Target Language: English as a Second Language

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Target Language: Chinese Grade Level: 2 and 3 Prficiency Level: Junir Nvice Lw Junir Nvice Mid Cntext and Stryline: A science class is learning abut three states f matter. Students learn the cncept f three states f mater and hw they change frm ne t anther. Students then apply their learning in real life; including making ice cream. Enduring Understanding: Students will understand that matter can change its state as it interacts with energy such as temperature. (Heat energy). Essential Questins: 1. What is matter? 2. Hw can we tell that matter can change its state? 3. What examples can we bserve in ur daily life that that shw hw temperature/heat energy affects the state f matter? Mdule Duratin and Lessns: Depending n the length and frequency f classes per week, we suggest the five lessns in this mdule culd be taught during the perid f three t five weeks. On the average, each lessn may be taught ver a week, with 30 minutes classes three t five times per week. Lessn 1 The Magic f Water 水的魔术 Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties 物质的三态及其性质 Lessn 3 Temperature Can Cause Matter t Change State 温度可以改变物质的状态 Lessn 4 A Matter f Taste: Making Ice Cream 我们一起来做冰淇淋 Lessn 5 This is the Matter with Ice Cream 这就是冰淇淋的变化 Standards Targeted 5C Wrld Language Standards Cmmunicatin Cultures Students understand spken and written language n familiar tpics related t states and prperties f matter. (1.2A) Students exchange infrmatin, prcedures, and experiences f making ice cream (1.1B) Students identify prducts and different states f matter that cme frm the target 5E STEM Standards NGSS 2.SPM Structure, Prperties, and Interactins f Matter Students wh demnstrate understanding can: Prvide evidence that sme changes caused by heating r cling can be reversed and sme cannt. Identify and cmpare the physical prperties f bjects. 1

cultures. (2.1.A) Cnnectins Students access new infrmatin and reinfrce existing knwledge f ther cntent areas thrugh the target language (3.1A) Cmparisns Students cmpare hw different cultures use matter in its three states (4.2.A) Cmmunities Students teach their family members hw t make ice cream at hme (5.1) Math Cmmn Cre Measurement and Data 3.MD Slve prblems invlving measurement and estimatin f intervals f time and temperature Knwledge: Students will knw Vcabulary (bth linguistic and cntent areas) Three states f water and their prperties States f matter Prperties f matter Temperature change Prcedures and ingredients fr making Ice cream Adjectives describing temperature and taste Verbs expressing change Expressins and patterns Express pinins with like/dn't like Ask and answer simple questins Make simple statements Skills: Students can Students Can Identify matter as slids, liquids, and gases, and describe their prperties Ask and answer questins abut temperature changes Express temperature (melt, freeze, ht, cld). Recgnize and name ingredients fr making ice cream Teach thers hw t make ice cream withut a machine. Assessment Tasks Interpretive Task State f matter Use Wrksheet 5a fr students t identify slid, liquid, r gas. Task Instructins: T: Lk at the pictures n yur wrksheet, and listen t my descriptin. Cnnect the pictures t the 2

wrds that say slid, liquid, and gas. Presentatinal Task: Make a I m a Little Scientist Vide: State f Matter Select ne item n Wrksheet 5a, explain t the audience: a. What is matter b. Hw many states des matter have? c. What is the state f the matter that yu chse? d. What prperties des this matter have? e. Shw the audience ne r tw signs labeling matter, slid, liquid, r gas, in the target language. Title: Making Ice Cream Interpersnal and Presentatinal Task 1. Using Wrksheet 5b, students cmplete the wrksheet. 2. In small grups f fur, students cmpare their ntes and discuss their experiences. 3. Each grup prepares its wn cking shw abut hw t make ice cream. They can use pictures f ingredients and ther prps t demnstrate. 4. Each presentatin will tell and shw the audience (1) the ingredients needed; and (2) the directins fr hw t make ice cream. 3

Materials and Resurces Lessn 1: Lessn 2: Lessn 3: Materials/Resurces A cler t stre the ice. Thermmeter Chart paper t recrd student bservatins Snwman puppet made f a water bttle filled with frzen water. Decrate the water bttle s it lks like a snwman. Make sure the decratin can withstand water. Teacher Resurce Permissin Slip Ppt slides States f Matter sng Chart paper t recrd student bservatins Water heater (fr shwing students steam/gas ) Teacher Resurce 1a Permissin Slip Ppt - Lessn One Wrksheet 1a Vcabulary Literacy Practice Wrksheet 1b Three State f water due t temperature changes A snwman puppet w/cler Chart paper t recrd student bservatins PPTs - Lessn 2 Wrksheet 2a Vcabulary - Literacy Practice Wrksheet 2b Matter in a Slid State and its Prperties Wrksheet 2c Matter in a Liquid State and its Prperties Wrksheet 2d Matter in a Gas State and its Prperties Pcket chart and definitin strips fr liquids and gases Ppt Lessn Three Wrksheet 3a Making Pinwheels Wrksheet 3b Chclate Melts in My Hands Wrksheet 3c Nt All Matter Changes in the Same Way Wrksheet 3d Temperature Can Change State f Matter Hw t make a Paper Pinwheels r Windmills Lessn 4: A small can f ice cream Small plastic bwls enugh fr students Milk 1 metal can, abut 16 unces Enugh ice cubes t fill the can Enugh water t cver the ice cubes Instant-read thermmeter (utdr thermmeter can be substituted) 4

Lessn 5: WORLD LANGUAGE-STEM MODULE COVERSHEET Rck salt Measurement spns Sugar package, with at least ne tablespn t scp ut Permissin slip Nte: if students have nt returned permissin slips, they may nt taste the ice cream. Wrksheet 4a I can Write Wrksheet 4b Hw t make Ice Cream 1 tablespn sugar 1/2 cup milk r half & half 1/4 teaspn vanilla 6 tablespns rck salt 1 quart-size plastic fd strage bag (e.g., Ziplc) 1 galln-size plastic freezer bag ice cubes Teacher Resurce 5b STEM Backgrund fr teachers: Matter Matter is the stuff f which all bjects and substances are made. Since all matter takes up space and cntains a certain amunt f material (mass), all matter can be measured. Sme types f matter can be easily bserved with yur senses. Fr example, yu can see r feel things like rcks, trees, bicycles, etc. Yu can als see and smell things like smke frm a fire. Sme matter is mre difficult t detect. Fr example, air is the invisible gas that surrunds us and yu cannt see it r smell it, but yu knw it exists because yu can feel it when the wind blws. All matter has physical prperties that can be bserved with ur senses withut changing the makeup, r identity, f the matter. Examples f physical prperties are clr, shape, size, and texture. Other examples f physical prperties wuld be density, biling pint, melting pint, and slubility. Matter can exist in any ne f fur cnditins r states: slid, liquid, gas, r plasma. Even thugh we usually d nt think f it as matter, plasma is the mst cmmn state f matter in the universe. Plasma is the gas-like mixture f particles fund in the sun and ther stars. Hwever, the 3 mre familiar states f matter are easier fr us t bserve and measure here n Earth. When describing the physical prperties f slids, liquids, and gases, these characteristics apply: Slids - Slids have a definite shape and vlume. Liquids - Liquids take n the shape f their cntainer, and keep their same vlume. Gases - Gases take n the shape and vlume f their cntainer. Matter can be changed by heat energy. The temperature f an bject determines hw it is changed. Fr example, when a slid is heated t its melting pint, the slid will change int a liquid. When a 5

