Urban Renewal For A Global City 全球化城市的城市更新 Abstract Gil Shenhav Gil Shenhav Canaan Shenhav Architects, Ltd. Kiryat Atidim Tel-Aviv Isarel tel (

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ctbuh.org/papers Title: Author: Subjects: Keywords: Urban Renewal For A Global City Gil Shenhav, Senior Partner, Canaan-Shenhav Architects Conservation/Restoration/Maintenance Urban Design Preservation Redevelopment Social Interaction Urban Planning Publication Date: 2014 Original Publication: Paper Type: CTBUH 2014 Shanghai Conference Proceedings 1. Book chapter/part chapter 2. Journal paper 3. Conference proceeding 4. Unpublished conference paper 5. Magazine article 6. Unpublished Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat / Gil Shenhav

Urban Renewal For A Global City 全球化城市的城市更新 Abstract Gil Shenhav Gil Shenhav Canaan Shenhav Architects, Ltd. Kiryat Atidim Tel-Aviv Isarel 58101 tel ( 电话 ): +1 972.50.5282664 fax ( 传真 ): +1 972.3.6471997 email ( 电子邮箱 ): gil@canshen.co.il www.canshen.co.il Gil Shenhav, Architect; Senior partner and general manager of Canaan-Shenhav Architects LTD; CTBUH City Representative for Tel Aviv, Israel; Chair of the CTBUH-ISRAEL; Co-partner in the Company for Urban Development and Renewal LTD; Graduate (cum laude) of the Technion Israel institute of Technology, Haifa. Gil Shenhav, 建筑师 ; Canaan-Shenhav Architects LTD 高级合伙人兼总经理 ; 以色列特拉维夫 CTBUH 城市代表 ; Chair of the CTBUH-ISRAEL; 以色列 CTBUH 杂务 Urban Development and Renewal LTD( 城市开发和重建有限公司 ) 联合合伙人 ; 海法以色列理工学院 ( 学院简称 Technion ) 毕业生 ( 优等生 ) The Social Model Future Cities: Towards Sustainable Vertical Urbanism The city of Tel Aviv is over 100 years old. In 2003 UNESCO declared the center of Tel Aviv as a World Cultural Heritage Site. As the city grew, much thought was given to ways in which its uniqueness could be conserved. The City of Tel Aviv introduced a new master plan that outlines areas for the urban renewal of neighborhoods based on government policy called Pinuy- Binuy (evacuating and rebuilding). Over the last decade I, along with partners have developed The Social Model that represents apartment owners. This year we started demolition and construction of two projects totaling 650 residential apartments. Everybody benefits from these projects. The city and its infrastructures are renewed. Residents get new apartments without investing any money in the process. The developers that build the projects get prime locations. I believe that in densely populated and dynamic cities the future lies in urban renewal! Keywords: Global City, Preservation, Eclectic Style, Bauhaus, Urban Renewal, Social Model 摘要 社会模式未来城市 : 面向可持续垂直城市特拉维夫市拥有 100 多年的历史 2003 年, 联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO) 宣布特拉维夫中心老城被列为世界文化遗产 随着城市的发展, 政府进行多方考虑, 以决定采用何种方式保存特拉维夫的独特之处 基于名为 Pinuy-Binuy ( 疏散和重建 ) 的政府政策, 特拉维夫市推出了一个新的总体规划, 罗列出了需进行市区更新的社区 在过去的十年里, 我和合伙人们代表公寓业主们发展了 社会模式 今年, 我们开始了两个总共涉及 650 套公寓的住宅拆除和建设项目 这些项目让我们各方都受益匪浅 城市及其基础设施焕然一新 原来的住户获得新公寓, 而且在过程中没有投资一分钱 建造项目的开发商也借此机会拿到了黄金地段的土地 我坚信, 在人口密集而充满活力的城市里, 城市更新是未来之所在! 关键词 : 全球化城市 历史保护 折衷主义风格 包豪斯 城市更新 社会模式 Introduction Israel is situated at the important strategic crossroad where Europe, Asia and African converge on the south-eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area. It is an ancient land with thousands of years of history, the cradle of different cultures and religions and holds a promising future. Israel s population comprises of about 8 million. Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel and one of the oldest cities in the world. It is Israel s largest city and the center of government and religion. Tel Aviv is the nation s center of commerce, culture and social activities. Jerusalem has a population of about 800,000 people comprising Jews, Muslims and Christians. 介绍 以色列地处重要的战略地理交汇点上, 其地中海东南海岸是欧洲 亚洲和非洲的交汇点 在相对较小的区域内, 以色列汇聚着丰富多样的地理特点 这是一片拥有数千年历史的古老土地, 是世界不同宗教文化的发源地, 拥有无限美好的未来 以色列人口约 800 多万 耶路撒冷是以色列首都, 也是世界上最古老的城市之一 耶路撒冷是以色列最大的城市, 以及政治和宗教中心 特拉维夫则是以色列的商业 文化和社会活动中心 耶路撒冷人口约 800,000 人, 包括犹太教徒 穆斯林和基督徒 特拉维夫是以色列人口排名第二的城市 特拉维夫有 100 多年的历史, 核心居民有约 400,000 人 约 150 万人居住在大特拉维夫的大都会区 336 CTBUH 2014 Shanghai Conference

Tel Aviv is the second most populous city in Israel. Tel Aviv is 100 years old with a nucleus of about 400,000 residents. 1.5 million people live in the greater Tel Aviv metropolis area. The city has 186 hotels and guest houses. The 53 hotels alone are hosting little over 1,000,000 tourists a year, 80 percent of them from other countries. There are well over 40 theaters from national ones like Habima and Hakameri to fringe little theaters like Haguf and Tmoona. The city hosts public events like Tel Aviv Marathon and Sovev Tel Aviv, the biggest annual bicycle event in Israel. Recreational projects like Park Hayarkon along the rejuvenated Yarkon River and the Tayelet, the boardwalk along the sea shore are the biggest of their kind in Israel. Ganei Hatarucha, the largest conference and exhibition complex in Israel is also in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is the center of the leading corporations of Israel. The offices of WIC, IDB, Israel Petrochemical Enterprises, Bank Hapoalim, Mekorot Israel National Water Company, Google, IBM, Microsoft and many others are in Tel Aviv. The Establishment and Development of Tel Aviv Tel Aviv grew out of Jaffa, the ancient port city from which Jonah the prophet ran away from God. No one really knows how old Jaffa is but an ancient legend says that it was founded before the Flood (see Figure 1). Development of the city from Old Jaffa was slow and hesitant. Jaffa had a majority of Arab population at the time and Jewish immigration meant that the growth of Tel Aviv outpaced Jaffa. It began with a group of 66 people whose names were drawn by lot (see Figure 2). These lucky ones moved into a tiny neighborhood of small houses built on white sand named Ahuzat Bayit (homestead). This was to become the genesis for the neighborhoods that eventually developed into a lively and vibrant city. Jaffa and Tel Aviv were merged into a single municipality in 1950. During the time of the British Mandate, the Scottish architect Patrick Geddes prepared a new master plan for Tel Aviv (see Figure 3)which he designed after the English garden city. Tel Aviv formed naturally out of several different strata. In the 1920s and 1930s the city was developed along the lines of the eclectic style (see Figure 4). Today it has hundreds of beautiful buildings of outstanding design. In the 1940s and 1950s the young and dynamic city adopted the International or Bauhaus style (see Figure 5). Massive immigration and accelerated building projects saw Tel Aviv donned with the largest collection of International Style houses in a single place, earning it the name The White City. The architecture had to be adapted to suit the extremes of the Mediterranean climate with light colors Façades and incorporated long narrow balconies and small recessed windows. Figure 1. Old Jaffa by Miko Schwartz. 