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1 基础医学导论 运动系统 / 肌肉骨骼系统 Locomotor system/musculoskeletal system 浙江大学基础医学院干细胞与组织工程中心陈晓 Chenxiao-610@zju.edu.cn Contents 人体的基本结构 General structures of human body 人体解剖学的分科 Classification of human anatomy 解剖学常用术语 Common language in study of anatomy 1

2 人体的基本结构 General structures of human body 人体解剖学的分科 (The classification of the anatomy) Gross anatomy ( 大体解剖学 ) 1systematic anatomy( 系统解剖学 ) 2regional anatomy ( 局部解剖学 ) Microscopic anatomy ( 显微解剖学, histology), Developmental anatomy ( 发育解剖学 ), Radiographic anatomy ( 放射解剖学 ) Clinical anatomy ( 临床解剖学 ) Sectional anatomy ( 断层解剖学 ) 2

3 1 Locomotor system 运动系统 系统解剖学 (systematic anatomy) 2 Digestive system 3 Respiratory system 4 Urinary system 5 Genital system 6 Circulatory system 7 Sensory system 8 Nervous system 9 Endocrine system 消化系统呼吸系统泌尿系统生殖系统循环系统感觉系统神经系统内分泌系统 人体解剖学的术语 Common language in study of anatomy ( 一 ) 人体解剖姿势 Anatomical Position ( 二 ) 人体的基本切面和基本轴 Axis and planes ( 三 ) 人体的方位术语 Terms of directions 3

4 人体解剖姿势 AnatomicalPosition Erect position 身体直立 Face forward Arms hanging Palms forward Heels near to each other Toes forward 双眼平视手臂下垂掌心向前两足并立脚尖向前 人体基本面和基本轴 Axis and planes 冠状轴 (coronal axis) 额状轴矢状轴 (sagittal axis) 垂直轴 (vertical axis) 冠状面 (coronal plane) 矢状面 (sagittal plane) 水平面 (horizontal plane) 4

5 verticall axis coronal axis sagittal axis 3 horizontal plane 2 sagittal plane 1 冠状面 ( 额状面 ) 2 矢状面 3 水平面 ( 横断面 ) 1 coronal plane 5

6 方位术语 Terms of directions 上 (superior) 下 (inferior) 前 (anterior) 后 (posterior) 或腹侧 (ventral) 背侧 (dorsal) 内侧 (medial) 外侧 (lateral) 左 (left) 右 (right) 浅 (superficial) 深 (deep) 近端 (proximal): 指四肢的近躯干端 ( 四肢靠近与躯干相连接的部分为近端 ) 远端 (distal): 指四肢的远躯干端 ( 四肢远离与躯干相连接的部分为远端 ) 桡侧 (radial): 指前臂的外侧 尺侧 (ulnar): 指前臂的内侧 腓侧 (fibular): 指小腿的外侧 胫侧 (tibial): 指小腿的内侧 6

7 上 (superior): 靠近头部称为上 下 (inferior): 靠近足部称为下 前 (anterior): 靠近腹面称为前 后 (posterior): 靠近背面称为后 浅 (superfical): 靠近体表或器官表面称为浅 深 (profund): 远离体表或器官表面称为深 内侧 (medial): 靠近身体正中失状面为内侧 外侧 (exterior): 远离身体正中失状面为外侧 内 (internal) 外 (external) 7

8 运动系统 / 肌肉骨骼系统 Locomotor system/musculoskeletal system 骨学 Osteology 中轴骨附肢骨 中轴骨 axial skeleton 附肢骨 skeleton appendiculare 关节学 Arthrology 不动关节 synarthrosis( 直接连接 ) 可动关节 diarthroses( 间接连接 ) 肌学 Skeletal muscle 8

9 骨学 Osteology 骨的形态和分类 The shape and classification of bones 骨的构造 The structure of bones 骨的化学成份和物理性质 The chemical and physical properties of bones 骨的发育 The development of bones Functions of Skeletal System Support and Framework Protects Attachment sites Skeletal muscles... Mineral storage Calcium and phosphorus Site of blood cell formation in their marrow 9

10 扁骨 不规则骨 长骨 短骨 骨的形态和分类 The shape and classification of bones 骨的构造 The structure of bones 骨质 Bony substances 骨密质骨松质 骨密质 compact substance (bone) 骨松质 spongy substance (bone) 骨膜 Periosteum 外膜内膜 外膜 outer layer 内膜 inner layer 骨髓 Bone marrow 红骨髓 red marrow 黄骨髓 yellow marrow 红骨髓黄骨髓 10

