香港海豚保育學會相信, 捕捉及馴養鯨豚動物作娛樂, 無論對鯨豚動物自身 人類及生態系統, 都是百害而無一利, 應立刻停止 The Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society (HKDCS) believes that capturing and keeping wh

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1 別 永 由 與自 俾人困住好辛苦呀!我一出 聲就聽到自己o的回音不停 反彈, 好嘈呀!!!!!!!! 豚 海The Truth behind the 笑臉背後的真相 又叫我頂波!? 我 唔鍾意玩 都 呢o的o野 我唔想再食死魚喇! 以前o係大海可以日日 捉新鮮魚做大餐 你唔開心,應該要好似我地咁扁咀 點解你仲要成日笑呀? 唉~其實我天生咀角向上翹 我唔識扁咀亦 唔識笑 都 真係好討厭被人困o係呢度 好掛住大海自由自在o既生活... HK$20 版權所有 不准翻印 All rights reserved Dolphin s Smile

2 香港海豚保育學會相信, 捕捉及馴養鯨豚動物作娛樂, 無論對鯨豚動物自身 人類及生態系統, 都是百害而無一利, 應立刻停止 The Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society (HKDCS) believes that capturing and keeping whales and dolphins in captivity for recreation is detrimental to their well-being, mankind and the ecosystem, and should be prohibited. 海豚灣 ~ 日本太地町屠殺海豚的行為引起全球人士正視人工馴養海豚問題 The Cove ~ The annual dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan, raises concerns around the world on the problems of dolphins in captivity. Elsa Nature Conservancy

3 一直以來, 香港人都喜歡到水族 館觀看鯨豚動物表演 然而, 大 家在觀看海豚表演時, 有否想過 那些海豚從哪裡來的呢? 又知否在海豚的笑臉背後, 其實有一連串不可告人的秘密? 香港海豚保育學會自 2003 年成立以來, 一直致力向公眾揭露有關人工馴養海豚背後的種種問題, 可是多年來香港認識此議題的人卻仍是少之又少 直至 2010 年 3 月, 揭露日本獵殺海豚及人工馴養海豚問題的紀錄片 海豚灣 (The Cove) 贏得奧斯卡金像獎最佳紀錄長片 ; 而於同年, 有傳媒揭發香港海洋公園懷疑到所羅門群島捕獵瓶鼻海豚作表演用途, 及部署於俄羅斯水域捕捉白鯨作極地展覽的主角, 才令更多公眾人士留意到人工馴養海豚所引致的野生保育 社會道德及遊人安全等問題 本學會期望藉著這本小書, 能為大家提供最可靠的資訊, 讓更多公眾人士以及學童了解人工馴養海豚對生態系統的影響及衍生的種種惡果, 並以更負責任的態度, 看待這個議題 Keira Yau 香港海洋公園正部署捕捉俄羅斯水域的白鯨作極地展覽 ( 圖為台灣水族館馴養的白鯨 ) Ocean Park Hong Kong plans to capture beluga whales from Russian waters for public display (this picture of a beluga whale was taken at an aquarium in Taiwan) For years Hong Kong people have been fascinated by whale and dolphin shows in aquaria, but have they ever wondered where the dolphins came from? And do they realise the many secrets hidden behind the dolphins smiles? Since its establishment in 2003, HKDCS has been educating the public about the problems created by keeping cetaceans (whales and dolphins) in captivity, but still too few pay attention to the issue today. It was not until the documentary, The Cove, won the Oscar for Best Feature Documentary in March 2010, and recent media reports to expose Ocean Park Hong Kong (OPHK) s plans to import bottlenose dolphins and beluga whales from the Solomon Islands and Russian waters respectively for public display, that the public become more aware of the problems involved including animal conservation and welfare and visitors safety in keeping dolphins in captivity. HKDCS hopes to inform the public and students by providing the most up-to-date and reliable information on the negative impacts of such operations so that they can consider the issue in a more responsible and well-informed way.

4 目錄49 鳴謝 05 人工馴養鯨豚的歷史 07 香港人工馴養鯨豚的歷史 09 有關人工馴養海豚的一些誤解教育方面的誤解 透過水族館內的海豚表演, 遊人可學習更多有關這種動物的知識, 從而培養對牠們及自然生態的愛護 其實人工馴養海豚也很有教育價值! 15 自然保育方面的誤解 很多水族館都會投放很多資源於野生鯨豚保育及研究上, 他們在保護動物和大自然方面真的付出了很多! 27 人工環境條件方面的誤解 海豚在人類的照料下, 不用找食物又可躲過天敵, 生活不是比在海洋中好得多嗎? 37 人工馴養海豚對人類的風險方面的誤解 海豚整天笑瞇瞇的, 既友善又可愛, 人類能夠與牠們多接觸, 不是很好嗎? 39 專題討論紀錄片 海豚灣 - 日本活捉海豚個案簡述 41 其他活捉海豚個案簡述 ~ 所羅門群島 俄羅斯 47 結語 49 延伸閱讀

5 History of Keeping Cetaceans in Captivity 05 History of Keeping Cetaceans in Captivity in Hong Kong 07 Some Misconceptions on Keeping Cetaceans in Captivity Misconception on Education Aquaria allow the public to learn about the biology of the animals so that the public become more passionate and aware of the animals and the need to conserve them. Dolphin shows help to educate the public! 09 Contents Misconception on Nature Conservation Many aquaria allocate resources to cetacean conservation and research, making a substantial contribution to the protection of nature as well as the animals. Misconception on Conditions of Artificial Enclosures With plenty of food and the absence of predators, don't dolphins lead better lives in captivity than in the wild? Misconception on Risks to humans of keeping dolphins in captivity We can tell from the dolphins' smiles that they are always happy. They are so nice and lovely, so isn't it good to get closer to them? Special Topics The Documentary The Cove A brief account of the dolphin-hunting operation in Japan Dolphin Hunting Case Studies in Other Nations The Solomon Islands and Russia Conclusion 47 Further Readings 49 Acknowledgements 49

6 人工馴養鯨豚的歷史 History of Cetaceans in Captivity Keira Yau 在中國大連老虎灘海洋公園正進行表演的人工馴養海豚 Several bottlenose dolphins performing at Laohutan Ocean Park, Dalian, China. 05

7 早在 1860 年代, 北美及歐洲等地已嘗試人工馴養不同品種的鯨豚 而全球第一所以瓶鼻海豚作賣點的海洋館則於 1938 年在美國正式開幕 此後, 歐美國家便掀起一股在人工環境馴養海豚的風氣, 飼養海豚的水族館數目更於上世紀 年代急升, 品種主要都是瓶鼻海豚, 另也有其他品種, 包括殺人鯨 偽虎鯨 領航鯨 白鯨及太平洋斑紋海豚等 然而, 在八十年代中期, 人工馴養海豚逐漸惹起爭議, 一些水族館最終在非政府團體及公眾的壓力下被迫關閉 自九十年代起, 海豚水族館在歐洲及大洋洲的數目逐漸下降, 卻開始在民眾對馴養海豚意識不高的地區發展起來, 如亞洲 ( 包括中國大陸 台灣及香港在內 ) 拉丁美洲及加勒比海等 As early as the 1860s, some species of cetaceans were kept in captivity in North America and Europe. The world s first aquarium opened in 1938 in the United States, with bottlenose dolphins as star attractions. Since then, displaying whales and dolphins has proliferated around the world. During the 1950s 1970s, the number of dolphinaria in western countries rose significantly. The most popular species kept was the bottlenose dolphin; other species included orcas, false killer whales, pilot whales, belugas and Pacific white-sided dolphins. By the mid-1980s, however, keeping cetaceans (whales and dolphins) in captivity began to stir up controversy and some dolphinaria were closed due to pressure from non-governmental organizations and the public. Since the 1990s, the number of cetacean public display facilities has declined in Europe and Oceania. But such operations have started to flourish in the rest of the world, such as in Asia (including mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong), Latin America and the Caribbean, where the public is less aware of the issues surrounding captive cetaceans. 06