图像 1. Miko Schwartz 的老雅法 Figure 2. The Founders Drawing a Lot by Abraham Soskin. 图像 2. Abraham Soskin 的创建者抽签 In 2003 UNESCO declared the center of Tel Aviv as a World Cultural Heritage Site. In the 1960s and 1970s the city absorbed hundreds of thousands of immigrants for whom many new neighborhoods where built by the government as well as private entrepreneurs. Today, about 1000 buildings are listed for preservation in the city of Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv A Global City Today Tel Aviv is an energetic and vibrant city mentioned alongside attractive global cities (see Figure 6) such as New York, London, Paris, Rome and Berlin. Tel Aviv is an excellent destination for business, research and development, hi-tech, recreation, holidays, culture and tourism. Figure 3. Geddes Plan for Tel-Aviv 1925. 图像 3. 格迪斯 1925 年特拉维夫总体规划 2014 年 CTBUH 上海会议 337

Figure 4. Eclectic style building. 图像 4. 折衷主义风格建筑 Figure 6. New Tel Aviv by Levy Avner. 图像 6. Levy Avner 的新特拉维夫 Figure 5. Bauhaus building. 图像 5. 包豪斯建筑 Figure 7. Preservation area a neighborhood-sarona Tel Aviv. 图像 7. 保护区域 - 街区 - Sarona 特拉维夫 The city of Tel-Aviv was ranked second on a list of top places to have a high-tech startup companies, just behind Silicon Valley. It is one of the most innovative cities in the world. Tel-Aviv dominate Israel s economic life with almost one-sixth of all jobs in Israel are located in the city and currently employs forty percent of national employment in finance and 25 percent of national employment in business services. It is a tolerant, diverse, versatile, dynamic and accessible city. The nearly all-year-round pleasant weather adds to the city s attractiveness. As it continues to develop, the city s leaders continue to wrestle with the challenge of preserving the city s beauty and vitality without hindering its progress and dynamics. Preservation and Renewal Tel Aviv municipality prepared and approved a new master plan requiring different levels of preservation for 1,000 buildings. This initiative is producing the spectacular results that are revealing the city s beauty and connecting it to its aesthetical past. The city has an especially long coast line. The development of this coast line was crucial for the city. Today, a fourteen kilometer boardwalk that includes two ports has been developed. The ports of Jaffa and Tel Aviv have been turned into centers of leisure and tourism open twenty-four hours a day. The comfortable weather, golden sands 特拉维夫市有 186 家酒店和宾馆 其中仅 53 家酒店每年会接待超过 1,000,000 名旅客, 其中百分之八十都是海外观光客 全市有 40 多家剧院 从国家级剧院如 Habima 和 Hakameri 到先锋小剧场 Haguf 和 Tmoona 特拉维夫市举办诸多大型公共活动活动, 例如特拉维夫马拉松和特拉维夫环城自行车赛 ( 以色列规模最宏大的年度自行车赛事 ) 在娱乐项目中, 例如沿着亚尔孔河和 Tayelet 的 Hayarkon 公园项目中, 沿海木栈道是以色列同类项目中规模最大的 此外, 以色列最大的会展综合体 Ganei Hatarucha 也位于特拉维夫 特拉维夫是以色列龙头企业的聚集地 WIC IDB 以色列石化企业 (Israel Petrochemical Enterprises) 以色列工人银行 (Bank Hapoalim) 梅科洛特 - 以色列国家供水公司 谷歌 IBM 微软和其他诸多大型企业的办公室都位于特拉维夫 特拉维夫的建立和发展特拉维夫从古老的港口城市雅法基础上逐步发展而来, 先知约拿就是从此处逃离耶和华的 没有人真正知道雅法具体有多久的历史, 但根据古老的传说, 雅法是在大洪水时代之前建立的 ( 见图 1) 从老雅法市开始的发展进程是缓慢而且时断时续的 雅法当时的主要居民是阿拉伯人, 而犹太移民意味着特拉维夫的发展超过了雅法 特拉维夫建城的时候有 66 个人, 他们是通过抽签决定的 ( 见图 2) 这些幸运儿搬进了在白沙上修建的名为 Ahuzat Bayit 338 CTBUH 2014 Shanghai Conference

