,,,, ,,,, 1929,,, 6 12, 100,, 1930, 20, , :,,,,,,, 231,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 1946, 592,

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12 Contents & A bstracts D r ink ing W a ter Supply and Cholera in J iangnan C ities since the La te Q ing D yna sty L i Yushang( 150) Abstract: Cholera first intruded J iangnan in 1820, and then, the polluted urban river became a severe disease p roblem1 During the Late Q ing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the p roblem about drinking polluted water still existed due to a great many shallow wells and floating population in big cities1 In those m iddle2scale and smaller cities, there was high incidence of cholera because of drinking polluted water in the rivers1 However, in some small towns where river2water flowed faster and water quality was cleaner, the infection rate was lower1 Keywords: J iangnan; Cities; D rinkingw ater Supp ly; Cholera L oca lm odern ity: on Its D evelopm en t in the Gam e Between Trad ition and M odern Retrospect on D eba te of Trad itiona l Culture in Recen t 30 Y ears Xu M ing Q i X iaoqin( 161) Abstract: The fate of Chinese traditional culture fluctuated in modern China1 And from the M ay 4 th movement, struggled under the heavy burden of outside modernity1 In recent 30 years, our recognition of traditional culture experience many stages, and now has return to its correct road under the call of local modernity 1 The paper argues that the sp iritual rebuilding on the traditional base is not contradictive to modernity1 The purpose of harmonious society, which is beyond those narrow social development aim s before, modernity1 Keywords: Local modernity; Tradition; Culture debate in 30 years supports a new ideological base for the connection between tradition and it Con text, Problem, Th ink ing: on Som e Ba sica lly Im portan t A spects of Ch ina s L itera ture Sc ience Zhang Rongyi( 173) Abstract: China s literature science mainly study on the rule, trend, structure of Chinese literature1 It needs to focus on Chinese issues1 But the literature science is not the traditional Chinese learning1 A s a subject, it is the p roduct of dissem ination of western learning1 Therefore, such literature science, whose academ ic field faces local literature situation and follows international academ ic regulars, needs to study literature itself, but also needs to think its own situation1 The essay makes some discussiones about the context of China s literature science, its p roblem s and development1 Keywords: Context; Problem; Thinking; Problem consciousness; L iterature science H istor ica l Con sc iousness, L oca l Con sc iousness, Problem Con sc iousness: Rev iew on Som e Cen tra l Issues of L itera ture Study in 2009 Zeng J un B en Q ianfang( 181) Abstract: Those may be called central issues of literature study are generally the continuation of some important p roblem s since However, the strengthening of historical consciousness, local consciousness and p roblem consciousness indicates the deeper study than ever. 2009, as the 60 th anniversary of founding of the PRC, makes the retrospect of literature study in 60 years full of comp lex p roblem s. In the debate of essence and construction of literature study, two sides of the debate both abandon the essentialism thinking. There still exists the debate around the logic starting point of p ractice aesthetics and the theoretic development of p ractical ontology. The paper argues that as to the culture study, after the decline of its struggle with literature study, the puzzle of its own subject and the difficulty have been paid more and more attention to. Keywords: 60 years literature study; Essentialism; Constructivism; Practical aesthetics; Culture study 192

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