8 Anthony Hung 香港人工馴養鯨豚的歷史 History of Keeping Cetaceans in Captivity in Hong Kong 香港海洋公園是香港目前唯一一所馴養海豚的水族館 海洋公園早在 1974 年已開始馴養不同種類的海豚 根據一份由該園獸醫撰寫的碩士論文, 香港海洋公園由 年間, 已有過百隻鯨豚相繼死亡, 當中包括接近 100 隻瓶鼻海豚 ( 來自台灣 日本及印尼水域 ) 兩隻殺人鯨 ( 來自冰島 ) 15 隻太平洋斑紋海豚 ( 來自日本 Iki) 5 隻領航鯨 ( 來自日本太地 ) 及 14 隻偽虎鯨 ( 來自日本 Iki) 現時園內只剩下十多隻印度太平洋瓶鼻海豚 ( 部分為第二代人工繁殖海豚 ) 香港海洋公園現正進行擴建工程, 曾建議引入中華白海豚及殺人鯨, 最近又被揭發計劃從所羅門群島捕捉瓶鼻海豚, 及正部署從俄羅斯水域捕捉白鯨 07

9 曾在香港海洋公園被人工馴養的殺人鯨及偽虎鯨, 但已相繼死亡 Killer whales and falser killer whales were used to be kept in captivity at Ocean Park Hong Kong, but all of them were dead. Anthony Hung Ocean Park Hong Kong (OPHK) is currently the only aquarium that keeps and trains dolphins for show in Hong Kong. Since 1974 OPHK has been rearing and training different cetacean species. According to a Master s thesis written by a former veterinarian of the park, over 100 cetaceans including nearly 100 bottlenose dolphins (from Taiwan, Japan and Indonesia), two orcas (from Iceland), 15 Pacific white-sided dolphins (from Iki, Japan), five pilot whales (from Taiji, Japan) and 14 false killer whales (from Iki, Japan) died in this facility between 1974 and Today, only about a dozen or so Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins are left living in the park (some are captive-bred). OPHK is currently undergoing expansion and at one point suggested importing Chinese white dolphins and orcas. And it was recently exposed that OPHK planned to capture bottlenose dolphins and belugas from the Solomon Islands and Russian waters respectively. 08

10 有關人工馴養海豚的一些誤解 Some Misconceptions on Keeping Cetaceans in Captivity 在水族館的海豚表演能為觀眾帶來多少教育資訊? What educational message can be sent to spectators through dolphin show in aquaria? 09

11 教育方面的誤解 透過水族館內的海豚表演, 遊人可學習更多有關這種動物的知識, 從而培養對牠們及自然生態的愛護 其實人工馴養海豚也很有教育價值! Misconception on Education Aquaria allow the public to learn about the biology of the animals, enhancing their passion and awareness of the animals and the need to conserve them. Dolphin shows help to educate the public! 很多水族館都會以他們的入場人數或觀看海豚表演 / 參與其他與馴養海豚有關的活動的人次, 以說明大量遊人都因他們的設施或活動而學習到有關海豚的知識 然而, 是否入場人數愈高, 就代表愈多人學習到有關鯨豚的知識? 有學者指出, 目前全球還沒有一項系統性的研究針對觀看商業水族館表演是否真的能有效教育公眾有關海豚的知識, 或讓公眾更多參與保育野生鯨豚的行動 反之, 根據一項由美國耶魯大學進行的研究, 在 1,000 名受訪的美國公民中, 絕大部分都表示寧願觀看海豚的自然行為, 多於牠們的表演 ; 當中五分之四的受訪者亦稱, 除非有很大的教育或科學價值, 否則都不應人工馴 Aquaria like to quote their annual number of visitors or the number of people attending their dolphin shows/activities involving captive dolphins as an indicator of the educational value of their facilities and activities. But do higher numbers of park visitors translate into more people learning about dolphins? Academics point out that there is yet to be a systematic survey showing a link between watching commercial d o l p h i n a r i u m s h o w s a n d l e a r n i n g important information about dolphins or increasing conservation actions directed toward protecting the animals in the wild. On the contrary, according to a poll carried out by Yale University, the majority of 1,000 US citizens interviewed preferred to see marine mammals displaying their natural behaviour rather than performing tricks and stunts in captivity. And fourfifths of the respondents stated that marine mammals should not be kept in captivity unless there are major educational or scientific benefits. 養海豚 10

12 海豚表演並沒有令觀眾增加對海豚的認識在水族館裡, 海豚跳高頂球 載著訓練員到處游動 跳上表演台讓觀眾觸摸等的表演, 除了讓觀眾得到娛樂之外, 還讓他們學懂了甚麼有關海豚的知識呢? 事實上, 香港海洋公園已成立了超過 30 年, 看過此公園海豚表演的遊客不計其數 然而, 一般香港市民普遍對鯨豚動物的認知仍是很低 很多人只知道海豚是一種既可愛 又高智慧的動物, 其餘的卻所知甚少 絕大部分遊人甚至不知道海洋公園內飼養的海豚屬何品種 ( 實為印度太平洋瓶鼻海豚 ) 這就是一般海豚水族館的普遍情況 : 只會訓練海豚娛樂觀眾, 卻甚少教育公眾有關牠們的知識與生態 你曾否見過海豚表演主持人會介紹瓶鼻海豚的全球分佈 自然行為習性及是否瀕危? 有多少觀眾在欣賞表演後學會殺人鯨其實在生物分類學上不是鯨, 而是海豚? 事實上, 一般水族館的海豚表演, 主要都是向觀眾展示人類訓練海豚進行馬戲表演的技巧, 或是訓練員與動物之間的連繫 其他有關海豚的生物及生態學的資訊, 則絕少提及 11

13 The public do not learn more about dolphins from shows Besides seeing dolphins jumping high to reach a hanging ball, carrying trainers around the pool and jumping onto the pool-side platform to be stroked by the audience, what exactly do dolphin shows tell us? OPHK has been established for more than 30 years and scores of Hong Kong people have watched their dolphin shows throughout the years, yet the general public in Hong Kong still know very little about the animals. Besides learning about how adorable and intelligent dolphins are, people learn little else. Most viewers don t even know what species are kept in OPHK (they are actually the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins). Most dolphinaria focus solely on entertaining rather than educating visitors. Have you ever heard a dolphin show narrator tell the audience about the global distribution of bottlenose dolphins? Or about the dolphins natural behaviours and conservation status? How many viewers realise that the orca is actually a dolphin (belonging to the family Delphinidae in taxonomy) and not a whale after watching an orca show? Dolphin shows focus more on emotional showmanship and the bond between the animal and its trainer rather than the animals basic biology and ecology. 香港海洋公園絕少提及其人工馴養海豚品種在野外環境的生態資訊 ( 圖為馬爾代夫水域的野生印度太平洋瓶鼻海豚 ) Ocean Park Hong Kong rarely mentions the ecological information of the wild counterparts of their captive bottlenose dolphins (this picture of a group of wild Indo- Pacific bottlenose dolphins was taken in the Maldives) 12

14 海豚表演傳遞錯誤知識海豚表演中, 動物訓練員訓練海豚做出各種所謂 有趣 的動作, 如迅速開合嘴巴 以胸鰭或尾鰭拍打水面等, 其實是野生海豚用以警告或威嚇同類及其他動物的動作, 卻被水族館塑造成 有趣 的行為 這說明海豚表演經常嚴重扭曲海豚的自然習性, 往往會向觀眾傳遞錯誤的知識, 並不知不覺烙在他們心裡, 讓他們以為海豚在快樂的時候都會這樣做 本學會多年來經常舉辦觀賞野生中華白海豚活動, 過程中常有參加者詢問能否餵飼海中的海豚, 或能否用魚或球吸引牠們到船邊來 這些就是水族館海豚表演對公眾灌輸的概念 : 讓觀眾誤以為所有海豚都喜愛被人類餵飼 玩人類給牠們的玩具 水族館絕不會把真相告訴他們 : 野生海豚絕不會吃急凍的死魚, 也不喜歡玩球 人工馴養海豚會吃訓練員手上的死魚, 是因為牠們別無選擇 海豚水族館的確令不少人愛上海豚, 但他們愛上的, 只是由水族館刻意塑造出來 在海洋根本並不存在的動物 這是否正確的 愛護動物 觀念? 再加上海豚表演只會傳遞有利館 方的知識, 這又算不算得上是 教 育 活動? 事實上, 隨著野外觀豚活動的興起, 水族館已不是唯一認識海豚的地方 確保參與高質素 負責任的觀豚活 動, 這樣公眾必能看到野生海豚自由 流露的一面, 同時亦不會對野生海豚 造成滋擾 另外, 閱讀海洋生態書籍 及影集, 或觀看高質素的海洋生物紀 錄片 ( 如 藍地球 ), 亦可欣賞到海 洋生物的美態, 及學習有關牠們的正 確資訊 欣賞海豚表演時真的可以看到牠們的自然生態嗎? Are we really able to see their natural behaviours from dolphin performance? 13

