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最高人民法院关于适用 中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法 的解释 最高人民法院公告 最高人民法院关于适用 < 中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法 > 的解释 已于 2012 年 11 月 5 日由最高人民法院审判委员会第 1559 次会议通过, 现予公布, 自 2013 年 1 月 1 日起施行 最高人民法院 2012 年 12 月 20 日 最高人民法院关于适用 中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法 的解释 ( 法释 2012 21 号 ) 第一章管辖 第二章回避 第三章辩护与代理 目录 Interpretation of the Supreme People s Court concerning the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law of People s Republic of China Announcement of the Supreme People s Court The Interpretation of the Supreme People s Court concerning the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law of People s Republic of China, as adopted at the 1,559th session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on November 5th, 2012, is hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2013. The Supreme People s Court December 20 th, 2012 Interpretation of the Supreme People s Court concerning the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law of People s Republic of China (Interpretation No. 21 [2012] of the Supreme People's Court) Table of Contents Chapter 1 Jurisdiction Chapter 2 Recusal Chapter 3 Defense and Representation 第四章证据 1

第一节一般规定第二节物证 书证的审查与认定第三节证人证言 被害人陈述的审查与认定第四节被告人供述和辩解的审查与认定第五节鉴定意见的审查与认定第六节勘验 检查 辨认 侦查实验等笔录的审查与认定第七节视听资料 电子数据的审查与认定第八节非法证据排除第九节证据的综合审查与运用第五章强制措施第六章附带民事诉讼 Chapter 4 Evidence Section One General Provisions Section Two Examination and Determination of Physical and Documentary Evidence Section Three Examination and Determination of Witness Testimony and Victim Statements Section Four Examination and Determination of Defendant Confessions and Explanations Section Five Examination and Determination of Forensic Analyst Opinions Section Six Examination and Determination of Crime Scene Investigation, Inspection, Identification, Investigative testing, and Other Reports Section Seven Examination and Determination of Audio-Visual Materials and Electronic Data Section Eight Exclusion of Illegally Obtained Evidence Section Nine Comprehensive examination and application of evidence Chapter 5 Compulsory Measures 第七章期间 送达 审理期限 第八章审判组织 Chapter 6 Collateral Civil Actions Chapter 7 Time Periods, Service of Process and Maximum Time Allowed for 2

第九章公诉案件第一审普通程序第一节审查受理与庭前准备第二节宣布开庭与法庭调查第三节法庭辩论与最后陈述第四节评议案件与宣告判决第五节法庭纪律与其他规定第十章自诉案件第一审程序第十一章单位犯罪案件的审理第十二章简易程序第十三章第二审程序第十四章在法定刑以下判处刑罚和特殊假释的核准 Trial Chapter 8 Adjudicative Decision-making Bodies Chapter 9 Trial Procedure - First Instance Public Prosecution Section One Case Acceptance and Pretrial Preparation Section Two Announcement of the Court Hearing and Court Investigation Section Three Court Debate and Conclusive Statement Section Four Deliberation and Announcement of Judgment Section Five Discipline and Other Rules Chapter 10 Trial Procedure in Private Prosecution Cases Chapter 11 Trial of Cases involving Unit Crimes Chapter 12 Simplified Procedure Chapter 13 Procedures for Second Instance 第十五章死刑复核程序 第十六章查封 扣押 冻结财物及其处理 Chapter 14 Procedure for Approval of Below-Statutory-Minimum Sentences and Parole under Special Circumstances 3

第十七章审判监督程序 第十八章涉外刑事案件的审理和司法协助 第十九章执行程序 第一节死刑的执行 第二节死刑缓期执行 无期徒刑 有期徒刑 拘役的交付执行 第三节管制 缓刑 剥夺政治权利的交付执行 第四节财产刑和附带民事裁判的执行 第五节减刑 假释案件的审理 第六节缓刑 假释的撤销 第二十章未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序 第一节一般规定 第二节开庭准备 Chapter 15 Death Penalty Review Procedure Chapter 16 Sealing, Seizing and Freezing of Property and Its Processing Chapter 17 Adjudication Supervision Procedure Chapter 18 Adjudication and Judicial Assistance in Criminal Cases Involving Foreign Jurisdictional Issues Chapter 19 Procedures for the Imposition of Sentences Section One Implementation of the Death Penalty Section Two Surrender for Service of Sentences to the Death Penalty with Reprieve, Life Imprisonment, Fixed-Term Imprisonment and Short-Term Imprisonment Section Three Surrender for Service of Sentences to Controlled Release, Suspended Sentence, and Deprivation of Political Rights Section Four Enforcement of Property-related Penalties and Collateral Civil Judgments Section Five Adjudication of Sentence Reduction and Release on Parole Section Six Revocation of Release on Probation or Parole 4

第三节审判 第四节执行 第二十一章当事人和解的公诉案件诉讼程序 第二十二章犯罪嫌疑人 被告人逃匿 死亡案件违法所得的没收程序 第二十三章依法不负刑事责任的精神病人的强制医疗程序 第二十四章附则 Chapter 20 Adjudication Procedures for Juvenile Criminal Cases Section One General Provisions Section Two Trial Preparation Section Three Trial Section Four Enforcement Chapter 21 Procedure for Public Prosecutions Where There is a Criminal Reconciliation Between the Parties to the Case Chapter 22 Procedure for the Confiscation of Illegal Income in Cases involving the Escape or Death of a Criminal Suspect or Defendant Chapter 23 Procedures for Compulsory Treatment of Mentally Ill Persons Not Bearing Criminal Responsibility in Accordance with Law 2012 年 3 月 14 日, 第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议通过了 关于修改 中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法 的决定 为正确理解和适用修改后的刑事诉讼法, 结合人民法院审判工作实际, 制定本解释 Chapter 24 Supplementary Provisions The Decision of the National People's Congress on Amending the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China was adopted at the 5th session of the Eleventh National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on March 14, 2012. For the purpose of property interpreting and applying the revised Criminal Procedure Law, and in light of judicial practice, this Interpretation is formulated as follows. 5

第一章管辖 第一条人民法院直接受理的自诉案件包括 : ( 一 ) 告诉才处理的案件 : ⒈ 侮辱 诽谤案 ( 刑法第二百四十六条规定的, 但严重危害社会秩序和国家利益的除外 ); ⒉ 暴力干涉婚姻自由案 ( 刑法第二百五十七条第一款规定的 ); ⒊ 虐待案 ( 刑法第二百六十条第一款规定的 ); ⒋ 侵占案 ( 刑法第二百七十条规定的 ) ( 二 ) 人民检察院没有提起公诉, 被害人有证据证明的轻微刑事案件 : ⒈ 故意伤害案 ( 刑法第二百三十四条第一款规定的 ); ⒉ 非法侵入住宅案 ( 刑法第二百四十五条规定的 ); ⒊ 侵犯通信自由案 ( 刑法第二百五十二条规定的 ); ⒋ 重婚案 ( 刑法第二百五十八条规定的 ); Chapter 1 Jurisdiction Article 1 Private prosecution cases that people's courts shall hear directly include: (1) Cases accepted only upon the filing of a complaint: 1. cases of defamation or libel (stipulated by Article 246 of the Criminal Law, except for cases that involve serious injury to social order or state interests); 2. cases of forcible interference with freedom of marriage (stipulated by Article 257, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law); 3. cases of abuse (stipulated by Article 260 of the Criminal Law); 4. cases of embezzlement (stipulated by Article 270 of the Criminal Law). (2) cases of slight criminality that the People's Procuratorate has not prosecuted, but for which a victim has evidence proving a crime: 1. cases of intentional injury (stipulated by Article 234, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law); 2. cases of unlawful trespass (stipulated by Article 245 of the Criminal 6