11 骨的化学成分和物理性质 The chemical and physical properties of bones 30% 关节学 Arthrology 不动关节 ( 直接连接 )Synarthrosis 纤维连接 fibrous joints 软骨连接 cartilaginous joints 骨性结合 synostoses 可动关节 ( 间接连接 )Diarthroses 又称滑膜关节 (synovial joint) 11

12 不动关节 Synarthrosis 纤维连接 Fibrous joints 缝 sutures 韧带连接 syndesmoses 嵌合 gomphosis 嵌合 软骨连接透明软骨连接纤维软骨连接 软骨连接 Cartilaginous joints 透明软骨连接 synchondroses 纤维软骨连接 symphyses 骨性结合 骨性结合 Synosteosis Fibrous Joint -- Sutures Immovable fibrous joints bind skull bones together Serrate - interlocking lines( 齿状联合 ) coronal, sagittal and lambdoid sutures Lap - overlapping beveled edges temporal and parietal bones( 颞和颅顶骨 ) Plane -straight, nonoverlapping edges palatine processes( 腭突 ) of the maxillae 12

13 Types of Sutures 9-25 Cartilaginous Joint -- Synchondrosis Bones are joined by hyaline cartilage rib attachment to sternum epiphyseal plate( 骺板 )in children binds epiphysis and diaphysis

14 Cartilaginous Joint -- Symphysis 2 bones joined by fibrocartilage pubic symphysis and intervertebral discs Only slight amount of movement is possible 滑膜关节 Synovial joint 1. 基本结构关节面关节囊关节腔 2. 辅助结构韧带关节盘关节唇滑膜襞滑液囊 3. 关节的类型 4. 关节的运动 关节面 articular surface 关节囊 articular capsule 关节腔 articular cavity 韧带 ligaments 关节盘 articular disc 关节唇 articular labrum 滑膜襞 synovial fold 滑液囊 synovial bursa 14

15 关节的基本结构 Essential structures of synovial joints 关节的辅助结构 Accessory structures of synovial joints 15

16 Components of a Lever muscle lever system First class lever: elbow( 肘关节 ) 动力点 阻力点分别在支点的两边 Components of a Lever Second class lever: ankle joint( 踝关节 ) 省力杠杆 Third class lever: elbow( 肘关节 ) 费力杠杆 16

17 关节的分类 Types of synovial joints 单轴关节 uniaxial joints 双轴关节 biaxial joints 多轴关节 polyaxial joints Axes of Rotation Shoulder joint has 3 degrees of freedom = multiaxial joint 多轴关节 Other joints monoaxial or biaxial

18 关节的运动类型 Types of joint movements 屈和伸 flexion and extension 收和展 adduction and abduction 旋转 rotation 环转 circumduction Flexion, Extension and Hyperextension Flexion decreases the angle of a joint Extension straightens and returns to the anatomical position Hyperextension = extension beyond 180degrees 过伸

19 Abduction and Adduction Abduction is movement of a part away from the midline 外展 hyperabduction raise arm over back or front of head Adduction is movement towards the midline 内收 hyperadduction crossing fingers 9-37 Movement on longitudinal axis rotation of trunk, thigh, head or arm Medial rotation turns the bone inwards Lateral rotation turns the bone outwards Rotation

20 Circumduction Movement in which one end of an appendage remains stationarywhile the other end makes a circular motion Sequence of flexion, abduction, extension and adduction movements baseball player winding up for a pitch 9-39 Movements of the Foot Dorsiflexionis raising of the toes as when you swing the foot forward to take a step (heel strike) 背屈 Plantarflexionis extension of the foot so that the toes point downward as in standing on tiptoe 跖屈 Inversion is a movement in which the soles are turned medially Eversionis a turning of the soles to face laterally 外翻

21 基础医学导论 躯干骨及其连接 The Bones of trunk and Their Joints 浙江大学基础医学院陈晓 中轴骨骼 axial skeleton 躯干骨 the bones of trunk 颅 skull 运动范围较小 21

22 躯干骨 the bones of trunk Vertebral Column 椎骨 (24) vertebrae 骶骨 (1) sacrum 尾骨 (1) coccyx 胸骨 (1) sternum 肋 (12 对 ) costal bone Vertebral Column Cervical vertebrae (7) 颈 Thoracic vertebrae (12) 胸 Lumbar vertebrae (5) 腰 Sacral (4-5 fused segments) fused bone 骶骨 (1) Coccygeal(3-4 fused segments) fused bone 尾骨 (1) Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Cervical Cervical curvature vertebrae Vertebra prominens Rib facet Thoracic Thoracic vertebrae curvature Intervertebral Intervertebral foramina Lumbar Lumbar vertebrae curvature Sacrum Sacral curvature (a) Coccyx (b) 44 22

