 以 8 所试点高师学校为主体的教师网络联盟开展了大规模的中小学教师远程培训 Experimental colleges trained more than 800 thousands people in 2009.

36 Ⅰ 中国继续教育发展现状 The Status Quo of China's Continuing Education 2009 年, 民办非学历高等教育机构有各类注册学生 万人 ; 有 万人次在其他民办培训机构接受培训 ; 在民办高校中, 有自考 助学班学生 预科生 进修及培训学生 万人 In 2009, the total number of registration for private higher education institutions reached thousand.

37 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education

38 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 一 政府主导, 社会需求巨大 Government takes lead, great social demand L o g o 1. 政府通过制定相关法规保障与规范继续教育发展 The government has enacted relevant laws in order to ensure and regulate continuing education. 国家立法 National law 教育法 高等教育法 职业教育法 地方立法 Local law 福建省终身教育促进条例 目前中国正在制定 终身教育法 Currently, China has been making Lifelong Education Law.

39 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 2. 政府通过制定相关规划促进继续教育发展 The government promotes continuing education through enacting relevant laws 国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要 ( 年 ) The outline of National Medium-Long Term Educational Reform and Development Planning ( ) 加快发展继 续教育 建立健全继 续教育体制机制 构建灵活开 放的终身教育体系

40 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 正在制定 继续教育专题规划 Plans for special subjects on continuing education is being made. 对未来 10 年中国继续教育发展的战略目标 主要任务和 保障措施作出规划 改革试点项目 资源共享与公共服务建设项目 社区教育发展推进项目 继续教育质量与改革项目 构建终身学习 立交桥 试点项目

41 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 3. 继续教育社会需求巨大 Great social demand 到 2020 年, 高等教育在学人数将达 3700 万, 毛入学率达到 40% 左右 ; 其中 普通本专科在读生达到 2500 万左右, 另外 1200 万高等教育在学人口将通过全 日制普通高等教育以外的形式接受高等教育 未来 15 年,15-64 岁劳动力人口占总人口比例维持在 70% 左右, 劳动力人口 存在巨大的继续教育需求 By 2020,the total number of students for higher education will have reached 37,000,000,and the gross enrollment rate will have reached 40%. In the future 15 years, labor force ranging from 15 to 64 will maintain 70% of the total population, and these labor forces have great demand for continuing education.

42 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 国家中长期人才发展规划纲要 ( 年 ) 到 2020 年, 我国人才发展的总体目标是 : 培养和造就规模宏大 结构优化 布局合理 素质优良的人才队伍, 确立国家人才竞争比较优势, 进入世界人才强国行列, 为在本世纪中叶基本实现社会主义现代化奠定人才基础 人才资源总量从现在的 1.14 亿人增加到 1.8 亿人, 增长 58%, 人才资源占人力资源总量的比重提高到 16% The outline of National Medium-Long Term Educational Reform and Development Planning ( )

43 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education L o g o 二 以国民教育体系为主体, 社会广泛参与 take national educational system as the principal part and promote public s paricipation 1. 普通高校是发展继续教育的骨干力量 Institutions of higher education are the backbone of Contin uing Education. 中国有普通高校 2305 所, 独立设置 成人高校 384 所 2009 年成人高等 教育本专科共招生 万人, 在 校生 万人, 毕业生 万 人

44 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 2. 中国的广播电视大学系统是世界上规模最大的远程开放教育系统 China's radio and television university system is the world's largest distance and open education system 年, 电大系统高等学历继续教育招生 万人, 毕业 万人, 在校生规模达到 万人 Company Logo

45 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 3. 自考系统成为中国最大 最权威的考试机构 Self-taught system has become the largest and most authoritative examination body in China 年, 学历报考 1042 万人次, 取得毕业证书 62.5 万人 ; 非学历 报考 1051 万人次

46 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 4. 社会办学机构发挥重要作用 Social-run educational institutions play an important role 2009 年有 : 民办教育机构 个自考助学组织 1336 个职业技术培训机构 万个

47 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education L o g o 三 结构转型, 从学历教育转向非学历教育 Transform structure from academic education to non-degree education 国家中长期教育和改革发展规划纲要 ( 年 ) 提出 大 力发展非学历继续教育, 稳步发展学历继续教育 学习对象主要面向高考落榜生 转为主要面向从业人员的继 续教育和终身学习 ; Teaching object changes from students who fails in the national college entrance examination to the employees who are in demand of continuing and lifelong education.