⒌ 遗弃案 ( 刑法第二百六十一条规定的 ); ⒍ 生产 销售伪劣商品案 ( 刑法分则第三章第一节规定的, 但严重危害社会秩序和国家利益的除外 ); ⒎ 侵犯知识产权案 ( 刑法分则第三章第七节规定的, 但严重危害社会秩序和国家利益的除外 ); Law); 3. cases of interference with the freedom to communicate (stipulated by Article 252 of the Criminal Law); 4. cases of bigamy (stipulated by Article 258 of the Criminal Law); ⒏ 刑法分则第四章 第五章规定的, 对被告人可能判处三年有期徒刑以下刑罚的案件 本项规定的案件, 被害人直接向人民法院起诉的, 人民法院应当依法受理 对其中证据不足 可以由公安机关受理的, 或者认为对被告人可能判处三年有期徒刑以上刑罚的, 应当告知被害人向公安机关报案, 或者移送公安机关立案侦查 5. cases of abandonment (stipulated by Article 261 of the Criminal Law); 6. cases involving the production or sale of fake goods, or those of inferior quality (stipulated by Chapter 3, Section One of the special provisions of the Criminal Law, except for cases that involve serious injury to social order or state interests); ( 三 ) 被害人有证据证明对被告人侵犯自己人身 财产权利的行为应当依法追究刑事责任, 且有证据证明曾经提出控告, 而公安机关或者人民检察院不予追究被告人刑事责任的案件 7. cases involving the infringement of intellectual property (stipulated by Section 7, Chapter 3 of the special provisions of the Criminal Law, except for cases that involve serious injury to social order or state interests); 8. cases stipulated by chapters four and five of the special provisions of the Criminal Law in which the possible punishment is a prison term carrying a maximum length of less than three years. People's courts shall accept and hear, in accordance with the law, cases 7

stipulated by these provisions in which the victim directly files a complaint with the people's court. If the evidence for those cases is insufficient, the cases can be accepted by a public security organ, and, if it is thought that the possible maximum sentence could exceed three years, the court shall either inform the victim to report the complaint to a public security organ or remove the case to the public security organ in order to open an investigation. 第二条犯罪地包括犯罪行为发生地和犯罪结果发生地 针对或者利用计算机网络实施的犯罪, 犯罪地包括犯罪行为发生地的网站服务器所在地, 网络接入地, 网站建立者 管理者所在地, 被侵害的计算机信息系统及其管理者所在地, 被告人 被害人使用的计算机信息系统所在地, 以及被害人财产遭受损失地 (3) cases in which the victim has evidence proving that the accused violated the victim's personal or property rights, where such behavior shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the law, and in which there is evidence proving that a charge has been filed, but in which the public security organ or people's procuratorate have refused to investigate into criminal responsibility. Article 2 The location of a crime includes both the place where the conduct of the crime occurred and the place where the results of that conduct occurred. For crimes aimed at or utilizing a computer network, the location of the crime includes the location of the network server of the website through which the conduct of the crime occurred, the location of the internet connection, the location of the website's manager or builder, the location of the attacked computer information system and its manager, the location of the victim's or injured party's computer information system, and the place where the injured party suffered material loss. 8

第三条被告人的户籍地为其居住地 经常居住地与户籍地不一致的, 经常居住地为其居住地 经常居住地为被告人被追诉前已连续居住一年以上的地方, 但住院就医的除外 被告单位登记的住所地为其居住地 主要营业地或者主要办事机构所在地与登记的住所地不一致的, 主要营业地或者主要办事机构所在地为其居住地 Article 3 The place of household registration of an accused person is that person's domicile. If the regular or habitual residence of the accused is not the same as his or her registered permanent residence, his or her regular or habitual residence is considered to be his or her domicile. The habitual residence of the accused is the place where he or she has continuously resided for more than one year prior to the investigation, not including hospitalization. 第四条在中华人民共和国领域外的中国船舶内的犯罪, 由该船舶最初停泊的中国口岸所在地的人民法院管辖 第五条在中华人民共和国领域外的中国航空器内的犯罪, 由该航空器在中国最初降落地的人民法院管辖 第六条在国际列车上的犯罪, 根据我国与相关国家签订的协定确定管辖 ; 没有协定的, 由该列车最初停靠的中国车站所在地或者目的地的铁路运输法院管辖 The registered location for an accused corporate entity or organization is considered to be that corporate entity's or organization's domicile. If the corporate entity's principal place of business or principal place of business administration are not the same as its registered location, its principal place of business or business administration is considered to be its domicile. Article 4 For all crimes occurring on Chinese vessels operating in waters outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, the people's court located in the first Chinese port at which the vessel docks has jurisdiction. Article 5 For all crimes occurring on Chinese aircraft operating outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, the people's court located where the aircraft first lands within China has jurisdiction. Article 6 Jurisdiction for all crimes committed on international trains will be determined on the basis of signed agreements between the People's Republic of China and related countries; if no agreement exists, the railway transportation court located at the station within China where the train first stops, or at that train's destination, has jurisdiction over such crimes. 9

第七条中国公民在中国驻外使 领馆内的犯罪, 由其主管单位所在地或者原户籍地的人民法院管辖 第八条中国公民在中华人民共和国领域外的犯罪, 由其入境地或者离境前居住地的人民法院管辖 ; 被害人是中国公民的, 也可由被害人离境前居住地的人民法院管辖 第九条外国人在中华人民共和国领域外对中华人民共和国国家或者公民犯罪, 根据 中华人民共和国刑法 应当受处罚的, 由该外国人入境地 入境后居住地或者被害中国公民离境前居住地的人民法院管辖 第十条对中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约所规定的罪行, 中华人民共和国在所承担条约义务的范围内, 行使刑事管辖权的, 由被告人被抓获地的人民法院管辖 第十一条正在服刑的罪犯在判决宣告前还有其他罪没有判决的, 由原审地人民法院管辖 ; 由罪犯服刑地或者犯罪地的人民法 Article 7 For all crimes committed by Chinese citizens in Embassies or Consulates of the People's Republic of China, the people's court located at the site of the responsible authority, or at the original location of household registration of the accused, has jurisdiction. Article 8 For crimes committed by Chinese citizens outside of the territory of the People's Republic of China, the people's court located at the accused citizen's place of re-entry into China, or where the citizen was domiciled prior to leaving China, has jurisdiction; if the injured party is a Chinese citizen, the people's court located where the injured party was domiciled prior to leaving China may also have jurisdiction. Article 9 For crimes committed by foreigners against the People's Republic of China or its citizens outside of the territory of the People's Republic of China, when those crimes must be punished according to the Criminal Law of the People s Republic of China, the people's court located where the foreigner resides after his or her entry into China, or where the injured Chinese citizen was domiciled prior to leaving China, has jurisdiction. Article 10 For crimes governed by international treaties either concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China, and over which the People's Republic of China exercises jurisdiction within the scope of carrying out its obligations pursuant to such treaties, the people's court where a defendant was apprehended has jurisdiction. Article 11 If an inmate currently serving a criminal sentence has another pending 10

