Microsoft Word 材料1-1:英中对照 Biology - 5 topics Demo 11139字 宋磊 _Part4 骨骼_

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1 O _Bones Just as the steel frame supports the bridge, on which you are standing, the bones support the body. Most of our bones are as strong as steel. They form the skeletal system, which forms the internal framework of the human body. It supports and protects the soft organs of the body against injury. The adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones, which are of different shapes and sizes. Let us look at them. The sternum is a flat bone. Meanwhile a look at the vertebrae shows that they are irregularly shaped bones having a central cavity. Moreover, the bones of the carpals are small and rounded. The thigh bone or femur is a long bone of the body. The bones are composed of both the living and nonliving materials. The hardest part of a bone is called compact bone. It makes up the shaft of long bones. Each bone is enclosed externally by the periosteum, which is attached to the surface of the bone by fibers. Moreover, this thin membrane has a rich supply of nerves and blood vessels. This part of the bone is composed of live bone cells, which receive food and oxygen from the arteries surrounding it. The layer of the compact bone is preceded by the spongy bone, which has numerous pores, and this encloses the bone marrow. A closer look at this region reveals that the spaces in spongy bone are filled with bone marrow, which is reddish yellow in colour. Numerous stem cells are present within it. These cells are responsible for the manufacture of RBCs. Moreover, these stem cells produce WBCs too. O _ 骨骼与支撑桥梁的钢铁支架相似, 骨骼支撑人体 我们体内的绝大多数骨骼如钢铁般坚硬 它们共同形成骨骼系统, 从而形成人体的内部构架 它的作用是支撑和保护体内的柔软器官免受伤害 成人的骨架由不同形状和大小的 206 块骨骼组成 让我们对骨骼进行观察 胸骨为扁骨 同时, 椎骨为带有中央腔的具有不规则形状的骨骼 此外, 腕骨是小型圆骨 股骨或大腿骨是长骨 骨骼由具有生命的物质和不具有生命的物质共同组成 骨骼最坚硬的部分被称作密质骨, 由长骨干组成 每块骨骼表面均由骨膜附着, 即骨骼表面的纤维 另外, 薄膜存在大量的神经和血管分布 骨骼的该部分由骨细胞组成, 骨细胞能够从其周围的血管中吸收营养和氧气 密质骨层位于带有大量气孔的松质骨之前, 并且松质骨中包含骨髓

2 近距离的观察这些区域显示松质骨的中间被橘黄色的骨髓填充 大量干细胞存在 于骨髓中 这些细胞的责任是制造 RBCs 另外, 这些干细胞同样制造 WBCs Bones Skeletal system Brain Lung 骨骼骨骼系统大脑肺 206 bones 206 块骨骼 Sternum Flat bone Vertebra Irregularly shaped bone Cavity Carpal Short bone Femur Long bone Compact bone Periosteum Fibers Nerve Blood vessels Bone cells Food Oxygen 胸骨扁骨椎骨不规则形状腔腕骨短骨股骨长骨密质骨骨膜纤维素神经血管骨细胞营养氧气

3 Spongy bone Pore Bone marrow 松质骨 气孔 骨髓 Stem cell (Bone marrow) 干细胞 ( 骨髓 ) RBC WBC Recapitulation Short Flat Irregular Long RBC WBC 概括段扁不规则长 Bony tissue (Compact bone) 骨组织 ( 密质骨 ) O _031 This link provides description regarding the different types of bones in the human body. This link provides different types of bones on the basis of shape. This link provides an illustration depicting different types of bones in the human body. This link provides an illustration of different types of bones. This link provides description regarding the detailed structure of bone. This link provides an illustration depicting the 该链接提供了关于人体内不同类型骨骼的描述 该链接提供了在形状上区分的骨骼的不同种类 该链接提供了描述人体内骨骼的不同种类 该链接提供了对不同骨骼种类的描述 该连接提供了与骨骼的详细构造相关的描述 该链接提供了描述人类

4 structure of human bone. 骨骼结构的图解 O _041 form the skeletal system of our body. Muscles 形成我们身体的骨骼系统 肌肉 Bones Blood None of the above Bones form the skeletal system, which in turn forms the internal frame work of the human body. The adult human body is made up of bones. 骨骼血液以上皆非骨骼形成骨骼系统, 骨骼系统形成人类身体的内部结构 成年人体有 块骨骼 The adult human body is made up of 206 bones. bone is the longest bone of the body. Spongy bone Compact bone 成年人的骨骼由 206 块骨骼构成 是人体内最长的骨骼 松质骨密质骨 Femur None of the above 大腿骨 以上皆非

