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雲林縣國中英語教師專業社群 閱讀教學課程共備共學 I. What is the skill of reading? decoding focusing on vocabulary or grammar using prior content knowledge using knowledge of the genre (textual schemata) using knowledge of language II. Reading Activities Words and pictures Word association Listen and speak scanning skimming

Intensive reading Comprehension question review Cartoon strip Running dictation Board games III. Assess Reading different types of reading skimming scanning Intensive reading different types of meaning grammatical (syntax) informational discourse pragmatic (meaning from the writer s tone) different types of comprehension recognition,

identification analysis interpretation inference synthesis evaluation IV. Reading Comprehension Strategies Activity/ Classroom language Making connections T: S: Predicting T: S: Questioning T: S: Monitoring T: S: Visualising T: S:

Summarising T: S: V. Tips for Teaching Reading Strategies Systematically plan strategies into instruction. Model new strategies and think aloud as you use them. Make connections between new strategies and what the children already know. Apply strategies to different genres, across different subject areas. Start with one or two strategies, then gradually build your repertoire. Use the correct terms for strategies, even with emerging readers. Provide extended chunks of time each day for independent practice. Keep strategy groups flexible. Use a variety of grouping formats, including whole- and small-group instruction. Use complete, authentic pieces of text for modeling and independent practice. Keep records of individual student s strategy use. Provide opportunities for students to reread familiar texts to build fluency and automaticity. Integrate strategies throughout instruction, across the day. Adopted from Bette S. Bergeron and Melody Bradbury-Wolff,2002,Teaching Reading Strategies in the Primary Grades

Think Big. Start Small. Main task: Find out the missing information (A) 1. What do Chinese people like to talk about during Chinese New Year? 3. What had trouble Jade Emperor for weeks? 5. Who came up with the idea of asking Ox for help? 7. What was Rat thinking about when the finish line was in sight? 9.What happened to Cat? Main task: Find out the missing information (B) 2. Who was having a meeting with all animals somewhere above the clouds? 4. What would the Jade Emperor do to make the Chinese Zodiac? 6. What was Cat s problem? 8. Why did Cat and Rat ask Ox for help? 10.How was the race when Cat swam to the river bank?

Re-order these sentences 1. Jade/ had/ meeting?/ before/ troubled/ What/ Emperor/ for/ the/ he/ had/ weeks/ the 2. Rat/ poor/ he/ was/ been/ Cat/ that/ told/ swimmer./ always/ he/ worried/ had/ because/ a 3. What/ Rat/ when/ Cat/ in/ sight?/ finish line/ did/ was/ the/ to/ do Write your own questions Q1: Q2:

Start Small. Think Big. Why does Meg ask the Thinker Are you OK? How does John feel when he sees the dinosaur? How do you know? Is this a real story? State your reason(s). Why do people go to museums? What can we do in museums?

Useful Classroom Language A:Do you know the answer to Question #...? B:No. (Sorry, I don t know. Can you tell me the answer?) B:Yes. A: Great! What is it? Do you know what this means? It s a kind of food/ meat/fruit. It s a man/ color It s your turn.

START 1.It s a good start. 3 Please walk like a mummy. Please follow the rules! I am watching you. 4. You are hungry. Go to the snack bar now. 2. Don t run in the museum! You lost one turn. 5. Oops! You touch the Thinker. Go back to the Start. 13 Almost there! Be quiet. FINISH 6. 7 Q: What can you do in the museum? Snack bar 12 Why does the mummy ask John and Amy to be quiet? 11. Q: What CAN T you do in a museum? 10. Draw a dinosaur here. 9.. Museum 8.Ask a classmate to be quiet. Rules: 1.Do the task in the space when you enter one. Rules: 2.You will lose one turn if you fail to do the task or give the right answer. Rules: 3. Other players will be the judge for you.