院审判更为适宜的, 可以由罪犯服刑地或者犯罪地的人民法院管辖 罪犯在服刑期间又犯罪的, 由服刑地的人民法院管辖 罪犯在脱逃期间犯罪的, 由服刑地的人民法院管辖 但是, 在犯罪地抓获罪犯并发现其在脱逃期间的犯罪的, 由犯罪地的人民法院管辖 criminal case in which no verdict has yet been reached, the people's court that adjudicated the original case has jurisdiction; if it is more appropriate for the people's court located where the inmate is serving the sentence or where the crime or crimes occurred to hear the case, those courts may have jurisdiction. If an inmate commits a crime while serving a sentence, the people's court located where the inmate is serving the sentence has jurisdiction. 第十二条人民检察院认为可能判处无期徒刑 死刑, 向中级人民法院提起公诉的案件, 中级人民法院受理后, 认为不需要判处无期徒刑 死刑的, 应当依法审判, 不再交基层人民法院审判 第十三条一人犯数罪 共同犯罪和其他需要并案审理的案件, 其中一人或者一罪属于上级人民法院管辖的, 全案由上级人民法院管辖 If a criminal commits a crime after having escaped from prison while serving a sentence, the people's court located where the criminal was serving the sentence has jurisdiction. However, if the criminal is apprehended or discovered to have escaped while committing a crime, the people's court located where that crime was committed has jurisdiction. Article 12 If the people's procuratorate believes that the possible sentence in a case could be life imprisonment or death, it shall initiate the public prosecution in an intermediate people s court; if, after accepting the case, the intermediate people s court believes that sentences of life imprisonment or death are unnecessary, that court must nonetheless try the case in accordance with the law and not transfer the case to a basic people's court. Article 13 For cases involving one person who commits multiple crimes, or for crimes jointly committed by multiple people, and for cases that must otherwise be heard together, if one person or one crime falls within the jurisdiction of the high people's court, the high people s court has jurisdiction over the entire case. 11

第十四条上级人民法院决定审判下级人民法院管辖的第一审刑事案件的, 应当向下级人民法院下达改变管辖决定书, 并书面通知同级人民检察院 第十五条基层人民法院对可能判处无期徒刑 死刑的第一审刑事案件, 应当移送中级人民法院审判 基层人民法院对下列第一审刑事案件, 可以请求移送中级人民法院审判 : ( 一 ) 重大 复杂案件 ; ( 二 ) 新类型的疑难案件 ; ( 三 ) 在法律适用上具有普遍指导意义的案件 需要将案件移送中级人民法院审判的, 应当在报请院长决定后, 至迟于案件审理期限届满十五日前书面请求移送 中级人民法院应当在接到申请后十日内作出决定 不同意移送的, 应当下达不同意移送决定书, 由请求移送的人民法院依法审判 ; 同意移送的, 应当下达同意移送决定书, 并书面通知同级人民检察院 Article 14 If a high people's court decides to hear a criminal case as a court of first instance over which a lower court has jurisdiction, the high court must send a change of jurisdiction decision notice to the lower court, and send written notice to the people's procuratorate at the corresponding level. Article 15 Basic people's courts must transfer all first-instance criminal cases in which life imprisonment or death are possible sentences to an intermediate people's court. Basic people's courts may request transfer to an intermediate people's court for adjudication the following first instance cases: (1) Large or complex cases; (2) Novel types of difficult cases; (3) Cases that bear significance in providing general guidance for the application of law. If it is necessary that a case be transferred to an intermediate people s court, a request for transfer must be made in writing, after a request for a decision has been submitted to the court's president, but no later than fifteen days prior to the expiration of the time period in which the case must be adjudicated. The intermediate people s court must make its decision within ten days after 12

第十六条有管辖权的人民法院因案件涉及本院院长需要回避等原因, 不宜行使管辖权的, 可以请求移送上一级人民法院管辖 上一级人民法院可以管辖, 也可以指定与提出请求的人民法院同级的其他人民法院管辖 第十七条两个以上同级人民法院都有管辖权的案件, 由最初受理的人民法院审判 必要时, 可以移送被告人主要犯罪地的人民法院审判 管辖权发生争议的, 应当在审理期限内协商解决 ; 协商不成的, 由争议的人民法院分别层报共同的上级人民法院指定管辖 receiving the application. If a transfer is not accepted, written notice of the decision not to accept the transfer must be delivered to the court that originally requested transfer, and the court that requested transfer will adjudicate the case in accordance with the law; if a transfer is accepted, written notice of the decision agreeing to the transfer must be delivered to the court that requested transfer, and the people's procuratorate at the corresponding level shall be sent written notification. Article 16 If it would be inappropriate for a people s court that has jurisdictional authority over a case to exercise that jurisdiction, due to reasons such as the need for the court president to recuse himself from the case, it may be requested that the case be transferred to the people s court one level above with jurisdiction over the case. The people s court one level above may exercise jurisdiction over the case, or it may assign jurisdiction over the case to another court at the same level as the court that requested transfer. Article 17 If more than two people s courts of the same level have jurisdiction over a case, that case shall be adjudicated by the first court that accepted the case. When necessary, the case may be transferred to the people s court located in the principal location where the defendant committed the crime. If a dispute over jurisdiction occurs, a resolution shall be agreed to within the time period allowed for the adjudication of the case. If such an agreement cannot be reached, the courts with conflicting jurisdictional claims shall report the matter up the court hierarchy to a shared higher court, which will then 13

