豆蓉千層糕 64 Mung Bean Paste Layered Cake 芒果黑白糯米飯 66 Black and White Glutinous Rice with Mango 麻蓉湯丸 68 Sesame Rice Balls with Sweet Ginger So

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2 目錄 CONTENTS 序言 1 PREFACE1 2 序言 2 PREFACE 踏進香港人氣甜品的活動教室 8 Stepping into the workshop for popular desserts in Hong Kong 烤焗類 BAKED TYPES 焦糖脆脆天使蛋糕 10 Crispy Caramel Angel Cake 美式芝士蛋糕 12 American Cheese Cake 朱古力香蕉蛋糕 14 Chocolate Banana Cake 林明頓蛋糕 16 Lamington Cakes 心太軟 18 Warm Chocolate Cakes 班尼士 20 Brownies 杯子蛋糕 22 Cup Cakes 焦糖咖啡芝士條 24 Caramel Coffee Cheese Sticks 英式楓糖鬆餅 26 Maple Syrup Scones 意大利果仁條 28 Biscotti 無花果金提燕麥條 30 Fig, Golden Raisins and Oat Sticks 燕麥提子果仁曲奇 32 Oat, Raisins and Macadamia Nut Cookies 特鬆蛋黃曲奇 34 Crispy Egg Yolk Cookies 芝麻曲奇 36 Sesame Cookies 珍寶朱古力曲奇 38 Jumbo Chocolate Cookie 特濃吉士泡芙 40 Rich Custard Puff 煎 炸類 PAN-FRIED AND DEEP-FRIED TYPES 叮噹紅豆餅 42 Doraemon Red Bean Cakes 鮮果忌廉班戟 44 Fresh Fruits and Cream Pancakes 牛油窩夫 46 Butter Waffles 南瓜煎軟糍 48 Pan-fried Pumpkin Rice Cakes 香煎百寶糯米飯 50 Pan-fried Glutinous Rice with Eight Treasures 冰花蛋球 52 Chinese Styled Donuts 拔絲香蕉 54 Banana Fritters 反沙芋條 56 Candied Yam 蒸 煮類 STEAMING AND BOILING TYPES 蛋黃蓮蓉大壽包 58 Peach Bun with Lotus Seed Paste 純正芝麻糕 60 Sesame Pudding 奶黃馬拉糕 62 Custard Malay Cake

3 豆蓉千層糕 64 Mung Bean Paste Layered Cake 芒果黑白糯米飯 66 Black and White Glutinous Rice with Mango 麻蓉湯丸 68 Sesame Rice Balls with Sweet Ginger Soup 蓮子核桃露 70 Loutus Seeds and Walnut Sweet Soup 桑寄生蓮子蛋茶 72 Jishengcha with Lotus Seeds and Egg 馬來喳咋 74 Malay Cha Cha 蛋白杏仁茶 76 Egg White and Almond Sweet Soup 清心丸馬蹄綠豆爽 78 Water Chestnuts and Mung Beans Sweet Soup 腐竹白果雞蛋糖水 80 Bean Curd Sheets with Gingko and Eggs Sweet Soup 參鬚元肉粟米水 82 Ginseng Root with Longan and Corn Soup 羅漢果茶 83 Siraitia Tea 清補涼冰 84 Icing Ching Po Leung Soup 冷凍類 COLD TYPES 流心芒果蛋糕 86 Mango Cake 榴槤椰香慕斯 88 Durian and Coconut Mousse 自家製熱情果 / 藍莓雪糕 90 Home-made Passion Fruit / Blueberries Ice Cream 藍莓配忌廉芝士 92 Blueberries and Cream Cheese 提拉米蘇 ( 意大利咖啡芝士餅 ) 94 Tiramisu 荔枝奶凍 96 Lychee Panna Cotta 香濃芒果布甸 98 Mango Pudding 木糠布甸 100 Serradura 鴛鴦咖啡糕 102 YuanYang Coffee Pudding 咖啡奶凍 104 Coffee Panna Cotta 泰式椰汁西米糕 106 Thai Coconut Sago Pudding 椰汁馬豆糕 108 Coconut and Yellow Split Pea Pudding 宮廷桂花糕 110 Royal Osmanthus Pudding 燕窩杞子椰汁糕 112 Coconut Pudding with Swallow's Nest and Medlar Seeds 水晶雜豆凍糕 114 Crystalline Assorted Beans Jelly 雙色糯米糍 116 Dual-colour Glutinous Rice Balls 鮮雜果黑珍珠 118 Fresh Fruits with Black Boba Balls 製作技巧解構 120 Details in Cooking Techniques