15 Dolphin shows mis-educate the public Natural behaviours of dolphins are often distorted by the captivity industry. Tricks dolphins perform in shows such as the rapid opening and closing of the mouth and slapping of the water surface with tail flukes or flippers are portrayed as play or fun but in many circumstances are considered aggressive behaviour in the wild. Dolphin shows convey the wrong information to the audience that all dolphins, including the wild ones, display such behaviour when they are happy and playful. HKDCS has been regularly organising trips to watch the Chinese white dolphin in the wild in recent years, and our guides have often been asked by the participants, Can we feed the wild dolphins or throw dead fish in the sea to attract the dolphins? This is the message they learn at aquaria: dolphins like to be fed and play ball. The aquaria don t tell the facts: wild dolphins NEVER eat frozen dead fish or play ball. Those kept in captivity eat dead fish because they have no choice. It is true that aquaria encourage people to care more about dolphins, but only for captive dolphins whose behaviours are unnatural. By deliberately conveying only self-interested messages to their visitors, can aquaria truly be considered to educate the public? Aquaria are no longer the only place where people can get a closer look at living dolphins. Dolphin-watching in the wild has become increasingly popular, although make sure you only attend tours operated by responsible operators so that the dolphins are not harassed and you get to see the natural behaviour of dolphins. Reading books and pictorials of marine life, or watching a high-quality documentary about marine ecology (such as The Blue Planet series) also enable you to appreciate the true beauty of marine creatures and acquire accurate knowledge of them. 海豚絕不會在野生環境做出擺動尾巴向人道別的動作 Wild dolphins will never wave their tails to say goodbye in their natural setting 14

16 自然保育方面的誤解 Misconception on Nature Conservation 很多水族館都會投放大量資源於野生鯨豚保育及研究上, 他們在保護動物和大自然方面真的付出了很多! 很多馴養海豚的水族館, 都愛以各種公關及市場策略, 把自己推廣成 保育中心, 有些甚至會改變名字, 或成立附屬 保育機構, 以加強自己在公眾眼中的保育形象 然而, 這些水族館花了多少資源於保育項目, 實成疑問 除此以外, 附屬水族館的 保育機構 的獨立性也經常受到質疑 他們投放資源於保育項目, 可能某程度上只是公關手段而已 再者, 由於未必得到獨立科學家及公眾的嚴謹監察, 這些保育項目的獨立性 質素和成效也不一定得到保證 更令人費解的是, 很多水族館雖愛向公眾宣稱自己為 保育機構, 但往往又暗地裡在野外捕捉鯨豚, 令這些野生種群的生存機會受到嚴重打擊, 結果與這些機構所建立的 保育形象 自相矛盾 這些水族館絕少會在捕捉海豚前先進行適當的種群研究, 以找出捕捉行動所帶來的負面影響 部分水族館雖聲稱會進行有關研究, 但因著利益衝突問題, 這些研究的獨立性就存在很大的疑問, 令研究結果未必可信 15

17 水族館既要保育野生鯨豚, 但同時又在野外捕捉鯨豚, 其保育形象變得自相矛盾 On one hand some dolphinaria would claim to be conservation-oriented to protect wild species of cetaceans, but at the same time they also remove wild cetaceans to put them into captivity. Many aquaria allocate lots Quite a number of dolphinaria strive to portray of resources to cetacean themselves as conservation centres through myriad conservation and research. public relations and marketing strategies. Some even They have contributed change their names or establish auxiliary conservation greatly to the protection of arms to reinforce this image. Nevertheless, the extent to the animals and nature! which these aquaria contribute to marine conservation remains questionable. In addition, the independence of these subsidiary conservation arms of aquaria is often doubted; there is concern that they get involved in conservation projects merely for public relations purposes. Moreover, without oversight by independent scientists and the public, the independence, reliability and quality of these conservation projects are not guaranteed. What is contradictory is that many dolphinaria actively market themselves as conservation organizations but are actually depleting wild populations of cetaceans by removing them from the sea. Before capturing dolphins, these institutions seldom carry out appropriate population studies to determine if the removals are sustainable or detrimental to the survival of wild dolphins. Some aquaria claim that they do conduct such studies but the independence and reliability of these surveys are often unconvincing due to conflicts of interest. 16

18 在加拿大溫哥華島附近的野生殺人鯨 Wild orcas near Vancouver Island, Canada 捕捉海豚對野生海豚種群及自然生態有何影響? 從美國華盛頓州的殺人鯨種群例子, 可明顯看到在野外捕捉鯨豚對當地種群的影響 自 1962 年至 1976 年當地政府立法阻止捕捉為止, 在 14 年內該水域共有 45 隻野生殺人鯨被捕捉 當中 11 隻在捕捉過程中死去, 餘下的 34 隻則被運往各地的水族館作表演用途 直至 2010 年, 只剩下 1 隻仍然生存 有研究顯示, 該水域的南部定居型野生種群, 整體數目因而減少了一半 最近, 美國已把這個殺人鯨種群列入瀕危物種法案中 若搜索世界保育聯盟的瀕危物種紅皮書, 多個常被水族館捕捉的品種 ( 如瓶鼻海豚 殺人鯨和白鯨等 ), 其實都並未處瀕臨絕種邊緣 然而, 在生物學角度看, 一個單一的物種是由多個位於不同地區的種群所組成 一個物種還未瀕危, 並不代表地區性的種群沒有這個危機 但當一個種群滅絕, 則會對該物種的遺傳多樣性帶來不可逆轉的嚴重影響 而且, 鯨豚動物乃食物鏈的最高消費者 ; 若這個角色於生態系統中減少甚或消失, 將對食物鏈的底層生物, 以至整個生態系統造成不可估計的嚴重後果 另外, 由於鯨豚是群居的動物, 若從野外捕捉牠們, 對僥倖未被捕捉的成員亦會造成很大的感情衝擊, 甚至令倖存的社群瓦解 ; 亦可能令社群中年幼成員喪失從成年成員學習生存技能的機會 17

19 How does capturing wild dolphins affect their wild populations and the ecosystem? The case of orcas in Washington State in the US clearly demonstrates the detrimental impacts of live captures. From 1962 to 1976, when live capture of orcas was made illegal under state law, 45 orcas were taken from the waters of Washington State. Eleven died during capture operations, and the remaining 34 were shipped to dolphinaria for public display. Only one is still alive today. Research found that the southern resident orca population had been effectively halved by these removals and the species was recently listed as endangered under the US Endangered Species Act, partly because of these removals. Many species kept in dolphinaria such as the bottlenose, orca and beluga are not considered endangered according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. From the viewpoint of conservation biology, however, a single species is composed of different populations and stocks from different geographic locations. A local population could therefore be endangered even though the whole species is not. Extinction of a local population may pose serious and irreversible damage to the genetic diversity of a species. Moreover, cetaceans are the top consumers of food chains, and if they disappear, lower trophic levels of food chains and the entire ecosystem may be damaged in unpredictable ways. And since cetaceans are highly social animals with strong bonds formed between individuals, removal of a member can create huge emotional damage to the remaining members and can also cause the social group to break apart and disperse. Moreover, infants within the group may lose the opportunity to learn important survival skills from those experienced adults removed. 像太平洋斑紋海豚這種群居鯨豚動物, 在野外捕捉牠們會嚴重影響其野外族群的社群結構 Capturing highly-social cetacean species such as this Pacific white-sided dolphin can seriously disrupt their social structure. 18