Lessn 1- Magical Water 水的魔术 Lessn 1 f 5 Hw t make ice? Duratin: 30 Minutes Objectives Vcabulary and Expressins Materials/ Resurces I Can: Oral Language: Literacy: Ask and answer questins abut three states f water Talk abut sme prperties f water in each state. Identify and tell at what temperature water changes int slid, liquid, r gas. Water has three states: 固体, 液体, 气体 STEM and Other Subject Areas: Observe and label evidence that sme changes f states can be caused by temperature changes. Previusly learned: 颜色, 形状 Cntent bligatry language: 固体, 液体, 气体, 冰, 雪, 温度 华氏温度计, 蒸汽, 雪人, 哪裡, 融化 Cntent cmpatible language: 冷冻箱, 硬, 软, 冷, 热, 喜欢 / 不喜欢它是怎样的感觉? 是什么样子呢? 你有什么? 我有... 变成... 告诉, 认为, 教室 States f Matter sng Chart paper t recrd student bservatins Demnstratin thermmeter fr visualizing temperature when it is discussed (see examples at 493&menuID= r Science r K-2 classrms may have such thermmeters available.) Water heater (fr shwing students steam/gas ) Teacher Resurce 1a Permissin Slip Ppt - Lessn One 6

Wrksheet 1a Vcabulary Literacy Practice Wrksheet 1b Three State f water due t temperature changes Lessn Stryline and Cre Text A grup f students in a science class is learning abut water and its three states. A snwman (bttle puppet) cmes in t help students understand hw water can change int anther state due t temperature change. During several class perids, students experiment and bserve at what temperature water changes frm liquid t ice, back t liquid, and t gas. They will identify and talk abut characteristics f water in different states. At the end, via varius assessment instruments, students will demnstrate their understanding f the relatinship between temperature, the three states f water, and its prperties in each state. Cre Text: 你好, 小朋友 我的名字是雪人 你好吗? 你知道我住在什么地方吗? 今天外面的温度是多少? 你可以做一个雪人呢? 让我们来看看水会发生什么变化, 当温度低于 32 F 今天的温度是 F, 如果我们把它留在杯子, 谁知道冰会发生什么变化? 冰是固体当温度低于 32 F, 水冷冻成冰 它成了固体 水是液体液体没有形状 当温度高于 32 F, 冰变成水 它是液体 蒸汽是气体蒸汽没有形状当温度高于 212 F, 水变成气体 Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes Engagement Object, event 用雪人介绍冰, 冷, 和固体的概念 Bring a cler with a big bag f ice t keep the snwman bttle puppet. 7

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes r questin used t engage students. Cnnectins facilitated between what students knw and can d T: (Shw students while saying it.) 学生们, 看看, 我有什么? 我有一个冷冻箱 我也有冰块 T: 我们来看看冷冻箱里面有什么? (Bring ut the snwman). Nte: Teacher in Snwman s vice and will act as Snwman, which is referred t as SN. SN: 小朋友们, 你们好! 我的名字叫雪人, 你叫什么名字? Lead students in greetings and intrductins with Snwman; e.g., Hw are yu. I m fine, thank yu. My name is (student s name) and s n. SN: 你们看, 这就是我, 雪人 Ppt 1-1 SN: 你们知道我住在哪儿吗? SN: 我住的地方很冷, 下雪的地方 看这儿在下雪, 他们在做雪人 Ppt 1-2 SN: 这儿是不是很冷? 有没有看到雪 / 冰, 你看到什么?(frm the ppt) Ss: 雪 / 冰. SN: 这些雪人都和我一样 他们喜欢非常寒冷的天气 马里兰州有雪吗? Students respnd. SN: 你喜欢冷还是热? Shw Ppt 1-3 & 1-4. Ss: 冷 / 热 SN: 当天气非常冷, 当温度低于 32 F, 雨变成雪 像变魔术一样 雨水结冰, 变成雪 (Shw PPT. 1-5). 雪是固体 人们可以做雪人 32 F 被称为冰点, 温度低于 32 F 时水会结成冰的 T: 记得雪人说什么? 什么温度是冰点? 是几度? Ss: 32 F. T: 当雨变成雪的时候是几度? Ss: 32 F. SN: 今天的温度是多少? 我们可以做雪人吗? Ss: 可以 / 不可以 T: (Teacher shws students a thermmeter.) 这个叫温度计, 温度计是告诉我们现在的温度 温度计在教室里, 它会告诉我们今天在我们的教室的温度 T: (Teacher reads it and shw students hw t read it. Urge them t tell SN the temperature reading in the rm. And tell the Snwman if they can make a snwman. ) 现在教室的温度是 F. 我们可以不可以在这儿做雪人呢? Students respnd. (If there is a thermmeter utside the windw, have students read the temperature utdrs, and respnd again. If n utdr thermmeter r n windw is available, use the cmputer t find the temperature lcally 8

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes utdrs. As anther alternative, use a demnstratin thermmeter t shw the utdr temperature, determined previusly by anther means.) T: 那么你认为这些图片的天气怎么样? 我住在这儿 你喜欢住在这种地方吗?(Shw Ppt 1-3 and encurage students t respnd.) T: 我们叫 32 F 什么? 什么是冰点? 冰点是比 32 F 低? 还是高于 32 F? 冰点冷吗? Ss: 是的 冰点很冷, 比 32 F 低 T: (Shw ppt 1-4) 雪人, 如果你在这里, 这样的天气, 你会发生什么变化? 当温度高时, 你怎么办? SN: (in a panic) 哦, 不, 温度高时我会融化的! 当天气暖和时, 我会融化 别让我融化喔!(Ppt 1-5) T: (Turn t class) 我们应该怎样帮雪人? 如果我们把他放在冷的地方, 像这袋冰和冷冻箱里? Ss: 是的, 把他放回冰和冷冻箱里 SN: 谢谢 你很聪明 谢谢 我要进冷冻箱里, 再见 Ss: 再见, 雪人 T: 好了, 现在雪人去冷冻箱里了, 我们来谈谈当温度高时他身上的冰或是雪会发生什么变化? Ss: 雪会融化 T: 对了, 如果雪人融化, 他变成什么? Ss: 变成雨或是水 T: 对, 当气温高于 32 F, 雪人 / 冰雪融化成水 雪人几度会融化成水? Ss: 32 F. T: 当它低于 32 F, 雪人是液体或是固体? Ss: 固体 T: 答对了! 我很高兴我们雪人不会融化! 让我们一起说 : 雪人不会融化! 雪人不会融化 他喜欢冷 他喜欢温度低于 32 F, 温度低于 32 F 雪人不会融化 Literacy Activity: Learn and practice the wrd: Ice. Use Wrksheet 1a Clsing rutine: Explratin Objects and phenmena are explred. Hands-n activities, with 从冰变成水 Opening Rutines: Always d calendar wrk and use an utdr thermmeter r a large demnstratin thermmeter t read the temperature f the day. Recrd it n the class calendar. Mdel and guide students t d it during the first week, then invite students t d the calendar rutine independently 9

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes guidance. during the rest f the mdule. Fr example: T: 让我们来看看, 今天是几月几日? 星期几? T: 今天的温度是多少? Students respnd. T (r Ss): 是华氏 度 T: 我们写在这里 (Or, wh can write dwn the temperature n the calendar?) Nte: On the first day r week, mdel hw t read the thermmeter. During the rest f this mdule, call n vlunteers t read and write dwn the temperature. T: 我们的雪人在哪儿呢? 你想雪人被冻成冰还是融化成水? Students respnd. T: 把雪人拿出来雪人 雪人, 你今天怎么了? SN: 我很好, 因为我是固体, 而且我很冷 T: 为什么雪人说他很好? 他住在冰里吗? Students respnd. T: 让我们来看看, 冰的温度是不是低于 32 F T: (Put a thermmeter inside the bag f ice and explain t students that they have t leave it there fr a while befre the thermmeter can read the temperature crrectly.) 雪人, 你可能会不喜欢今天我们做的实验, 因为我们今天要看温度高时水的变化 SN: 哦, 不, 我要回冰冻箱里面 再见 Everyne says gdbye t Snwman. T: 在我们把雪人放入时, 记得冰冻箱的温度要低于华氏 32 度 (Remve thermmeter, and have a vlunteer read the temperature.) 温度应该高于或是低于华氏 32 度对雪人好? Ss: respnd T: 谁知道今天外面的温度是什么? 它是高于或低于水的冰点? 今天教室里的温度是多少? (Cnsult the classrm thermmeter. After students respnd, bring ut anther bag f ice cubes. Take tw cubes f ice and put them int a clear plastic cup.) T: 我们的教室的温度是华氏, 如果我们把冰留在杯子, 冰会怎么样? Students respnd. T: 让我们来看看 你们每人到我这里来拿一杯冰 跟我说 : 老师, 请给我一些冰 Mdel the request and have the class repeat it a few times. Distribute the ice t each student. T: 好, 我们来看看冰会发生什么变化 10