5 Femur is the long bone of the body. The bone is covered by osteum 大腿骨是人体内最长的骨骼 骨骼表面由 包被 气孔 periosteum carpals None of the above The bone is covered by periosteum, which is attached to the surface of the bone by fibers. The encloses the bone marrow. 骨膜腕骨以上皆非骨骼由附着在骨骼表面上的有纤维素组成的骨膜覆盖 围绕着骨髓 spongy bone compact bone Both A and B None of the above The spaces in the spongy bone are filled with the bone marrow. 松质骨密质骨 A 和 B 都对以上皆非松质骨内部由骨髓填充 O _051 Skeletal System Introduction The vertebrates show the characteristic skeletal system, which is the hard, supportive element of the animal body. The skeleton forms a rigid framework, which gives support to the body. It includes the bones and the cartilages. Bones have a great tensile strength, while cartilages are softer than the bones. The bones of skeletal system are divided into two groups: axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton 骨骼系统 简介 脊椎动物具有坚硬的 对动物身体具有支撑作用的特征明显的骨骼系统 骨架形成了一个坚硬的能够支撑身体的构架 包括骨骼和软骨 骨骼具有良好的伸展强度, 相反软骨较骨骼更加柔软 骨骼

6 comprising of the following parts: Axial Skeleton Skull Vertebral column Sternum Ribs Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral girdle Forelimbs Pelvic girdle Hindlimbs Objective The interactive aims at the following learning outcomes: Understanding of the different parts of human skeletal system. Understanding the two groups of bones placed under axial and appendicular skeleton. Instruction Click on either the skeleton or the icons in the content window to view its part. A brief description of the particular part will be displayed below. Controls Reset Menu Help 系统的骨骼能被分为两部分 : 由以下部分组成的中轴骨骼和附属骨骼 : 中轴骨骼 颅骨 脊柱 胸骨 肋骨 四肢骨骼 胸带 前肢 骨盆带 后肢 简介 互动的目的是学习以下内容 : 了解人类骨骼系统的不同部分 了解中轴骨骼和四肢骨骼的区别 介绍 点击窗口中骨骼或图标中的任意一个查看其局部特征 特殊部分的详细说明将在下面列出 控制 复位 菜单 帮助

7 Label On Label off Skeleton Skull Forelimb Hindlimb Pectoral Girdle & Limb Pelvic Girdle & Limb Rib Cage Vertebral column Select option in control panel Hold and move change camera view Camera zoom in Camera zoom out OK Invert stereo Stereo effect Stereo Settings Eye separation Stereo On Stereo Off Pan Camera Click on any part of the skeleton or icon to learn about it. Further, click on the label in the content window to study the subparts. Click on Menu button and then on Label On button to view all the labels. 打开标签 关闭标签 骨架 颅骨 前肢 后肢 胸带和四肢 骨盆带和四肢 肋架 脊柱 在控制面板上选择选项 保持和改变摄像机视野 摄像机焦距拉近 摄像机焦距拉远 OK 转化为立体照片 立体效应 立体照片设置 眼睛距离 立体开启 立体关闭 移动摄像机 点击想要了解的骨骼或图像的任意部位 然后, 点击窗口中的标签研究亚结构 点击 菜单 按钮, 然后点击 打开标签 按钮

8 Click on OK button after reading the synopsis. Skull SKULL: It lies on the proximal end of the vertebral column and is composed of two sets of bones - cranial and facial, that totals upto 22 bones. Frontal bone FRONTAL BONE: It forms the forehead. It constitutes a part of the eye sockets and the ridges above the eyes. Parietal bones Parietal bone PARIETAL BONES: They form the sides and roof of the skull. It is concave-shaped and its concavity is occupied by the brain and blood vessels. Sphenoid bone SPHENOID BONE: It forms the middle portion of the skull. It exhibits a small saddle-shaped depression called hypophyseal fossa occupied by the pituitary gland. Temporal bones Temporal bone TEMPORAL BONES: They are found on each side of the head and form immovable joints with parietal, occipital, sphenoid and zygomatic bones. Nasal bones Nasal bone NASAL BONES: They are two small flat bones which form the bridge of the nose. Ethmoid bone ETHMOID BONE: It is present in the anterior region of the skull and forms a part of the orbital cavity, the nasal septum and the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. 阅读完摘要后点击 OK 按钮 颅骨 颅骨 : 位于脊柱的近端, 分别由两组骨骼组成 - 颅部和面部, 总共包含 22 块骨骼 额骨 额骨 : 组成前额 是眼眶和眼睛上部隆起的一部分 顶骨 顶骨 顶骨 : 形成颅骨的侧面和天顶盖 具有一种凹面的形状, 其凹面中为大脑和血管 蝶骨 蝶骨 : 是颅骨的中间部分 为小的鞍形结构, 被称为垂体窝, 由脑下垂体填充 颞骨 颞骨 颞骨 : 位于头部两侧前端, 与顶骨 枕骨 蝶骨和颧骨形成不动连接 鼻骨 鼻骨 鼻骨 : 两块小的扁平骨骼组成鼻梁 筛骨 筛骨 : 出现在颅骨前区, 为眼眶 鼻中隔和鼻腔侧壁的一部分