20 讓遊人到水族館看海豚, 不就可以紓緩湧到海中觀看海豚的人數了嗎? 表面上, 這是一個很合理的說法 香港海洋公園曾聲稱, 每年入場人數約為 500 萬人次 ; 如在園中繼續飼養海豚讓遊人觀看, 可避免這 500 萬人湧到海中觀看海豚, 大大地減低對海洋生態構成的壓力 當然, 我們也不能抹煞水族館內的海豚展示, 或會減低一些遊客再到大自然觀看野生鯨豚的欲望, 但綜觀全球, 目前仍未有任何研究探討增加水族館遊客數目, 是否能減低參與生態旅遊的人數 而且, 試想想到訪香港海洋公園的 500 萬人次中, 是否每一個都曾經觀看海豚表演及有關教育展板? 他們觀看表演的目的是想得到娛樂, 還是希望獲得有關海豚的知識? 是否每一個觀眾都會在看表演後減低到大自然觀看野生海豚的意欲? 這是香港海洋公園在作出如此的聲稱前, 需以實質數據回答的問題 參加高質素的觀豚活動才能認識海豚的真正面目 Joining dolphin-watching tour organized by responsible operators can observe the natural behaviours of wild dolphins 19

21 在野外參加負責任的生態旅遊活動, 才能認識海豚的真正面目, 亦可減低對野生海豚的滋擾 ( 圖為紐西蘭觀賞野生暗灰斑紋海豚的生態導賞團 ) By joining responsible ecotourism activities, one can appreciate the true nature of dolphins in their natural setting, and at the same time minimize the disturbance on them. (this picture shows a group of wild dusky dolphins being observed by some tourists during an ecotour in New Zealand) Don t aquaria help lower the number of nature tourists, who might otherwise cause disturbance to wild populations? This appears to be a sensible statement. The OPHK claims that around five million people visit their park each year, helping to divert the visitors who might otherwise disturb wild populations. We cannot rule out the possibility that aquaria may decrease some visitors desire to see dolphins in the wild but there is no evidence to support this. And did every one of these five million visitors watch the dolphin shows and read the related educational signage? Why did the visitors see the dolphin shows? Did they want to learn more about dolphins or just be entertained? Did their desire to watch wild dolphins lessen after watching dolphin shows in aquaria? These are all questions the OPHK must answer with supporting evidence before making such a claim. 20

22 人工繁殖海豚技術, 可以應用於拯救瀕危鯨豚品種嗎? 著名的白鱀豚例子可說明人工繁殖的保育成效 白鱀豚是中國長江獨有的淡水豚, 現時理論上已經絕種 中國研究人員自八十年代開始捕捉野生的白鱀豚, 期望能用人工繁殖技術拯救這個品種 可是, 多年來捕捉到的白鱀豚, 只有一條能存活了二十多年 ( 但亦不幸在 2002 年死了 ), 其餘的在捕捉後沒多久亦相繼死去 這例子說明, 期望以人工繁殖挽救瀕危的海豚品種是不切實際的 而且, 大部分野生鯨豚數目下降, 都是因為生境被毀 若把用作人工繁殖鯨豚的資金, 投放於保護鯨豚生境, 可能更具保育成效 要在人工環境繁殖海豚品種, 必須有一定數量, 以避免近親繁殖 但由於數目稀少, 要從野外捕捉瀕危鯨豚品種並不容易, 故水族館現時主要為沒有即時滅絕危險的鯨豚品種進行人工繁殖, 但每個品種的繁殖生物條件不盡相同, 因此人工繁殖海豚的技術 ( 包括人工授精 ) 並不一定能應用到瀕危物種上 再想想, 即使能成功繁殖瀕危鯨豚品種, 在進行野放前, 還務必解決該物種在野生環境所面對的各種人為威脅, 如水質污染 漁業濫捕及生境破壞等 若這些問題得不到解決, 野放牠們又有什麼意思? 在武漢水生生物研究所被人工馴養的白鱀豚已於 2002 年不幸去世 Qi Qi, the lone captive baiji housed in Institute of Hydrobiology in Wuhan, died in

23 海豚接受人工授孕的技術, 至今仍未能應用於拯救瀕危的野生海豚品種 The technique of artificial insemination of captive dolphins cannot contribute to wild dolphin conservation thus far. Can techniques for captive breeding be applied to rescuing endangered cetacean species? The renowned baiji case can address this question. The baiji is a freshwater dolphin, now functionally extinct, found exclusively in the Yangtze River in China. Since the 1980s, researchers in mainland China have been capturing wild baiji in the hope of breeding them in captivity in order to preserve the species. However, they have not had one successful birth in two decades. All the captured baiji died soon after being caught except for one, which lived for more than 20 years but finally died in This suggests that trying to save endangered dolphin species by captive breeding is unrealistic. In addition, most cetacean species that are declining in the wild are doing so not because they cannot breed successfully but because they are losing habitat. The money being spent on captive breeding of dolphins might be better spent on protecting dolphin habitat. To breed a dolphin species in captivity requires a minimum number of animals (to avoid inbreeding), which would be hard to achieve for an endangered species because of scarce numbers in the wild. Aquaria therefore mainly breed species that are not currently threatened or endangered. Since each species has its unique biological and reproductive requirements, it is doubtful whether captive breeding techniques, including artificial insemination, can be applied to the conservation of endangered species. Moreover, if environmental factors like water pollution, over-fishing and habitat destruction threatening the species in their natural habitat remain or worsen, reintroducing captive-bred animals to the wild is meaningless. 22

24 水族館設施是否有助拯救擱淺或受傷的海豚? 拯救海豚與馴養海豚雖然都會使用人工環境飼養, 但兩者性質截然不同, 絕對不能混為一談 在外國可以找到不少專門拯救及治療擱淺海豚的研究中心, 但這些機構絕不會以展示及訓練海豚牟利 再者, 這些機構都會把康復的海豚送回海中, 監察其野放後的生活作研究之用 而商業的水族館則絕少讓海豚重獲自由 由於海豚本身已是很受歡迎的動物, 絕大部分拯救中心的營運都能單靠公眾捐款支持, 無需以牟利方式經營 這證明, 必須利用人工馴養海豚的商業設施以支持拯救野生海豚的工作的說法是站不住腳的 Do dolphinaria play a part in rescuing and rehabilitating stranded and injured dolphins? Using an artificial enclosure to rescue and rehabilitate stranded whales and dolphins is different to keeping them in captivity. A number of dolphin hospitals can be found all over the world but they never display or train them to generate profits. Instead, these centres return the rehabilitated dolphins back to the sea and monitor their post-release conditions for scientific purposes, which is something commercial aquaria seldom do. Since dolphins can generate enough publicity and raise sufficient donations for the operation of dolphin hospitals, rehabilitation centres do not require commercial aquaria. 23

25 這條被美國聖迭哥海洋世界拯救的短吻真海豚已永久失去自由, 更要不時為遊客表演 This short-beaked common dolphin rescued by SeaWorld San Diego has lost its freedom after being kept in captivity, and is also forced to perform for visitors. 24

26 人類可透過研究人工馴養海豚獲得更多有關牠們的知識? 過往透過研究人工環境中的海豚, 科學家確實曾學習到不少知識, 如有關牠們的生理 回聲定位及智慧等 問題是, 是否所有研究都是必要, 值得犧牲海豚的自由? 一名美國動物神經系統科學家 Marino 博士表示, 曾用鏡子研究證明海豚有自我意識, 然而, 她研究的兩隻馴養海豚卻提早死亡 以馴養海豚進行的研究, 對海豚保育工作有有多大幫助? 研究的保育價值, 是進行研究前需仔細考量的問題 Marino 博士亦指出, 隨著科技發展, 很多用馴養海豚作的研究, 已可用野生海豚研究代替 反之, 很多研究都不能在馴養海豚身上進行, 如有關海豚自然行為及社群結構的研究 美國人道協會亦指出, 全球過半數利用人工馴養海豚進行的研究, 都是由專門的研究所進行 這些研究所絕不會訓練海豚表演以娛樂人類 反之, 商業水族館雖也會進行海豚研究, 但當中大多都只是與改善馴養技巧有關, 與野生海豚的福祉完全沾不上關係 這說明海豚研究並不需要由水族館進行 Do humans learn more about dolphins through conducting research on captive dolphins? Undeniably, a great deal of research on dolphin physiology, echolocation and intelligence is based on captive dolphins enhancing our knowledge of the animals. The key question is, Is all the research important enough to sacrifice the freedom of dolphins? Dr. Marino, an animal neuroscientist in the US, conducted studies involving dolphins and mirrors in which she found that dolphins recognised themselves in mirrors, proving that they are self-aware. The two captive dolphins she studied are now dead, prematurely. How much does captive dolphin research contribute to dolphin conservation? The conservation value of the research needs to be considered before it is conducted. Dr Marino pointed out that field studies are and 25