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes T: 在等冰的变的时候, 我们摸摸冰, 它是怎样的感觉? 热还是冷? Ss: 冷的 T: 软的还是硬的? 固体还是液体? Ss: 固体 T: 你看得到冰块吗? Ss: 看得到 T: 没错, 因为冰有形状 你能看到你的冰的形状吗? SS: 看到 T: 这块冰的形状是一个立方体 现在告诉你的同学冰是什么形状 Ss talk t ne anther. T: 你的冰融化了吗? Ss: 融化了 T: 你怎么知道? 是因为冰变成水吗? Ss: 是的 T: 当冰变成水, 我们称为液体 冰是固体, 但水是液体 (Shw Ppt 1-6 ) f ice wrd slid; water wrd liquid ) Have students repeat a few times. Ask them t check each ther s ice and describe it (slid, liquid). T: 为什么我们的冰变成水? 有谁能告诉我们? Students respnd. T: (Bring ut the thermmeter frm the ice bag.) 冰的温度是多少? 它是在冰点以下吗? 让我们来看看, 冰的温度是多少? 并要求另一个学生在白板上把它写下来, 教室的温度是多少? T: 那一个温度比较高? Ss respnd. T: 对了! 我们教室的温度高于水的冰点 因此, 在这儿的温度下, 冰融化成水 冰变成水, 因为它需要从室内热能 所以现在水是固体或液体状态? Shw the PPT fr students t respnd. T: (Use Ppt. 1-7) 我们来看看水的特性 Repeat similar questins fr checking ice. Lead students t summarize the cmparisn f water in slid vs. liquid frm. Later yu can add anther clumn fr gas. 11

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes 固体冰低于 32 F 有形状冷 水和冰 液体 水 高于 32 F 没有固定的形状 (add later) 低于华氏 212 F Teach students the chant, using call and respnse (Students repeat each line after the teacher) : 冰是固体固体有形状 低于 32 度时, 水冷冻成冰 又变回固体 水是液体液体没有形状 温度高于 32 度, 冰变成水 又变回液体 Repeat the chant several times. As students are ding the liquid chant fr the last time, mdel and cllect the water in each student s cup int a glass jar r pt/plastic bttle t be used fr the next day. Literacy Activity: Learn and practice writing the wrds: water. Wrksheet 1a Clsing: D the chant ne mre time. D the gdbye rutine/sng. Explanatin Students explain their understanding f cncepts and prcesses. 从液体到气体 Talk abut the three states f water and their prperties: 固体, 液体, 和气体 Opening Rutines: D calendar wrk; read the temperature; and recrd it n 12

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes New cncepts and skills are intrduced as cnceptual clarity and chesin are sught. the class calendar. Bring ut the Snwman, prmpt students t tell Snwman what they bserved and learned yesterday. T: 现在告诉雪人, 它为什么或是在什么情形下会融化成水 Students explain t Snwman that when temperature is higher than 32 F, it will cause him t melt. They will als explain the characteristics f water in each state are. They advise Snwman what the best temperature is fr him t stay slid. Ask Snwman if he wants t stay and watch a new experiment in which water changes int anther state. Snwman refuses and decides t g back t ice. Pass Snwman t say gdbye t everyne. The last student puts Snwman back. T: 我们这里有什么? (Shw the glass pt f water frm yesterday) 这是什么状态? 我们能不能 (Ask a few questins abut the prperties f liquid). Students respnd. T: 你想看到另一个实验? 你想看到液体变成别的样子吗? Students respnd. Set up the water heater t heat up the glass pt that has water in it. T: 你们看 当温度高于 212 F 时, 气泡上升, 水变成蒸汽 你能告诉我, 水变成气泡时, 你看到气泡和蒸汽吗? Students respnd. T: 你看到蒸汽吗? 水开了, 很热, 蒸汽在空中看起来是白色的 你看到空气中的白色吗? Students respnd. S: 看到 T: 蒸汽是气体 水是液体, 冰是固体 蒸汽是另一种状态的水 这种状态被称为气体 现在告诉你的同学你看到什么 S: 空气 / 气体 / 蒸汽 T: 非常好 这是气体 蒸汽的气体的状态 空气是气体的状态 那么水变成什么? S: 气体! T: 很棒! 水变成冰, 冰变成水, 水变成蒸气 我们现在写在图表上 T: 水的沸点是什么? 当水的温度变化, 从液态到气态 Teacher put a thermmeter int the water. Read the temperature ut lud. It s 212 F.(100 C) T: 水的沸点是 212 F(100 C) 谁记得冰点水变成冰时? 13

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes Ss: 32 F (0 C) Teacher writes it dwn r invites a student t d s. T: 太好了 我们来看看水的变化 T: 当水开时, 就变成水蒸汽 / 蒸汽 / 气体 你看到的水蒸汽 / 蒸汽 / 燃气? Students respnd. T: 让我们来看看, 如果蒸汽是水 我这里有一个塑料罐子 让我们在这里收集的蒸汽 任何人都可以预测接下来会发生什么? 你看到什么? Students respnd ( 液体, 水 ) Cllect the steam in the jar/pt and seal it. Wait a few secnds and shw students what they see. By nw they shuld see sme water. The lid f the pt will als have water drps. T: 你看到什么? S: 水 T: 刚才发生了什么呢? 现在水是什么状态? Student respnds T: 为什么气体变成水? 现在教室里的温度是什么? Facilitate student respnses, relating their cncept t the temperature f biling water and the rm temperature. Distribute a sandwich bag t each student. T: 我们来吹吹气 (Teacher mdeling) 我向袋子里吹气 (Hld pen bag in frnt f muth and fill with breath, then quickly seal the zipper t keep air inside). 我把它关起来, 别让气走了 T: 你们我一起做 T: (Fill bag with breath and quickly seal the Ziplc bag.) 袋子里是什么? 气体还是液体? S: 气体 T: 答对了 袋子里是气体, 是水蒸气 水蒸汽是空气中的气体 空气中有很多气体 你摸摸空气中的气体! (Teacher and students stretch their arms in the air). T: 你摸不到它 到处是空气! 我们可以看到的水蒸汽在袋子里变成液体 In a similar way, g thrugh a series f questins abut prperties f gas. Use Ppt 1-8 As students discuss the prperties f gas, add a new verse t the chant: 冰是固体固体有一定的形状 温度低于 32 度水冷冻成冰 它再回到固体 14

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes 水是液体液体没有形状 温度是在 32 度以上它又回到液体 蒸汽是气体蒸汽没有形状温度在 212 度以上水变成气体 Literacy Activity: Learn and practice writing the wrds: gas. Use Wrksheet 1a Clsing rutine, including the chant. Elabratin Activities allw students t apply cncepts in cntexts, and build n r extend understanding and skill. Summarize the three states f water and its prperties in each state. Opening Rutines: D calendar; read the temperature f the day; recrd it n the class calendar. Invite students t practice the entire chant, and write key wrds: ice, water, gas. D this a few times t allw mre students t shw and tell their writing. Bring back Snwman. T: 雪人你好! 今天欢迎回到我们的教室! 学生们 : 欢迎光临 雪人! 雪人又回来了 S&T: 欢迎光临, 雪人 雪人, 好久不见, 你怎么样? T: 雪人, 我们希望您知道我们会为你有大的表现 所以, 我们会看到你的明天 Class says gdbye t Snwman. T: 我们今天預演, 明天是正式演出 我们有三个站 固体站, 液体站, 和气体站 Nte: fr the gas statin, use an electric water pt, r take precautins t prevent injury r fire. Stay near the statin t supervise. Divide students int grups f three. T: 每个小组将去每一站 我会告诉你该去哪里, 当你去所有的站之后, 把答案填在你的 Wrksheet 1b 上 做完 Wrksheet 1b 后, 准备给明天的雪人报告 每个学生将告诉他其中的一站 老师做示范, 并教学生如何填 Wrksheet 1b 等所有学生都做好了, 请他 15

