Use of Chinese Characters All passages and questions are printed twice, once in traditional/full characters and once in simplified characters. Questio

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Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GCSE Centre Number Candidate Number Chinese Paper 3H: Reading and Understanding in Chinese Tuesday 22 June 2010 Afternoon Time: 50 minutes You do not need any other materials. Higher Tier Paper Reference 5CN03/3H Total Marks Instructions Use black ink or ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. Answer all questions. Answer the questions in the spaces provided there may be more space than you need. You must not use a dictionary. Information The total mark for this paper is 40. The marks for each question are shown in brackets use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Advice Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Keep an eye on the time. Try to answer every question. Check your answers if you have time at the end. N36645A 2010 Edexcel Limited. 1/1/1/1/ *N36645A0128* Turn over

Use of Chinese Characters All passages and questions are printed twice, once in traditional/full characters and once in simplified characters. Questions in traditional/full characters begin on page 3. Questions in simplified characters begin on page 15. You may work from whichever version you wish. Please indicate which set of questions you intend to work from by putting a cross in one box below: TRADITIONAL/FULL 繁體字 SIMPLIFIED 简体字 *N36645A028*

繁體字 TRADITIONAL/FULL CHARACTER VERSION (Simplified Character Version begins on page 15) *N36645A038* 3 Turn over

Answer ALL questions. Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box. If you change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross. A day out 1 Xiaoming writes about an event that happened during a day out with his family. 星期六, 爸爸帶我和弟弟去公園玩 我們在那兒踢足球 回家的時候, 弟弟不見了 後來, 在樹下找到弟弟, 他在樹下睡着了 Put a cross in the correct box. Example: On which day did they go out? Thursday Friday Saturday (i) Where did they go? Zoo Park Cinema (ii) What game did they play? Basketball Football Tennis (iii) Who went missing? Younger brother Older brother Father (iv) Where was he found? By the car Back home Under a tree (v) What was he doing? Eating Sleeping Drinking (Total for Question 1 = 5 marks) *N36645A048*

In the summer 2 These are some of the activities that Xiaoming did during the summer. Match the picture with the correct description. D E F Put a cross in the correct box. D E F Example: 我和家人去博物館 (i) 我和同學去游泳 (ii) 我和朋友打網球 (iii) 我和朋友放風箏 (iv) 我在公園跑步 (v) 我幫爸爸洗車 (Total for Question 2 = 5 marks) *N36645A058* 5 Turn over

In a Chinese restaurant 3 Mingming describes an evening out at a restaurant. 我和朋友去吃晚飯 我們坐在靠窗口的桌子, 我們吃烤雞, 青菜, 魚和炒麵 我們喝中國茶 Put a cross next to the five correct answers. Example: I went with my friend A B C D E F G H I J we sat by the window we sat by the door we ate roast chicken we ate boiled rice we ate roast duck we ate fish we ate fried noodles we drank Chinese tea we drank fruit juice we drank water (Total for Question 3 = 5 marks) *N36645A068*

Going to school 4 王明的家離學校很近, 如果走路, 只需要十分鐘的時間 每天早上, 王明和哥哥一起走路上學 但是, 星期五媽媽會開車送他們上學, 因為哥哥要練習唱歌, 所以要早一點兒到學校 Put a cross in the correct box. (i) How long does it take to get to school? 5 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour (ii) Who does Wang Ming go to school with? Friend Older brother Younger brother (iii) How do they usually go to school? Walk Car Bus (iv) How do they go to school on a Friday? Walk Car Bus (v) What does his brother do on Friday? Maths Singing Ball games (Total for Question 4 = 5 marks) *N36645A028* Turn over

Returning from China 5 David wants to buy some presents for his family before returning home. 大偉在中國北京大學學了兩年漢語, 今年夏天就要回英國 他想買禮物帶回家送給家人和朋友 他要給爸爸買國畫, 給媽媽買筷子, 給妹妹買裙子, 給弟弟買電子遊戲, 給朋友買中國茶葉 Put a cross in the correct box. (i) When is David coming back? Spring Summer Winter (ii) What does he plan to buy for his Dad? (iii) What does he plan to buy for his Mum? *N36645A088*

(iv) What does he plan to buy for his younger sister? (v) What does he plan to buy for his friend? (Total for Question 5 = 5 marks) *N36645A028* Turn over

Future plans 6 Match the following with the statements below. Teacher Doctor Singer D E F Studying French Sports TV Choose the correct word and put a cross in the box. D E F (i) 我要到法國去學法語 (ii) 我喜歡唱歌, 我想當歌星 (iii) 我想在電視台工作 (iv) 我喜歡小孩, 我想當老師 (v) 我想當運動員 (Total for Question 6 = 5 marks) 10 *N36645A01028*

BLANK PAGE *N36645A01128* 11 Turn over

7 Read this article from a music magazine. 利昂娜 劉易斯 (Leona Lewis) 利昂娜 劉易斯是出名的歌星 二零零六年她在英國歌唱比賽得到第一 她不但在英國很受歡迎, 在歐洲和北美洲都有很多人喜歡聽她的歌 二零零八年代表英國在北京的奧林匹克閉幕表演後, 她在國際上更加出名 利昂娜在英國倫敦出生 她爸爸是青少年工作者, 媽媽是舞蹈老師 她有一個哥哥和一個弟弟 空閒的時候, 利昂娜喜歡聽歌 十二歲寫了她的第一首歌 現在, 利昂娜雖然很出名和很有錢, 但是, 她還是住在她原來的家, 因為她不想離開她的朋友和家人 12 *N36645A01228*