48 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 学习方式主要以脱产面授为主 转为以业余学习 远程学习为主 Learning method changes from full-time study to amateur learning and distance learning 办学类型主要为学历教育 转为学历教育和非学历教育多样化发展 School running type changes from degree education to the diversification of degree and non-degree education

49 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education The situation of course s completion of national adult nondegree continuing education from 2004 to 2009 (Unit: ten thousand)

50 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education research on some universities 部分高校的探索 清华大学 Tsinghua 北京大学 Peking 浙江大学 Zhejiang University 停办成人学历教育 cancel adult degree education 关注非学历继续教育 12 亿 / 年 focus on nondegree continuing education 停招专科层次学历教育 cease junior college degree education 关注高层次学历教育和非学历继续教育 focus on higher degree education and nondegree continuing education 停招函授 cease correspondence education 加快发展非学历继续教育 promote nondegree continuing education

51 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 四 模式转变, 继续教育信息化进程加快 Shift pattern and promote the informatization of continuing education 创新发展模式 Innovative Development Mode 创新服务模式 Innovative Service Mode 创新管理模式 Innovative Management Mode 创新培训模式 Innovative Training Mode

52 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 1. 创新发展模式, 充分利用现代远程教育方式, 推进高等学校将优质资源向农村 西部 社区 行业 企业和部队输送 Innovative Development Mode. Transfer excellent resources of high er school to the rural, the West, communities, enterprises and armies by making full use of modern distance education.

53 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 2. 创新服务模式, 搭建资源共享和服务平台, 积极推进数字化学习资源共享和现代远程教育公共服务体系建设 Innovative Service Mode. Promote sharing of digital learning resour ces and the construction of public service system of modern distance education by establishing platform of resource sharing and services.

54 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 3. 创新培训模式, 深化继续教育教学改革, 积极推进普通高校面向高层次专门人才开展基于终身学习的继续教育 Innovative Training Mode. Deepen teaching reform of continuing ed ucation and promote lifelong continuing education towards high-qualifi ed and special talents.

55 Ⅱ 中国继续教育的特点和发展趋势 The Characteristics and Development Trend of China's Continuing Education 4. 创新管理模式, 搭建信息化管理平台, 加强高等学校网络本专科学历教育的质量监管 Innovative Management Mode. Enhance quality management of online degree education for college students and undergraduates by est ablishing informatization management platform.

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57 Ⅲ 中国石油大学远程与继续教育 Distance and Continuing Education of China University of Petroleum 1. 历史沿革 Overview 1955 年开办夜大学教育 1955 Night University education started 年建立石油工业部钻井技术培训中心 1981 Drilling Technology Training Center of Petroleum Industry Ministry was established 年成立成人教育学院 1993 College of Adult Education was set up 年教育部批准开展现代远程教育试点工作 2001 Pilot Program of Modern Distance Education was launched with the approval of Education Ministry 年成立教育发展中心 2007 Education Development Center was founded.

58 Ⅲ 中国石油大学远程与继续教育 Distance and Continuing Education of China University of Petroleum 2. 机构设置 Organizational Chart Education Development Center of China University of Petroleum 中国石油大学教育发展中心 远程与继续教育学院 College of Distance and Continuing Education 培训学院 Training College 应用技术学院 College of Applied Technology 现代远程教育研究所 Research Institute of Modern Distance Education

59 Ⅲ 中国石油大学远程与继续教育 Distance and Continuing Education of China University of Petroleum 3. 办学规模 Educational Scale Degree Education 60,000 Continuing Education 5,000 Vocational Education 1,300 International Cooperation Education 200

60 Ⅲ 中国石油大学远程与继续教育 Distance and Continuing Education of China University of Petroleum 4. 资源建设 Resource Construction 精品战略 Strategy of Product Excellence 整合式项目组 Integrated Project Group 立项管理 Project Approval Management

61 Ⅲ 中国石油大学远程与继续教育 Distance and Continuing Education of China University of Petroleum 5. 中国能源教育网 China Energy Education Network 覆盖能源行业的继续教育平台 The Continuing Education Platform covering energy industry

62 Ⅲ 中国石油大学远程与继续教育 Distance and Continuing Education of China University of Petroleum 6. 办学成就 Educational Achivemnets


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