Key Elements Lessn 1 the Magic Water Duratin: 30 minutes 们交给同学互相校订, 检查 也帮助学生练习第二天的口头报告进行评估 Check the accuracy, neatness, and cmpleteness f Wrksheets. Lead students in practicing the chant fr assessment. Give each grup time t practice, check fr accuracy and prvide assistance when walking arund the rm. Clsing: d the chant again. Say gdbye t ne anther. Evaluatin Students assess their knwledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluatin f student develpment and lessn effectiveness. Preparatin and Presentatin: Wrksheet 1b 1. Put three statins in the frnt f the class. Each has a prp: ice, water, and gas. In grups f three, students use the prps and talk abut the three states f water and their prperties. Each student is respnsible fr ne state. Allw them time t practice. Clsing: 2. Bring ut the Snwman. Each grup reprts its findings and perfrms the chant. Snwman will tell students hw well they have dne. Snwman tells the class that he will return t a cld place. He will nt return t visit the class any mre. The class say gdbye t the Snwman and ne anther. Teacher Reflectin Lessn 1- the Magic Water What wrked well? What did nt wrk well? What wuld I d differently? Other cmments r ntes Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties 物质三态和它们的特性 16

Lessn 2 f 5 -Three States f Matter and Their Prperties Duratin: 30 Minutes Objectives I Can: Oral language: Ask and answer simple questins abut three states f matter and their prperties. Literacy: Read and write wrds describing prperties f each state f matter. STEM and Other Subject Areas: Recgnize three states f matter and their prperties. Vcabulary and Expressins Materials/ Resurces Lessn Stryline and Cre Text Cntent bligatry language: 物质 Matter 质量 Mass 体积 Vlume 东西, 大小, 形状, 空间, 纹理, 弯曲 可以, 不可以 Cntent cmpatible language : Describe, everywhere, wn Chart paper t recrd student bservatins PPTs - Lessn 2 Wrksheet 2a Vcabulary - Literacy Practice Wrksheet 2b Matter in a Slid State and its Prperties Wrksheet 2c Matter in a Liquid State and its Prperties Wrksheet 2d Matter in a Gas State and its Prperties Pcket chart and definitin strips fr liquids and gases In Lessn 1, students learned hw water changes its state due t temperature change. Building upn water as an example, students cntinue t explre the cncept f matter and varius prperties assciated with the states f slid, liquid, r gas. Cre Text: 物质是什么? 物质是什么? 物质是一切, 物质具有质量 物质占用空间 物质是所有的东西 17

物质可以在三种状态 : 固体, 液体, 或气体物质的基本属性 : 体积, 质量, 和形状 形状是物质的形式 : 它的外观 成交量为的空间量占用事项 : 它的大小 质谱是物质的量的一个对象具有 : 其重量 固体有一定的形状和体积 固体占用空间, 并具有质量 液体没有一定的形状, 液体的流动和其容器的形状 液体有一定的体积 液体占用空间, 并具有质量 气体不会有自己的形状或大小 气体其容器的形状 气体可以填补了房间 气体占用空间, 并具有质量 Key Elements Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties Duratin: 30 Minutes Engagement Object, event r questin used t engage students. Cnnectins facilitated between what students knw and can d What is Matter? D the calendar rutine. Talk abut the weather (temperature). Prmpt students t talk abut Snwman, then review water, its three states, and their prperties. T: 水有三种状态 : 固体, 液体和气体 T: (Teacher lks cnfused) Is water matter? Ppt 2-1 T: 物质... 这是一个新词 什么是物质? Elicit students respnse. T: 这儿说 (PPT) 物质... 一切都是由物质造成的? 物质是你四周看得到的东西, 你觉得对不对? S: 对 / 不对 Pint at an bject r a student, ne at a time, and test the statement. Fr example, T: 笔是物质吗? 你是物质吗? Students respnd. Use mre bjects and students as examples t deepen students understanding abut matter. T: 我们一起来看看下一张怎么说. (Invite students t read tgether): 体积, 质量 18

Key Elements Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties Duratin: 30 Minutes 和空间决定了物质 T: 什么是体积? 体积占用空间 我们一起来看看这是什么意思. T: (Mving hands arund) 一切的东西都占用空间 T: (Hld up a glass r any bject, turning and tuching it) 这个杯子占用空间吗? (Pass the glass fr students t tuch and determine that it takes up a space. ) T: (Ask a student, Mary, t sit n a chair, and ask the class) Kyle 可以和她坐在同一个椅子上吗? Ss: 不可以 T: 为什么不可以? Ss: 因为 Mary 已经坐在那儿了 T: 对, 因为 Mary 已经坐在那儿了, 所以 Kyle 不能坐在那儿 Illustrate mre examples f what space mean until students understand it. T: (bump int a student) 对不起, Kevin, 我碰到你了 T: (Mtin Carl and Sam, r any tw students, t stand side by side. Pull them apart frm each ther) Carl and Sam, 你们两个人中间可不可以有更多的空间? (Or, pull them clser t each ther) 你们两个人可以制造更少的空间吗? Ask different pair f students t try ut. Divide the class int pairs, d a TPR f mre r less space t prepare students t understand vlume. Bring ut tw bjects and think ut lud. Fr example, T: 我这儿有两个盒子, 哪一个空间比较小? 是这个吗? 哪一个空间比较大? 是这个吗? Students respnd. T: 对了, 答对了. 那一个空间比较小 ; 这个比较大 i. 所以这个占的空间比较大 我们再来看看这两个, 哪一个占用空间比较小? 哪一个占用空间比较大? Pint t r shw tw bjects f different sizes fr students t say: mre vlume r less vlume. Repeat several times. Divide students int pairs and find their wn examples f what takes up space and which ne has mre vlume and which has less vlume. Ask students t vlunteer t present their findings. Fr example: This is a pencil. The pencil is matter; it takes up space. It has less vlume. This is a marker. The marker is matter; it takes up mre space. It has mre vlume. Lead students t walk arund the classrm in a line. Pint at an bject and recite the chant: Matter takes up space. Matter has vlume. Literacy practice: 质量, 固体, 液体, 气体 Use Wrksheet 2a 19

Key Elements Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties Duratin: 30 Minutes Clsing: D the clsing rutine. As students walk ut, lead them in reciting the matter chant: Matter takes up space. Matter has vlume. Explratin Objects and phenmena are explred. Hands-n activities, with guidance. Mre Prperties f Matter Open with the calendar and weather rutines. Review what they have learned abut matter s far. D the Matter chant tgether. Invite a few students t pick up matter and d the chant. T: 我们上节课学了物质有三个基本的特性, 哪三个呢? Students respnd. T: 是的, 我们学了物质有体积, 体积占有空间 物质有体积, 那另外两个特性是什么? Ppt 2-2. T: 跟我一起念 : 体积, 质量和空间, 决定了物质, 这句话是什么意思? Students respnd. Bring ut a scale. If using a regular bdy scale, it may be necessary t find smething having sme weight t it. Nte: There is a scientific way t measure mass, but ur pint is t cnnect the cncept f mass t smething children are able t understand. T: 我们来看看这样东西它是什么? Invite a student t read the scale tgether. T: 它有二十磅重 这就是说这个物质 (whatever it is called) 二十磅重. 谁想看看你身上的物质有多重? 也就是你有多重的意思 Call n vlunteer students t weigh and tell their weight. Be sensitive t children wh may have weight prblems and be careful abut hw t talk abut the mass in their bdies. Divide students int pair and ask each pair t select an bject t measure. Each pair will cme up t weigh and recrd the mass f their select bjects n the white bard. At the end, the class can cmpare which bjects have the mst mass, which have the least; r rank bjects by mass. 物质有不一定有形状 Shw r pint at any bject in the classrm and ask students t identify if the bject has a definite shape. Make sure t shw slids (have definite shape), and liquids and gas (d nt have definite shape). (Mre detail abut liquids and gases will be n later days during this lessn.) Use this slide as a way t summarize the learning tday abut mass and shape. Ppt 2-3 20