that come from the Nile River and the pleasant Mediterranean Sea are great advantages for the city s leisure and tourism. Preservation work and the urban renewal of places like the Suzanne Dellal Center in Neve Tzedek, the Old Train Station complex and the Flee Market have turned neglected areas into lovely public spaces. These are excellent examples of the potential inherent in preserving the architectural and cultural history of the city (see Figure 7). With this approach, the city continues to develop and renew large urban areas like the Habima and Cameri Theaters, the cultural center Heichal Hatarbut, the Opera complex, parks, gardens, bicycle paths and more. Building High Touch in the Sky Over the past 20 years, the city has grown taller at an accelerated rate. Dozens of towers have been built for offices, hotels and residential space. The move to build tall buildings increases with every passing year and is becoming not only a necessity, but a way of life and fashionable trend. A new plan that was approved this year outlines the city s policy for the next 20 years. In addition to strengthening the city s major roads and the development of space for commerce, employment, culture, leisure and recreation, the plan outlines space for urban renewal of its neighborhoods. Urban Renewal The basis for urban renewal is a government project called Pinuy- Binuy (evacuation-build); a law that gives residents and entrepreneurs incentive to develop, renew and rejuvenate old and crumbling neighborhoods (see Figure 8). ( 宅基地 ) 的小住宅 这成为社区的起源, 并最终发展成为一个充满活力的城市 1950 年雅法和特拉维夫合并为特拉维夫市 在英国托管期间, 苏格兰建筑师帕特里克 格迪斯 (Patrick Geddes) 按照英国 花园城市 的标准为特拉维夫 ( 见图 3) 制定了新的总体规划 特拉维夫市由几种不同的社会阶层自然组成 在 1920 年代和 1930 年代, 城市依照折衷主义风格的路线发展 ( 见图 4 ) 今天, 特拉维夫市拥有上百座具有卓越设计的经典建筑 在 1940 年代和 1950 年代, 这座年轻而充满活力的城市采用了国际式或 包豪斯 的设计风格 ( 见图 5) 大规模的移民和高速发展的建设项目让特拉维夫在一个地方就聚集了大量的国际式风格的建筑, 并赢得了 白城 之美誉 建筑物为了适应地中海极端气候进行了必要的调整, 采用浅色的立面 狭长的阳台和小凹窗 2003 年, 联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO) 宣布特拉维夫的中心城区被列为世界文化遗产 在 1960 年代和 1970 年代, 特拉维夫市吸纳数十万的移民, 由政府和私营企业为这些移民建造了大量新社区 今天, 特拉维夫市有大约 1000 多栋建筑被列入保护建筑名单 特拉维夫 一座全球化城市今天, 特拉维夫已经成为一座充满活力的城市 ( 见图 6), 是一座可以与纽约 伦敦 巴黎 罗马和柏林相提并论的全球化城市 特拉维夫是商务 研究和开发 新技术 休闲 度假 文化旅游的绝佳目的地 This is a win-win situation from which everyone profits. Residents receive brand new apartments, entrepreneurs acquire expensive lands to build new apartments and the city enjoys an architectural upgrade and renewed infrastructures. The entrepreneurs obtain an average of 1:4 ratio old/ new apartments). This process was intended to have a large scale impact on the city, however the reality has not been all that rosy. Records of Ministry of Construction and Housing show that the development takes a long time (15 years), and sometimes residents refuse to join the process mainly because of personal concerns, lack of information or even extortion. Also, municipalities do not always lend support and bureaucracy also slows down the process (see Figure 9). The Social Model To date, most Pinuy-Binuy projects in Israel were initiated by large construction companies. Their economic approach to the process resulted in no common language with the tenants and objections to the development. Figure 8. Building for demolition in Neve Sharet by Karin Rachamim. 