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Test Description for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) 2014.12

Test Description for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers With the purpose of strengthening the building of Confucius Institutes teachers team, and in accordance with Standards for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (2012), Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban has developed the test for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers based on the research done by Chinese and overseas experts. This test is standardized and designed by taking case-based approach to measure test takers abilities in five domains, i.e. Basics in Chinese Language Teaching, Chinese Language Teaching Methodology, Instructional Design and Classroom Management, Chinese Culture and Cross-cultural Communication, Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Development, and to assess whether they are with the ability to teach Chinese to speakers of other languages. Trial Test for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers was held among 3176 domestic candidates in China in October 2014, which received wide acclamation. By the end of this year it will be extended to 10 overseas Confucius Institutes. Test Syllabus for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers (Trial Version) is attached after this test description. Here we would like to solicit opinions from all the conference attendees on the following issues: 1. Comments and suggestions on content and form of the test 2. Willingness to host the test and suggestions on organization and implementation of the test 3. Confucius Institutes recommendation of experts on test question assignment/interview Confucius Institutes/Classrooms are strongly encouraged to host the test for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers! Conference attendees need to fill in the questionnaire attached after the test syllabus (trial version) and make sure to hand it to the registration desk of the hotel where the attendee settles in before 12:00 p.m., 8th of December. Contact: Sui Yanan (15011027412), Lu Shuangshuang (15201602599),Li Peize (13521516781).Or the attendee can download the syllabus and the attached form and send the finished version to Yu Yan (010-59307603, after the conference, download Confucius Institute Headquarters /Hanban December 2014

Questionnaire on Test for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers Confucius Institutes/Classrooms: Name: Phone: Email: 1. Comments and suggestions on content and form of the test 2. Willingness to host the test and suggestions on organization and implementation of the test 3. Confucius Institutes recommendation of experts on test question assignment/interview 4. Other Suggestions

Appendix Test Syllabus for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers (Trial Version) Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) 2014.12

CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION...1 1. Test Takers...1 2. Purpose...1 3. Requirements...1 4. Testing Dates and Registration...1 5. Content and Method...1 6. Test Score and Certificate...2 II. SCOPE AND STRUCTURE...2 1. Scope of the Test...2 2. Structure of the Test...7 III. SAMPLE...8 1. Written Examination...8 2. Interview...13

I. Introduction Test for Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers (hereinafter the Test ) is a standardized test launched and administered by Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban). In accordance with the Standards for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (2012) and by measuring test takers abilities in five domains, i.e. Basics in Chinese Language Teaching; Chinese Language Teaching Methodology; Instructional Design and Classroom Management; Chinese Culture and Cross-cultural Communication; and Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Development, the Test assesses whether they are qualified to serve as international Chinese language teachers. 1. Test Takers The Test is mainly targeted at teachers and volunteers currently engaged in Chinese language teaching at overseas Confucius Institutes (Classrooms). All others who aspire to dedicate themselves to a career in international Chinese language teaching, including teachers and students at all kinds of educational institutions of relevant majors both at home and abroad are also encouraged to take the Test. 2. Purpose 2.1 Serving as an important criterion for Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) in selecting and assessing Chinese language teachers and volunteers; 2.2 Serving as a reference for schools and educational institutions both at home and abroad in hiring and assessing Chinese language teachers. 3. Requirements 3.1 Law-abiding and passionate about international Chinese language teaching; 3.2 Holder of a bachelor s degree or higher (including fresh graduate); 3.3 Foreigners must reach HSK6 or the equivalent level; 3.4 Chinese citizens must pass Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) Grade 2 Level A, and must be proficient in one kind of foreign language. 4. Testing Dates and Registration The Test is administered annually on fixed dates. Please visit for the information on testing dates. The website also provides relevant services ranging from test registration to test score checking. 5. Content and Method The Test consists of two components: written examination and interview. Only those who have successfully passed the written examination can proceed to attend the interview. 5.1. Written examination The written part of the Test is composed of 150 objective type questions (full marks being 150), which are further divided into three parts: basic knowledge; capacity to apply; and comprehensive quality. The total testing time is 155 minutes (including 5 minutes to fill in answer sheets). 1

The written test questions are designed by taking Case-based approach, with relevant cases all selected from concrete teaching practices and coming in multiple and varied forms, covering texts from textbooks, syllabi and teaching programs, lesson plans and teaching journals, plans for intra-curricular and extra-curricular activities, students assignments and test papers, network-based and multimedia teaching resources, research reports, teacher stories, and news reports. 5.2. Interview The interview part of the Test is solely intended for test takers who have successfully passed the written examination, and is designed for the Test s panel of examiners to measure test takers abilities to comprehensively employ various approaches in designing lesson plans, organizing and implementing teaching processes, and fulfilling teaching tasks. Such basic professional qualities as interpersonal communication skills, psychological condition and verbal/nonverbal comportment in classroom settings are also observed and assessed during this section. Combining elements of structured interview and classroom simulation, the section comprises such three segments as a demo lesson, a trial lecture, and a Q&A, which lasts for 25 minutes in total. Test takers are given 20 minutes to prepare. Examiners will evaluate test takers overall performance during the interview section by assigning corresponding scores, with full marks being 100. 6. Test Score and Certificate Test takers may check their scores 20 working days after the written examination, or visit relevant test centers to pick up their score reports 35 working days after the examination. Test takers who have successfully passed the written examination may sign up for the interview section, and may check their scores or pick up their score reports at relevant test centers 20 working days after the interview. Only those who have successfully passed both the written examination and the interview can receive Certificate of International Chinese Language Teachers. The written examination scores of test takers who have passed the written examination but failed the interview remain valid for 2 years. II. Scope and Structure 1. Scope of the Test The written examination of the Test covers the five modules in the Standards for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (2012), i.e. Basics in Chinese Language Teaching; Chinese Language Teaching Methodology; Instructional Design and Classroom Management; Chinese Culture and Cross-cultural Communication; and Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Development. 2