Key Elements Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties Duratin: 30 Minutes Use the tune f Oh My Darling, Clementine t teach the Matter sng: 什么是物质, 什么是物质? 物质是你四周看得到的东西体积, 质量和空间决定了物质 物质在我们的四周 Literacy practice: matter, use Wrksheet 2a Clsing: Sing the Matter sng again. Say gdbye t everyne. Explanatin Students explain their understanding f cncepts and prcesses. New cncepts and skills are intrduced as cnceptual clarity and chesin are sught. Three States f Matter: Slid, Liquid, and Gas Opening: D calendar; temperature f the day; and recrd it n the class calendar. Using the Ppt 2-4, facilitate student review: 体积, 质量和空间决定了物质体积是物质的形状, 也就是它的外表 空间是物质的大小 质量是物质的量的单位, 也就是重量 Sing the Matter sng with the students. T: 我们知道我们四周的一切都是物质组成的, 那现在我问你们固体是物质吗? 液体是物质吗? 气体呢? Student respnses vary. T: 对了, 物质的三种状态 : 固体, 液体, 或气体 T: 我们先来看看固体 Ppt 2-5 T: 让我们一起玩玩个游戏 幻灯片说什么?(Lead students t read) Slid have definite shape and vlume; they take up space and have mass. Ask cmprehensin check questins t review the cncepts and t ensure cmprehensin. Literacy Activity: Intrduce hw t write slid. Divide the class int pairs and ask students t wrk n Wrksheet 2b - Matter in a Slid State and its Prperties. Afterwards, direct students t use Wrksheet 2b t identify which bject is slid n Ppt 2-6 & 2-7. Tell them this is a game. Pairs shuld cmpete t finish it fastest and best. (Nte: This wrksheet can be used fr liquids and gases later as an excellent literacy activity as well.) After a few minutes, ask students t d peer editing t make sure accuracy f cncept and literacy. T: 谁可以说说看固体的特性? 21

Key Elements Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties Duratin: 30 Minutes Students vlunteer, evaluate, and discuss. Repeat with liquid and gas. Extensin: If there is time, Use Ppt 2-7 & 2-8 t intrduce additinal cncepts such as rigid, bendable. Review Slids: Ppt 2-9 固体 : 有一定的形状和体积 占用空间和质量 Clsing rutine Elabratin Activities allw students t apply cncepts in cntexts, and build n r extend understanding and skill. 液体和气体 D the pening rutine, calendar, and temperature f the day. Talk abut the weather and if it will rain r snw. Review slids and their prperties. T: 同学们, 现在大家大概知道是什么是液体, 什么是气体吧? Students respnd. T: 我需要一个帮手来读液体的特性 T: 液体有个新的特性 我们来看看 液体可以流动. (Pick up a clear, empty glass and a tall, narrw, clear bttle with sme clred water in it.) I have a bttle f (clr) water here, and a glass. Are the bttle and the glass the same shape? 我有一瓶水和一个杯子, 瓶子和玻璃杯形状一样吗? Students respnd T: 这水和瓶子形状是一样的, 是不是 (Students respnd.) Nw I m ging t pur water frm the bttle int the glass 现在我把水从瓶子里倒入杯子中 看, 水流入被子里. 现在水是不是仍然和瓶子一样的形状? 不是了, 现在水的形状和杯子一样 这儿我有个四方形的玻璃盘 (hld up square glass cntainer). 我需要另外一个帮手帮我把水倒入. 四方形的玻璃盘里 (Chse a vlunteer) 同学们, 我们来告诉他 (Name) 怎么做 : 流, 流, 流, 流到那儿去. (Teacher and class chant as student purs.) 好, 谁能告诉我水现在是什么形状? 水是和杯子一样还是和玻璃盘的形状一样?(Call n vlunteer t respnd.) T: 我们再来玩个游戏. Ppt 2-10 Divide students int pairs. Ask them t discuss. Make sure they will use the prperties f liquids t justify their chices: liquids d nt have their wn shape; they flw and take up the shape f their cntainer; liquids take up space, have mass and vlume. A few minutes later: T: 谁能告诉我们什么是液体? Ppt 2-11 Call n vlunteer students and ask them t prvide reasning. 22

Key Elements Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties Duratin: 30 Minutes (Literacy practice) Write each sentence f the Liquids Definitin n a separate card fr a pcket chart. Place them in the pcket chart ne at a time, reading it alud and having students repeat it. Review by reading thrugh it ne mre time, inviting students t read with yu. Then read the strips in randm rder and invite students t cme and take the strip dwn, repeating the sentence. Cntinue until all strips have been remved. Cllect the strips. Recite the Liquids Definitin and have students return their strips t the frnt: 液体没有一定的形状 液体流动, 容器的形状就是液体的形状 液体有一定的体积 液体占用空间, 并具有质量 Repeat the same prcedures fr Gases, using Ppt 2-12. Recite the Gases Definitin and have students return their strips t the frnt: 气体没有自己的形状或大小 气体飘浮, 容器的形状就是气体的形状 气体可以填补了房间 气体占用空间, 并具有质量 我们看不到气体! Literacy: Wrk n Wrksheet 2c and Wrksheet 2d: Liquid and Gas. Clsing rutine Evaluatin Students assess their knwledge, skills and abilities. Review and Assessment Opening: D the rutines. Review Liquids and Gases. Divide students int pairs and wrk n Wrksheet 2b t identify liquids and gases. Peer editing. Class sharing and discussin. Review the states and prperties f water. Shw the slides, and invite student pairs t identify the states and prperties f water in each picture. Invite student pairs t talk abut ne picture frm the slides. Ppt 2-13 Divide students int grups f three. Fllw the same prcedures and ask them t answer the questins. Help the grups that need mre assistance. Each grup will identify and present their examples f slid, liquid, and gas. One student is respnsible fr each state. Ppt 2-14 & 2-15 Invite student grups t present their evidence f Can-ds. Interpersnal cmmunicatin assessment. As students hld a cnversatin, walk arund and dcument their can-ds. Interpretive assessment. Wrk with individual r grups f students and have them pint t bjects r pictures when yu tell them t find smething in a certain state. 23

Key Elements Lessn 2 Three States f Matter and Their Prperties Duratin: 30 Minutes 如果有时间的话, 带领学生唱物质的歌 : 什么是物质, 什么是物质? 物质是你四周看得到的东西体积, 质量和空间决定了物质 物质在我们的四周 物质有三种状态 : 固态, 液态, 和气态体积, 质量和空间决定了物质体积是物质的形状, 也就是它的外表 空间是物质的大小 质量是物质的量的单位, 也就是重量 Teacher Reflectins n Lessn 2 [Physical Changes] What wrked well? What did nt wrk well? What wuld I d differently? Other cmments r ntes 24

