目錄 Contents 沿革 History 創辦人聖嚴法師 University Founder: Master Sheng Yen 理念制度 Vision and System 辦學宗旨與教學目標 Founding Ph

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Dharma Drum Sangha University

目錄 Contents 沿革 History --------- 2 創辦人聖嚴法師 University Founder: Master Sheng Yen --------- 18 理念制度 Vision and System --------- 22 辦學宗旨與教學目標 Founding Philosophy & Educational Goals --------- 24 學制與課程 Education System and Curriculum --------- 30 師資與教學特色 Faculty and Teaching --------- 38 修學環境與教學設施 School Environment and Facilities --------- 46 出家生涯概觀 Monastic Life --------- 52 多元的畢業出路 Diverse Paths for Graduates --------- 56 未來展望 Future Prospects --------- 58 招生訊息 Admissions --------- 60

2 Dharma Drum Sangha University 3 沿革 本校坐落於新北市金山區, 環境清淨 安定, 擁有兼具傳統與現代建築特色之校舍, 及藏書豐富的圖書資訊館 整體教育園區, 呈現出國際化的多元學習環境, 是一座以弘揚漢傳佛教為目標的世界佛教教育園區 History Located in the placid hills in the Jinshan District of New Taipei City, Dharma Drum Sangha University (DDSU) has a campus featuring both traditional and modern architecture, and a Buddhist Library and Information Center that contains an extensive collection of books and other materials in print and digital form. A world center for Buddhist education dedicated to promoting Chinese Buddhism, it offers a global and diversified environment for studying Buddhism.

4 Dharma Drum Sangha University 5 秉持培育僧才的理念 聖嚴法師一生致力於培養弘揚佛法及住持三寶的僧眾人才, 於 1977 年自美國回臺灣接掌中華佛教文化館及農禪寺的法務, 於 1979 年 8 月, 召集譯經院的成員與參加禪七的學員, 成立 三學 研修院, 嗣後成員陸續遞增, 在譯經院結束之後, 成員中有人 發心出家, 以養成佛教青年人才為宗旨的 三學研修院, 漸而 發展成法鼓山 僧團 僧團成立之後, 除了經常舉辦各種培訓活動, 藉以栽培各項弘 法人才之外 為了有系統地培育僧團僧眾, 在僧團組織中並規畫 教育院 (2005 年 2 月改名 三學院 ) 部門, 專門負責僧眾 的養成教育, 秉承 三學研修院 的院訓, 落實培育德學兼備 戒定慧三學並重的出家人之方針 有感於僧伽教育的重要, 聖嚴法師在 1999 年指示, 應籌辦制 僧伽大學位於法鼓山園區內, 在禪悅境教的環境中, 培育現代化的僧才 The Sangha University nurtures monastic talent for modern society in a Chaninspired environment of the DDM complex. Cultivating Monastic Talent Master Sheng Yen returned from the USA in 1977 to take charge of the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Culture and Nung Chan Monastery. To train monastic talent for sharing the Dharma and sustaining Buddhism, he recruited some members from the Institute for the Translation of the Chinese Tripitaka and participants of the seven-day Chan retreats to form the Three Studies Institute, which grew in members over time. Some of them became monks after the Institute for the Translation of the Chinese Tripitaka closed; hence the Three Studies Institute gradually developed into the Dharma Drum Mountain Sangha. After its establishment, the Sangha organized regular training programs on Dharma sharing. The Education Department (renamed as the Sangha Education Department in February, 2005) was also set up for a more systematic monastic education. Following the principles of the Three Studies Institute, it aims to train monastics of both intelligence and integrity, excellent in the three studies. Given the importance of monastic education, Master Sheng Yen instructed in 1999 to form a comprehensive Buddhist seminary for cultivating monastics capable of spreading the Dharma and serving sentient beings. On March 2, 2000, the Sangha held the first Buddhist Seminary preparatory meeting at Nung Chan Monastery, on the goals, administration, and operation of the seminary. 聖嚴法師對學僧的期勉 : 發大悲願, 建設淨土 Master Sheng Yen s calligraphy work urging the students to Make a great compassionate vow, and build a pure land.

6 Dharma Drum Sangha University 7 學僧在供果擺設課程中, 學習心安定 手穩定的禪修功夫 Students practice calmness of mind by preparing food offering with steady hands. 度 規模更為完善的佛學院, 以培養弘法利生之僧才 翌年 3 月 2 日於農禪寺召開第一次佛學院籌備會議, 由聖嚴法師親自主持, 會中對於佛學院的教育目標 校務運作等有全面的討論 經過兩年多的籌備, 僧伽大學佛學院於 2001 年秋季開辦, 是法鼓山繼創辦培養高等佛學研究人才的 中華佛學研究所 之後, 又一教育理念的實現, 期盼能以辦研究所的精神 In the fall of 2001, the Dharma Drum Sangha University Buddhist Seminary officially opened, another endeavor of DDM in education following the establishment of Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies for training Buddhist researchers. The seminary aims to nurture monastics both in virtue and learning, study and practice, as well as religious sentiment and spirit, to undertake the task of purifying society. A Monastic Institution with Diverse Resources The World Center for Buddhist Education is a concrete realization of Dharma Drum Mountain s vision, promoting the Threefold Education: Extensive Academic Education, Extensive Public Buddhist Education, and Extensive Social Care Education. Dharma Drum Sangha University, one facet of Extensive Academic Education, is devoted to cultivating monastic talent. Run by the DDM Sangha which has over 30 years of experience 及品質, 培育德學兼備 解行並重, 具有高尚宗教情操, 且能帶動 社會淨化的僧才 結合多方資源, 興辦專業僧伽養成機構 法鼓山以建立 世界佛教教育園區 為願景, 具體推廣由大學院 大普化 大關懷組成的 三大教育 僧伽大學, 為隸屬於 大學院教育 中的僧才養成機構, 由具有三十多年叢林制度基礎的法鼓山僧團主辦, 並且結合了中華佛學研究所 法鼓文理學院的教學資源, 是法鼓山三大教育的重要基石 其教育方針, 是 以漢傳佛教的理論及實踐為根本, 旨在培養兼具現代知識及佛學 素養, 並且深具宗教情操的優秀僧才 學僧在簡樸 清淨的環境中, 學習以出世精神, 做入世事業 Students learn the supramundane spirit in a simple and serene environment, preparing themselves to engage in service to society.