6 香港人氣甜品 烤焗類 焦糖脆脆天使蛋糕 Crispy Caramel Angel Cake 製作時間 120 分鐘 模具 8 吋雪芳蛋糕模 Production Time: 120 min Utensil: 8" chiffon cake mould Mindy 貼心小語 焦糖脆脆天使蛋糕 搭配簡單 看似平平無奇 卻是真正完美組合 鬆軟的蛋白雪芳蛋糕抹上香滑鮮忌廉 伴以焦 糖脆脆同吃 口感豐富 那百搭的焦糖脆脆 用來配雪糕 奶凍或咖啡 同樣滋味無窮 有一股衝勁自己做吧 This Crispy Caramel Angel Cake seems very simple but it is a perfectly matched one, soft and fine egg white chiffon cake coated by freshly made cream, with crispy caramel bites. Really have a drive to make one now, especially for the crispy caramel which can go with different food or drinks like ice cream, pudding or coffee.

7 材料打起淡忌廉 120 克, 打起甜忌廉 120 克 雪芳蛋糕 低筋麵粉 90 克 ( 過篩 ), 發粉 1 茶匙, 大蛋黃 3 個 砂糖 80 克, 菜油 40 克, 鮮奶 80 克 ( 加熱 ) 大蛋白 6 個, 檸檬汁 2 茶匙或他他粉 E 茶匙 焦糖醬 砂糖 100 克, 水 2 湯匙, 熱水 60 克 焦糖脆脆 砂糖 100 克, 麥芽糖 25 克 水 25 克, 梳打粉 5 克 做法 雪芳蛋糕 : 1. 粉類材料全部篩勻, 加入砂糖 40 克 鮮奶 菜油及蛋黃一同拌至無粉粒, 待用 2. 把蛋白和檸檬汁 ( 或他他粉 ) 用攪拌器打起, 分 3 次加入砂糖 40 克, 續打至挺身, 再把蛋白分 3 次徐徐捲入步驟 (1) 的粉糊中, 輕輕攪拌至完全混合, 倒入模具, 置已預熱至 170 的焗爐中焗約 35 分鐘 出爐後倒扣出來, 放涼 焦糖醬 : 將砂糖加於水中, 一邊用中火煮約 3-4 分鐘, 一邊輕輕搖動煲具, 直到焦糖呈現褐茶色, 加入熱水, 輕輕晃動煲子, 離火放涼待用 焦糖忌廉 : 把 4 茶匙焦糖醬拌入四分之一的淡忌廉內, 置冰箱待用 焦糖脆脆 : 砂糖 水及麥芽糖放小煲用中火煮約 5 分鐘, 輕晃至混合, 見焦糖呈現茶色便可離火, 立即加入梳打粉, 用木匙快手攪拌均勻, 直至氣泡不斷膨脹, 顏色變淺, 便倒在已墊牛油紙的焗盤上, 完全放涼後, 輕輕壓碎待用 組合 : 蛋糕橫切開半, 在中間抹上焦糖忌廉, 層疊起來, 在表面抹上甜忌廉, 置冰箱定型, 吃時伴上焦糖脆脆 Method Chiffon cake: 1. Stir all flour, 40g sugar, milk, vegetable oil and egg yolk until combine. Ingredients 120g whipped cream (whisked) 120g sweet cream (whisked) Chiffon Cake 90g soft flour (sifted), 1 tsp baking powder 3 egg yolk, 80g sugar, 40g vegetable oil 80g heated milk, 6 egg white 2 tsp lemon juice or E tartar powder Caramel solution 100g sugar, 2 tbsp water, 60g hot water Crispy caramel 100g sugar, 25g malt sugar 25g water, 5g baking soda 2. Whisk egg white lemon juice (or tartar powder) by a mixing bowl, add in 40g sugar in 3 additions, stir until stiff peak. Fold egg white into (1) batter by 3 additions and mix. Pour into mould and bake at preheated oven at 170 C for 35 min. When baked, remove from mould and cool. Caramel solution: add sugar into water and boil by medium heat for 3-4 min. Lightly shake the pot. When caramel turns to brown colour, add in hot water and lightly shake the pot. Remove from and cool. Caramel cream: put 4 tsp of caramel solution into E whisked cream, chill in the fridge. Crispy caramel: put sugar, water and malt sugar in a pot and boil by medium heat for 5 min. Lightly shake to combine. When solution turns to tea colour, remove from heat. Add in baking soda and stir to combine with a wooden spoon. When the caramel solution froths and turns lighter colour, pour on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Gently crush after cool. Assembly: cut the cake into half horizontally, spread caramel cream in between to combine again. Spread sweet cream on top and chill in the fridge. Serve with crispy caramel. 11 烤焗類煎 炸類蒸 煮類冷凍類