Lessn 3 Temperature Can Cause Matter t Change State 温度可以改变物质的状态 Lessn 3 f 5- 温度可以改变物质的状态 Duratin: 30 Minutes Objectives I can: Oral language: Literacy: I can tell thers hw sme matter changes its state because f temperature (heat energy) change. I can write basic infrmatin abut what kind f temperature (heat energy) causes a change in certain matter. STEM and Other Subject Areas: I can describe the change f state caused by temperature (heat energy). Vcabulary and Expressins Materials/ Resurces Lessn Stryline and Cre Text Cntent bligatry language: 热, 能源, 成分 Cntent cmpatible language: 湿, 乾 Ppt Lessn Three Wrksheet 3a Making Pinwheels Wrksheet 3b Chclate Melts in My Hands Wrksheet 3c Nt All Matter Changes in the Same Way Wrksheet 3d Temperature Can Change State f Matter Hw t make a Paper Pinwheels r Windmills Having learned abut 3 states f matter, students cntinue t learn thrugh sme examples abut hw temperature (heat energy) can cause matter t change its state. Cre Text: 复习物质的三态和它们的特性 做和玩风车什么是气体? 气体有它自己的形状和大小吗? 气体是粗糙的, 还是光滑的, 硬的还是软的? 气体占用的空间吗? 我们能弯曲气体吗? 为什么东西会融化? 你认为巧克力需要的热能从手心融化吗? 你们的都是一个个的小科学家你们改变物质的状态 25

这些都会做录像, 我们一起来决定我们的表演 Key Elements Engagement Object, event r questin used t engage students. Cnnectins facilitated between what students knw and can d Lessn 3 Prcedures - 温度可以改变物质的状态 复习物质的三态和它们的特性 大家一起来做风车和玩风车 D the calendar and weather rutines. Review what students have learned and remembered abut states and prperties f Matter. Opening rutine. T: 谁还记得物质的歌 (Begin t sing): 什么是物质, 什么是物质? Review the prperties f slids, liquids, and gases, pinting ut bjects and asking abut them. Fr example: 它有质量吗? 能流动吗? 它有它自己的形状吗? 它占用的空间吗? Have students find examples f slids, liquids, and gas in the rm, and then justify their chice. Review the prperties f liquids and gases with the pcket chart. Use Lessn 2 Ppt 2 t have students quickly identify what is slid, liquid, and gas, while talking abut their prperties. T: (Shw a pinwheel t aruse students curisity and interest) 同学们, 你看, 这是一个风车 风车是做什么的呢? 它可以吃, 好闻吗? 我们可以碰它吗? Students respnd. T: 当我们吹风车时会怎么样? 它会移动吗? (Blw it.) T: 為什么风车会移动? Students might answer wind r gas r air. T: 是的, 因为我们对着风车吹气, 空气的流动使风车流动 空气是气体或液体, 还是固体? 空气中有大小吗? 空气中有形状吗? 空气有空间吗? 我们可以弯曲空气吗? T: 因此, 空气是气体 现在我们来看看风车, 当我对风车吹空气 ( 气体 ), 我越大力吹, 风车转的越快 T: 现在我们都来做风车, 看谁的风车转的快 Literacy and Crafts Activity: Distribute a wrksheet fr hw t make pinwheel. Explain and demnstrate hw t make ne in frnt f the class. Ppt 3-1 t 3-5 Ask students t write n the pinwheel the wrd gas and their names, s they 26

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures - 温度可以改变物质的状态 can persnalize it while practicing literacy. Wrksheet 3a Once students are finished, they can play with the pinwheel. Clsing rutine. Explratin Objects and phenmena are explred. Hands-n activities, with guidance. Des a pinwheel change int liquid r gas when the air/temperature is ht r cld? What matter arund us will change its state when the air/temperature is ht r cld? Opening: D the calendar and weather rutines. T: 你们仍然有我们昨天做的风车吗? Students respnd and shw their pinwheels. Teacher blws the pinwheel, and mtins students t blw, as well. T: 风车是固体, 液体, 还是气体? Ss: 固体. T: 我们对风车吹气时, 风车怎么样? Ss: 他们转 T: 如果我们吹的很快, 风车怎么样? Mdel and mtin students t d that. Ss: 它们转得很快 T: 如果我们对着风车吹更多的空气, 风车转得更快, 风车会不会变成液体或气体? Ss: 不会. T: 如果我们对着风车吹热空气呢, 风车会不会转得比较快, 它会不会变成液体或气体? Ss: 不会. T: 你怎么知道? (Bring ut a hair dryer) 我们来试试看. Ppt 3-6 Put n different temperatures and speeds and blw n the pinwheel. Tell students what temperature (lw, high) and speed (lw, mid, high) yu are using. After blwing the air n the pinwheel each time, invite students t cmment n what happens t the pinwheel des it turn int liquid r gas. Make sure the pinwheel is sturdy enugh t take the blwing and the heat. Students make predictins and bservatins, and examine the results. T: 所以现在我们知道, 较高的温度和更多的空气, 不会把风车变成液体或气体 拿出一包巧克力片给学生看并且告诉学生 T: 我真的很喜欢巧克力 你们有谁喜欢巧克力? T: 让我倒了一些巧克力来看待 ( 几块巧克力倒入到一个浅盘或板, 然后 27

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures - 温度可以改变物质的状态 走走课堂上展示给大家巧克力 ) 看看巧克力 你能告诉我巧克力是液体, 固体或气体? T: 现在拿出一张纸, 放在你的面前 我给你每一个人几块巧克力, 放在你前面的纸上 不可以吃巧克力 我们要用它做几个实验 (Pass ut several pieces f chclate t each student.) T: 还记得我们吹风车的时候, 怎么样? 它改变状态了吗? (Students respnd) 如果我们吹巧克力, 巧克力会怎么样? (Students respnd) 我们来试试看 (Mdel blwing n the chclate.) T: 巧克力有没有改变它的状态? 如果我们用吹风机吹的話, 巧克力会改变它的状态吗? (Students respnd) 用吹风机以不同的温度和速度对着巧克力吹, 就像对风车一样 ( 当温度高时, 巧克力融化 ) 拿给学生看, 再问学生, 巧克力改变它的状态了吗? 现在它是什么状态? Students respnd 我们现在再来做另一个实验 Then ask students t place the piece f chclate int their hands fr 1 minute (r lnger, if necessary). Students may rub the chclate mrsel between their hands. Ask students t predict what will happen t the chclate mrsel; i.e., if the chclate will stay a slid r melt int liquid r gas. Time it. Nte: Chclate chips melt best at temperatures between 104 F and 113 F. The melting prcess starts at arund 90 F (32.22 C) when the cca butter in the chips starts t heat. T: 举手, 而且告诉我们你的巧克力发生什么样的变化 T: 它仍然是固体还是它已经改变了它的状态 Students tell the class/each ther what happened. T: 当巧克力它在我们的手中的时候, 巧克力发生什么变化? Ss: 它变成液体 / 失去它的形状 / 它融化了 T: (In a series f Q & A) 你能告诉为什么会巧克力会融化? 我们的手是温暖的吗? 是我们手上的热能, 让巧克力融化 T: 对了, 我们手上的热能让, 巧克力融化在我们的手中 T: 大家排队去洗手 我们回来后, 我们来写关于巧克力的实验 Students wash their hands. Distribute a few mre chclate chips t each student. Ask them t put ne piece int their muths. Tell students nt t bite n it and pay attentin t what happens t the chclate chip. 28

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures - 温度可以改变物质的状态 Students respnd (It changes int liquid/lses its shape/melts). T: 巧克力是不是很容易融化? Students respnd. T: 是, 巧克力的熔点比较低, 所以它们很容易融化在我们的嘴巴 现在, 你们可以吃剩下的巧克力, 然后, 我们一起来写我们今天所学到的 Use the Language Experience Apprach, lead students t recall what they did tday with chclate. Pssible text may be: 我们把巧克力片放在我们手里 我们用手摩擦巧克力, 使他们温度加高 巧克力片在我们的手里融化了 从一定形状的固体 融化后, 就没有一样的形状了 巧克力片变得像液体 Invite students t make cntributin t the writing n the bard. After the stry is finished, read it tgether a few times. Invite a few vlunteers t read independently, r g thrugh line by line fr vlunteers t read. Distribute Wrksheet 3b Chclate Melts in My Hand. They can als draw pictures t recrd their experiment. These will becme their mini-bks that can be passed arund fr reading. D clsing rutine. Review whether blwing air will turn pinwheels int liquid r gas. Invite students t talk abut their chclate chips experiment and read the bk again. Explanatin Students explain their understanding f cncepts and prcesses. New cncepts and skills are intrduced as cnceptual clarity and chesin are sught. Nt All Matter Change in the Same Way Opening rutines. Review what they learned yesterday. Play with and talk abut the pinwheels. Invite a few students t read their wn r their classmates mini-bks. T: 今天, 我们将学更多物质的特性 你们都是小科学家 今天的问题是 : 以同样的方式做不同种类的物质变化? 下课以前, 我们都要能够回答这个问题 Write dwn the questin n the white bard. T: 在讨论不同种类的物质, 我们也顺便写下我们的讨论 T: 我们先来讨论水 谁记得水是固体时候, 我们叫什么? Ss: 冰. T: 冰的融化点是几度? 29