8 Dharma Drum Sangha University 9 聖嚴法師當年為 三學研修院 所擬定之院訓 In 1979, Master Sheng Yen established the guiding principles for the Three Studies Institute as follows: 本院以養成戒 定 慧三學並重之佛教青年人才為宗旨 本院同學應具備清淨 精進 少欲 無諍 整潔 寧靜 和樂 自動 自律 自治之基本精神, 益以互敬互助 直諒多聞 砌磋砥勵 道業與學業並進, 以達成研究與修持之崇高心願 本院同學應惜常住物, 熱心大眾事, 除因公 上課 工作, 不濫攀俗緣, 不為娛樂及應酬外出, 對所分配之工作應盡力盡責做好, 以資養成福智雙運之美德, 及弘法利生之願力 三學研修院院長一九七九年中秋後二日書 This Institute aims to nurture young Buddhists well practiced in the three studies of precepts, concentration and wisdom. Students should possess the essential qualities of purity, diligence, minimal desire, refraining from dispute, tidiness, quietude, harmony, self-motivation, self-discipline, and self-rule, along with mutual respect and help, integrity, eagerness to learn, mutual encouragement and inspiration, advancing on the path and in the study, to achieve the noble aspiration in academics and practice. Students should cherish the Institute s items and be committed to public affairs. Except for public, study, and work purpose, students should confine their interaction with laypeople, and refrain from outings for entertainment and socializing. One should fulfill one s duties and responsibilities, thereby cultivating both merit and wisdom, and developing the will to dedicate to the Dharma, benefiting all sentient beings. Sheng Yen Director of the Three Studies Institute, 1979

10 Dharma Drum Sangha University 11 四年制佛學系 2001 年秋季, 本校首先開辦佛學院 (2006 年改為 佛學系 ), 為四年制的學院教育, 招收發心荷擔如來家業 為佛教奉獻的優秀青年 課程設計, 以全方位的學習為方向, 重視思惟能力與國際語文的培養, 幫助學生開展寬闊的格局與氣度 除了安排戒學 定學 慧學等解門與行門的課程之外, 更設計了以奉獻精神為主的福業課程, 以及有關身心及僧格之陶冶的德業課程 六年制禪學系 2003 年 12 月 31 日, 創辦人聖嚴法師指示開辦禪學院 (2006 年更名為 禪學系 ), 以培養禪修人才, 傳承漢傳佛教 經過近三年籌畫, 禪學系於 2006 年秋季招收首屆新生, 在禪修 in monastic order and system and combined with the academic resources of the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies (CHIBS), the University is a cornerstone of DDM s educational endeavors. Its academic policy is rooted in Chinese Buddhist theory and practice, designed to impart to students both contemporary knowledge and Buddhist teachings so that they can become outstanding monastics with profound religious devotion. Four-Year Buddhist Studies Program In the fall of 2001 DDSU established the Buddhist Seminary (the later Department of Buddhist Studies, effective in 2006), a fouryear training program for young people ready for monastic life. As a well-rounded education, the program emphasizes critical thinking and foreign language skills to broaden the students mind and vision. In addition to the study and practice of precepts, concentration, and wisdom, the program also designs the Merit courses to develop students devotion and the Virtue courses to cultivate the body and mind required of monastics. Six-Year Chan Practice Program 學僧們在日常作務中, 體驗生活禪法, 培養倚眾和眾的團隊精神 Students practice Chan in daily life and cultivate a harmonious community spirit. On Dec 31, 2003, Master Sheng Yen instructed to form a Chan seminary (the later Department of Chan Practice, effective in 2006) in the university to train talent to continue the Chan Buddhist tradition. Starting enrolling students in the fall of 2006, the comprehensive six-year program offers students an in-depth and intensive training in Chan study and practice. Fostered by living a simple life in the tranquil environment, it nurtures prospective Chan teachers of solid practice and true realization mature in wisdom

12 Dharma Drum Sangha University 13 方面予以密集深入的培育, 在完備的修學體制 簡樸的禪修生活及安定的禪修環境中, 培養實修實證 悲智具足的禪修人才, 以推廣法鼓宗風之禪法, 承擔莊嚴國土及成熟眾生的重責大任 誠如聖嚴法師於 僧伽大學年報 發刊詞中所說 : 佛教不是缺少出家人, 乃是缺少能夠實踐正法律的出家人 缺少具有大悲願心的出家人 法鼓山僧伽大學, 以培養品德與悲願兼備的佛教青年人才為宗旨, 提供完善的僧才培育環境, 期待以今日的佛教教育, 培養明日的佛教人才, 造就更多弘揚佛法 利益眾生的法門龍象, 共同 and compassion, to help promote Chan Buddhism as practiced at Dharma Drum Mountain, and take up the task of ennobling our world and enlightening all sentient beings. Master Sheng Yen once said in the Sangha University Yearly Journal: Buddhism doesn t lack monks and nuns; it lacks monastics that can live out the Dharma and precepts, with a great aspiration of compassionate mind. Aiming at nurturing young Buddhists in virtue and compassion, the DDSU serves as an ideal environment by providing today s Buddhist education, thereby preparing leading Buddhists of tomorrow to dedicate to the Dharma and benefit beings. 承擔如來家業 課堂學習, 同時包含戒 定 慧三學及通識教育內容 In-class learning integrates the three Buddhist studies of precepts, concentration, and wisdom, as well as liberal art studies. 佛法的慈悲智慧之光, 必須一傳十 十傳百, 由眾人群策群力, 方能照亮昏闇的無明 The light of Buddhist compassion and wisdom to be passed around with joint effort in order to illuminate the ignorance of darkness.