27 以馴養海豚 ( 如圖中的康氏矮海豚 ) 進行學術研究是完全不必要的 Scientific research cannot justify the keeping of dolphins (such as the Commerson s dolphins in this picture) in captivity permanently. can be used to replace some studies on captive animals. Indeed, a great deal of cutting-edge research, such as studies of natural behaviours and social structures, cannot be done with captive individuals. According to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), over half of the research on captive dolphins around the globe is carried out by dedicated research institutes. The dolphins in these institutes are never trained to perform tricks for entertainment. Commercial aquaria have also carried out research projects on dolphins but these have focused mainly on improving dolphin husbandry techniques, which has nothing to do with wild dolphin conservation. This illustrates that keeping dolphins in aquaria are not essential for scientific research. 26

28 人工環境條件的誤解 Misconception on conditions of artificial enclosures 海豚在人類的照 料下 不用找食物 又可躲過天敵 生 活不是比在海洋中 好得多嗎 這只是一個表面的假象 若你知道海豚是怎樣給 捉回來的 及牠們在水族館裡得到甚麼待遇 你 就不可能再有這個想法 水族館的海豚是從哪裡來的 其實 很多海豚都是被強行從海中捉回來 的 舉例說 在日本太地町 捕豚船首先 不斷追趕海豚或用其他方法恫嚇牠們 再 把牠們困在一個海灣內 待水族館職員從 中挑選適合用作表演的海豚 被看中的海 豚就會被拖上岸 運往水族館 從此與海 洋訣別 剩下的則被活生生宰掉 在另外 一些作業中 捕豚人會以船追逐海豚並用 網把牠們圍住 再把海豚拖上甲板 部分 海豚會被放回海中 與同伴分離 那水族館的職員會以甚麼準則挑選海豚 他們主要選擇年幼而強壯的海豚 可是 這些年輕海豚儘管可能已斷乳 但往往仍未離開母親獨立 所以可以 想像 在水族館 揀蟀 的同時 也正上演著一幕幕母子分離的情景 太地 的母豚留在海灣裡等待被屠殺 子女卻被人類抓走販賣 而在其他作業中 母豚也會幼豚被漁船抓走而極度悲痛 海豚是智慧極高 團結而又有情感的 動物 人類有資格這樣對待牠們嗎 27

29 With plenty of food and no predators, isn t it true that dolphins lead better lives in captivity than in the wild? This is a false perception. Once you know how dolphins are captured and treated in aquaria, you may change your mind. Where do the dolphins in aquaria come from? Many are actually captured from the sea by force. For example, in Taiji, Japan, capture boats first chase or browbeat the dolphins into a shallow bay. Dolphinaria employees then select the ones suitable for performance and transport them to aquaria, away from their home forever, while those left in the bay are slaughtered. In other operations, dolphins are chased and confined in nets, wrestled on board a boat, and the rest, traumatized and exhausted, are released back to the sea to pick up the pieces after losing their pod-mates. Elsa Nature Conservancy 在日本靜岡縣的富戶, 一群瓶鼻海豚慘被水族館職員圍捕的情況 A horrific scene of a group of bottlenose dolphins being encircled and captured by aquarium staff in Futo of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. How do captors select appropriate dolphins for dolphinaria? They prefer young and strong dolphins. Although weaned, these young dolphins are usually still dependent on their mothers. Mothers and calves are brutally separated during capture, with the mothers in Taiji staying in the bay to be slaughtered while their offspring are taken away and sold. In other capture operations, the mothers cry for their calves as the boat drives away. Dolphins are highly intelligent, social and sentient animals can we ever justify treating them this way? 28

30 海豚在水族館得到甚麼待遇? 到了水族館後, 海豚所得到的待遇也絕不人道 牠們不單從此失去自由, 更要被困在水池中, 而水池中的水都是充滿化學物的人工海水, 以防止細菌滋生 水族館在為鯨豚設計居住環境時, 往往以觀眾的需要 水族館的資金預算及管理的方便為首要考慮, 鯨豚自身的需要差不多是居於末位 以下是一些惡劣生活環境的例子 一般來說, 瓶鼻海豚在野外的活動範圍面積超過 100 平方公里 ; 而在水族館, 牠們平均的居住水池通常也不會超過直徑 20 米, 即人工馴養海豚的居住面積, 不及野生海豚活動範圍的百萬分之一! 海豚居住的水池往往是一片光滑的湛藍色 光滑的表面是為了方便清潔及衛生, 但空無一物的水池與多姿多采的海洋相去甚遠 海洋中很多的基質包括泥沙 岩石和珊瑚等, 這些都是人工環境無法比擬的 另外, 狹小的水池亦令海豚發出的聲波被立刻回彈, 嚴重限制了牠們使用回聲定位系統 海豚在水族館內所得到的 高質素 食物, 就是有限品種的急凍死魚, 但死魚的營養價值遠低於海中的鮮魚 飼養海豚的水, 往往需要過濾及加入化學物作消毒之用 但當中的消毒成分 ( 如氯氣 ) 卻可能刺激海豚的眼睛及皮膚 能夠保護海豚的濾水及消毒系統往往十分昂貴, 很多水族館都未能負擔 水溫的調校也可對鯨豚的健康造成很大的影響 以白鯨為例, 牠們習慣住在水溫大約攝氏零度的北冰洋中, 但水族館往往不能把水溫調校得這樣低 以台灣的國立海洋生物博物館為例, 極其量只能為館內白鯨把水溫調至攝氏 16 度 29

31 長居於北冰洋的白鯨, 能否適應水族館為牠們 度身訂造 的人工馴養環境? For beluga whales that are used to cold water temperature in the Arctic Ocean, will they ever feel comfortable living in the tailor-made environment aquarium designed for them? 除了這些不理想的生活條件, 海豚更常常被迫做出各種誇張動作以娛樂人類, 形同馬戲班裡的動物, 沒有尊嚴可言 那些把戲原不是海豚的自然行為, 故訓練員需要利用食物誘導牠們, 例如海豚被要求做到某個動作才給予食物 在人工環境裡, 海豚都需要為了向人類乞討食物, 而做出違反本性的行為 人工馴養環境會是野生海豚理想的家嗎? W o u l d t h i s c a p t i v e environment be the ideal home for wild dolphins? 30

32 How are the dolphins treated in captivity? Even after arriving at the aquaria, the dolphins are not humanely treated. They lose their freedom forever, and are forced to live in an artificial enclosure, often in artificial salt water with chemicals added to prevent high bacteria levels. In any design of a dolphinarium, the needs of the visiting public, the facility s budget, as well as ease of management all take priority over the needs of the animals. Here are some examples of the unfavourable living conditions: In general, the home range of wild bottlenose dolphins exceeds 100 square kilometres, while in dolphinaria, the diameter of a tank might not exceed 20 metres. This means the dolphins in captivity have access to less than one millionth of their normal habitat size! The surfaces of the tanks where the dolphins are kept are usually smooth and painted a monotonous blue. Smooth concrete walls are easy to clean but are far less variable than natural substrates such as sand, rock, or coral. Tanks also restrict the dolphins use of echolocation by rebounding outright the sound waves they emit. The high quality food the dolphins are fed in dolphinaria is frozen dead fish of limited species. Nutritional value of dead fish is far less than the fresh fish they catch at sea. The water in a tank must be filtered or treated with chemicals to avoid dangerous bacteria levels. But disinfectants such as chlorine in the water can irritate the dolphins eyes or skin. The best filtration methods that do not harm the dolphins are expensive and many facilities cannot afford them. The water temperature can also greatly affect the health of captive cetaceans. For example, beluga whales are naturally found in the Arctic where water temperature often hovers around zero degree Celsius, but dolphinaria rarely manage to maintain water temperature to this level. The National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium of Taiwan, which keeps several belugas in their facility, can only adjust the water temperature to 16 degree Celsius at the lowest. 31