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures - 温度可以改变物质的状态 Ss: 32 F. T: 冰融化, 我们叫它什么? Ss: 水. T: 水几度变成气体 Students respnd 212 F (r 100 C). Write dwn the number n the white bard. T: 水加热过了华氏 212 度时是什么? Ss: 气体. (Write n the bard.) T: (In a series f Q & A) 巧克力怎么了? 他们融化在我们的手里还是口里? 谁知道我们的体温是多少? Students respnd 98.6 F (37 C) - Write dwn the temperature. T: 对, 通常巧克力, 在大约 90 F(32.22 ) 开始融化 Write dwn the temperature. T: 所以哪个有较高的熔点, 冰或巧克力? Students respnd. T: 它们变成了什么? Have students cmpare and discuss the changes f state between water and chclate. Bring a few pieces f gld r gld-lking jewelry and ask a student t identify what it is and the state f gld as they see it. Ask students t predict what wuld happen t gld if the temperature were high. Ask students t think abut hw high the temperature might be when they watch a vide abut hw t melt gld int a bar. Gld: Nte: This vide shw what happens when scrap gld is melted and prcessed int a gld bar. Students might ask if gld wuld evaprate int gas. Scientists believe that if the temperature is really high, it will. Hwever, it is nt likely the temperature culd reach that high under the nrmal circumstances. Melting pints f sme metals and allys are indicated in the table belw: Gld, 24K Pure 1063 F(573 C) 1945 F(1063 C) 30

Key Elements Lessn 3 Prcedures - 温度可以改变物质的状态 Silver, Sterling 893 F(478 C) 1640 F(893 C) Surce: Directins f hw t use the vide t engage students: Shw the vide in its entirety nce. Shw it again and stp at varius pints and invite students t cmment the state f gld, predict what temperature it might be, and s n. Anther gd example f glass: Fllw similar prcedures as used fr shwing and teaching abut gld. Vide: This is a vide Jam Factry in Adelaide Suth Australia made. Tw drawings were selected frm many cllected at a Family Day held at the Studis and gallery. The vide fllws the design prcess, and the kids were alng t watch their glass piece created. Nte: Glass has different melting pints depending n what the cmpsitin f the glass actually is. Standard sda lime glass (the mst cmmn kind f glass) melts at smething n the rder f abut 2,700 F(1482 C), while tp drawer silicn xide has a glass melting pint f in excess f 4,200 F(2316 C) Ask students t cntinue their cmparisn f melting pints f gld and glass. Clsing: Using the varius temperatures that were written n the white bard as clues, ask students what each temperature refers t. Have the class d a quick summary f what they learned tday: water, chclate, gld, and glass. Encurage them t talk abut different states f these kinds f matter and hw they change. Pint t the big questin at the beginning f the class: D different kinds f matter change in the same way? Ask students if they are able t answer this questin. Invite a few t cmment. D clsing rutine. Elabratin Activities allw students t apply cncepts in cntexts, and build n r extend understanding and Temperature can cause sme kinds f matter t change their state. Nt all matter has the same freezing r melting pints. Nt all matter ges thrugh the states in the same rder Opening rutines. Ask students what they learned yesterday; talk abut the changes f state and the temperature pints that caused the change. Nte: Mthballs (camphr balls) fumes can be very dangerus, especially t 31

Key Elements skill. Lessn 3 Prcedures - 温度可以改变物质的状态 children. Be sure t handle them carefully and d nt let children hld r handle them. Keep them safely secured when nt in use. T: But yu knw, nt everything changes its state frm slid t liquid. Bring ut a sealed plastic bag f mthballs (camphr balls) Ppt 3-8 T: 这是一包樟脑丸 很多人把它们的抽屉里, 以防止飞蛾出自己的衣服 我打开袋子, 你可以闻到他们! (Open and clse the bag just lng enugh fr sme fumes t escape.) T: 你闻到了吗? 你有没有看过在香樟树? Students respnd. T: 你们可以闻到樟脑丸是因为它从固体到气体 你闻到的是气体状态樟脑球 在室温, 樟脑球的变化, 从固态到气态 (Optinal): T: 我想告诉你, 我妈吗告诉我一个故事 当她还是一个小女孩, 她的妈吗把所有的冬衣, 她的大衣和围巾和手套之间放樟脑丸再放在大木箱里 冬天时, 她打开后备箱拿出衣服 她可以闻到樟脑丸, 她想要把它们夺走再次使用 但她大衣下看了又看, 连指手套, 到处 但是樟脑丸都不见了! 现在, 你们谁能告诉我樟脑丸为什么樟脑丸不见了? S: Respnse T (In a Q & A series): 今天室温是什么? 写下今天的室温 T: 我们现在分成四组 Students get int their grups. Distribute Wrksheet 3c. T: 每组将记录在不同的温度下物质的改变 我们现在一起来看看表, 并讨论该怎么做, 我们每个人的工作是什么 T: 大家一起分工合作, 从工作中找乐趣 D peer editing within each grup. The class shares and discusses the answers. Students shuld write their wn bks, but they shuld help ne anther in the prcess. D peer editing and revise. Share bks and read them alud. Ask students t practice reading as many bks as pssible because they will be asked t read fr the class. Tell them that they will be asked t d a science vide like what they watched during this lessn. Evaluatin Students assess their knwledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluatin f student Evaluate students mastery f new vcabulary. D a quick review f this lessn. Use the Ppt t cnduct a Q & A t check students cmprehensin and understanding. Wrksheet 3d Interpretive and presentatinal assessment: Students will select a bk written by f their peers and read it t the class. 32

Key Elements develpment and lessn effectiveness. Lessn 3 Prcedures - 温度可以改变物质的状态 Interpersnal and presentatinal assessment: Divide the class int pairs. Bring ut bjects r pictures f gld, water, ice, gas, glass, chclate, and mth balls. T: 我们的下一个节目是要你们每一个人就像新的视频上的科学家们那样对听众解释一下 - 为什么有些东西温度可以导致改变它的状态, 有些不能 每一组要选一种物质, 可以用真实的东西或是图片 与你的同伴讨论你们想要录什么, 说些什么, 以及怎么做 我们会负责录像 你们将会有一些时间来决定和计划你的节目 Give students time t discuss and prepare. Walk arund t see hw students are cmmunicating with each ther in the target language. Each pair will perfrm as scientists, based n their selectin f matter. Prvide each pair with safety glasses befre their perfrmance t instill the ntin f safety. Teacher Reflectins n Lessn 3 Chemical Changes What wrked well? What did nt wrk well? What wuld I d differently? Other cmments r ntes 33