第十八条上级人民法院在必要时, 可以指定下级人民法院将其管辖的案件移送其他下级人民法院审判 第十九条上级人民法院指定管辖, 应当将指定管辖决定书分别送达被指定管辖的人民法院和其他有关的人民法院 第二十条原受理案件的人民法院在收到上级人民法院改变管辖决定书 同意移送决定书或者指定其他人民法院管辖决定书后, 对公诉案件, 应当书面通知同级人民检察院, 并将案卷材料退回, 同时书面通知当事人 ; 对自诉案件, 应当将案卷材料移送被指定管辖的人民法院, 并书面通知当事人 第二十一条第二审人民法院发回重新审判的案件, 人民检察院撤回起诉后, 又向原第一审人民法院的下级人民法院重新提起公诉的, 下级人民法院应当将有关情况层报原第二审人民法院 原第二审人民法院根据具体情况, 可以决定将案件移送原第一审人民法院或者其他人民法院审判 determine jurisdiction. Article 18 A higher people's court may, when necessary, designate that a lower people's court transfer a case within its jurisdiction to another lower people's court for adjudication. Article 19 A higher people's court that assigns jurisdiction must serve official notice of its decision to assign jurisdiction separately to the lower court to which jurisdiction has been assigned, and to other relevant people's courts. Article 20 If a court that originally accepted a case receives from a higher court notification of either a decision to change jurisdiction, a decision accepting transfer, or a decision to assign jurisdiction to another court at the same level as it, in cases of public prosecution the original court must send written notice to the people s procuratorate at the corresponding level, return the materials in the case file, and at the same time send written notice to the parties; in cases of private prosecution, the court must deliver the case file materials to the people s court that has been assigned jurisdiction and send written notification to the parties. Article 21 When a second instance people s court remands a case for retrial, after the people's procuratorate withdraws the prosecution, if the procuratorate initiates a new prosecution in a people s court at a lower level than the original first instance people s court, that lower court must report the relevant circumstances up the court hierarchy to the original second instance people s court. The original second instance people s court may decide, on the basis of the specific circumstances, to transfer the case either to the original first instance 14

第二十二条军队和地方互涉刑事案件, 按照有关规定确定管辖 people s court or to another p people's court for adjudication. Article 22 In criminal cases in which the army and local court have overlapping jurisdiction, the determination of jurisdiction shall be made in accordance with relevant regulations. 第二章回避 第二十三条审判人员具有下列情形之一的, 应当自行回避, 当事人及其法定代理人有权申请其回避 : ( 一 ) 是本案的当事人或者是当事人的近亲属的 ; ( 二 ) 本人或者其近亲属与本案有利害关系的 ; ( 三 ) 担任过本案的证人 鉴定人 辩护人 诉讼代理人 翻译人员的 ; ( 四 ) 与本案的辩护人 诉讼代理人有近亲属关系的 ; ( 五 ) 与本案当事人有其他利害关系, 可能影响公正审判的 Chapter 2 Recusal Article 23 If any one of the following circumstances exists with respect to adjudication personnel, they shall voluntarily recuse themselves, and the parties and their agents ad litem have the right to apply for their recusal: (1) he or she is a party to the present case or is an immediate family member of a party in the present case; (2) the person him- or herself or his or her immediate family member has an interest in the case; (3) he or she has been a witness, forensic analyst, defense advocate, litigation advocate, or translator in the present case; (4) he or she is a close relative of the defense advocate or litigation advocate in the present case; 15

第二十四条审判人员违反规定, 具有下列情形之一的, 当事人及其法定代理人有权申请其回避 : ( 一 ) 违反规定会见本案当事人 辩护人 诉讼代理人的 ; ( 二 ) 为本案当事人推荐 介绍辩护人 诉讼代理人, 或者为律师 其他人员介绍办理本案的 ; (5) he or she has any other type of close relationship with the parties in the present case that might affect the impartiality of the adjudication. Article 24 If, in violation of the law, adjudication personnel engage in any one of the following behaviors, the parties or their agents ad litem have the right to apply for their recusal: (1) he or she unlawfully visits one of the parties, the defense advocate, or the litigation advocate in the present case; ( 三 ) 索取 接受本案当事人及其委托人的财物或者其他利益的 ; ( 四 ) 接受本案当事人及其委托人的宴请, 或者参加由其支付费用的活动的 ; ( 五 ) 向本案当事人及其委托人借用款物的 ; (2) he or she recommends or introduces to one of the parties in the present case a defense advocate, litigation advocate, or introduces to an attorney or other personnel those persons involved in handling the present case; (3) he or she extorted or accepted property or other benefit from a party or someone interceding on his behalf in the present case; ( 六 ) 有其他不正当行为, 可能影响公正审判的 (4) he or she accepted an invitation to an expensive meal, or to participate in other activities paid for by a party in the present case or someone interceding on behalf of the party; (5) he or she borrowed money or goods from a party in the present case or someone interceding on behalf of the party; 16

第二十五条参与过本案侦查 审查起诉工作的侦查 检察人员, 调至人民法院工作的, 不得担任本案的审判人员 在一个审判程序中参与过本案审判工作的合议庭组成人员或者独任审判员, 不得再参与本案其他程序的审判 但是, 发回重新审判的案件, 在第一审人民法院作出裁判后又进入第二审程序或者死刑复核程序的, 原第二审程序或者死刑复核程序中的合议庭组成人员不受本款规定的限制 第二十六条人民法院应当依法告知当事人及其法定代理人有权申请回避, 并告知其合议庭组成人员 独任审判员 书记员等人员的名单 第二十七条审判人员自行申请回避, 或者当事人及其法定代理人申请审判人员回避的, 可以口头或者书面提出, 并说明理由, 由院长决定 院长自行申请回避, 或者当事人及其法定代理人申请院长回 (6) he or she engaged in other illegitimate conduct which could affect the impartiality of the adjudication. Article 25 No investigator or procurator, who participated in the investigation or review for indictment of the present case, after being transferred to work in the people s court, may act as adjudication personnel in the same case. A member of a collegial panel or single adjudicator in one adjudication proceeding who participated in the present case s adjudication must not also participate in the adjudication of other proceedings in the same case. However, in cases that are remanded for re-adjudication, where, after the first instance people s court issues its ruling, the case begins second instance proceedings again or death penalty review proceedings, members of a collegial panel who participated in the original second instance proceedings or death penalty review proceedings are not subject to the limitations of this provision. Article 26 The people s court must notify the parties and their agents ad litem that they have the right to apply for recusal, and provide notice to the parties containing a list of names of the members of their collegial panel, single adjudicator, and court clerk and other personnel. Article 27 If adjudication personnel voluntarily apply to recuse themselves, or if the parties or their agents ad litem apply for recusal of adjudication personnel, the application may be submitted orally or in writing, must contain a description of the reasons for the application, and will be decided by the court president. 17