14 Dharma Drum Sangha University 15 僧伽大學大事記 Chronicle of Major Events of the Sangha University 1999.3 月召開第一次 法鼓山佛學院籌備會議, 聖嚴法師親自主持會議.10 月擬訂 法鼓山佛學院規畫書 2001.4 月僧伽大學佛學院第一屆招生,9 月入學.9 月法鼓山教育行政大樓落成, 僧伽大學遷入 2002.2 月召開第一次 法鼓山出家體驗暨僧才養成班籌備會議 ( 原名 法鼓山出家龍象培訓班 ), 聖嚴法師親自主持會議.10 月 法鼓山出家體驗暨僧才養成班 第一屆招生 2003.2 月 法鼓山出家體驗暨僧才養成班 學僧入學, 為二年制課程, 第一年為出家體驗班 第二年為僧才養成班 (2011 年停止招生 ) 2004.2 月法鼓山出家體驗暨僧才養成班, 改隸僧伽大學學制之內.2 月籌辦 第一屆生命自覺營.6 月擬訂 法鼓山禪學院規畫書.8 月召開第一次 法鼓山禪學院籌備會議 2005.1 月 法鼓山出家體驗暨僧才養成班 更名 僧才養成班, 第一屆僧才養成班學僧畢業.9 月第一屆佛學院學僧畢業 2006.6 月首度舉辦 畢業製作 呈現. 禪學系設立,6 月禪學系第一屆招生,9 月入學 ; 佛學院同步更名為 佛學系 2007.8 月由法鼓山方丈和尚果東法師擔任院長.9 月舉辦 95 學年度開學暨畢結業典禮 March 1999.Master Sheng Yen hosts the first Buddhist Seminary preparatory meeting. October 1999.Proposal for Dharma Drum Buddhist Seminary drafted. April 2001.The Buddhist Seminary begins to recruit students. The first class enrolls in September. September 2001.The Education and Administration Building completed, where CHIBS and the University relocated. February 2002.Master Sheng Yen hosts the first preparatory meeting for the DDM Postulant Training and Monastic Education Program, the original DDM Monastics Cultivation Program. October 2002.Student recruitment for the first DDM Postulant Training and Monastic Education Program commences. February 2003.DDM Postulant Training and Monastic Education Program begins enrolling students. The two-year program consists of postulant training in its first year followed by monastic education in the second year. (The Program stops in 2011) February 2004.DDM Postulant Training and Monastic Education Program incorporated into the University..Plans and holds the first Life Awakening Camp. June 2004.Proposal for Dharma Drum Chan Seminary drafted. August 2004.Preparatory meeting for the Dharma Drum Chan Seminary held. January 2005.DDM Postulant Training and Monastic Education Program renamed as the Monastic Education Program. First students from the program graduate. September 2005.First students of the Buddhist Seminary graduate.

16 Dharma Drum Sangha University 17 僧伽大學大事記 Chronicle of Major Events of the Sangha University 2008.9 月舉辦 96 學年度開學暨畢結業典禮 2009.5 月 法鼓文苑 創刊.5 月首度舉辦講經交流會 2010.9 月首屆禪學系學僧畢業 領執 2011.5 月僧才養成班停止招生.8 月第一批 演 字輩行者求度出家 2012.6 月舉辦 100 學年度開學暨畢結業典禮, 典禮以 搭菩薩衣, 傳燈發願 等具漢傳佛教特色為內涵核心 2013.3 月與韓國海印寺僧伽大學簽署學術交流.6 月舉辦 101 學年度開學暨畢結業典禮 2014.6 月舉辦 102 學年度開學暨畢結業典禮 June 2006.Organizes the graduation project for the first time..department of Chan Practice established. Department of Chan Practice enrolls the first students and Buddhist Seminary renamed as Department of Buddhist Studies. August 2007.DDM abbot president Ven. Guo Dong serves as the University President. September 2007.Holds the academic opening and commencement/course-completion ceremony. September 2008.Holds the academic opening and commencement/course-completion ceremony. May 2009.Dharma Drum Sangha University Magazine launched..dharma talk exchange session organized for the first time. September 2010.First students of Chan Practice Department graduate and start serving in their respective positions. May 2011.Monastic Education Program stops. August 2011.First students with the generation name of Yan take monastic vows. June 2012.Holds the academic opening and commencement/course-completion ceremony, which features wearing the bodhisattva robe, transmitting the lamp and making the vow to mark Chinese Buddhism. March 2013.Signs an academic exchange agreement with the Haeinsa Sangha University. June 2013.Holds the academic opening and commencement/course-completion ceremony. June 2014.Holds the academic opening and commencement/course-completion ceremony.

18 Dharma Drum Sangha University 19 創辦人聖嚴法師 聖嚴法師 (1930~2009), 是具有世界觀及先驅思想的心靈導師 曾於臺灣高雄美濃閉關六年, 並於 1975 年取得日本東京立正大學文學博士學位, 歷任中華學術院佛學研究所所長 文化大學及東吳大學教授 法師不僅是一位學養極深的佛教學者, 更重視修行的實踐, 傳承了禪宗臨濟及曹洞兩大宗派, 數十年往來於東 西方社會教授禪法, 為國際知名的禪師 University Founder Master Sheng Yen Master Sheng Yen (1930-2009) was a reputed Chan master in the international Buddhist community, with a global perspective and pioneering spirit. He completed a six-year solitary retreat in Meinong, Taiwan, and received a D. Litt. degree from Rissho University in 1975. Having served as Director of the Institute of Buddhist Studies of the China Academy, and professor at Taiwan s Chinese Culture University and Soochow University, the Master was not only a learned Buddhist scholar, but also an accomplished practitioner who stressed the importance of practice in daily life. Trained in both the Linji and Caodong schools, he taught Chan for decades, gaining worldwide recognition.