Lessn 4 A Matter f Taste: Making Ice Cream 我们一起来做冰淇淋 Lessn 4 f 5 Objectives Vcabulary and Expressins Duratin: 30 Minutes I Can: Oral language: tell thers the basic ingredients fr making ice cream shw and explain t thers hw t make ice cream withut a machine. Literacy: recgnize labels fr basic ingredients f ice cream. write signs fr ice cream STEM and Other Subject Areas: explain why we need salt in making ice cream by hand explain why we need t shake the bags when we make ice cream by hand Cntent bligatry language: 牛奶, 盐, 糖, 香草精冰淇淋搅拌, 混合, 摇匀 Cntent cmpatible language : 形容词 ( 硬, 软的, 热的, 冷的, 大的, 小的 ), 喜欢 / 不喜欢 塑料袋 Materials/Resurces A small can f ice cream Small plastic bwls, enugh fr all students Milk 1 metal can, abut 16 unces Enugh ice cubes t fill the can Enugh water t cver the ice cubes 1 instant-read thermmeter (utdr thermmeter can be substituted) Rck salt Measuring spns Sugar package, with at least ne tablespn t scp ut the sugar Permissin slip Nte: if students have nt returned permissin slips, they may nt taste the ice cream. Wrksheet 4a I can Write Wrksheet 4b Hw t make Ice Cream 34

Lessn Stryline and Cre Text WORLD LANGUAGE-STEM MODULE COVERSHEET Students make ice cream and experiment hw liquid can be made int slid. They will als learn that salt can lwer temperature, which helps milk turn int ice cream. Cre Text: 你为什么说冰淇淋是固体? 我想听听你的解释 我们应该了解更多关于冰淇淋的知识? 你想知道什么, 我们需要做冰淇淋吗? 或者更好的是, 我们应做冰淇淋吗? 我们要学习做冰淇淋 做冰淇淋需要什么, 你能猜到吗? 我们需要牛奶吗? 它的味道如何? 它是甜的吗? 你闻到什么吗? 这就是所谓的香草 我们还需要香草 我把冰块在一个塑胶袋里 我们一起来做冰淇淋我们爱我们自己的冰淇淋 Key Elements Engagement Object, event r questin used t engage students. Cnnectins facilitated between what students knw and can d Lessn 4 Prcedures A Matter f Taste: Make Ice Cream Is ice cream Slid, Liquid, r Gas? D calendar and temperature rutine. Review: Quickly ask students what they learned in the previus lessn: pinwheel and the pint that mre gas may nt change the state f slid int liquid r gas; hw temperature may cause sme matter t change its state; the ntin that different kinds f matter have different melting pints; e.g., water, gld, gas; and nt all matter change its state in the same way (e.g., mthballs/camphr balls change their state frm slid t gas). Nte: If videtapes f students perfrmances as scientists are finished, shw selected nes each day during this lessn as part f either the pening r clsing activity. Students will feel rewarded that their perfrmances are enjyed by the audience. Keep these vides as part f the final summative assessment cllectin. T: (Shw ppt frm Lessn 3 quickly) 我们上一节课, 我们学了一些问题, 如黄金, 玻璃, 水的熔点 你们想学更多关于物质的凝固点吗? 35

Key Elements Lessn 4 Prcedures A Matter f Taste: Make Ice Cream T: (After students respnses) 给我一些物质冻结的例子?(e.g., Frzen pizza, vegetables, fruit, ppsicles, and ice cream, and s n)ppt 4-1 T: 冰淇淋! 冰淇淋是一个很好的例子 冰淇淋是固体, 液体还是气体? Ppt 4-2 Students may respnd slid. In a series f Q & A: T: 你为什么这么说冰淇淋是固体? Students give their reasning based n the prperties f slids learned in Lessn 2. T: 是的 冰淇淋是固体, 但它不是真的很硬 它可不可能是液体? Ss: 不可能 T: 为什么不可能? Students give their reasning. T: 谁觉得冰淇淋是气体? Discuss. T: 让我们来表决一下 如果你认为冰淇淋是固体? 举起你的手 是气体? 举起你的手, 是液体? 举起你的手 Recrd the numbers f vte fr each categry. Nte: This is an excellent pprtunity t write dwn the number in a culturally authentic way. Fr example, in English, in Chinese. is used while 正 is used In a series f Q & A: T: 很好 我们将学习一些更多关于状态的知识, 并找出如果冰淇淋是固体, 液体或气体, 或者甚至全部三种状态 T: 让我们了解更多关于冰淇淋的知识 你们想知道什么, 我们需要做冰淇淋吗? 或者我们应该做冰淇淋? Students respnd. T: 我们明天要学怎么做冰淇淋 你们回家想想做冰淇淋我们需要什么 Literacy: Shw students hw t write ice cream in the TL. Use Wrksheet 4-1 fr practice. Students may draw pictures. Clsing rutine. 36

Key Elements Explratin Objects and phenmena are explred. Hands-n activities, with guidance. Lessn 4 Prcedures A Matter f Taste: Make Ice Cream What We Need t Make Ice Cream Opening rutine. Review what the class was talking abut yesterday. Students remind Teacher that they will talk abut what they will need t make ice cream. T: 是的, 今天我们要查出做冰淇淋需要什么 In a series f Q & A: T: 你可以猜猜我们需要什么? Ppt 4-2 T: (Shw a jar f milk) 我们需要牛奶吗? S: 要牛奶 T: 没错, 我们需要牛奶, 还要什么? Pass ut small plastic spns fr each student. Pass sugar arund. Encurage students t taste a little bit by using their plastic spn t scp up a little bit. T: 这是什么? 吃起来怎么样? 甜吗? Students respnd. T: 是的, 它是甜的 这是糖 我们做冰淇淋要用糖吗? T: 是的, 我们做冰淇淋要用糖 但如果我们用另一种成分 它的味道会更好, 你知道是什么呢? S: 知道 / 不知道 Students make guesses. Open a bttle f vanilla extract and have each student smell it. T: 我们还需要香草 闻闻看, 你闻过吗? 这就是香草 香草使的口感好, 好闻 也使冰淇淋吃起来更好吃 Nte: Vanilla has alchl that acts as antifreeze. T: 我们现在有什么? (Shw PPT 4-3: milk, sugar, and vanilla extract) Students respnd: milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. Teacher writes these ingredients n the bard. Als ask students t talk abut the state f these ingredients as illustrated belw: 材料牛奶糖香草 成分的状态液体固体液体 Shw PPT 4-3: ingredients fr ice cream 37

Key Elements Lessn 4 Prcedures A Matter f Taste: Make Ice Cream 半杯 牛奶 1 汤匙 糖 1/4 茶匙香草 T: 现在让我们把所需要的材料放在一起 量杯, 汤匙和茶匙 当测量成分的时候大声地说出来 把它们放到一个透明的碗里, 并用一个大勺子搅拌 这些都是冰淇淋的配料 所以... 这是我们应该做些什么呢? 我认为我们应该尝试它 你觉得呢? 吗? 这种混合物固体, 液体, 气体的状态是什么?(Student respnses) 我们需要什么做冰淇淋? Student respnse T: 如果我现在就把这些混合物放在冰柜里, 它会变成冰淇淋吗? S: 会 / 不会 T: 为什么不会? 难道我们不需要把它放在冰柜里让它变成冰淇淋吗? S: 要 / 不要 T: 我们来看看会怎么样 Students respnd. T: 我认为我们应该把它放在冰柜里, 看它会不会变成冰淇淋? 你们觉得呢? S: 好 T: 好, 我们现在把混合物倒入这个冰块托盘里 我会把它放在冰箱的冰柜里 我们明天看看会不会有冰淇淋 我们来预测混合物会不会成为冰淇淋.. Take the Yes/N vte. Invite a student t cunt, and anther student t recrd the results n the bard. Literacy: Invite students t write ice cream in the TL, if they knw hw t write. Encurage thers t practice. Use Wrksheet 4-1 if necessary. D the clsing rutine. Quickly review what they learn tday. This chant has nt been adequately prepared fr. Instead have them sing the Matter sng. T: 谁要带头唱物质三态 (r ther chant r sng)? Vlunteer leads, children sing with teacher. 什么是物质, 什么是物质? 物质是你四周看得到的东西体积, 质量和空间决定了物质 物质在我们的四周 物质有三种状态 : 固态, 液态, 和气态体积, 质量和空间决定了物质体积是物质的形状, 也就是它的外表 38