8 香港人氣甜品 烤焗類 美式芝士蛋糕 American Cheese Cake Mindy 貼心小語 美式芝士蛋糕是文華酒店的招牌貨 雖然品嚐過不同糕餅店的芝士蛋糕 但還是認為它最好 不花巧 只用簡單的 材料 便能做到蛋糕香軟 芝士味濃質滑的效果 且毋須做餅底 The American s Cheese Cake of Mandarin Hotel is very famous. It is subtle with simple ingredients but it can brings fine smooth texture, cheese flavour. After tasting different versions, I still perceive that the one of Mandarin is the best.

9 材料牛油及麵粉適量 ( 掃模具用 ) 忌廉芝士 芝士 700 克, 室溫軟化 砂糖 160 克 無鹽牛油 160 克 雞蛋 240 克 蛋糕面 酸忌廉 200 克 砂糖 40 克 做法 芝士蛋糕 : 1. 在糕模內掃牛油, 撲上麵粉 牛油隔水加熱, 使之軟化 2. 把芝士和砂糖攪打至滑身, 分次加雞蛋拌勻, 再加入牛油混合, 倒進模具, 在桌面上輕敲糕模, 以釋出糕糊內的空氣 3. 置預熱至 160 的焗爐中, 焗 40 分鐘 取出, 放涼 蛋糕面..把酸忌廉和砂糖拌勻 組合..把蛋糕面平整地抹在已放涼的蛋糕上, 在冰箱放 6 小時便可進食 Method Cheese Cake: 1. Grease the mould with butter and sprinkle with some flour. Melt butter over hot water. 2. Whisk cheese and sugar until smooth, add in egg by several additions and mix to combine. Again add in butter and mix, pour into the mould. Lift up the mould and light hit the table so as to release the bubbles in batter. 3. Bake at the preheated oven at 160 C for 40 min. When baked, remove and cool. Topping: mix sour cream and sugar. Assembly: pour the topping over the cake and chill in the fridge for 6 hours. Cook's Tips 技術指導 Ingredients Butter and some flour (for brushing mould) Cream Cheese 700g cheese (room temperature) 160g sugar 160g unsalted butter 240g egg Topping 200g sour cream 40g sugar 製作時間.. 60 分鐘 模具.. 8 吋圓形餅模 Production Time: 60 min Utensil: 8" round mould 1. 這款芝士餅最好用手動打蛋器, 如果用電動的, 一定要用慢速, 材料混合時便要立即停止, 不要拂打太久, 否則會把空氣一齊打進去, 芝士餅便不夠細膩 2. 爐溫過熱時, 溫度相應調低一點 3. 剛出爐的芝士蛋糕仍處未熟透狀態, 餅中央仍未凝固, 因此置室溫下, 讓餘溫把蛋糕弄熟, 恰到好處 1. It is better to use hand whisk. If you use electrical one, turn to slow speed to mix up all ingredients. Do not whisk too long as air will go in which affects the softness of the cake. 2. When the temperature of the oven is overheated, lower the temperature. 3. After baked for 40 min, the cake still is not cooked completely and the core has not been solidified. Leave it in room temperature and let the heat of the cake continue to make the cake done. 13 烤焗類煎 炸類蒸 煮類冷凍類

10 香港人氣甜品 烤焗類 朱古力香蕉蛋糕 Chocolate Banana Cake 製作時間 2.5 小時 模具 8 吋圓形餅模 Production Time: 2.5 hr Utensil: 8" round mould Mindy 貼心小語 以簡約見稱 在人氣榜上排名坐亞望冠 看似貌不驚人 吃過的便知它內涵非比尋常 朱古力和焦糖香蕉絕佳組合 真是天造地設的食材 This dessert is renowned for its simplicity and it hovers top one two on the favourite dessert list. Chocolate perfectly matches with caramel banana and you will know it is an unusual dessert after having a bite.