9 Lacrimal bones Lacrimal bone LACRIMAL BONES: They are two small bones are located at the posterior and lateral part of the nasal bones and form part of the medial walls of the orbital cavities. Zygomatic bones Zygomatic bone ZYGOMATIC BONES: They form the cheek bones and a part of the floor and lateral walls of the eye sockets. Maxilla MAXILLA: It constitutes the upper jaw, anterior part of the palate, lateral walls of the nasal cavity and a part of the floor of orbital cavities. Occipital bone OCCIPITAL BONE: It forms the posterior part of the head and part of the base of the skull. Its inner surface is deeply concave and the concavity is occupied by the occipital lobes of the cerebrum and by the cerebellum. Mandible MANDIBLE: It forms the lower jaw and is the only movable bone of the skull. Vertebral Column VERTEBRAL COLUMN: It is formed by 26 serially arranged units called vertebrae and is dorsally placed. It extends from the base of the skull and constitutes the main framework of the trunk. 泪骨 泪骨 泪骨 : 两块小骨骼位于鼻骨的后面和侧面, 是组成眼眶内侧壁的一部分 颧骨 颧骨 颧骨 : 组成颊骨, 是眼眶底部和外侧壁的一部分 上颌骨 上颌骨 : 由上颌 上颚的前部 鼻腔的侧壁组成, 是眼眶底部的一部分 枕骨 枕骨 : 形成头部后部和颅骨的基础部分 内侧完全凹陷并且由大脑的枕叶和小脑填充 上颌骨 上颌骨 : 形成下颚, 是颅骨上唯一一块可以运动的骨骼 脊柱 Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 1 至 7 Cervical vertebra 颈椎 1-7 CERVICAL VERTEBRAE: They are the first seven vertebrae of the vertebral column in almost all the mammals. They are represented by the symbol C1 to C7. Thoracic vertebrae 脊柱 : 由 26 块连续的单元组成, 出现在背侧 从颅骨的底部延伸, 是组成躯干的主要构架 颈椎 1-7: 脊柱的前 7 块椎骨, 几乎所有的哺乳动物均含有 用符号 C1 到 C7 表示 胸椎

10 Thoracic vertebra THORACIC VERTEBRAE: They are the next 12 vertebrae of the vertebral column which articulate with the ribs. They are represented by the symbol T1 to T12. Lumbar vertebrae Lumbar vertebra LUMBAR VERTEBRAE: They are the five vertebrae located between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacral vertebrae. They are represented by the symbol L1 to L5. Sacrum SACRUM: It is a triangular bone with a concave anterior surface which is made up of five fused rudimentary vertebrae. It is represented by the symbol S1 to S5. Coccyx COCCYX: It is a small triangular bone which is made up of four fused terminal vertebrae. It has a broad base which articulates with the tip of sacrum. Rib Cage RIB CAGE: It is made up of thoracic vertebrae, ribs and sternum. There are 12 pairs of ribs. Each rib is a thin flat bone connected dorsally to the vertebral column and ventrally to the sternum. Sternum STERNUM: It is a T-shaped, long, flat bone located in the centre of thorax. It is also known as the breastbone. True ribs True rib TRUE RIBS: The first seven pairs of ribs are known as the true ribs. On end of each true rib is attached to the thoracic vertebrae whereas the other end is connected to the sternum. 胸椎 胸椎 : 紧接着上述椎骨的 12 块椎骨, 与肋骨连接 用符号 T1 到 T12 表示 腰椎 腰椎 腰椎 : 位于胸椎和骶骨之间的五个椎骨 用符号 L1 到 L5 表示 骶骨 骶骨 : 是一个拥有凹陷胸肋面的三角状骨骼, 共由 5 块固定的不发育的椎骨构成 用符号 S1 到 S5 表示 尾骨 尾骨 : 由四个末端椎骨组成的一块三角形小骨 拥有与骶骨顶端相连的宽的基底 肋架 肋架 : 由胸椎 肋骨和胸骨组成 拥有 12 块肋骨 每块肋骨均为细扁平状骨骼, 背面与脊柱相连, 侧面与胸骨相连 胸骨 胸骨 : 为 T 型, 长扁形骨骼, 位于胸腔中间 真肋 真肋 真肋 : 前七对肋骨为真肋 每个真肋的末端分别连接在胸椎上, 同时另一端连接在胸骨上