33 由於海豚表演裡的把戲原不是牠們的自然行為, 訓練員必須用死魚來誘導牠們 In order to lure dolphins to perform all kinds of tricks that are not their natural behaviours, the trainers have to use dead fish as positive reinforcer Apart from these sub-optimal living conditions, dolphins in captivity are also forced to perform all kinds of tricks to entertain humans, just like circus animals, without dignity. As the tricks are not dolphins natural behaviours, the trainers have to use food as a primary positive reinforcer, reducing the animals to little more than beggars. 32

34 水族館內的海豚會活得比野生海豚長久嗎? 在眾多鯨豚品種中, 瓶鼻海豚是在人工環境中的存活率較高的品種 然而, 儘管人類已有 70 多年的飼養經驗, 但研究卻顯示水族館海豚的年度死亡率一直高於野生海豚 另外, 經人工繁殖所誕下的瓶鼻海豚幼豚, 其存活率卻並不比野生的高多少 ; 這些幼豚的死因多為母豚缺乏照顧幼豚的技巧 胎兒生長異常 生長空間窄小以及受到館內其他動物的攻擊等 至於殺人鯨方面, 牠們在水族館的死亡率則比瓶鼻海豚高得多 人工飼養殺人鯨的死亡率亦是野生殺人鯨的三倍 根據美國人道協會的專家報告, 自 1961 年全球共有 195 隻殺人鯨被關在水族館內, 直至 2010 年已有 154 隻死亡, 當中只有少於 20 隻可於水族館內活命超過 20 年 相對來說, 野生的雄性殺人鯨可活至 60 歲, 而雌性更可活至 歲 野生雄性殺人鯨平均壽命約 30 歲, 雌性則約 50 歲 這說明了水族館內的殺人鯨, 壽命遠比牠們的野生同伴短 是甚麼因素令人工馴養的殺人鯨折壽呢? 數據顯示這與 壓力 有莫大關係 有研究顯示, 活在人工環境中的鯨豚動物, 都被驗出體內有較高的壓力荷爾蒙 科學家指出, 若鯨豚被迫與慣常一起生活的同伴分離 被迫與人工組合的動物群體生活 被困在一個地方 或被迫作出非自然的行為, 都會為鯨豚構成壓力 這對體型龐大 而與同伴的社交群體結構又特別複雜的殺人鯨來說, 影響尤其大 壓力往往會令鯨豚動物變得更具侵略性 更容易生病或流產, 甚至死亡 至於白鯨, 最近一項研究指出, 人工飼養白鯨的壽命, 最長也只及野生同伴的一半 牙齒分析顯示, 白鯨最長壽可達約 60 歲, 但至今未有人工飼養的白鯨可活超過 40 歲, 很多更於 30 歲前已死亡 台灣的國立海洋生物博物館自 2002 年起陸續從俄羅斯引入十頭白鯨, 至今已有六頭死亡 33

35 野生殺人鯨 ( 此殺人鯨攝於紐西蘭水域 ) 的壽命遠高於人工馴養的殺人鯨 The average life span of wild orcas (such as this one in New Zealand) far exceeds the ones in captivity 34

36 Do dolphins in captivity live longer than their wild counterparts? The bottlenose dolphin has a higher survival rate in captivity than most other cetacean species. Nevertheless, studies indicate it has a higher annual mortality rate in captivity than in the wild, in spite of more than 70 years of experience in maintaining this species in captivity. In addition, the survival rate of bottlenose dolphin calves bred in captivity is not significantly higher than those born in the wild. Causes of death for captive-born calves include lack of maternal skills, lack of proper foetal development, confined living space and abnormal aggression from other animals in artificial environments. The annual death rate of orcas kept in captivity is far higher than that of bottlenose dolphins and three times higher than in the wild. According to The HSUS, since 1961 there have been 195 orcas kept in captivity. And until 2010, 154 have died and less than 20 have survived artificial environments for more than two decades. On the other hand, in the wild, male orcas may reach 60 years of age and females years of age. Average life span is 30 years for males, and 50 years for females. This illustrates that orcas in captivity usually live much shorter lives than their wild counterparts. What causes orcas in artificial enclosures to die prematurely? The data strongly suggest that the cause is stress-related. Studies show elevated stress hormones in cetaceans kept in captivity. Scientists point out that separating cetaceans from their associates, placing them in artificial social groups, living in confined spaces or being forced to perform unnatural behaviours cause immense stress for the animals. With their big bodies and complex social structures in the wild, orcas are particularly affected by being kept in captivity. Stress makes the animals become more aggressive, more prone to disease, miscarriage and even death. A recent study clarified that captive belugas live at best only half as long as they can in the wild. From tooth analyses, maximum longevity for belugas has been determined to be about 60 years no captive beluga has ever lived beyond 40 and many die before reaching 30 years of age. Out of the 10 belugas imported from Russia by the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Taiwan in 2002, six are already dead. 35

37 在人工馴養環境的白鯨的存活率大多偏低 ( 圖為芝加哥雪德水族館的白鯨 ) Most beluga whales do not survive well in captivity (photo was taken in Shedd Aquarium, Chicago) 36

38 人工馴養海豚對人類風險的誤解 Misconceptions on risks to humans of keeping dolphins in captivity 現時, 全球愈來愈多水族館均會設立遊客與海豚接觸的環節, 而香港海洋公園也會舉辦 豚聚一刻 的活動 然而, 由於這類項目在絕大部分國家或地區 ( 包括香港 ) 均沒有受到監管, 故無論對海豚或人類, 這類活動的安全都存在疑問 與海豚的 親密接觸 對海豚或人類的安全來說充滿疑問 There are many safety concerns, either to dolphins or visitors, in this type of close encounter with dolphins 海豚整天笑瞇瞇的, 既友善又可愛, 人類能夠與牠們多接觸, 不是很好嗎? 事實上, 讓海豚與人類接觸, 不但會增添 海豚的壓力, 影響牠們的健康, 更可能會 對遊客構成威脅 根據 2004 年美國一項調 查,23% 的海洋哺乳類動物訓練員表示曾 因接觸這些動物而感染皮膚病, 另外也有 20% 受訪者被傳染呼吸系統疾病, 最嚴重甚 至感染了肺結核病 與海豚接觸的公眾, 亦同樣有被海豚傳染疾病 的風險 除了疾病, 人類與海豚接觸而受傷的情況, 更不容忽視 在香港, 近年只有在 2006 年發生的海豚撞傷訓練員的一宗公開報道 ( 但是否有更多未被公 開的則不得而知 ), 但事實上在外國此類事件並不罕見 在美國, 就有遊人因參加與海豚 共泳的節目而遭撞至胸骨骨折, 亦有海豚曾於池內躍起, 再壓向身旁一群游泳人士 水族館常把鯨豚包裝成 溫柔 友善 可愛 的動物, 然而不要忘記, 鯨豚動物其實是捕獵者 在正常情況下, 牠們不會主動襲擊人類, 但牠們絕對有能力這樣做 美國一項調查指出, 過半數受訪的海洋哺乳類動物訓練員都表示曾遭這些動物襲擊, 導致不同程度的損傷 但因為水族館通常會低調處理 甚至是隱瞞此類事件, 以免影響業界形象, 所以公眾往往對這些事件一無所知 在眾多鯨豚品種中, 殺人鯨最具侵略性, 故馴養殺人鯨對人類最為危險 事實上, 人工馴養的殺人鯨是導致最多人類受傷甚至死亡的品種 從 1968 至 2010 年, 全球發生了至少 50 宗人工馴養的殺人鯨導致人類受傷事件, 當中更導致四人死亡 這與野生殺人鯨完全相反 : 野生殺人鯨從未曾嚴重傷害或殺死人類 最近一宗發生於 2010 年 2 月, 一名於美國奧蘭多海洋世界工作的女訓練員, 遭園內一頭殺人鯨咬著搖動並拖進水中, 咬著不放達 37 半小時 這名訓練員最終因身體多處受傷及遇溺而不治