11 材料朱古力蛋糕 朱古力 80 克, 低筋麵粉 110 克, 雞蛋 3 個 砂糖 90 克, 牛油 100 克 ( 室溫軟化 ) 梳打粉 Q 茶匙, 可可粉 2 湯匙, 牛奶 80 克 香蕉餡 香蕉 4 隻 (600 克 ), 檸檬汁 30 克, 牛油 100 克 砂糖 90 克, 魚膠片 3 克, 冧酒 10 克 朱古力忌廉 打起忌廉 220 克, 朱古力碎 60 克, 鮮奶 30 克 朱古力淋漿 朱古力碎 125 克, 淡忌廉 150 克 牛油 15 克, 蜜糖 2 茶匙 做法 Ingredients Chocolate Cake 80g chocolate, 110g soft flour, 3 egg 90g sugar, 100g butter (room temperature) Q tsp baking soda, 2 tbsp cocoa powder 80g milk Banana Filling 4 banana, sliced (600g), 30g lemon juice 100g butter, 90g sugar 3g gelatine leaf (soaked in ice water), 10g Rum Chocolate Cream 220g cream, whisked, 60g chopped chocolate 30g milk Chocolate Sauce 125g chopped chocolate, 150g whipped cream 15g butter, 2 tsp honey 朱古力蛋糕 : 1. 香蕉切片 ; 朱古力隔水加熱溶化 ; 魚膠片用冷水泡軟 ; 可可粉 低筋麵粉及梳打粉分別篩勻, 備用 2. 牛油及砂糖打至淡黃色, 拌入可可粉, 然後分數次加入雞蛋, 拌勻, 拌入半份粉材料, 再拌入半份鮮奶, 重複以上程序, 最後拌入朱古力, 置已預熱至 170 的焗爐, 約焗 40 分鐘 香蕉餡 : 將牛油煮溶, 加入已拌檸檬汁的香蕉, 用中火煮約 7-8 分鐘, 加入砂糖, 待香蕉沾滿焦糖, 加入冧酒, 離火, 加入魚膠片拌溶放涼備用 朱古力忌廉 : 鮮奶加熱, 加入朱古力攪溶, 放涼後拌入打起的淡忌廉, 放冰箱備用 朱古力淋漿 : 淡忌廉加熱, 加入朱古力及牛油拌溶, 再放入蜜糖, 放涼備用 組合 : 1. 把一片蛋糕塗上朱古力忌廉, 放半份香蕉餡, 再蓋上另一片蛋糕, 重複以上程序, 將整個蛋糕均勻抹上朱古力忌廉, 置冰箱約 30 分鐘以定型 2. 從冰箱取出蛋糕, 放烤架上, 將朱古力淋漿均勻地淋在蛋糕上, 放回冰箱凝固定型, 可隨意裝飾 Method Chocolate cake: 1. Melt chocolate over hot water. Sieve cocoa powder, soft flour and baking soda separately and set aside. 2. Cream butter and sugar until light yellow, add in cocoa powder and fold in egg by several additions and stir to combine. Fold in half portion of flour as well as Q portion of milk and combine, again repeat this process and stir well. Finally add in chocolate, mix and pour into the mould and bake at preheated oven at 170 C for 40 min. Banana filling: melt the butter and add in banana mixed with lemon juice, cook by medium heat for 7-8 min. Add in sugar and cook bananas until fully absorb caramel, pour rum and off the heat. Dissolve gelatine leaf in mixture and cool. Set aside. Chocolate cream: boil milk and stir in chocolate, cool. Fold in whisked cream and chill in the fridge. Set aside. Chocolate sauce: heat whipped cream and add in chocolate, melted butter and honey. Cool and set aside. Assembly: 1. Spread chocolate cream upon a piece of cake and place half portion of banana filling. Cover it by another piece of cake. Repeat the above steps and spread chocolate cream on entire cake. Chill it in the fridge around 30 min. 2. Remove cake from fridge, place on wire rack and spread chocolate sauce evenly on it. Chill in the fridge again. 15 烤焗類煎 炸類蒸 煮類冷凍類