20 Dharma Drum Sangha University 21 聖嚴法師在大學院教育方面之成就 1978. 接任中國文化學院中華學術院佛學研究所所長 1985. 於文化館續辦佛學研究所, 並更名為 中華佛學研究所 ( 簡稱 中華佛研所 ) 1990. 中華佛研所於國立中央圖書館舉辦 第一屆中華國際佛學議 1992. 中華佛研所於臺北圓山飯店舉行 第二屆中華國際佛學會議 1993. 中華佛研所與日本佛教大學簽署學術研究交流同意書 1994. 中華佛研所與日本駒澤大學佛教學部簽定學術交流合作計畫 1997. 中華佛研所於國家圖書館舉辦 第三屆中華國際佛學會議 1999. 指示成立 法鼓山人文社會獎助學術基金會 2001. 僧伽大學舉行創校暨第一屆開學典禮 2002. 中華佛研所於中央研究院舉辦 第四屆中華國際佛學會議 2003. 法鼓山人文社會獎助學術基金會與北京大學合作設置 北京大學法鼓人文講座 2004. 法鼓山人文社會獎助學術基金會與臺灣大學合作於該校設置 臺灣大學法鼓人文講座 2005. 分別於北京大學 清華大學 南京大學 廣州中山大學進行專題演講 2006. 法鼓山人文社會獎助學術基金會分別與臺灣大學 成功大學及亞洲大學合作設置 法鼓人文講座. 聖嚴教育基金會成立 2007. 國內第一所單一宗教研修學院 法鼓佛教研修學院 正式成立 (2008 年 8 月更名為 法鼓佛教學院 ;2014 年 8 月與法鼓人文社會學院合併為 法鼓文理學院 ). 中華佛研所於法鼓山世界佛教教育園區舉辦 第五屆中華國際佛學會議 2008. 中華佛研所轉型為學術研究單位, 致力於推廣漢傳佛教的研究 2009.2 月捨報圓寂 Master Sheng Yen in the Extensive Academic Education 1978. Becomes Director of the Institute of Buddhist Studies, China Academy, College of Chinese Culture. 1985. Continues to run IBS at the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Culture, and renames it as the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies(CHIBS). 1990. CHIBS hosts the 1st Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism at National Central Library. 1992. CHIBS hosts the 2nd International Conference on Buddhism at the Grand Hotel. 1993. CHIBS and Bukkyo University co-sign an academic research exchange agreement. 1994. CHIBS and Komazawa University Faculty of Buddhism co-sign an academic cooperative agreement. 1997. CHIBS hosts the 3rd International Conference on Buddhism at National Central Library. 1999. Dharma Drum Research Grants of the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation established at Master Sheng Yen s instruction. 2001. DDSU s inauguration and academic opening takes place. 2002. CHIBS holds the 4 th Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism at the Academia Sinica. 2003. Dharma Drum Research Grants of the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation establishes the Dharma Drum Lecture Series in Humanities at China s Peking University. 2004. Dharma Drum Research Grants of the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation establishes the Lecture Series in Humanities at Taiwan University and China s Tsinghua University. 2005. Master Sheng Yen speaks at China s Peking, Tsinghua, Nanjing, and Zhongshan Universities. 2006. Dharma Drum Research Grants of the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation establishes the Lecture Series in Humanities at Asia University and China s Zhongshan University..Founding of the Sheng Yen Education Foundation 2007. Dharma Drum Buddhist College, the first of its kind in Taiwan, established (renamed as Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts in 2014).. CHIBS organizes the 5 th Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism at the DDM complex. 2008. CHIBS transformed into an academic research organization dedicated to Chinese Buddhist research. 2009. Master Sheng Yen passes away in February.

22 Dharma Drum Sangha University 23 理念與制度 本校的設立, 是為了培育足以代表漢傳佛教的精神與內涵, 並能夠為國際宗教 學術界奉獻心力的僧才, 開創出佛教的新紀元 Vision and System The University was founded to cultivate monastic talent that manifest the essence and spirit of Chinese Buddhism, contributing to international religious and academic circles, creating a new era for Buddhism.

24 Dharma Drum Sangha University 25 辦學宗旨與教學目標 Founding Philosophy & Educational Goals 佛學系辦學宗旨 以戒 定 慧三學為基礎, 以聞 思 修三慧為階梯, 以發揚法鼓山的理念為原則, 來培養悲天憫人 利益眾生的菩薩僧才為宗旨 教育目標一 以實踐漢傳佛教具有包容性與消融性的理論及實踐方法, 培養德學兼備 解行並重, 並具有高度宗教情操的現代僧才, 來擔當淨化人心 淨化社會的重責大任為主要目標 二 為使漢傳佛教能與現代世界接軌, 分享佛法的慈悲及智慧, 故以加強國際語文之訓練, 開拓世界視角之心胸, 接觸多元文化領域, 為次要目標 Department of Buddhist Studies Mission The program fosters compassion and loving-kindness in students aspiring to benefit all sentient beings by sharing DDM s vision. It is based on the three studies of precepts, concentration, and wisdom; and built on the three kinds of wisdom learning, thinking, and cultivating. Educational Goals (1) We provide students with the all-embracing and adaptable Chinese Buddhist teachings and methods of practice to develop academically and morally in both Dharma study and practice, and nurture a strong religious spirit of undertaking the task of purifying people s minds and society. (2) In order to connect Chinese Buddhism with contemporary society in sharing Buddhist compassion and wisdom, we help students strengthen foreign language skills, develop global perspective, and interact with diverse cultures. Department of Chan Practice Mission Our mission is to cultivate Chan teachers of compassion and wisdom who aspire to promote the Chan Buddhist tradition as practiced at Dharma Drum Mountain. We help students realize Chan teachings through Buddhist doctrines and develop their knowledge through Chan practice, with concentration and wisdom as the principle, renunciation and bodhi 僧大課程融和佛學與世學, 培育現代僧才 圖為書法課練習揮毫 The curriculum combines Buddhist courses and secular studies to nurture monastic talent for modern times. Students brush their skills in the calligraphy class.

26 Dharma Drum Sangha University 27 mind as the foundation, fostered by patience and diligence. Educational Goals (1) By providing Chan teachings, our ultimate goal is to develop future Chan masters of solid practice and realization, for the great mission of bettering the world and benefiting all beings. (2) By encouraging a simple life in a placid environment conducive to Chan practice, we aim to inspire students to become Chan masters of the spirit of Dharma Drum Mountain who promote its Chan teachings. 出家行儀課程中, 學僧分組討論出家人的身儀 口儀與心儀 Students of the Monastic Codes of Conduct course discuss in groups the bodily, verbal, and mental manners required of monastics. 禪學系辦學宗旨 以藉教悟宗為入門, 以從禪出教為基礎, 以定慧不二為原則, 以出離心及菩提心為根本, 以忍辱精進為盔甲, 以發揚法鼓宗風之禪法為責志, 以培養悲智具足之禪師為宗旨 教育目標一 以弘揚漢傳禪佛教之理論及方法, 來培養實修實證之禪師 人才, 以承擔莊嚴國土及成熟眾生的大任務, 為終極目標 二 以簡樸的禪修生活及清淨的環境, 培養具有法鼓家風之禪 師人才, 來推廣普及法鼓宗風之禪法, 為主要目標 解行並重的教學目標, 兼顧佛法的慈悲與智慧 圖為學僧支援 2012 年於臺北市政府廣場舉行的萬人禪修 With an equal emphasis on study and practice, compassion and wisdom, students learn to help with the Public Chan Practice event at the Taipei City Hall Square in 2012.