39 We can tell from the Nowadays, dolphins smiles that they more and more dolphinaria are always happy. They around the are so lovely, so isn t world including it good to get closer to OPHK allow them? visitors to touch dolphins in some activities. These kinds of programmes are not regulated or monitored in most countries, including Hong Kong, and whether they are safe for the dolphins and humans is questionable. Allowing visitors to touch the dolphins not only increases the animals stress, affecting their health, but can also pose risks to the visitors involved. According to a survey of those who had been in contact with marine mammals (primarily those who worked with these animals) conducted in the US in 2004, 23% of respondents reported contracting a skin rash or similar ailment. Nearly a fifth of the respondents reported respiratory illnesses, including in rare cases tuberculosis. Like marine mammal workers, members of the public who touch these animals could also be exposed to such health risks. Injuries caused by the animals also need to be considered. In Hong Kong, only one case of dolphin-inflicted injury was reported in 2006 (although there may also be unreported cases), but cases of marine mammal-inflicted injuries are not uncommon in other countries. In the US, for example, a man suffered a cracked sternum when butted by a dolphin. In another case in Curaçao, a dolphin breached and landed directly on a group of swimmers. Dolphinaria always portray dolphins as 鯨豚動物在正常情況下理應不會襲擊人類, 但牠們絕對有能力這樣做 ( 圖為美國聖迭哥海洋世界一訓練員騎在殺人鯨頭部作表演 ) Whales and dolphins do not normally attack humans, but they are certainly capable of doing so (photo was taken at SeaWorld San Diego, with a trainer riding on the head of a captive killer whale) gentle, friendly and lovely animals but we should also remember that dolphins are predators. Normally they do not attack humans, but they are capable of doing so. In a survey of people working with captive marine mammals carried out in the US, more than half of the respondents claimed that they had been injured by dolphins. However, dolphinaria tend to play down these incidents to protect their image, and thus the public seldom know about these incidents. The orca is the most aggressive among all cetacean species, hence keeping them in captivity is the most dangerous for humans. Captive orcas are the marine mammals most often associated with human injuries and deaths. From 1968 to 2010, at least 50 cases of human injuries, many very serious, inflicted by captive orcas were reported around the globe; four people have been killed. This is in contrast to wild orcas, which have never been known to seriously injure or kill a human being. The most recent fatal incident occurred in February 2010, when a female trainer working at SeaWorld in Orlando, US, was dragged into the tank by an orca who shook her, held her underwater, and would not release her for more than a half hour. She died from multiple blunt trauma injuries and drowning. 38

40 紀錄片 海豚灣 (The Cove)- 日本活捉海豚個案簡述 The Documentary The Cove A brief account of the Japanese dolphin hunt Sea Shepherd Conservation Society 自紀錄片 海豚灣 (The Cove) 在 2010 年 3 月獲得奧斯卡金像獎最佳紀錄長 片以後, 愈來愈多人關注紀錄片中日本太地町漁民屠殺海豚的情況 這究竟是 怎樣一回事呢? 這又與人工馴養海豚有何關係? 日本和歌山縣的太地町漁民, 每年九月都會開始一年一度的海豚大屠殺 他們先以漁船把海豚驅趕至太地一個偏僻的海灣中, 再把牠們困在海灣中 隨後水族館的職員就會來挑選適合用作表演的海豚, 剩下來的就會給漁民殺掉, 再製成海豚肉於當地出售作食用 雖然水族館職員並無參與屠殺海豚, 但由於水族館行業會資助太地漁民出海捕捉海豚, 故水族館行業可說是間接參與海豚屠殺的幫兇 紀錄片中亦指出, 把海豚出售作公眾展覽並非促成海豚屠殺的唯一原因 當地漁民堅持捕殺海豚, 亦因為他們堅信海豚吃掉他們的漁獲, 及為了捍衛他們的 飲食文化傳統 和民族尊嚴 另外, 紀錄片亦揭發, 由於海豚在生態學上是位於食物鏈頂部的消費者, 故牠們體內水銀含量極高, 絕不適宜人類食用 然而, 當地漁民及政府亦被質疑隱瞞此事, 繼續向全國銷售海豚肉, 置日本國民健康於不顧 39

41 Elsa Nature Conservancy 一群偽虎鯨被漁民運往屠宰場地 Several falser killer whales were brought to the slaughter house 太地町的漁民剛屠殺一群條紋海豚 Some striped dolphins were slaughtered by Taiji fishermen Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Since the documentary The Cove won an Academy Award for Best Feature Documentary in March 2010, more people are aware of the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan. What is this about? And how is this related to keeping dolphins in captivity? Fishermen in Taiji, Japan, begin their annual dolphin slaughter every September. They first drive the dolphins with their fishing boats into a bay to let aquarium staff select the dolphins suitable for performance. Those not chosen are slaughtered and their meat sold as food. The aquaria staff are not directly involved in killing the dolphins but their employers provide financial incentive to the Taiji fishermen to conduct the drive hunts. Thus the captivity industry is considered an accomplice to the Taiji dolphin massacre. The documentary points out that public display sales are not the only reasons for the dolphin kill. The local fishermen butcher dolphins to preserve their fish stocks, and also to defend their tradition and national pride. The documentary also exposes how dolphin meat is toxic, since dolphins are top consumers in their food chains and contain extremely high levels of mercury in their flesh. The government and local fishermen are accused of covering up this fact and continuing to sell dolphin meat across the country, putting public health at risk. 40

42 其他活捉海豚個案簡述 Live capture operation case studies in other nations 所羅門群島位於澳洲附近的島國 - 所羅門群島 - 在過去數年間曾大量輸出瓶鼻海豚予全球各地的水族館, 在自然保育界引起了極大的爭議 2003 年所羅門群島首次被揭發捕捉了至少 94 頭印度太平洋瓶鼻海豚, 再把牠們困住以待日後出口到水族館 世界自然保育聯盟的鯨豚專家小組 ( 下稱 小組 ) 就此發信給當地政府, 指由於目前仍未曾進行任何科學研究, 可以證明在當地捕捉瓶鼻海豚會對當地種群構成甚麼影響, 因此 瀕危野生動植物物國際貿易公約 ( 下稱 公約 ) 成員國不應批准從所羅門群島進口瓶鼻海豚 然而, 在 2007 年當所羅門群島成為了 公約 成員國以後, 當地政府即容許每年出口 100 頭海豚, 並聲稱會在當地進行海豚種群調查 但小組總結指出, 當地採用把調查結果轉為種群估量的方法並不正確, 令當地發出的出口許可證不符合 可持續 原則 專家相信當地只有約數百隻瓶鼻海豚, 若每年從中捕捉 100 頭, 對此種群將造成不可估量的傷害 2008 年, 小組在墨西哥召開工作坊, 再次確立所羅門群島政府不可能按 公約 要求發出有效的 無損害證明, 故 公約 成員國不應就從所羅門群島進口海豚發出許可證 可是, 所羅門群島以後仍企圖出口海豚, 一些 公約 成員國亦無視小組的建議, 批准從所羅門群島引進海豚 無損害證明 是 公約 對簽署成員國的一項要求, 規定欲出口 公約 附錄二列明的品種 ( 瓶鼻海豚是 公約 附錄二的列明物種 ), 需提供文件證明出口及貿易該物種, 對該物種於當地的種群沒有損害性的影響 每個 公約 成員國都有責任以本土法律審視 41

43 Solomon Islands The Solomon Islands near Australia has exported a large number of bottlenose dolphins to dolphinaria all over the world in the past few years, stirring up a string of controversies. The first incident exposed was in 2003 when the Solomon Islands captured at least 94 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins for exportation to foreign aquaria. The Cetacean Specialist Group (CSG) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) sent a letter to the Solomon Islands government stating that there is currently no scientific assessment of the effects of removing bottlenose dolphins on population levels and therefore advised the parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) not to allow the import of dolphins from the Solomon Islands. Soon after the Solomon Islands became a party to CITES in 2007, the government proposed an annual export quota of 100 dolphins a year and claimed that it would conduct surveys of the local dolphin populations. But the CSG concluded that the methodology used to turn the survey results into population estimates was invalid, rendering the export quota unsustainable. Experts believe that there may be only a few hundred dolphins in Solomon Islands waters, a number that cannot sustain an annual take of 100 animals. In 2008, the CSG held a workshop in Mexico and concluded that no valid and credible Non-detriment Finding (NDF) can be issued for Solomon Islands bottlenose dolphins; thus CITES parties should not allow 在香港海洋公園被人工馴養的印度太平洋瓶鼻海豚海豚均來自台灣澎湖及印尼水域, 與擬在所羅門群島捕捉的為同一品種 T h i s c a p t i v e I n d o - P a c i f i c bottlenose dolphin housed at Ocean Park Hong Kong is captured either from Penghu Islands of Taiwan or Indonesian waters, which is the same species of dolphins that they intended to acquire earlier from the Solomon Islands. 42