避的, 由审判委员会讨论决定 审判委员会讨论时, 由副院长主持, 院长不得参加 第二十八条当事人及其法定代理人依照刑事诉讼法第二十九条和本解释第二十四条规定申请回避, 应当提供证明材料 第二十九条应当回避的审判人员没有自行回避, 当事人及其法定代理人也没有申请其回避的, 院长或者审判委员会应当决定其回避 第三十条对当事人及其法定代理人提出的回避申请, 人民法院可以口头或者书面作出决定, 并将决定告知申请人 当事人及其法定代理人申请回避被驳回的, 可以在接到决定时申请复议一次 不属于刑事诉讼法第二十八条 第二十九条规定情形的回避申请, 由法庭当庭驳回, 并不得申请复议 第三十一条当事人及其法定代理人申请出庭的检察人员回避的, 人民法院应当决定休庭, 并通知人民检察院 If the court president voluntarily applies to recuse him or herself, or if a party or his or her agent ad litem applies to recuse the court president, the adjudication committee will discuss and decide the matter. When the adjudication committee discusses the matter, the deputy court president will preside over the discussion, and the court president must not participate. Article 28 In accordance with Article 29 of the Criminal Procedure Law and Article 24 of the present Interpretation, parties and their agents ad litem must provide supporting materials in support of their applications for recusal. Article 29 If adjudication personnel who must recuse themselves have not done so voluntarily, and the parties and their agents ad litem also have not applied for their recusal, the court president or the adjudication committee must recuse him or her. Article 30 A people s court may decide applications for recusal by parties or their agents ad litem orally or in writing, and notify the applicant(s) of its decision. When an application for recusal by a party or his or her agent ad litem is rejected, upon receipt of the decision, he or she may apply once for reconsideration. Applications for recusal that do not fall within the circumstances provided in Article 28 or Article 29 of the Criminal Procedure Law will be rejected in court, and applicants must not apply for reconsideration. Article 31 When a party or his or her agent ad litem applies for the recusal of 18

第三十二条本章所称的审判人员, 包括人民法院院长 副院长 审判委员会委员 庭长 副庭长 审判员 助理审判员和人民陪审员 第三十三条书记员 翻译人员和鉴定人适用审判人员回避的有关规定, 其回避问题由院长决定 第三十四条辩护人 诉讼代理人可以依照本章的有关规定要求回避 申请复议 procuratorial personnel appearing in court on behalf of the procuratorate in a case, the people s court must order an adjournment and notify the people s procuratorate. Article 32 Adjudication personnel referred to in this Chapter include the court president of the people s court, the deputy court president, adjudication committee members, the presiding judge, deputy presiding judge, judges, assistant judges, and people s assessors. Article 33 When clerks, translators, and forensic analysts employ provisions related to the recusal of adjudication personnel, the court president will decide the question of their recusal. Article 34 Defense advocates and litigation advocates may demand recusal and apply for reconsideration, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. 第三章辩护与代理 第三十五条人民法院审判案件, 应当充分保障被告人依法享有的辩护权利 被告人除自己行使辩护权以外, 还可以委托辩护人辩护 下列人员不得担任辩护人 : ( 一 ) 正在被执行刑罚或者处于缓刑 假释考验期间的人 ; ( 二 ) 依法被剥夺 限制人身自由的人 ; Chapter 3 Defense and Representation Article 35 At trial, the people s court shall fully guarantee a defendant the right to a defense granted by law. In addition to defending himself, a defendant may retain a defender. The following persons shall not be retained as defenders: (1) a person serving a criminal sentence, or while on probation for a suspended sentence or parole; 19

( 三 ) 无行为能力或者限制行为能力的人 ; ( 四 ) 人民法院 人民检察院 公安机关 国家安全机关 监狱的现职人员 ; ( 五 ) 人民陪审员 ; ( 六 ) 与本案审理结果有利害关系的人 ; ( 七 ) 外国人或者无国籍人 前款第四项至第七项规定的人员, 如果是被告人的监护人 近亲属, 由被告人委托担任辩护人的, 可以准许 (2) a person whose personal freedom is deprived of, or restricted in accordance with law; (3) a person who is not-competent or of limited competency. (4) a staff member of a people s court, a people s procuratorate, a public security organ, a national security department, or a prison; (5) a people s juror; (6) a person with an interest in the outcome of the case; (7) a foreign national or a stateless person. 第三十六条审判人员和人民法院其他工作人员从人民法院离任后二年内, 不得以律师身份担任辩护人 审判人员和人民法院其他工作人员从人民法院离任后, 不得担任原任职法院所审理案件的辩护人, 但作为被告人的监护人 Persons under classes four through seven above may serve as defenders, provided that they are a guardian or close relative to a defendant and are retained as a defender by the defendant. Article 36 Judges and other staff members of a people s court shall not serve as defenders in the capacity of a lawyer, for two years after leaving their position with the court. Judges and other staff members of a people s court, after leaving their 20

近亲属进行辩护的除外 审判人员和人民法院其他工作人员的配偶 子女或者父母不得担任其任职法院所审理案件的辩护人, 但作为被告人的监护人 近亲属进行辩护的除外 第三十七条律师, 人民团体 被告人所在单位推荐的人, 或者被告人的监护人 亲友被委托为辩护人的, 人民法院应当核实其身份证明和授权委托书 第三十八条一名被告人可以委托一至二人作为辩护人 positions, shall not serve as defenders in a case tried by the same court, except in their capacity as a guardian or a close relative to the defendant. Spouses, children and parents of judges and other staff members of a people s court shall not serve as defenders in a case tried in the same court, except in their capacity as a guardian or a close relative to the defendant. Article 37 The people s court shall verify the identity of such persons and the power of attorney when the defender retained by a defendant is a lawyer, a person recommended by a people s organization, the defendant s employer, the guardian, or a relative or friend to the defendant. Article 38 A defendant may retain one or two defenders. 一名辩护人不得为两名以上的同案被告人, 或者未同案处理但犯罪事实存在关联的被告人辩护 第三十九条被告人没有委托辩护人的, 人民法院自受理案件之日起三日内, 应当告知其有权委托辩护人 ; 被告人因经济困难或者其他原因没有委托辩护人的, 应当告知其可以申请法律援助 ; 被告人属于应当提供法律援助情形的, 应当告知其将依法通知法律援助机构指派律师为其提供辩护 告知可以采取口头或者书面方式 The same defender may not represent more than two defendants in one case or more than two defendants in separate cases but where the underlying facts of the facts of the crime are related. Article 39, A people s court within three days after accepting a case shall inform a defendant who has not retained a defender of his right to do so; when the defendant s failure to retain a defender is due to economic hardship or other reasons, the court shall inform the defendant that he may apply for legal aid; if providing legal aid to a defendant is legally required, the court shall inform the defendant that according to the law a legal aid agency will be contacted to assign a lawyer to defend him. 21

第四十条审判期间, 在押的被告人要求委托辩护人的, 人民法院应当在三日内向其监护人 近亲属或者其指定的人员转达要求 被告人应当提供有关人员的联系方式 有关人员无法通知的, 应当告知被告人 第四十一条人民法院收到在押被告人提出的法律援助申请, 应当在二十四小时内转交所在地的法律援助机构 第四十二条对下列没有委托辩护人的被告人, 人民法院应当通知法律援助机构指派律师为其提供辩护 : ( 一 ) 盲 聋 哑人 ; Notice to the defendant may be made in oral or written form. Article 40 During the trial stage, if a defendant in custody files a request to retain a defender, the people s court shall, within three days, convey such a request to the guardian, close relatives or other persons designated by the defendant. The defendant shall provide contact information for such persons. Where such persons cannot be notified, the defendant shall be informed accordingly. Article 41 A people s court shall, within twenty-four hours of receiving an application for legal aid from a defendant in custody, forward the application to a local legal aid agency. Article 42 A people s court shall contact the legal aid agency to assign a lawyer as the defender for a defendant when any of the following circumstances are present, provided that the defendant has not retained his own defender: ( 二 ) 尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人 ; ( 三 ) 可能被判处无期徒刑 死刑的人 高级人民法院复核死刑案件, 被告人没有委托辩护人的, 应当通知法律援助机构指派律师为其提供辩护 (1) A person who is blind, deaf or dumb; (2) A person suffering from mental illness but who has not completely lost the ability to identify or control his behavior; (3) A person who may be sentenced to life imprisonment or death. In death penalty cases when a defendant has not retained a defender, the higher people s court reviewing the capital case shall contact a legal aid agency to have a lawyer assigned to represent the defendant. 22