23 椎骨 vertebrae 一般形态 General features of the vertebrae 各部主要特征 The main characteristic of vertebrae in each region 锥体 椎弓 椎管 vertebral canal:( 围成 内容 ) 椎间孔 intervertebral foramina( 围成 内容 ) 23

24 24

25 25

26 尾骨 Thoracic Cage 胸 廓 Ribs (12) Sternum Thoracic vertebrae (12) Costal cartilages Supports shoulder girdleribs and upper limbs Protects viscera Role in breathing False (a) Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Jugular notch (suprasternal notch) Sternal angle Thoracic vertebra 1 Clavicular notch 2 Manubrium 3 True ribs 4 (vertebrosternal ribs) 5 Body 6 7 Xiphoid process 8 Ribs Vertebrochondral 9 ribs Costal cartilage Floating ribs (vertebral ribs) Sternum (b) b: Victor B. Eichler, PhD 52 26

27 胸骨 stenum 肋 ribs 胸骨角 :( 组成 意义 ) sternal angle 27

28 Rib Structure Shaft Head posterior end; articulates with vertebrae Tubercle articulates with vertebrae Costal cartilage hyaline cartilage Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Neck Head Tubercle Anterior end Shaft Costal groove (a) Spinous process Facet Tubercle Neck Head Facet Shaft (b) Anterior end (sternal end) 56 28

29 躯干骨连接成 : 脊柱 (vertebral column) 胸廓 (thorax) 脊 柱 vertebral column 椎骨间连结 脊柱的整体观及其运动 29

30 椎骨间连结 椎体间连结 椎弓间连结 寰椎与枕骨及枢椎的关节 Intervertebral Disc Soft fibro-cartilaginous cushions Between two vertebra Allows some motion Serve as shock absorbers Total 23 discs ¼ th of the spinal column's length Avascular Nutrients diffuse through end plates 30

31 椎间盘 intervertebral disc 前纵韧带 anterior longitudinal ligament 椎体间连结 后纵韧带 posterior longitudinal ligament 椎间盘 intervertebral( 位置 组成 ) Intervertebral Disc Anatomy Spongy center Nucleus pulposus 髓核 Surrounded by a tougher outer fibrous ring Anulus fibrosus 纤维环 31

32 32

33 Blood supply to the avascular intervertebral disc Thin midsagittal section cut from adjacent upper lumbar vertebral bodies from a young adult filled by arterial injection adapted from: HV Crock and H Yoshizawa Blood supply of the Vertebral column 33

34 Motion Segment Herniated disk Can Occur when there is enoughpressure from the vertebrae above and below This can force some or all of the nucleus pulposus through a weakenedor tornpart of the annulus fibrosus. 34

35 椎弓间连结 黄韧带 Ligamenta flava 棘间韧带 Interspinal ligaments 棘上韧带 Supraspinal ligaments 项韧带 Ligaments nuchae 横突间韧带 Intertransverse ligaments 关节突关节 Zygapophysial joints 寰椎与枕骨及枢椎的关节 Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Posterior Facet that articulates with occipital condyle Vertebral foramen Transverse process Anterior Facet that articulates with dens (odontoid process) of axis (a) Atlas Transverse foramen Spinous process Dens Anterior articular facet for atlas Superior articular facet Transverse foramen Spinous process 寰枕关节 Inferior articular process (b) Transverse process Body (c) Axis Dens (odontoid process) Atlantooccipital joint 寰枢关节 Atlantoaxial joint 35

36 脊柱的整体观及其运动独特的 S 形 : 进化所致 / 容易生病 Newborn 胸廓 thorax 肋弓 ( 连结 )Costal arch 36

37 37

38 骨关节绪论思考题 试述骨的形态和分类 试述骨的构造 老年人摔跤为何容易骨折? 骨与骨之间通过哪些方式连接? 什么是关节? 关节的基本结构和辅助结构有哪些? 试述关节的类型及其运动方式 名词解释 : 骺线 骺软骨 红骨髓 躯干骨及其连接思考题 试述躯干骨的组成 试述椎骨的一般形态特征和各部椎骨的主要特征 脊柱的概念及其连接方式有哪些? 脊柱可做哪些运动? 试述胸廓的概念及其运动方式 名词解释 : 椎孔 椎管 椎间孔 胸骨角 真肋 假肋 浮肋 肋角 38

39 欢迎光临浙江大学人体解剖学网站! 校外网址 : 校内网址 : 39

40 40


人体解剖学绪论 人体解剖学 HUMAN ANATOMY 绪论 一 定义 : 人体解剖学 (human anatomy) 是研究人体正常形态结构 位置关系及其发生发展的科学 二 人体解剖学分类 : 系统解剖学 systematic anatomy 局部解剖学 topographic anatomy 断面解剖学 sectional anatomy 外科解剖学 surgical anatomy 表面解剖学 surface

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