图像 8. Karin Rachamim 的 Neve Sharet 建筑拆除 In order to tackle these obstructions which hinder this welcome process, over the last decade, my partners and I have developed an original economic initiative to advance the renewal projects called Pinuy- Binuy. The uniqueness of our approach is that we represent exclusively the tenants or apartment owners. We call our method The Social Model because it puts people above everything else; they become the heart of the process. Neighborhood tenants approach us at a rate of one neighborhood a day and we professionally examine each appeal: the architecture, appraisal, economics, traffic, infrastructure, city permits and tenant consents. Figure 9. Green Park, Tel Aviv-image by Arcreative. 图像 9. 特拉维夫绿色公园 - Arcreative 提供影像 2014 年 CTBUH 上海会议 339

特拉维夫市在初创高新企业聚集地名单上排名世界第二 仅次于 美国硅谷 特拉维夫是世界上最具创新力的城市之一 特拉维夫 在以色列经济生活中占据主导地位 以色列所有工作岗位中有近 六分之一都位于特拉维夫市 现在特拉维夫聘用以色列金融业百 分之四十的员工 以及商务服务业百分之二十五的就业人员 חדרים 5 דירת ממ ד / שינה. ח 307/270 כניסה אמבטיה. ח 170/220 שירות. ח 115/225 אורחים. ש 108/152-215- אוכל. פ -585- שינה. ח 350/280 特拉维夫是一座海纳百川 多元化 具有灵活性 强大发展动力 和平易近人的城市 这里的气候四季宜人 让这座城市更平添 了许多吸引力 随着特拉维夫的持续发展 城市的领导者持续 直面在保护城市美丽风貌和活力的同时又不妨碍其发展和变化 的挑战 מגורים. ח -360- -525- מטבח שינה. ח 350/280-680- ארונות. ח 168/148 מרפסת 352/300 שינה הורים. ח 300/330 רחצה. ח 172/170 Figure 10. Rimonei Tidhar- new flat plan by Canaan Shenhav. 图像 10. Canaan Shenhav的Rimonei Tidhar项目新公寓规划 保护和更新 特拉维夫市政府制定并批准了一份新的总体规划 将对1,000多栋 建筑提供不同级别的保护 这一举措正在产生令人瞩目的成果 不仅可以展示这座城市的美丽 还能追溯其辉煌的历史 特拉维夫市拥有特别长的海岸线 这个海岸线的发展对特拉维夫 至关重要 今天 已沿海开发修建了包含两个港口的十四公里长 的木栈道 雅法港和特拉维夫港已经成为二十四小时开放的休闲 和旅游中心 舒适的气候 来自尼罗河的金色沙滩以及宜人的地 中海成为特拉维夫休闲旅游业得天独厚的优势 对于诸多区域的保护工作和城市更新 例如Neve Tzedek的Suzanne Dellal 中心 老火车站综合楼以及跳蚤市场等地 将过往被忽视 的区域改造成为宜人的城市公共空间 这些都是通过保护城市建 筑和文化历史从而焕发出巨大内在潜力的卓越范例 见图7 通过这种方法 城市持续开发和更新了许多大型城市区域 包括 Habima和Cameri Theaters Heichal Hatarbut文化中心 歌剧院综合 体 公园 花园 自行车道等等 建造高层建筑 触及天际 过去20多年来 特拉维夫不断加速增高 特拉维夫已经修建了数 十栋高层写字楼 酒店和住宅楼 过去的每一年中修建高楼的数 量都在增加 高层建筑不仅成为一种必需品 还是成为一种生活 方式和流行趋势 在今年批准的一项新总体规划中列出了特拉维 夫未来二十年的城市规划政策 除了加强特拉维夫主要道路和商 业 就业 文化 休闲和娱乐空间的发展 总体规划还列出了其 社区城市更新的空间 Figure 11. Rimonei Tidhar- existing and demolition by Canaan Shenhav. 图像 11. Canaan Shenhav的Rimonei Tidhar项目现有和拆除图像 城市更新 城市重建的基础是一项名为Pinuy-Binuy 疏散-建造 的政府项目 这项法律为居民和企业家提供激励 让他们开发 翻新和重建破 旧而摇摇欲坠的居民区 见图8 这是一个各方都能受益的多赢局面 住户可以得到全新的公寓 企业家获得昂贵的土地修建新住宅 而城市则可以享受到建筑升 级和更新的基础设施 企业家获得平均1:4比例的新/旧公寓 这 个过程将对城市产生大规模的影响 然而现实情况也并非那么乐 观 以色列建设和住房部的纪录显示项目开发需要非常长的时间 15年 有时居民拒绝加入这个过程 主要原因包括个人考虑 信息缺乏或者甚至是漫天要价 还有 市政府也并不总是配合提 供支持 而且官僚作风也拖延了项目的进度 见图9 社会模式 迄今为止 以色列大部分Pinuy-Binuy 疏散-建造 项目都是由大型 建筑公司发起 这些公司以经济回报为导向的方法导致与住户之 间缺乏共同语言以及住户对项目开发的反对 Figure 12. Rimonei Tidhar- image by The-Cube. 图像 12. The-Cube的Rimonei Tidhar项目图像 340 CTBUH 2014 Shanghai Conference 为了解决阻碍项目开发进程的障碍 在过去的十多年中 我与合 伙人们开发了一种原创的经济举措从而推进Pinuy- Binuy 疏散-建 造 重建项目 我们方法的独特之处在于我们独家代表住户或公