11 False ribs False rib FALSE RIBS: Eighth, ninth and tenth pairs of ribs constitute the false ribs. They are known as false ribs because they are not attached directly to the sternum. Floating ribs Floating rib FLOATING RIBS: They are the last two pairs of ribs that are not connected to the sternum. Thoracic vertebrae THORACIC VERTEBRAE: They are the twelve vertebrae lying in the thoracic region. Forelimb and Pectoral Girdle PECTORAL GIRDLE: It joins the upper limbs with the axial skeleton and is formed of two halves. Clavicle CLAVICLE: It is a long slender bone with a double curve. It is the only link between the upper limb and the axial skeleton and is commonly known as the collar bone. Scapula SCAPULA: It is a flat, triangular bone with a slightly elevated ridge called the spine. Scapula is also known as shoulder blade. Its lateral end is broadened and has a small cavity called the glenoid cavity. Humerus HUMERUS: It is the bone that forms the upper region of the arm. It is attached to the clavicle at the proximal end whereas the distal end has two surfaces to which radius and ulna are joined. Ulna ULNA: It is one of the bones of the forearm and runs parallel to the radius. Its upper end forms the elbow joint while the lower end forms a joint with the wrist bone. 假肋 假肋 假肋 : 第八 第九和第十对肋骨组成假肋 被称为假肋的原因为未与胸骨直接相连 浮肋 浮肋 浮肋 : 最后两对未与胸骨相连的肋骨 胸椎 胸椎 : 位于胸部的 12 个椎骨 前肢和肩带 肩带 : 通过中轴骨骼连接上臂 锁骨 锁骨 : 是一种 S 弯曲的细长骨 是上肢与中轴骨之间的唯一骨性联系, 通常被成为锁骨 胛骨 胛骨 : 是一种背部有隆起的三角形扁骨, 称为骨嵴 胛骨同样被成为肩胛骨 其侧末端变宽并带有小被成为浅窝腔的空洞 肱骨 肱骨 : 是位于手臂上部区域的骨骼 近端连接在锁骨撒上, 远端连接有桡骨和尺骨 尺骨 尺骨 : 前臂内侧的两块长骨之一, 与桡骨平行 其上端与肘相连, 同时下端与腕骨相连

12 Radius RADIUS: It is the prism-shaped, slightly curved bone of the forearm and is shorter than ulna. Carpals Carpal CARPALS: They are the eight wrist bones arranged in two rows. These bones are closely fitted together and held in position by ligaments. They allow the wrist to move and rotate vertically. Metacarpals Metacarpal METACARPALS: They are the five bones which form the palm of the hand and are located between the carpals and phalanges. Phalanges Phalange PHALANGES: They are fourteen in number, three in each finger and two in the thumb. They consist of three sections the proximal, intermediate and distal phalanges. Hindlimb and Pelvic Girdle PELVIC GIRDLE: It is the large compound bone present at the distal end of the spine that provides support to the legs. It bears a concave surface known as the acetabulum and is made up of hip bone, sacrum and coccyx. Coxal bone COXAL BONE: It is another name for hip bone and consists of three fused bones- ilium, ischium and pubis. Ilium ILIUM: It is the largest, broad, upper bone of pelvis. 桡骨 桡骨 : 为前臂上的棱柱形轻微弯曲骨, 短于尺骨 腕骨 腕骨 腕骨 : 由 8 块骨骼组成, 分为两列 这些骨骼由韧带紧密连接成为一个整体 这种结构使得手腕能够垂直移动和旋转 掌骨 掌骨 掌骨 : 由 5 块骨骼组成手掌, 位于腕骨和指骨之间 指骨 指骨 指骨 : 由 14 块骨骼组成, 每个手指由 3 块骨骼构成, 拇指为 2 块 指骨包括三个部分, 分别为近节指骨, 中节指骨和末节指骨 后肢和骨盆 骨盆 : 是一种有多种骨骼组成的大骨, 存在于脊柱的远端, 为腿提供支撑 具有被成为髋臼的凹陷表面, 由骶骨, 髋骨和尾骨构成 髁骨 髁骨 : 又称为髋骨, 由髂骨 耻骨与坐骨组成 髂骨 髂骨 : 是位于骨盆上端的扁平大骨