第四十三条具有下列情形之一, 被告人没有委托辩护人的, 人民法院可以通知法律援助机构指派律师为其提供辩护 : ( 一 ) 共同犯罪案件中, 其他被告人已经委托辩护人 ; ( 二 ) 有重大社会影响的案件 ; ( 三 ) 人民检察院抗诉的案件 ; ( 四 ) 被告人的行为可能不构成犯罪 ; ( 五 ) 有必要指派律师提供辩护的其他情形 Article 43 Under any of the following circumstances, a people s court may contact a legal aid agency to have a lawyer assigned to represent a defendant who has not already retained a defender: (1) In a case involving joint crimes and other defendants have retained their own defenders; (2) cases with significant social impact; (3) cases brought on appeal by a people s procuratorate; (4) where defendant s act may not amount to a crime; 第四十四条人民法院通知法律援助机构指派律师提供辩护的, 应当将法律援助通知书 起诉书副本或者判决书送达法律援助机构 ; 决定开庭审理的, 除适用简易程序审理的以外, 应当在开庭十五日前将上述材料送达法律援助机构 法律援助通知书应当写明案由 被告人姓名 提供法律援助的理由 审判人员的姓名和联系方式 ; 已确定开庭审理的, 应当写明开庭的时间 地点 (5) other circumstances that necessitate the assignment of a lawyer as a defender. Article 44 When a people s court notifies a legal aid agency to assign a defender to represent the defendant, it shall serve legal aid notification, a copy of the indictment or the judgment upon the legal aid agency; if the court has decided to try a case, except for one under simplified proceedings, the legal materials specified above shall be served fifteen days before the hearing. The legal aid notification shall specify the cause of action, name of the defendant, reasons for providing legal aid, name and contact information of the 23

第四十五条被告人拒绝法律援助机构指派的律师为其辩护, 坚持自己行使辩护权的, 人民法院应当准许 judge; if it has already been decided that a case will be tried, the notification shall specify the time and place for the hearing. Article 45 If a defendant refuses to accept the lawyer assigned by a legal aid agency, and insists on defending himself, the people s court shall give approval. 属于应当提供法律援助的情形, 被告人拒绝指派的律师为其辩护的, 人民法院应当查明原因 理由正当的, 应当准许, 但被告人须另行委托辩护人 ; 被告人未另行委托辩护人的, 人民法院应当在三日内书面通知法律援助机构另行指派律师为其提供辩护 第四十六条审判期间, 辩护人接受被告人委托的, 应当在接受委托之日起三日内, 将委托手续提交人民法院 法律援助机构决定为被告人指派律师提供辩护的, 承办律师应当在接受指派之日起三日内, 将法律援助手续提交人民法院 第四十七条辩护律师可以查阅 摘抄 复制案卷材料 其他辩护人经人民法院许可, 也可以查阅 摘抄 复制案卷材料 合议庭 审判委员会的讨论记录以及其他依法不公开的材料不得查阅 摘抄 复制 When providing legal aid is legally required, if the defendant refuses to retain the lawyer assigned to him, the people s court shall investigate to ascertain the reason for refusal. The court shall give approval if the refusal is justifiable, but the defendant must retain an alternate defender; if he fails to retain an alternate defender, the people s court shall within three days inform the legal aid agency to assign another lawyer to defend the defendant. Article 46 During the trial stage, a defender who accepts the assignment to represent the defendant shall, within three days of accepting the assignment, file the engagement letter with the people s court. When a legal aid agency decides to assign a lawyer to defend the defendant, the lawyer handling the case shall, within three days of accepting the assignment, submit the legal aid representation agreement with the people s court. Article 47 A defense lawyer may review, record and make copies of case materials. As permitted by the people s court, defenders who are not lawyers may also review, record and make copies of case materials. The minutes of a tribunal or an adjudication committee discussing the case, and other materials prohibited 24

辩护人查阅 摘抄 复制案卷材料的, 人民法院应当提供方便, 并保证必要的时间 复制案卷材料可以采用复印 拍照 扫描等方式 by law from being discussed shall not be subject to review, recording or copying. The people s court shall make it convenient and allow the necessary time for defenders who review, record or make copies of case materials. 第四十八条辩护律师可以同在押的或者被监视居住的被告人会见和通信 其他辩护人经人民法院许可, 也可以同在押的或者被监视居住的被告人会见和通信 第四十九条辩护人认为在侦查 审查起诉期间公安机关 人民检察院收集的证明被告人无罪或者罪轻的证据材料未随案移送, 申请人民法院调取的, 应当以书面形式提出, 并提供相关线索或者材料 人民法院接受申请后, 应当向人民检察院调取 人民检察院移送相关证据材料后, 人民法院应当及时通知辩护人 第五十条辩护律师申请向被害人及其近亲属 被害人提供的证人收集与本案有关的材料, 人民法院认为确有必要的, 应当签发准许调查书 Copying of case materials may employ electronic copying, taking pictures, scanning and other similar means. Article 48 A defense lawyer may meet and communicate with a defendant in custody or under residential surveillance. As permitted by the people s court, defenders who are not lawyers may also meet and communicate with a defendant in custody or under residential surveillance. Article 49 A defender who believes that the public security organ, during the investigation and/or the procuratorate during the review of the indictment, have gathered but failed to submit with the case to the court, exculpatory evidence or facts tending to show the pettiness of the crime, shall make a request to the people s court in writing and provide all relevant leads or materials. The people s court, after receiving the application, shall have the procuratorate submit the evidence. After the evidence is submitted by the procuratorate, the people s court shall notify the defender in a timely manner. Article 50 If the people s court deems it necessary when a defense attorney applies to gather materials relevant to the case from the victim, his or her close relatives, or a witness provided by the victim, the people s court shall issue an order giving permission to investigate. 25