28 Dharma Drum Sangha University 29 校訓 The Motto 以慈悲關懷人以智慧處理事以和樂同生活以尊敬相對待 校訓 悲 智 和 敬, 不只是法鼓山僧伽大學的精神, 更是作為一個出家人所應具備的條件與原則 創辦人聖嚴法師曾說 : 和 是我與人和, 敬 是我敬人, 和敬是僧團的準則 而 悲 智 是菩薩的精神, 行菩薩道必須要有智慧 有慈悲 因此, 以 悲智和敬 作為本校的校訓, 就是要把自己培養成 出家菩薩, 現聲聞相 修菩薩行, 這也是本校最大的特色 Care for others with compassion. Handle all affairs with wisdom. Live with others in harmony and joy. Treat each other with respect. The motto, Compassion, Wisdom, Harmony, and Respect, represents not only the spirit of DDSU, but also the qualifications and essential qualities required of a monastic. Our founder Master Sheng Yen said, Harmony means harmony with others, and Respect means respect for others; both are qualities required of a sangha. Compassion and Wisdom are the spirit of bodhisattvas, necessary for treading the bodhisattva path. With Compassion, Wisdom, Harmony, Respect as our university motto, students should become monastic bodhisattvas, appearing as shravakas cultivating the bodhisattva path. This is a distinguishing feature of our university. 學僧於課堂上, 互相交流分享 Students exchange and share ideas in class.

30 Dharma Drum Sangha University 31 學制與課程 Education System and Curriculum 本校學制, 採學期學年制, 包括四年制的佛學系及六年制的禪學系, 是法鼓山僧團培育新僧命的搖籃, 強調奉獻精神, 特別重視思惟能力與國際語文的養成 課程設計, 兼具慧業 福業 德業的修習, 以落實佛法生活化 佛學專業化為目標, 並以國際化的視野, 培養解行並重的現代宗教師 The University adopts the semester system and includes the four-year Department of Buddhist Studies and the sixyear Department of Chan Practice. A cradle for nurturing new monastics, the University emphasizes the spirit of devotion and the skills in thinking and foreign languages. The curriculum design includes the cultivation of wisdom, merit, and virtue. Emphasizing practice in daily life and specialized Buddhist scholarship, it prepares students to become modern monastics with insight, experience, and global vision. 學制 學制學期學年制, 修業四年佛學系對象發心荷擔如來家業, 願為漢傳禪佛教奉獻的優秀青年學制學期學年制, 修業六年禪學系對象發心弘揚中華禪法鼓宗之優秀青年班數招收男 女眾各一班 Education System Academic term Department of Buddhist Studies Prospective Students Academic term Department of Chan Practice Prospective Students A semester system of four years Young talent aspiring to become monastics and contribute to Chan Buddhist tradition A semester system of six years Young talent who aspire to promote the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism 實習 禪修活動除了課程學習, 亦有實習 禪修等活動, 結合學習與實務 培養弘化能力 生活照顧學雜費全免, 並提供所需教科書 文具 本校提供膳宿 臥具 生活日用品, 且每月發與固定零用金 Number of class There is one class for women and one class for men. Internship and Chan practice activities In addition to academic courses, the University also provides internship experiences and Chan practice activities for students to combine theoretical study and actual practice, developing their skills in spreading the Dharma.

32 Dharma Drum Sangha University 33 課程架構 慧業 解門 : 戒學 定學 慧學 行門 : 佛法的修持與生活實踐 Support and resources Students pay no tuition fee and are provided with textbooks and stationery, along with accommodation, food, and other daily supplies, in addition to monthly allowances. 作務 : 落實法鼓山 心五四 運動 涵養健全之僧 福業 格 體驗生活禪法 培養團隊之精神 Course Structure 弘化 : 推廣法鼓山 心五四 運動 鍛鍊領眾之能力 及實踐弘法之使命 社區關懷及服務 Understanding 德業 身 心及僧格之陶冶鍛鍊 Wisdom Studies of precepts, concentration, and wisdom. 學僧與西方禪師, 交流漢傳禪法在西方的弘揚 Students study with a Western Zen teacher, exchanging ideas about Chan/Zen practice in the west. Merit Practice Buddhist practice and its actualization in daily life. Service Putting into practice DDM ś Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign, developing sound monastic character, experiencing Chan in daily life, and fostering team spirit. Spreading of the Dharma Promoting DDM ś Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign, developing leadership skills, carrying out the mission of spreading the Dharma, and reaching out to serve the community. 僧大教育融攝新思維 新觀念, 使教育風格更符合時代需求, 又不失漢傳佛教精神 The University embraces new ideas and innovations that will benefit modern society while bolstering the spirit of Chinese Buddhism. Virtue Harmonization of body and mind, and development of monastic qualities.

34 Dharma Drum Sangha University 35 課程概觀 以佛教之戒 定 慧三學為基礎, 依聞 思 修三慧之方培養 弘法利生 續佛慧命之僧才 課程特色 福慧雙修 行解並重 課程主題 以戒學 定學 慧學為基礎 包括 : 語文 資訊 表達 弘法 行政等, 於日常生活中弘 傳佛法之相關運用 每年的畢業製作發表會, 學僧們歡喜展現學習成果 Students showcase their portfolios for their graduation projects. Curriculum Introduction Based on the Buddhist three studies of precepts, concentration, and wisdom, the curriculum is conducted according to the three kinds of wisdom of hearing, thinking, and practicing. Curriculum characteristics The curriculum has a focus on the dual cultivation of merit and wisdom, as well as an emphasis on understanding and practice in equal measure. 中英默照禪十四 禪期中, 學僧繫念持缽 修習定心 Students practice mindful concentration holding the bowls during the 14-day Chinese-English Silent Illumination Chan retreat. Curricular themes The curriculum is based on the three Buddhist studies of precepts, concentration, and wisdom. The curriculum involves the study of language skills, information technology, communication skills, Dharma sharing, and administration, as well as their daily application in Dharma propagation.

36 Dharma Drum Sangha University 37 學校生活 採叢林僧團式的作息 透過早晚課誦 禪坐, 平日的課業 出坡, 定期的精進修行, 以及不定期的校內外服務, 鍛鍊健全體魄及宗教情操 實習安排 於寒暑假期間, 安排在法鼓山各體系內實習服務, 實際參與 作務與弘化 禪修體驗 安排禪修課程 學期初禪修 暑期禪修等 從僧大出發, 每個腳步都是聖嚴法師足跡的傳承 Setting out the journey from the Sangha University with every step following Master Sheng Yen s footprints. University life Students live a daily schedule as followed by Chan Buddhist monasteries. By participating in morning and evening chanting, sitting meditation, work practice, and regular intensive practice activities, as well as service activities in and outside the campus, students foster both their physical strength and religious commitment. Internship arrangement The University will prepare students for internship at affiliated centers and organizations of DDM during the summer and winter holidays, for hands-on experiences in their daily operation and Dharma propagation. 僧大課程, 著重佛教義理的了解與實踐 The curriculum stresses both the understanding and practice of Buddhist doctrines and principles. Chan practice experience Students will participate in Chan practices during semesters and summer holidays.