13 Pubis PUBIS: It is the ventral and anterior part of the three bones that form either half of the pelvis. Ischium ISCHIUM: It is the lower and posterior part of the hip bone. It is located below the ilium and behind the pubis. Femur FEMUR: It is the longest and the strongest bone of the body, also known as thigh bone. Its proximal end is almost spherical and fits into the acetabulum whereas the distal end forms the knee joint. Patella PATELLA: It is also known as the knee cap. It is circular-triangular bone that protects the knee joint. Fibula FIBULA: It is the long, slender lateral bone in the leg, located laterally to the tibia. It is also known as the calf bone. Tibia TIBIA: It is the second largest bone of the body found next to the fibula. Its proximal end forms the knee joint with femur while the distal end forms the ankle joint. Tarsals Tarsal TARSALS: These are seven bones which together constitute the ankle. They correspond to the carpal bones of the upper limb. Metatarsals Metatarsal METATARSALS: They are five long bones located between the tarsals and the phalanges of the foot. Phalanges 耻骨 耻骨 : 是形成半个骨盆的 3 块骨骼中的一个, 位于骨盆的下前方区域 坐骨 坐骨 : 位于髋骨的下后侧 在髂骨之下和耻骨之后 股骨 股骨 : 是人体中最长最坚硬的骨骼, 又被称作大腿骨 其上端几乎为球形, 与髋臼相连, 同时末端形成膝关节 髌骨 髌骨 : 即膝盖骨 是保护膝关节的环状三角形骨 腓骨 腓骨 : 为小腿中的细长的外侧骨, 位于胫骨的外侧 又被称为小腿骨 胫骨 胫骨 : 人体内第二长的骨骼, 与腓骨平行 上端与股骨形成膝关节, 下端形成踝关节 跗骨 跗骨 跗骨 : 由 7 块骨骼共同组成踝 与上肢的腕骨类似 跖骨 跖骨 跖骨 : 由位于跗骨和脚趾骨之间的 5 块长骨组成 趾骨 PHALANGES: They are the fourteen bones in the 趾骨 : 由 14 块骨骼组成,

14 toes exhibiting similar arrangement as that in fingers. 排列与手指相似 O _061 Bones Compact bone Pore Spongy bone Bone marrow 骨骼密质骨气孔松质骨骨髓 O _091 Bone marrow Tissue filling some bone cavities. It is of two types; yellow which contains fat cells and red which contains the stem cells of all blood cell types. Periosteum A fibrous membrane that covers bones and serves as the site of attachment for skeletal muscles; contains nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels. Compact Bone The hard, rigid form of connective tissue which forms the dense outer shell of all bones. Also called Cortical Bone. Skeletal framework A physical structure supporting or enclosing something; like, the skeletal system supporting the internal organs of the body. 骨髓存在于骨骼腔之间的组织 分为两类 : 含有脂肪细胞的黄骨髓和含有干细胞 ( 包括血液细胞的所有类型 ) 的红骨髓 骨膜一种覆盖骨骼纤维素膜, 起到连接骨骼肌肉 神经 血管以及淋巴管的作用 密质骨是坚硬的结缔组织, 是骨骼高密度外壳的组成部分 又被称为骨皮质 骨架支撑或包装某物的物理结构, 如骨骼系统支撑人体内部器官

15 Spongy bone A lattice-like structure of vascular bony tissue that makes up the inner portion of bone. 松质骨骨组织的海绵状结构, 是骨骼内部的组成部分 O _201 Comprehend the structure of bones in a human body. 了解人体骨骼的结构 O _202 Bones, skeletal system, sternum, vertebra, cavity, carpal, femur, compact bone, spongy bone, bone marrow periosteum, fibers, nerve, blood vessels, bone cells, stem cells, RBC, WBC 骨骼 骨骼系统 胸骨 椎骨 腔 腕骨 股骨 密质骨 松质骨 骨髓 纤维 神经 血管 骨细胞 干细胞 RBC WBC

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