The Social Model towards urban renewal Tenants organization Tenants representation by the company Submission of a new masterplan to the relevant authority Masterplan approval in the district and local committee Tender (developers/construction companies) Tenants elect developer/construction company Evacuating the property Demolition of the existing structures Construction of the new buildings Marketing the additional developer flats Old and new tenants move to the newly completed project First, we work directly with the tenants to reach an agreement among themselves. Subsequently, we obtain exclusive rights to represent the tenants for the project. We then prepare the new zoning plans, submit them to the relevant authorities and negotiate for formal approval. When the project is prepared with plans and statutory rights are secured, and when all the tenants have agreed in writing to the project, we then advertise a tender that goes out for major real estate developers to submit their best offer to the tenants. Developers then compete with one another as to who will provide the largest apartment of the best quality. The Social Model allows these tenants to unite and in joint forces and professional guidance to move forward towards their new accommodation. This way, they can achieve best economical results when negotiating with the developers/construction company. Based on this model, the tenants of Rimonei Tidhar project originally owned 80 sq m flats estimated at about 300,000 USD. At the end of the process they will receive newly built flats of 120 sq m worth about 600,000 USD (see Figure 10). In a country where land is scarce and where tenants live in small and crumbling apartments, the social model allows them, without investing a single dollar from their own money, to get a new and bigger apartment and have the great personal satisfaction of being in charge of their own destinies (just like the 66 people whose names came up in the drawing lot). Tenants are enabled to obtain a new, spacious, high standard apartment in a new and upscale area (see Figure 11). The Vision for the City s Renewal It is fascinating to watch how complicated urban development of big cities begins with people who have the vision and motivation to build, develop and care for future generations. The process is based primarily on building trust, transparency, attentiveness to detail and cooperation between tenants, professionals, the city and the state. We are convinced that the real solution for the future of life in aging and crowded cities lies in the city s renewal. In addition to the benefits renewal brings to tenants and developers, it is a golden opportunity to develop public areas, widen roads, build sidewalks, squares, passages, public gardens and new public institutions. This process inspires and encourages renewed thinking concerning the potential, possibilities and opportunities of our cities. The Renewal is Already Happening! Over the last year we were lucky enough to be able to start two projects that involved the demolition of 200 old apartments in 12 寓业主 我们将此方法称为 社会模式, 因为它将人置于其他事项之前 ; 人成了这个过程之核心所在 我们按照每天一个社区的节奏接待社区中的住户, 我们专业地研究每项诉求 : 建筑 资产评估 经济 交通 基础设施 城市许可证和住户同意函 城市更新 社会模式 的流程图 住户组织 公司代理住户 提交新总体规划图给相关管理部门 地区和当地委员会对总体规划图的批准 招投标 ( 开发商 / 建筑公司 ) 住户选择开发商 / 建筑公司 疏散财产 拆除现有结构 建造新建筑 营销开发商其余的住宅公寓 老住户和新住户搬入新竣工项目 首先, 我们直接与住户沟通, 与住户之间达成协议 随后, 我们获得在项目中代表住户的独家代理权 然后我们准备新的分区计划, 并提交给有关管理当局, 协商从而获得正式批准 在项目准备好计划并获得法律权利, 以及当所有住户已经书面同意该项目之后, 我们开始进行面向主要房地产开发商的招投标广告, 从而让他们竞标并为住户提供最有竞争力的报价 开发商然后要彼此相互竞争, 以便于我们从中选择能够提供面积最大且质量最优的住宅公寓的公司 