38 Dharma Drum Sangha University 39 師資與教學特色 法鼓山僧伽大學別於一般大學的特色則在於 : 一 漢傳佛教宗教師的搖籃 惠敏法師 Ven. Hui Min 純因法師 Ven. Chun Yin 常寬法師 Ven. Chang Kuan 二 專業僧才的培育 三 涵融禪悅的全人教育環境 四 接受並從事終身教育 果光法師 Ven. Guo Kuang 果肇法師 Ven. Guo Zhao 果鏡法師 Ven. Guo Jing 果暉法師 Ven. Guo Hui Faculty and Teaching 院長果東法師 Ven. Guo Dong, Abbot President 果元法師 Ven. Guo Yuan The distinctive features of Dharma Drum Sangha University 1. A cradle of Dharma teachers devoted to Chinese Buddhism. 2. Nurtures monastic talent in specialized areas of their practice. 3. A comprehensive holistic education inspired by Chan teachings. 4. Commitment and contribution to life-long education.

40 Dharma Drum Sangha University 41 師資特色 本校師資陣容堅強, 數十位教師不僅擁有優異的學識經歷, 且在佛法義理的體驗及修行實踐上均下過深刻的工夫, 皆為一時之選 師資特色如下 :. 由法鼓山僧團方丈和尚果東法師 果光法師 果肇法師 果 元法師擔綱, 並邀請多位教育部授證的教授 副教授以及擁 有博士 碩士學位的比丘 比丘尼老師授課, 並結合法鼓文 理學院現有之師資 邀請國內外具研究與修持極為優秀的僧 大寮實習體驗生活禪法, 培養團隊精神 Preparing food in the kitchen as a Chan practice also develops the team spirit. 學僧縫補日用衣標籤, 在日常作務中, 學習行解並重的出家生活 Students do stitching work practice as part of monastic life. 伽教育師資, 以及深具禪修指導經驗之法師來擔任教師. 由深具禪修經驗之老師, 提供小班制修行指導. 經常邀請國內外優秀學人駐校講學, 開拓學生的國際視野 不定期邀請專家學者講學, 增進國際視野 Buddhist experts and scholars are invited for lectures to foster a global perspective. Faculty The University has a strong faculty, with dozens of leading Buddhist teachers of both exceptional educational backgrounds and outstanding academic achievements, who have devoted extensive effort to Buddhist doctrine and practice in equal measure. The faculty includes Ven. Guo Dong, current abbot president of Dharma Drum Mountain, and Ven. Guo Kuang, Ven. Guo Zhao, and Ven. Guo Yuan of the DDM Sangha, as well as teachers from Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts. The University also invites professors and associate professors certified by Taiwan s Ministry of Education, bhikshus and bhikshunis with a master s degree or doctorate, sangha teachers excelled in research and practice from home and abroad, as well as Dharma teachers experienced in guiding Chan practice, to serve on the teaching faculty. Veteran Chan meditation teachers will provide guidance in a small class setting. The University will also invite outstanding scholars from home and abroad to serve as teachers in residence on a regular basis, to help broaden the student s international perspectives.

42 Dharma Drum Sangha University 43 教學特色 漢傳佛教宗教師的搖籃 本校自許為孕育 漢傳佛教宗教師的搖籃, 以漢傳禪佛教的 理論及實踐為教育根本, 提供一套結合佛教義理與生活實踐的高 等教育制度, 培養德學兼備 解行並重, 具有崇高宗教情操, 使 佛法的弘傳超越民族 語言 地域的局限, 並能帶動淨化人心 淨化社會的僧伽人才 專業僧才的培育本校教育以全方位學習為方向, 以佛法為乳, 滋養學僧 全心 奉獻 的願心, 悲天憫人 入世的熱忱, 及為法忘軀的精神 ; 從 訓練威儀開始, 時時端正身 口 意三儀, 並重視思惟能力與國 僧大梵唄課成果展, 學僧展現學習成果 Students demonstrate what they have learned from the Buddhist Chanting and Instrument Training. Features of Teaching A cradle of Dharma teachers for Chinese Buddhism Considering itself to be a cradle of Dharma teachers devoted to Chinese Buddhism, the University bases its education on Chan teachings and practices. It offers a higher education that combines Buddhist doctrines and daily life practices, to nurture monastic talent in learning and virtue, study and practice, who are equipped with noble religious sentiment and able to share the Dharma beyond ethnic, linguistic, and regional boundaries, contributing to the purification of human minds and society. Nurturing monastic talent in specialized areas The University is geared toward providing a comprehensive education nourished by the Buddhang teaching, to nurture the student s compassionate commitment, engaging enthusiasm, and devotion to the Dharma. By starting with the training of etiquette and constant mindfulness of bodily, verbal, and mental manners, as well as the development of thinking ability, global perspectives, and international communication skills, students open up their vision and mindset. A holistic education inspired by Chan teachings In the specialized Departments of Buddhist Studies and Chan Practice, professional teachers of both learning and virtue guide students in their study of Buddhist services and the practice of Chan. With the Chan-inspired campus as an educational tool in and of itself, students receive a complete and thorough teaching in upholding the Three Jewels, as well as the organization and operation of monasteries.