Answer the following questions in English. (a) In which year did Leona first become famous? (b) Name the two continents in which Leona s singing is very popular. (2) 1... 2... (c) What event did she perform at in 2008? Give full details. (2) (d) Where was Leona born? (e) What was her mother s job? (f) What does Leona like to do in her spare time? (g) What did Leona do when she was 12 years old? (h) Why has Leona chosen to remain in her original home? (Total for Question 7 = 10 marks) TOTAL FOR PAPER: 40 MARKS *N36645A01328* 13 Turn over

BLANK PAGE 14 *N36645A01428*

简体字 SIMPLIFIED CHARACTER VERSION (Traditional/Full Character Version begins on page 3) *N36645A01528* 15 Turn over

Answer ALL questions. Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box. If you change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new answer with a cross. A day out 1 Xiaoming writes about an event that happened during a day out with his family. 星期六, 爸爸带我和弟弟去公园玩 我们在那儿踢足球 回家的时候, 弟弟不见了 后来, 在树下找到弟弟, 他在树下睡着了 Put a cross in the correct box. Example: On which day did they go out? Thursday Friday Saturday (i) Where did they go? Zoo Park Cinema (ii) What game did they play? Basketball Football Tennis (iii) Who went missing? Younger brother Older brother Father (iv) Where was he found? By the car Back home Under a tree (v) What was he doing? Eating Sleeping Drinking (Total for Question 1 = 5 marks) 16 *N36645A01628*

In the summer 2 These are some of the activities that Xiaoming did during the summer. Match the picture with the correct description. D E F Put a cross in the correct box. D E F Example: 我和家人去博物馆 (i) 我和同学去游泳 (ii) 我和朋友打网球 (iii) 我和朋友放風箏 (iv) 我在公园跑步 (v) 我帮爸爸洗车 (Total for Question 2 = 5 marks) *N36645A01728* 17 Turn over

In a Chinese restaurant 3 Mingming describes an evening out at a restaurant. 我和朋友去吃晚饭 我们坐在靠窗口的桌子, 我们吃烤鸡, 青菜, 鱼和炒面 我们喝中国茶 Put a cross next to the five correct answers. Example: I went with my friend A B C D E F G H I J we sat by the window we sat by the door we ate roast chicken we ate boiled rice we ate roast duck we ate fish we ate fried noodles we drank Chinese tea we drank fruit juice we drank water (Total for Question 3 = 5 marks) 18 *N36645A01828*

Going to school 4 王明的家离学校很近, 如果走路, 只需要十分钟的时间 每天早上, 王明和哥哥一起走路去上学 但是, 星期五妈妈会开车送他们上学, 因为哥哥要练习唱歌, 所以要早一点儿到学校 Put a cross in the correct box. (i) How long does it take to get to school? 5 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour (ii) Who does Wang Ming go to school with? Friend Older brother Younger brother (iii) How do they usually go to school? Walk Car Bus (iv) How do they go to school on a Friday? Walk Car Bus (v) What does his brother do on Friday? Maths Singing Ball games (Total for Question 4 = 5 marks) *N36645A01928* 19 Turn over

Returning from China 5 David wants to buy some presents for his family before returning home. 大伟在中国北京大学学了两年汉语, 今年夏天就要回英国 他想买礼物带回家去送给家人和朋友 他要给爸爸买国画, 给妈妈买筷子, 给妹妹买裙子, 给弟弟买电子游戏, 给朋友买中国茶叶 Put a cross in the correct box. (i) When is David coming back? Spring Summer Winter (ii) What does he plan to buy for his Dad? (iii) What does he plan to buy for his Mum? 20 *N36645A02028*

(iv) What does he plan to buy for his younger sister? (v) What does he plan to buy for his friend? (Total for Question 5 = 5 marks) *N36645A02128* 21 Turn over

Future plans 6 Match the following with the statements below. Teacher Doctor Singer D E F Studying French Sports TV Choose the correct word and put a cross in the box. D E F (i) 我要到法国去学法语 (ii) 我喜欢唱歌, 我想当歌星 (iii) 我想在电视台工作 (iv) 我喜欢小孩, 我想当老师 (v) 我想当运动员 (Total for Question 6 = 5 marks) 22 *N36645A02228*

BLANK PAGE *N36645A02328* 23 Turn over

7 Read this article from a music magazine. 利昂娜 刘易斯 (Leona Lewis) 利昂娜 刘易斯是出名的歌星 二零零六年她在英国歌唱比赛得到第一 她不但在英国很受欢迎, 在欧洲和北美洲都有很多人喜欢听她的歌 二零零八年代表英国在北京的奥林匹克闭幕表演后, 她在国际上更加出名 利昂娜在英国伦敦出生 她爸爸是青少年工作者, 妈妈是舞蹈老师 她有一个哥哥和一个弟弟 空闲的时候, 利昂娜喜欢听歌 十二岁写了她的第一首歌 现在, 利昂娜虽然很出名和很有钱, 但是, 她还是住在她原来的家, 因为她不想离开她的朋友和家人 24 *N36645A02428*

Answer the following questions in English. (a) In which year did Leona first become famous? (b) Name the two continents in which Leona s singing is very popular. (2) 1... 2... (c) What event did she perform at in 2008? Give full details. (2) (d) Where was Leona born? (e) What was her mother s job? (f) What does Leona like to do in her spare time? (g) What did Leona do when she was 12 years old? (h) Why has Leona chosen to remain in her original home? (Total for Question 7 = 10 marks) TOTAL FOR PAPER: 40 MARKS *N36645A02528* 25

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