第五十一条辩护律师向证人或者有关单位 个人收集 调取与本案有关的证据材料, 因证人或者有关单位 个人不同意, 申请人民法院收集 调取, 或者申请通知证人出庭作证, 人民法院认为确有必要的, 应当同意 第五十二条辩护律师直接申请人民法院向证人或者有关单位 个人收集 调取证据材料, 人民法院认为确有收集 调取必要, 且不宜或者不能由辩护律师收集 调取的, 应当同意 人民法院收集 调取证据材料时, 辩护律师可以在场 人民法院向有关单位收集 调取的书面证据材料, 必须由提供人签名, 并加盖单位印章 ; 向个人收集 调取的书面证据材料, 必须由提供人签名 人民法院对有关单位 个人提供的证据材料, 应当出具收据, 写明证据材料的名称 收到的时间 件数 页数以及是否为原件等, 由书记员或者审判人员签名 收集 调取证据材料后, 应当及时通知辩护律师查阅 摘抄 复制, 并告知人民检察院 Article 51 When a defense lawyer applies to the court for permission to gather or submit evidence or require a witness to testify in court after requesting such information regarding the case from a witness, individual or relevant entity and the witness, individual or relevant entity refuses to cooperate, if the people s court deems it necessary, permission shall be granted to the defense lawyers request.. Article 52 Where a defense lawyer applies directly to the people s court together or submit evidence from a witness, individual or any other relevant entity, and the people s court deems the gathering or submission necessary but the evidence is inappropriate or impossible for the defense lawyer to gather or obtain, the people s court shall give permission. The defense attorney may be present when the evidence has been gathered by or submitted to the people s court. Documentary evidence gathered by or submitted to the people s court by a relevant entity must bear the signature of the provider, and the seal of the entity; documentary evidence gather by or submitted to the people s court by an individual must bear the signature of the provider. Receipts shall be provided by the people s court to the relevant entity or the individual for evidence collected, indicating the name, time of receipt, number of items, and the number of pages and whether it is the original document or material etc. The receipt shall signed by a clerk or a judge. 26

第五十三条本解释第五十条至第五十二条规定的申请, 应当以书面形式提出, 并说明理由, 写明需要收集 调取证据材料的内容或者需要调查问题的提纲 对辩护律师的申请, 人民法院应当在五日内作出是否准许 同意的决定, 并通知申请人 ; 决定不准许 不同意的, 应当说明理由 第五十四条人民法院自受理自诉案件之日起三日内, 应当告知自诉人及其法定代理人 附带民事诉讼当事人及其法定代理人, 有权委托诉讼代理人, 并告知如果经济困难的, 可以申请法律援助 第五十五条当事人委托诉讼代理人的, 参照适用刑事诉讼法第三十二条和本解释的有关规定 第五十六条诉讼代理人有权根据事实和法律, 维护被害人 自诉人或者附带民事诉讼当事人的诉讼权利和其他合法权益 After the gathering or submission of evidence, the defense attorney shall be notified in a timely manner that the evidence is available to review, record, or copy. The people s procuratorate shall be informed as well. Article 53 An application filed in accordance to Article 50 through Article 52 of this interpretation shall be in writing, and indicate the grounds for the application, the content of the evidentiary material to be gathered or submitted or an outline of issues to be investigated. The decision to approve or allow an application filed by a defense attorney shall be made and communicated to the defense lawyer by the people s court within five days; reasons shall be provided if the people s court decides not to approve or allow the application. Article 54 The people s court shall, within three days of accepting a case of private prosecution, inform the private prosecutor or his legal representative, parties to a collateral civil action and their legal representatives of their rights to retain a litigation advocate, and that they may apply for legal aid if they suffer from economic hardship. Article 55 Where a party retains a litigation advocate, Article 32 of the Criminal Procedure Law and relevant rules in this interpretation shall apply. Article 56 A litigation advocate has the right to, based on the facts and the law, to defend the procedural rights and other legitimate interests of the victim, private prosecutor or party to a collateral civil actions. 27

第五十七条经人民法院许可, 诉讼代理人可以查阅 摘抄 复制本案的案卷材料 律师担任诉讼代理人, 需要收集 调取与本案有关的证据材料的, 参照适用本解释第五十一条至第五十三条的规定 第五十八条诉讼代理人接受当事人委托或者法律援助机构指派后, 应当在三日内将委托手续或者法律援助手续提交人民法院 第五十九条辩护人 诉讼代理人复制案卷材料的, 人民法院只收取工本费 ; 法律援助律师复制必要的案卷材料的, 应当免收或者减收费用 第六十条辩护律师向人民法院告知其委托人或者其他人准备实施 正在实施危害国家安全 公共安全以及严重危害他人人身安全犯罪的, 人民法院应当记录在案, 立即转告主管机关依法处理, 并为反映有关情况的辩护律师保密 Article 57 With the permission from the people s court, a litigation advocate may review, record and make copies of the case materials. Article 51 to Article 53 of this interpretation applies to a lawyer gathering or obtaining evidentiary materials relevant to the case who is retained as a litigation advocate. Article 58 Within three days after accepting to represent a party or the assignment of a case by a legal aid agency, a litigation advocate shall; submit the letter of engagement or legal aid representation agreement to the people s court. Article 59 The people s court shall collect from defenders and litigation advocates making copies of case materials only the cost of making such copies and shall reduce or waive the fee for legal aid attorneys making necessary copies of case materials. Article 60 When a defense attorney informs a people s court that his client or anyone else is about to commit, or is in the process of committing a crime that endangers state security, the public security or a crime that seriously endangers the personal safety of others, the people s court shall record it, promptly inform the competent organ to handle the situation according to law, and maintain the confidentiality of the reporting attorney. 第四章证据 第一节一般规定 Chapter 4 Evidence Section One General Rules 28

第六十一条认定案件事实, 必须以证据为根据 第六十二条审判人员应当依照法定程序收集 审查 核实 认定证据 第六十三条证据未经当庭出示 辨认 质证等法庭调查程序查证属实, 不得作为定案的根据, 但法律和本解释另有规定的除外 第六十四条应当运用证据证明的案件事实包括 : Article 61 The facts of a case must be determined based upon evidence. Article 62 Adjudication personnel must collect, examine, verify, and determine the evidence according to legally prescribed procedures. Article 63 Evidence that has not been presented in court, identified, examined by the opposing party, or otherwise been investigated and verified via court inquest procedure, must not be used as a basis for a verdict, unless otherwise stipulated by law or the present Interpretation. Article 64 Case facts that must be proven by the application of evidence include: ( 一 ) 被告人 被害人的身份 ; ( 二 ) 被指控的犯罪是否存在 ; ( 三 ) 被指控的犯罪是否为被告人所实施 ; ( 四 ) 被告人有无刑事责任能力, 有无罪过, 实施犯罪的动机 目的 ; ( 五 ) 实施犯罪的时间 地点 手段 后果以及案件起因等 ; ( 六 ) 被告人在共同犯罪中的地位 作用 ; ( 七 ) 被告人有无从重 从轻 减轻 免除处罚情节 ; ( 八 ) 有关附带民事诉讼 涉案财物处理的事实 ; (1) the identity of the defendant and victim; (2) whether the alleged crime in fact occurred; (3) whether the alleged crime was in fact committed by the defendant; (4) whether the defendant has the capacity for criminal responsibility, whether there is a culpable mens rea, or a motive or objective for the commission of the crime; (5) the time, place, manner, consequences and causes of the commission of the crime, etc.; (6) the defendant s status and role in a jointly committed crime; 29