44 Dharma Drum Sangha University 45 際視野 國際交流能力的培養, 幫助開展寬闊的格局與氣度 涵融禪悅的全人教育環境在佛學系 禪學系的專業分制中, 由德學兼備的專業講師引領進入佛學殿堂, 學習佛事 體驗禪修, 並在山林間 禪堂裡, 處處涵融禪悅的修行境教, 領受完整的住持三寶 維持寺院道場之全人教育 接受並從事終身教育推動全面教育是法鼓山最重要的使命, 因此, 在法鼓山出家, 不僅是終身接受教育, 也是終身從事教育 僧大畢業後, 儲備的 能量將在僧團領執中展現, 透過參與法鼓山海內外的弘化事業, 於大學院 大關懷 大普化各教育單位中奉獻, 在不斷洗鍊 蛻 變的過程中, 修學佛法 護持佛法 弘揚佛法, 斷除自心煩惱, 增長菩提心 出離心 ; 並持續佛法教育與專業學習, 開發多元才 能, 在服務中承擔如來家業, 為圓滿社會人間奉獻己力 藉由朝山, 洗滌身心, 啟發正念 Students walk in pilgrimage to wash off mental defilements and practice right mindfulness. 學僧從事社會關懷及服務工作, 引領孩童建立良好品格 Students engage in social care and services, providing moral guidance for children. 僧大教學, 解行並重, 落實佛法生活化 佛學專業化的理念 The University s teaching: study and practice in equal measure, practice in daily life, and specialized Buddhist studies. Commitment and contribution to life-long education Promoting comprehensive Buddhist education is an essential mission of Dharma Drum Mountain, and therefore its Sangha members are expected to involve in delivering and receiving education on a life-time basis. After graduation, students will demonstrate their potential power by serving various positions in the Sangha, contributing to DDM s endeavors in Dharma propagation, both domestically and internationally, through its Three-fold Education efforts: Extensive Academic Education, Extensive Social Care Education, and Extensive Public Buddhist Education. While growing in experiences and going through constant transformation with on-going training and practice, they further uphold the Dharma, eliminate their afflictions, and enhance their mind of bodhi and renunciation. With continual Buddhist education and professional learning, they develop diverse talent and skills that help realize their potentials, fostering their monastic commitment to serve society.

46 Dharma Drum Sangha University 47 修學環境與教學設施 本校位於新北市金山區的法鼓山世界佛教教育園區之中, 依傍著大屯山系, 遠眺太平洋, 環境清幽自然, 山明水秀 人文薈萃, 實為孕育法門龍象的搖籃 明亮寬敞的教室 靜謐莊嚴的佛堂, 以及館藏豐富的現代佛教圖書資訊館等教學設施, 提供學僧們最好的學習資源與場所 School Environment and Facilities Located in DDM World Center for Buddhist Education in the Jinshan District, New Taipei City, nestled in the Datun Mountain Range overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the University has a peaceful, serene environment and offers comprehensive facilities, including spacious classrooms, stately Buddha halls, and a state-of-the-art Buddhist library, providing students with abundant study resources and an optimal learning environment.

48 Dharma Drum Sangha University 49 校區群山環抱 雙溪奔流, 遠眺海洋, 離市而不孤立, 自然山林風光, 賞心悅目 校舍典雅素樸, 功能齊 僧大課程, 多元而專業, 引導學僧確立修行方向 健全完全僧格 Diverse and specialized courses help students identify their direction of practice and develop their monastic characters 全, 管理完善, 特別著重於景觀及境教的一致性 清淨 安定的修學環境, 有助於深入佛教義理的學 習與體驗, 並能注重生活實踐與宗教意志的磨鍊 校內各種規畫與設施, 皆具前瞻性, 以成為世界佛教中心的目 標來規畫 除了巍峨的佛殿 現代化的禪堂及講堂外, 另有各類 型教室與活動中心, 提供學僧們多元的修學空間 校園環境自然, 兼有森林的野趣與文人庭園的雅緻 A most charming campus with natural beauty and Chinese garden landscape. 在安定的境教中, 切磋學習, 涵養心性 Students enrich their minds by learning in a calm and serene setting. The quiet, secluded campus is set amidst mountains and rolling hills, and traversed by two gurgling brooks. Rural, but not isolated, and in close proximity to the sea, the campus offers scenic views that will please the eyes and soothe the heart. The campus architecture is simple yet elegant, with all the requisite functions and exemplary management, emphasizing the harmonious blending of landscape and buildings where learning experience can take place right in the beautiful natural surroundings. The serene atmosphere is conducive to delving into Buddhist doctrine, practicing in daily life, and fostering religious sentiments. The construction and facilities of the University reflect a futuristic outlook, meticulously designed to meet the requirement of a world Buddhist center. The campus features a majestic Grand Buddha Hall, contemporary meditation and lecture halls, as well as classrooms of various sizes and an activity center, providing monastic students with a diversified environment for practice and study.

50 Dharma Drum Sangha University 51 本校擁有兼具傳統及現代建築特色之校園 學僧宿舍, 及藏書豐富 期刊齊全的現代佛教圖書資訊館 ; 並有法鼓山禪修中心 網群社區 電子佛典 國際學術會議廳等, 教學設施與學習環境新穎完善 此外, 本校並與法鼓山僧團 法鼓山禪修及文教體系 中華佛學研究所 法鼓文理學院緊密連結, 可參與本山定期舉辦的國際學術會議及交流活動 禪堂內部空間簡單樸素, 呼應禪法 本來面目 之宗風 The simple and unadorned Chan Hall reflects the Chan spirit of original face. 女眾佛堂外迴廊 Corridor outside the Buddha hall for women students. 數位化教學設施 Digital learing facilities. Featuring a distinctive blend of traditional and modern architecture, the campus also includes student dormitories, and the state-of-theart Buddhist Library and Information Center that houses an extensive collection of professional publications and periodicals, as well as the DDM Chan Practice Center, web community, the Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA), and the International Conference Hall. These facilities combine to make Dharma Drum Sangha University a full-fledged and cutting-edge educational institution and a unique learning environment. The University is closely connected with Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, DDM Sangha, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, and various DDM s Chan practice, cultural and educational organizations, creating ample opportunities for students to participate in international academic conferences and exchange activities that DDM organize on a regular basis.

52 Dharma Drum Sangha University 53 出家生涯概觀 開啟自心無盡的寶山, 傳承佛法慧燈 出家, 透過心靈的深度自覺, 體驗生命的覺醒與超越 Monastic Life Explore the infinite treasure within, inheriting the wisdom lamp. Monastic life, profound spiritual awakening for the realization and transcendence of life.