社会模式 可以让这些住户团结一心 齐心协力, 凭借专业指导来推进他们的新住宅项目 通过这种方式, 他们可以在与开发商 / 建筑公司的谈判中取得最佳经济效果 依据这种模式, Rimonei Tidhar 项目的住户原有 80 平方米的公寓价值大约在 30 万美元 在项目完成后, 他们将获得 120 平方米的新建公寓, 价值增值到大约 60 万美元 ( 见图 10) 在一个土地稀缺和住户居住在空间狭小并摇摇欲坠的危房里的国度里, 社会模式让他们不用从自己的兜里掏一分钱, 就可以尽享全新的更宽敞的公寓, 与此同时, 获得自己把握命运的巨大满足感 ( 就如同抽签决定姓名的 66 个人一样 ) 住户可以在新的高档地段获得崭新宽敞的高品质公寓 ( 见图 11) 城市更新的愿景一批城市创建者具有远见卓识, 为了子孙后代进行建造 开发和关怀, 他们洞察未来之远见和动机, 推动了这座大都市颇为复杂的开发进程, 目睹这个过程让人颇为惊叹 这个过程主要是在住户 专业人士 城市和国家之间建立互信 透明和专注细节的合作模式 我们确信解决老龄化和拥挤不堪的城市未来命运之道在于城市更新 除了上述这些优势之外, 城市更新给住户和开发商带来千载难逢的机会, 可以发展公共场所 拓宽道路 修建人行道 广场 通道 公共花园和新的公共机构 与此同时, 这个更新过程激发并鼓励我们开展关于我们城市潜力 可能性和发展机遇的全新思考 更新早已发生! 去年, 我们有幸能够开始两个更新项目, 其中涉及到拆除包含 200 套老公寓的 12 栋建筑, 并开始修建八栋 10 至 27 层高层包含 650 套新公寓的新项目 对于我们而言, 拆除建筑 ( 见图 12) 是一个特别动情的时刻, 不仅有欢喜也有悲伤 一方面, 将老旧的摇摇欲 2014 年 CTBUH 上海会议 341

buildings and to begin building 650 new apartments in eight different 10 to 27 story buildings. For us, demolishing the buildings (see Figure 12) was an especially moving moment embodying both joy and sadness. On the one hand, it was a joy to destroy old and crumbling buildings. But on the other hand, demolishing a house is in a way also the demolishing of cherished memories and events. For the tenants therefore, destroying their old apartments is a bitter sweet experience that ends one era and starts a new one that, if processed well, will be full of hopes. The contract with the tenants of these two projects provided them with alternative rented apartments until their new ones will be completed. Regarding these projects, within three years they are expected to return to their own new spacious and modern apartments. I hope that from what I have said so far it was clear that, as far as I am concerned, although we are architects that plan buildings, we should never forget that buildings are built to serve people, families, life, activities, aspirations and dreams. No matter how beautiful a city might be, if it oppresses its citizens it cannot rejuvenate itself and is doomed to become neglected and crime-filled. Conclusions 1. A global city like Tel Aviv is made up of natural strata which are crucial in understanding the city s structure, preservation and renewal. 2. Investment in renewal, preservation and development will result in a city s prospering socially, scientifically, commercially, culturally and in tourism - and that makes the city an attractive place. 3. Urban renewal is vital. Through the ongoing development and upgrade of the city s resources, its natural characteristics and its land space, it is possible to invigorate and encourage dynamic and vibrant life. 4. The city s residents, founders, tenants and those who come to live in it are the real engine for the vibrant and renewed life of the city. 坠的旧建筑拆掉是一件令人开心的事 但另一方面, 拆掉老房子在某种程度上也是销毁了很多宝贵的记忆和事件 对于老房子的住户, 拆掉老房子是一件喜忧参半的经历, 代表着一个时代的结束以及一个新时代的开始, 如果处理得当的话, 未来将充满希望 上述两个项目住户获得的合同为他们提供过渡租赁公寓, 一直到他们的新房子竣工入住 对于这两个项目, 三年之内他们有望搬迁回他们宽敞现代的新公寓 我希望我所说的话到目前为止足够清晰, 就我个人而言, 虽然身为规划建造的建筑师, 我们永远不应该忘记建筑是为了服务居民 家庭 生活 活动 愿望和梦想而建造 无论一座城市有多么美丽, 如果它压迫居住在城市里面的居民, 这座城市就不可能完成更新, 也将命中注定被忽视并充斥犯罪 结论 1. 像特拉维夫这样的全球化城市是由多个自然阶层组成, 这对于理解城市的结构, 对其进行保护和更新至关重要 2. 投资于更新 保护和开发将导致一座城市的社会 科学 商业 文化和旅游的全面繁荣 这使得城市成为颇具吸引力的地方 3. 城市更新至关重要 通过城市资源 城市自然特性和土地空间的持续发展和升级, 可以激活和鼓励充满活力而动态的生活 4. 城市居民 创建者 住户和居住在城市里面的人是城市充满活力的新生活的真正动力源泉 342 CTBUH 2014 Shanghai Conference