示範選文 : 翰林第六冊第 1 課 During Chinese New Year, Chinese people like to talk about the animal sign for that year. However, not everyone knows how the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac came to be. Here is one story. Somewhere above the clouds, the Jade Emperor was having a meeting with all the animals. "Naming the Chinese zodiac has troubled me for weeks, but now I know what to do!" The Jade Emperor rose from his seat and continued, "I will hold a swimming race for you, and the first twelve to cross the river will be the signs." After the meeting, Cat told his best friend, Rat, that he wanted to win the race, but he had always been a poor swimmer. Rat, however, told him not to worry. "Ox is strong and swims fast. Let's ask him for help!" Rat said. The day of the race finally came. When the race started, Cat and Rat jumped onto Ox's back. Thanks to Ox, they were able to cross the river ahead of the others. When the finish line was in sight, Rat was only thinking about winning. He suddenly pushed Cat into the river, hopped off Ox's head, and won first place. Poor Cat almost drowned. When he made it to the river bank, the race had already ended. Since then, cats have stopped being friends with rats. This is why they are always waiting for a chance to get even.

共備共學 - 閱讀教學活動設計實作單 縣市 學校姓名學校姓名 國中 國小 教材選擇 年級 : 三 四 五 六 七 八 九學期 : 上 下版本 : 單元 : 課外延伸教材 : ( 無則免填 ) 教學目標 相對應 能力指標 設計理念 簡 述 教學活動時間教材教具 1. Grouping: 2. Pre-reading (Strategy/ Activity) 3. While-reading (Strategy/ Activity) 4. Post-reading (Strategy/ Activity) 附件 :PPT 學習單.. 等

附錄 :97 課綱中與閱讀有關的能力指標 3-1-1 能辨識印刷體大小寫字母 3-1-2 能辨識課堂中習得的詞彙 3-1-3 能看懂簡易的英文標示 3-1-4 能辨識歌謠 韻文 故事中的常用字詞 3-1-5 能看懂簡單的句子 3-1-6 能辨識英文書寫的基本格式 3-1-7 能朗讀課本中的對話和故事 *3-1-8 能藉圖畫 圖示等視覺輔助, 閱讀並瞭解簡易故事及兒童短劇中的大致內容 *3-1-9 能藉圖畫 標題 書名, 猜測或推論主題 3-2-1 能辨識英文字母的連續書寫體 (cursive writing) 3-2-2 能用字典查閱字詞的發音及意義 3-2-3 能看懂常用的英文標示和圖表 3-2-4 能用適切的語調 節奏朗讀短文 簡易故事等 3-2-5 能瞭解課文的主旨大意 3-2-6 能瞭解對話 短文 書信 故事及短劇等的重要內容與情節 3-2-7 能從圖畫 圖示或上下文, 猜測字義或推論文意 *3-2-8 能辨識故事的要素, 如背景 人物 事件和結局 *3-2-9 能閱讀不同體裁 不同主題的簡易文章 5-1-1 能正確地辨識 唸出與寫出 26 個英文字母 5-1-2 能聽懂及辨識課堂中所習得的英語詞彙 5-1-3 在聽讀時, 能辨識書本中相對應的書寫文字 5-1-6 能運用字母拼讀法 (phonics) 5-2-1 能熟習課綱中所標示之 1200 個基本單字, 並能應用於日常生活的溝通中 5-2-4 能看懂故事及簡易短文, 並能以簡短的句子說出或寫出其內容大意 *5-2-5 能看懂日常溝通中簡易的書信 留言 賀卡 邀請卡等, 並能以口語或書面作簡短的 回應 *5-2-6 能看懂並能填寫簡單的表格及資料等

References Bette S. Bergeron & Melody Bradbury-Wolff(2002).Teaching Reading Strategies in the Primary Grades, Scholastic. Brown, H.D. (2004), Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by Principle. NY: Pearson Education. Brown, H.D. & Abeywickrama, P. (2010).Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices, 2nd Ed. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc. White Plains, NY:Longman. Cohen, A.D. (1994). Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom, 2nd Ed. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle. Raimes, A. (1983). Techniques in Teaching Writing. Oxford University Press. VanPatten, B.(2005). Processing instruction. Mind & Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition. Georgetown University Press.267-281. Willis, J.(1996). A Framework for Task-Based Learning. Longman. &utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=bc-teachingenglish f%20room%20posters%204.pdf