54 Dharma Drum Sangha University 55 學僧在完善的課程中, 步步踏實地走在出家修學路上, 諸如剃度前的行者身分 剃度後的沙彌 沙彌尼身分 受具足戒後的比丘 比丘尼, 乃至畢業領執後, 在法鼓山僧團和事業體以弘講 禪修 關懷 法會, 展開弘法利生的事業, 成為自利利他的宗教師 從學僧到宗教師各階段 行者剃度受具足戒領執奉獻 在剃度前, 須以 行者 身分, 經過一至兩年學習出家人的威儀落髮出家, 成為沙彌 沙彌尼, 發願做人天師範正式成為比丘 比丘尼弘講 禪修 關懷 法會, 展開弘法利生的事業 僧團法師為新戒法師執剃, 期勉積極行菩薩道 Dharma teachers perform tonsure for the newly ordained, reminding them to tread the bodhisattva path in relentless efforts. With the comprehensive courses, students walk steadily on the steps of monastic life: the postulant, novice, and fully ordained monks. After graduation and being assigned a position, they serve in the DDM Sangha and organizations to devote themselves to Dharma propagation, Chan practice, care and concern services, and Dharma assemblies, for the benefit of sentient beings. From a Monastic Student to a Monastic Teacher 剃度大典中, 求剃新戒法師發願承擔如來家業 Newly ordained monastics vowing to undertake Buddhist commitments at the tonsure ceremony. Postulant Tonsure Full ordination Serve in the designated position Before the tonsure, a postulant spends one to two years learning the qualities required of a monastic. At tonsure, the postulant becomes a novice monk or nun. A fully ordained monk or nun becomes a bhikshu or bhikshuni. Devoting to Dharma propagation, Chan practices, care and concern services, and Dharma assemblies, for the benefit of sentient beings.

56 Dharma Drum Sangha University 57 Diverse Paths for Graduates 僧大畢結業典禮, 畢業僧著海青 袈裟 菩薩衣, 呈現佛教教育 研究與修行 並重的意義 Students dress in lay Buddhist robe, full monk s robe, and Buddhist scarf at the Commencement and Course Completion Ceremony, signifying the significance of both study and practice. The University nurture monastic talent in three areas, preparing them to be administrators, educators, and scholars. Administrator: serve in administrative positions at DDM affiliated centers and organizations, carrying out cultural, managerial, and operational affairs related to Dharma propagation. Educator: serve in the areas of Chan practice activities, Dharma propagation, care and concern for others, and social services, providing inspiring guidance to the general public. Scholar: enter graduate schools or go abroad for further study, becoming an academic research or teaching staff member for DDM s Extensive Academic Education effort. 多元的畢業出路 本校培養僧才從三方面思考 : 即培養行政人才 教育人才與學術人才 行政人才 : 於法鼓山禪修或文教體系中, 從事文化 行政 寺院管理等弘法利生事業 教育人才 : 於禪修 弘法 關懷 服務領域中, 引導大眾 啟迪觀念 學術人才 : 進入研究所 出國深造, 成為法鼓山大學院教育中 的學術研究人員或教學師資 參與國際弘化與交流 Participation in international Dharma propagation and exchange.

58 Dharma Drum Sangha University 59 未來展望 擁有豐沛資源及傑出的辦學成效, 法鼓山僧伽大學必能重現玄奘大師遊歷印度時的那爛陀大學, 曾經放過的光彩 以弘揚漢傳佛教的優點和特色, 廣納百川, 融合諸流, 成為世界佛教的修學中心 Future Prospects After completing the initial stages of Dharma Drum Sangha University s development, we hope to popularize the strengths and distinct characteristics of Chinese Buddhism while encompassing all schools and uniting all traditions to become a global center of Buddhist study and practice, recreating the glory of Nalanda University in the era of Master Xuanzang s journey to India.

60 Dharma Drum Sangha University 61 招生訊息 Admissions 招生對象 無婚姻契約 發心出家之在家男 女二眾 認同漢傳佛教 接受法鼓山理念, 並由所屬道場推薦之出家男 女二眾 報考資格 年齡 :18 歲以上, 男眾 37 歲以下役畢, 女眾 35 歲以下 學歷 : 高中 ( 職 ) 或同等學力以上者 身心健全, 無不良嗜好, 且無任何訴訟 財務 情感等糾紛者 華僑及外籍生須具中文的聽 說 讀 寫能力者 招生說明會 每年 3 月中招生考試 每年 5 月或 6 月中考試內容 筆試和口試考試科目 佛學系 : 國文 佛法概論 英文 禪學系 : 國文 佛法概論 英文 禪學概論 Prospective students Unmarried men and women who aspire to become monks and nuns. Monks and nuns who agree with Chinese Buddhism and appreciate Dharma Drum Mountain s ideals, on recommendation of their monasteries. Admission requirements: Age limit: applicants should be aged 18-35 for women; and 18-37 for men who have completed compulsory military service. Academic background: the applicant should possess a senior high school/vocational school diploma (or above). Successful applicants should have a sound body and mind, free of harmful addictions and free of legal, financial, and family obligations. Overseas Chinese and foreigners should possess sufficient Chinese language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Pre-admission orientation Pre-admission orientation meeting takes place in mid- March. Admission examination Admission examination takes place in mid-may or mid- June.

62 Dharma Drum Sangha University 63 報名方式 一律採網路及通信報名 ( 不接受傳真報名 ) 網址 :http://www.ddsu.org 錄取放榜 每年 7 月初放榜 Examination contents There are written and oral examinations involved. Examination subjects: Department of Buddhist Studies: Chinese; Introduction to Buddhism; and English Department of Chan Practice: Chinese; Introduction to Buddhism; and Introduction to Chan Buddhism Applying to Dharma Drum Sangha University Please apply for admissions by completing the online application or contacting us via email or postal mail. Application via fax is not accepted. Website: http://sanghau.ddm.tw Acceptance for admission: Acceptance for admission will be announced in early July. 地址 :20842 新北市金山區法鼓路 555 號 TEL:+886-2-24987171 分機 2351 http://sanghau.ddm.org.tw

法鼓山僧伽大學簡介 Dharma Drum Sangha University 出版者 : 法鼓山僧伽大學地址 :20842 新北市金山區法鼓路 555 號電話 :(886-2)2498-7171 傳真 :(886-2)2408-2084 電子信箱 :seb@ddmf.org.tw 網址 :http://www.ddsu.org 編輯製作 : 法鼓山文化中心初版日期 :2005 年 12 月三版一刷 :2015 年 10 月 Publisher: Dharma Drum Sangha University Address: No.555, Fagu Rd.,Neighborhood 7, Sonjie Village, Jinshan Dist., New Taipei City 20842, Taiwan,R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-2498-7171 Fax: 886-2-2408-2084 E-mail: seb@ddmf.org.tw Website: http://www.ddsu.org Editorial & Production: Dharma Drum Mountain Cultural Center Publication Date of First Edition: December 2005 Third Edition: October 2015 版權所有, 請尊重著作權 All rights reserved