12 香港人氣甜品 烤焗類 林明頓蛋糕 Lamington Cakes

13 材料蛋糕 材料 (A) 低筋麵粉 55 克, 高筋麵粉 55 克 砂糖 40 克, 發粉 1 茶匙 材料 (B) 蛋黃 ( 大 )5 個, 鮮奶 100 克 沙律油 50 克, 雲呢拿油少許 材料 (C) 蛋白 ( 大 )5 個, 砂糖 60 克 檸檬汁 2 茶匙或他他粉 E 茶匙 朱古力面 62% 朱古力 120 克 淡忌廉 120 克, 鮮奶 60 克 無鹽牛油 20 克, 椰絲 120 克 做法 蛋糕 : 1. 先將材料 (A) 同過篩, 然後把材料 (B) 的鮮奶加熱, 再將材料 (B) 的其餘材料加入材料 (A) 中拌勻 2. 把材料 (C) 的蛋白加檸檬汁或他他粉打起, 分三次加入砂糖, 續打至蛋白挺身, 最後用打蛋器將步驟 (1) 的粉糊分三次混合拌勻, 倒進糕模裏 3. 焗爐預熱至 170, 放蛋糕糊焗 分鐘, 出爐放涼, 將蛋糕切成正方體待用 朱古力面..淡忌廉及鮮奶加熱至微滾便離火, 倒入朱古力及牛油拌至完全融合, 待涼 組合..將四方形蛋糕沾滿朱古力醬, 黏上椰絲, 放進冰箱定型, 便成為一件件非常可口的林明頓蛋糕了 Method Cake: Ingredients Cake Ingredients (A) 55g soft flour, 55g strong flour 40g sugar, 1 tsp baking powder Ingredients (B) 5 large egg yolk, 100g milk 50g salad oil, some vanilla essence Ingredients (C) 5 large egg white, 60g sugar 2 tsp lemon juice or E tsp tartar powder Chocolate Topping 120g chocolate (62% cocoa) 120g whipped cream 60g milk 20g unsalted butter 120g shredded coconut 1. Sift ingredients (A). Heat milk of ingredients (B) and then put all (B) ingredients into (A) and mix to even. 2. Whisk egg white of ingredients (C) with lemon juice or tartar powder, add in sugar by 3 additions and whisk until stiff peak. Again use a whisk to mix in (1) batter by 3 additins. Pour onto a mould. 3. Preheat the even to 170 C and bake the cake for min. When baked, remove the cake from mould and cool. Cut the cake in cubes. Chocolate topping: boil whipped cream and milk to very hot, pour into chocolate with butter and mix to even. Cool. Assembly: stick the cakes with chocolate sauce and shredded coconut and chill in the fridge for setting. 製作時間.. 90 分鐘 模具.. 9 吋正方形蛋糕模 Production Time: 90 min Utensil: 9" square cake mould Mindy 貼心小語 這一個是我極力推介的林明頓蛋糕,62% 以上的法國品牌朱古力沾滿椰絲, 一口咬下去, 滿口香甜, 加上雪芳蛋糕的鬆軟口感, 肯定吃完一件再接一件, 如果你嘗試過一些不甚滿意的林明頓, 不妨試一試這個食譜, 它一定會令你喜出望外 I highly recommend this Lamington Cake which in 62% chocolate from France with shredded coconut and soft chiffon cake. You definitely cannot be satisfied by tasting one piece only. If you are not satisfied with those in coffee shop, you have to try to make one based on this receipe which can give you unexpected good result. 17 烤焗類煎 炸類蒸 煮類冷凍類

70 莫 加 杏 仁 長 芭 芙 Mocha Almond Puff 72 芒 果 芭 芙 層 層 疊 Mango Puff Layers 74 蟹 柳 鷄 蛋 沙 律 泡 芙 Crab Meat and Egg Salad Puff 76 脆 脆 芭 芙 Crispy Puff 78 燭 光 約

70 莫 加 杏 仁 長 芭 芙 Mocha Almond Puff 72 芒 果 芭 芙 層 層 疊 Mango Puff Layers 74 蟹 柳 鷄 蛋 沙 律 泡 芙 Crab Meat and Egg Salad Puff 76 脆 脆 芭 芙 Crispy Puff 78 燭 光 約 目 錄 1 2 推 薦 序 3 前 言 第 一 次 做 西 點 就 能 打 動 你 的 心 清 蛋 糕 的 大 變 身 8 原 味 牛 油 蛋 卷 Egg Roll 10 日 式 蜂 蜜 蛋 卷 Honey Roll in Japanese Style 12 抹 茶 紅 豆 蛋 卷 Mocha and Red Bean Roll 14 焦 糖 天 使 蛋 卷 Angel Caramel Roll 16

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