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M M. 20


Commercial facilities wide area Broad-based scene, Scenery Natural maintenance National land maintenance non-specific District data base, Information infrastructure Communications infrastructure Harbor, Airport Recycle system of resources Express bus, Railway Important main road Big river Garbage and Waste disposal treatment Wide area park Main road Subway New transport system Disaster prevention institution City main line bus Cityscape Middle river Bussiness facilities History inheritance, Antiquity System emergency at a disaster private facilities public facilities idividual popular nursing home Community bus Brook Industrial institution Parking guidance system Block park, Green area Refuge, Evacuation route Public parking lot Division road Green road Social capital (wide sense) Farm land Preservation farmland, Tanada(Step ped farm land) Alley in aged society Company-affiliated institution Reservoir, waterway Pocket park Buddhist temple and shrine spaces Open space accessible to anyone Public barrier-free institution Private parking lot, Private road Resudents, Private garden local area Roof green specific

Civic sector (demand) Expectation, guess Complete, comprehensive trust Administration sector Construction management Social capitals Use Management Maintenance Decision making Idea,Plan Design Construction (Supply) Ordering relationship between 2 Consultant for plan and design Receiving order Consultant for construction management Contructor(general and professional) Construction company sector

Civic sector (demand) Expectation, guess Proposal system Complete, comprehensive trust Administration sector Construction management Social capitals Decision making Idea,Plan Design Construction (Supply) 3sector, PFI Questionaire investigation, PI, Social experiment Project evaluation system Certification of ISO Ordering Grope of new relationship between 2 business, business Introduction of value engineering condition switch Improvement of ordering system Consultant for plan and design Receiving order Consultant for construction management Contructor(general and professional) Construction company sector Use Management Maintenance

Personal municipal facilities Social capital in the wide sense Social capital in the narrow sense Role of community Support to self-act Civic self-act effort Citizen Self-act(+mutual assistance) Mutual assistance(+self-act) Mutual assistance(+administrative support) Administrative support(+mutual assistance) Administration Administrative original role and duty Social support =administrative support Role of social sector ---Formation of the symbiosis society---

Admnistration Community Company corporation NPO corporation Volanteer activity Arbitrary group Self-government Organization Local government Corporation Corporation Individual Group organization Welfare in the community, Mutual help of local Profit by the company Social mission. Nonprofit Personal voluntary Social mission,mutual Purpose formation of social order inhabitants and local activity (profit pursuit) as for the basis activity help management Cooperative Organized Volunteer Volunteer activity, selfpursuit voluntary Cooporative activity, Way of management Administrative system administration administration activity,collaboration Reward of the person Paid public employee Nonpaying Paid employee Including the paid staff Basically nonpaying Generally nonpaying concerned Fee, administrative Fee, contribution, Self-pay, contribution, Fee, contribution, Fund Tax Owned capital support business, furtherance furtherance furtherance Personal activity Activity purpose for the social capital Note Conventionally Future: Company Profit activity General corporation Company sector Public service corporation Public interest activity, contribution to society, volunteer activity NPO New community Social sector Arbitrary group, meeting Neighborhood association, community Citizen sector Citizen (local inhabitants, corporate citizen)

Use and utility Citizen s sector Social sector K Nonprofit contribution to society, civic decentralization of power Plan and promotion of the software plan Collaboration, support Business, cooperation New public concept by the individual role and partnership of the sector { Public minimum security, Know-how, offer of the expertise offer of the information Promotion of the business Pursuit of the social equitableness (pursuit of the profit) Administration sector Construction industry sector General company sector Management Technique, labor Business, role allotment Construction of the symbiosis society Management of the most suitable social capital

Administration sector Social capitals Partnership(public information and joint work) Selective demand Project evaluation system Management of social capital Use Using,utilizing Management Development of program, Using,Utilizing) participation Maintenance Idea,Plan Civic sector Contribution, Development joint work of program, participation PI,WS,proposaletc. Design Participation Universal design Trust Actvity of ombudsman Construction Ordering 3sector, PFI Improvement of ordering system Designated manager system Ordering system Ordering system Business model Cooperation Consultant for plan and design Sector of general Receiving order Consultant for construction management companies Contructor(general and professional) Construction company sector Company sector in wide sense citizen Communitry NPO etc. Socialc sector Civic sector in wide sense