( 九 ) 有关管辖 回避 延期审理等的程序事实 ; ( 十 ) 与定罪量刑有关的其他事实 认定被告人有罪和对被告人从重处罚, 应当适用证据确实 充分的证明标准 (7) whether the defendant possesses circumstances permitting or requiring heavier or lighter punishment, mitigated (below-minimum) punishment, or exemption from punishment ; (8) facts concerning the handling of property related to the case, where there is a collateral civil action; (9) procedural facts related to jurisdiction, recusal, postponement of adjudication, etc.; (10) Other facts related to conviction or sentencing. 第六十五条行政机关在行政执法和查办案件过程中收集的物证 书证 视听资料 电子数据等证据材料, 在刑事诉讼中可以作为证据使用 ; 经法庭查证属实, 且收集程序符合有关法律 行政法规规定的, 可以作为定案的根据 根据法律 行政法规规定行使国家行政管理职权的组织, 在行政执法和查办案件过程中收集的证据材料, 视为行政机关收集的证据材料 The standard of proof to be used to determine guilt and for aggravated sentencing of a defendant shall be that the evidence is definite and sufficient. Article 65 When administrative authorities collect physical or documentary evidence, audio-visual materials, electronic data and other evidentiary materials in the process of carrying out administrative law enforcement and investigation and handling of the case, these items may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings; after being verified by the court, and if the collection procedures comply with legal and administrative regulatory requirements, these items may be used as a basis for a verdict. 30

第六十六条人民法院依照刑事诉讼法第一百九十一条的规定调查核实证据, 必要时, 可以通知检察人员 辩护人 自诉人及其法定代理人到场 上述人员未到场的, 应当记录在案 人民法院调查核实证据时, 发现对定罪量刑有重大影响的新的证据材料的, 应当告知检察人员 辩护人 自诉人及其法定代理人 必要时, 也可以直接提取, 并及时通知检察人员 辩护人 自诉人及其法定代理人查阅 摘抄 复制 第六十七条下列人员不得担任刑事诉讼活动的见证人 : ( 一 ) 生理上 精神上有缺陷或者年幼, 不具有相应辨别能力或者不能正确表达的人 ; ( 二 ) 与案件有利害关系, 可能影响案件公正处理的人 ; ( 三 ) 行使勘验 检查 搜查 扣押等刑事诉讼职权的公安 When government entities that exercise administrative powers at the national level in accordance with the law and administrative regulations collect evidentiary materials in the course of administrative law enforcement and case investigation and handling, these items are considered evidentiary materials collected by administrative authorities. Article 66 In accordance with Article 191 of the Criminal Procedure Law, when a people s court is investigating and verifying evidence, when necessary, it may notify procuratorial personnel, defenders, complainants in private prosecutions and their agents ad litem to appear in court. If the above-mentioned persons do not appear, this shall be noted in the case file. When a people s court is investigating and verifying evidence and discovers new evidentiary materials that have a major impact on the conviction or sentencing, it shall notify procuratorial personnel, defenders, complainants in private prosecutions and their agents ad litem. When necessary, it may directly obtain [such materials] and timely notify procuratorial personnel, defenders, complainants in private prosecutions and their agents ad litem to consult, extract and duplicate these materials. Article 67 The following personnel must not serve as authenticating witnesses in activities related to criminal proceedings: (1) persons with physiological or mental deficiencies or youth, who correspondingly lack the capacity to discern, or are unable to properly express 31

司法机关的工作人员或者其聘用的人员 由于客观原因无法由符合条件的人员担任见证人的, 应当在笔录材料中注明情况, 并对相关活动进行录像 themselves; (2) persons with an interest in the case that could affect the impartial handling of the case; (3) Personnel or hired persons from public security and judicial organs who carry out crime scene investigations, inspections, searches, seizures, or other powers in criminal proceedings. 第六十八条公开审理案件时, 公诉人 诉讼参与人提出涉及国家秘密 商业秘密或者个人隐私的证据的, 法庭应当制止 有关证据确与本案有关的, 可以根据具体情况, 决定将案件转为不公开审理, 或者对相关证据的法庭调查不公开进行 第二节物证 书证的审查与认定 第六十九条对物证 书证应当着重审查以下内容 : If, for objective reasons, it is not possible to have an authenticating witness who satisfies the relevant criteria, this shall be indicated in the record, and related activities shall be videotaped. Article 68 During adjudications open to the public, when the public prosecutor or litigation participants in the proceedings present evidence involving State secrets, commercial secrets or individual privacy, the court shall stop [this from occurring]. If the evidence in question is, however, relevant to the present case, the court may decide, based on the specific circumstances, to convert the adjudication into one that is closed to the public, or to carry out court inquest regarding the relevant evidence in a closed session. Section Two Examination and Determination of Physical and Documentary Evidence Article 69 The examination of physical and documentary evidence shall focus on the following content: 32

( 一 ) 物证 书证是否为原物 原件, 是否经过辨认 鉴定 ; 物证的照片 录像 复制品或者书证的副本 复制件是否与原物 原件相符, 是否由二人以上制作, 有无制作人关于制作过程以及原物 原件存放于何处的文字说明和签名 ; ( 二 ) 物证 书证的收集程序 方式是否符合法律 有关规定 ; 经勘验 检查 搜查提取 扣押的物证 书证, 是否附有相关笔录 清单, 笔录 清单是否经侦查人员 物品持有人 见证人签名, 没有物品持有人签名的, 是否注明原因 ; 物品的名称 特征 数量 质量等是否注明清楚 ; (1) whether the physical or documentary evidence is the original object or original document, and whether it has undergone identification and forensic analysis; whether photographs, video recordings or replicas of physical evidence, or certified copies or duplicates of documentary evidence, match the originals, whether they were created by two or more people, whether the persons(s) creating them left a written description with signature regarding the process of producing the object or document, the location where original object or document is stored; ( 三 ) 物证 书证在收集 保管 鉴定过程中是否受损或者改变 ; ( 四 ) 物证 书证与案件事实有无关联 ; 对现场遗留与犯罪有关的具备鉴定条件的血迹 体液 毛发 指纹等生物样本 痕迹 物品, 是否已作 DNA 鉴定 指纹鉴定等, 并与被告人或者被害人的相应生物检材 生物特征 物品等比对 ; ( 五 ) 与案件事实有关联的物证 书证是否全面收集 (2) whether the procedure and manner in which the physical or documentary evidence was collected comply with laws and relevant regulations; whether physical or documentary evidence that has undergone crime scene investigation, inspection, search and collection, or seizure, has related records or an inventory report, and whether the record or inventory report bears the signature of investigative personnel, that of the custodian of the object, or that of an authenticating witness; if an object doesn t bear the signature of the custodian of the object, whether the reason for [lack of the signature] is specified; whether the object s designation, features, number, quality, etc., are clearly indicated; (3) whether the physical or documentary evidence has been damaged or altered during the course of its collection, storage, or forensic analysis; 33