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2018 3 23 24 7:30 PM 2018 3 24 25 2:30 PM 70 Approx. 70 minutes without intermission. Performed in French with Chinese surtitles. This production contains adult subject matters and nudity. Audience discretion is advised. 18 Age guidance 18+ The program is subject to change

1 Sylvie Somen Théâtre Varia 1992 1997

2 Jean-Philippe Collard- Neven Yves de Mey 1986 Vita nostra 1989 1993 1997 DilatatioLa Voix humaine ) Systole 1995As Palavras 1997 1999 La Machine à Eau 2001 2002 Le Sacre-O Sacrifício PaixãoThe Library E.M.D.P. 60 40

3 2017 2017 2014 2012 Usdum 2010 L Assaut des cieux 1992 Raptus 1991 UsdumSACD 1987 Caïn About Giovanni's Club Myths are hard to die. They constantly renew themselves and always have something to say. Don Giovanni s myth-as the one of his real life twin Casanova-, keep on fascinating. Two myths of absolute seduction giving an overwhelming power; two figures of a huge magnetism attracting the bodies together: two characters of a surprising solitude allowing to survey the depth of the souls. At Giovanni s Club, it is time for willing striptease, itself becoming methodical and physical. On the stage of the club, the dancers bodies make a spectacle of themselves. Their nudity is displayed in an enlightened way, yet remaining at the same time hidden by the set of lights. The facet chandeliers surreptitiously give place to transparency. The souls disclose themselves unwillingly to our voyeur eye and indulge in a metaphysical, anarchic, and unconscious stripping. In the backstage of the club appear the waiting times when seeming is not necessary anymore, when nothing else than oneself is at play. The artists then become solitary or solidary, man or boy, woman or transgender, child, little devil or cherub not yet sexualised. Norms do not apply in this stretching time. Until the game resumes And the songs and the voices, and the original music and Mozart's notes, being at stake to resonate far behind the complexity of the masculine apparatus and the walls of Giovanni's Club, as the traces of a spiritual flight, eternal and simply human. by Sylvie Somen, director of Théâtre Varia About As Palavras - Cie Claudio Bernardo Claudio Bernardo, Artistic Director & Choreographer Claudio Bernardo started dancing in Fortaleza, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. In 1986, he enters Mudra, International Dance school headed by Maurice Béjart in Brussels and creates his first piece, Vita nostra. Béjart invited him then to follow his company to improve his formation as choreographer. Back in Belgium in 1989, he dances with Frédéric Flamand. Between 1993 and 1997, he composes a triptych inspired by women s relationship to absent love: Dilatatio (Teresa of Ávila), La Voix humaine (Jean Cocteau), Systole (Frida Kahlo). In 1995, As Palavras company is founded. In 1997, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles starts funding it and in 1999, La Machine à Eau is offered to Claudio Bernardo as residence in Mons (South Belgium). That same year is created international festival Le Mouvement, born out of the success of the organisation of symposium Le Plat Pays- Plancher pour un mouvement around Belgian dance networks. The links with Charleroi Danse enable the circulation of remarkable works and the creation of a European platform.

4Claudio Bernardo, as an artist associated with Théâtre du Manège/Dramatic Centre, creates various axis of mediation and strengthens links between schools, universities and audience. In 2001 and 2002, he creates La Trilogie, a poetic anthropology of memory : Le Sacre-O Sacrifício, Paixão and The Library E.M.D.P. L Assaut des cieux is created in 2009, a parable on man s fate for six performers and a lyrical singer, blending circus, dance, lyrical song and theatre. In 2011, Essa Tempestade, created for International festival Europalia for 25 dancers from Balé Teatro Castro Alves (Salvador, Brazil), tours in Europe and Brazil. In 2012, As Palavras settles in an artistic residence at Théâtre Varia/Brussels Dramatic Centre and Só20 is created for the Biennale Internationale de Charleroi Danse. In 2015, the publication Ecrire le Geste Writing the Gesture is published by the Editions Alternatives théâtrales. It draws more than 20 years of creation of the company. In 2017, Apoxyomenos, piece for 17 dancers for 17 dancers from National Croatian Theatre is created in Zagreb (Croatia). The company has more than 60 works in its repertoire, including more than 40 choreographic pieces, collaborations with other dance companies, with theatre and cinema, video installations, performances, exhibitions and a publication. AWARDS 2017: Tribute to the career Bienal Internacional de Dança do Ceara (BR) 2017: Critics Prize Nomination for Giovanni s Club (BE) 2014: Golden Medal for work and career, Nomination as Belgian Ambassador, Brazilian Divine Académie Française des Arts, Lettres et Culture (FR) 2012: Best performance of the Bienal Internacional de Dança do Ceará for Usdum (BR) 2010: Best Dance Performance 2010 by the Critic Prize for L Assaut des cieux (BE) 1992: Cairo Experimental Festival Prize for Raptus (EG) 1991: SACD Prize for Usdum (BE) 1987: Philip Morris Prize/Concours de Lausanne Chorégraphes Nouveaux for Caïn (CH)

5 Credits Concept, Choreography, Scenography and Interpretation Claudio Bernardo Performers Vincent Clavaguera-Pratx, Ezra Fieremans, Rafael Gomes, Calixto Neto, Mavi Veloso, Christos Xyrafakis Assistant to the Choreographer Anne-Cécile Massoni Original Composition Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven, Yves de Mey Music Extracts from Don Giovanni by W. A. Mozart Lyrical recorded voice (bass-baritone) Emmanuel Junk Lighting Design Marco Forcella Costume Design Jean-Paul Lespagnard Stage Design assistant Marie Ghaye Stage Management & Sound Matthieu Kaempfer Production &Administration Xavier Melis, Agnès Pondeville Promotion Léonore Guy Coproduction Théâtre de Liège Partners Théâtre Varia, Charleroi Danse, Ars Musica Support FWB, WBI, SACD, WBTD 21 QR Code 02-3393-9730