44 無損害證明 的有效性 然而, 若 公約 秘書處認為有理由懷疑一個 無損害證明 的有效性, 也會建議成員國避免與該國進行物種貿易 現時, 由於 公約 內部對所羅門群島的海豚貿易的正當性感到懷疑, 故正對此貿易進行 重要貿易檢討 由於出口海豚能為所羅門群島政府帶來可觀的外匯收入 ( 每頭海豚售價最少達十萬美元 ), 再加上此國相對貧窮, 故外界普遍相信, 所羅門群島政府有強烈誘因, 會在數據缺乏或不能證明出口不會損害當地種群的情況下, 仍為海豚貿易發出 無損害證明 由於對 公約 無損害證明 有效性的監督十分缺乏, 因此所羅門群島 一直吸引不少水族館前往選購海豚 香港海洋公園亦被傳媒揭發於 2009 年 年底及 2010 年 4 月派員前往當地, 懷疑是部署搜購 36 隻海豚作表演用途 imports of dolphins from the Solomon Islands. Yet the Solomon Islands government has continued to export dolphins and some CITES parties have ignored the CSG recommendation and allowed imports. A Non-Detriment Finding (NDF) is a CITES requirement stipulating that any party exporting species listed on CITES Appendix II (such as the bottlenose dolphin) must determine that captures and trade will not affect the survival of the species. Each CITES party is responsible under its domestic laws for policing the validity of the NDFs issued. However, if the CITES Secretariat feels there is reason to suspect the validity of an NDF, it can recommend to the parties to avoid trade in that species with that nation. The Solomon Islands dolphin trade is currently undergoing a "Significant Trade Review", a process within CITES implemented when there is suspicion of problematic trade. Because exporting dolphins brings a significant amount of income to the Solomon Islands government (every dolphin sells for at least USD 100,000), the Solomon Islands a relatively impoverished nation is generally believed to have a strong incentive to issue an NDF even if the data (or the lack thereof) do not support it. The lack of adequate policing of CITES NDFs has allowed the Solomon Islands to become a hotspot for the global live dolphin trade. The media has exposed that the OPHK sent staff to the Solomon Islands in late 2009 and in April 2010 to arrange an import of 36 bottlenose dolphins. 43

45 俄羅斯位於俄羅斯鄂霍次克海的白鯨, 同樣受到全球自然保育界人士的關注 1930 年代, 俄羅斯曾於該海域捕捉大量白鯨, 令當地白鯨數目銳減 直至現在, 仍未有可信的研究可以確定當地白鯨種群的現況, 但一般學者普遍相信, 當地的白鯨數目仍然偏低 俄羅斯政府雖於 1999 年實行禁捕白鯨, 但在翌年再次容許捕捉白鯨, 以售予全球各地的水族館 與所羅門群島的情況一樣, 學者普遍相信俄羅斯政府無法就出口白鯨提供有效的 無損害證明, 但由於該國發出的 無損害證明 的有效性並沒有受任何權威的評估, 所以多年來俄羅斯成了全球水族館行業業界 熱門 的進口白鯨國家 香港海洋公園亦被揭發過去數年一直部署從俄羅斯進口白鯨 儘管園方聲稱會於捕捉前先於當地進行研究, 但由於研究是由海洋公園直接聘請的專家負責進行, 其獨立性及可信性均存疑 Keira Yau Lucas Ho 此兩隻來自俄羅斯水域的白鯨, 分別在大連老虎灘海洋公園及深圳小梅沙海洋世界被人工馴養 These two beluga whales, both originated from Russia, are kept in captivity at the Dalian L a o h u t a n O c e a n P a r k a n d Shenzhen Xiaomeisha SeaWorld respectively. 44

46 Russia International conservationists are greatly concerned about beluga whale populations in the Okhotsk Sea of Russia. In the 1930s, a large number of belugas were captured from Russian waters, greatly depleting local populations. There have yet been any reliable surveys to determine the current status of local populations. Scientists believe that the number of belugas in the Okhotsk Sea might be quite low. The Russian government banned wild beluga capture in 1999, but lifted the moratorium the following year, allowing belugas to be captured once again and sold to aquaria worldwide. Scientists generally believe that the Russian government, like the Solomon Islands, fails to provide a valid and credible NDF for exporting the belugas. Since the validity of its NDF has not been properly assessed by any authority, Russia has become a hotspot for capturing wild belugas. The OPHK also planned to import beluga whales from Russia. Although the park claimed to have carried out pre-capture surveys to evaluate the impact of any capture on the population, the surveys were conducted by scientists employed by the park. The independence and credibility of the research is, therefore, in serious doubt. 45

47 Keira Yau 此四隻在台灣國立海洋生物博物館仍存活的人工馴養白鯨均來自俄羅斯水域 ; 牠們的另外六位同伴則已不幸死亡 Four beluga whales are still surviving at Taiwan s National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, all originated from Russia, while the other six have been dead. 46

48 結語 Conclusion 從以上提供的資料和分析, 我們可以看到, 人工馴養海豚無論是對牠們自身 對人類, 抑或是對大自然, 都是百害而無一利的 對我們人類來說, 這可能只是小事一樁, 無論看不看海豚表演, 日子還是這樣的過 但不要忘記, 這對鯨豚動物來說, 是一生的轉變 牠們在人工環境裡, 從此過著沒有曙光 沒有尊嚴的生活, 完全沒有選擇的餘地 而且人工馴養海豚背後的龐大經濟利益, 亦為人類剝削野生動物提供重大誘因, 令海豚繼續被屠殺或捕捉 若我們真正關心鯨豚動物, 在以後的日子, 我們還要不要讓這些有靈性 有感情的動物受到這種對待? 希望這本小書可幫助你從多角度思考這個問題 我們可以怎樣幫助鯨和海豚? 可從紀錄片 博物館 書籍及互聯網學習有關鯨豚生物學及生態學的知識 多與身邊的親人及朋友分享正確的鯨豚知識 多參與保護鯨豚及海洋生態的活動 在香港及國際間有關鯨豚保育的議題上, 多積極向有關部門反映意見 / 建議 到野外觀看海豚, 只參加高質素及負責任的生態旅行團 拒絕購買門票進入剝削海豚的動物園或水族館, 以免造成對這類動物表演的需求, 間接支持水族館繼續圈養 / 從野外捕捉海豚 47

49 From the above information and analyses, we can see that keeping cetaceans in captivity is harmful to the animals, ourselves and the ecosystem. Whether or not animals are kept in confinement has little effect on our daily lives, but it s a lifetime of imprisonment to the cetaceans. In artificial enclosures, the animals have to live without hope, dignity or choice. And the considerable profit generated by the captivity industry becomes a great incentive to continue this exploitation, causing more cetaceans to be captured or slaughtered. If we truly care for these animals, we have to decide: are we are going to let these intelligent and sensitive creatures continue to suffer like this? HKDCS hopes that this booklet will allow you to make an informed decision after looking at this particular issue from different angles. What can we do to help dolphins and whales? Learn more about their biology and ecology from documentaries, museums, books and the internet Share with your families, relatives and friends the correct knowledge about dolphins and whales Take part in campaigns on conservation of cetaceans and marine ecology Express your opinion and make suggestions on issues of dolphin conservation in Hong Kong and around the world to the relevant authorities Participate only in high-quality and responsible wild dolphin-watching tours Refuse to pay to enter any zoo or aquarium that exploits dolphins for entertainment, to avoid causing demand for dolphin shows and thus indirectly supporting keeping cetaceans in captivity and capturing dolphins from the sea 48

50 延伸閱讀 Further Readings HKDCS: The Cove Booklet - Secrets Behind Dolphin Slaughter in Japan Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society The Humane Society International: Marine Mammals in Captivity marine_mammals_in_captivity.html Ending Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji Sea Shepherd Conservation Society 鳴謝 Acknowledgments Text: Sammi Ng (HKDCS), Dr. Naomi Rose (Humane Society International) Proofread: Hannah Lee, Anthony Hung, Dr. Samuel Hung (HKDCS) Photo Credit: Anthony Hung, Elsa Nature Conservancy, Keira Yau, Lucas Ho, Samuel Hung, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society 49

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