Standard 1: Basics in Chinese Language Teaching Standards 1.1 Teachers should be competent in communicating in Chinese. 1.2 Teachers should demonstrate basic Chinese linguistic knowledge and the ability to conduct language analysis. 1.3 Teachers should demonstrate an understanding of basic principles of second language learning. 1.4 Teachers should be familiar with the basic principles and methods of teaching a second language. Content 1.1.1 Teachers should demonstrate appropriate competence in communicating in oral and written Chinese. 1.1.2 Teachers should have the awareness and ability to enhance their Chinese proficiency. 1.2.1 Teachers should demonstrate basic Chinese linguistic knowledge. 1.2.2 Teachers should demonstrate ability in analyzing Chinese phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and characters. 1.3.1 Teachers should demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts and major theories of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). 1.3.2 Teachers should demonstrate an understanding of basic processes in second language learning. 1.3.3 Teachers should demonstrate an understanding of the major factors affecting second language learning. 1.4.1 Teachers should be familiar with basic second language teaching principles, and be able to apply them into their teaching practice. 1.4.2 Teachers should be familiar with the major methods and techniques in second language teaching methodology. 3

Standard 2: Chinese Teaching Methodology Standards 2.1 Teachers should be familiar with the basic Chinese teaching principles and methodology. 2.2 Teachers should be familiar with the basic principles and methods for teaching Chinese phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and characters, understand the similarities and differences between Chinese and other languages, and be able to effectively apply them into teaching accordingly. 2.3 Teachers should be familiar with the approaches, methods and techniques for teaching Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing, and be able to demonstrate effective teaching. 2.4 Teachers should demonstrate knowledge and ability to apply modern educational technologies in their teaching of Chinese. Content 2.1.1 Teachers should be familiar with the basic principles and methods for teaching Chinese and be able to apply them in their teaching practice. 2.1.2 Teachers should be able to teach Chinese language according to different target learners and different teaching objectives, and to improve learners overall communicative competence. 2.2.1 Teachers should be familiar with the basic principles and concepts for teaching Chinese phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and characters. 2.2.2 Teachers should be familiar with methods and skills for teaching Chinese phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and characters and be able to use appropriate teaching methods according to the needs of different learners. 2.2.3 Teachers should demonstrate knowledge of and ability in language comparison. 2.2.4 Teachers should be able to identify, analyze and correct learners mistakes and errors efficiently and effectively. 2.3.1 Teachers should demonstrate an understanding of the instructional design for the teaching of Chinese language skills, including the defining characteristics of the course and its instructional objectives and teaching principles. 2.3.2 Teachers should be familiar with methods and skills in teaching Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing, and be able to teach these skills effectively. 2.3.3 Teachers should be able to design and organize classroom tasks and activities based on learners characteristics. 2.4.1 Teachers should demonstrate an understanding of modern educational technology and its role in Chinese teaching. 2.4.2 Teachers should demonstrate their abilities to integrate educational technologies into Chinese teaching. 4

Standard 3: Instructional Design and Classroom Management Standards 3.1 Teachers should be familiar with Chinese teaching standards and curricula and be able to plan their teaching effectively. 3.2 Teachers should be able to choose, modify and utilize Chinese textbooks and other teaching materials to suit their teaching needs. 3.3 Teachers should be able to design appropriate classroom activities and tasks. 3.4 Teachers should be able to demonstrate knowledge and ability in effective classroom management. 3.5 Teachers should be able to organize extra-curricular activities effectively. 3.6 Teachers should demonstrate basic knowledge of assessment and evaluation, and be able to conduct effective assessment and evaluation of learners. Content 3.1.1 Teachers should be familiar with major standards and curricula for Chinese language teaching. 3.1.2 Teachers should be able to design appropriate classroom teaching procedures and teaching syllabi. 3.1.3 Teachers should be able to write teaching plans based on teaching requirements. 3.2.1 Teachers should be familiar with popular Chinese textbooks. 3.2.2 Teachers should be able to choose, modify and utilize Chinese textbooks. 3.2.3 Teachers should be able to utilize modern technologies to make or select teaching and learning aids. 3.3.1 Teachers should be familiar with major types of classroom tasks and activities and their functions. 3.3.2 Teachers should be able to demonstrate abilities in designing and implementing effective classroom tasks and activities. 3.3.3 Teachers should be able to choose and create necessary teaching tools. 3.4.1 Teachers should demonstrate an understanding and ability to adapt to the classroom management styles of different countries and regions. 3.4.2 Teachers should be able to establish a positive Chinese learning classroom environment and atmosphere. 3.4.3 Teachers should be familiar with classroom management strategies and skills, and be able to apply them effectively in their teaching practice. 3.5.1 Teachers should be familiar with the formats, features and roles of extra-curricular activities. 3.5.2 Teachers should be familiar with basic methods and procedures in organizing extra-curricular activities. 3.5.3 Teachers should be able to organize effective extra-curricular activities according to learners characteristics. 3.6.1 Teachers should demonstrate their understanding of basic knowledge and major methods of assessment and evaluation. 3.6.2 Teachers should be able to choose or design appropriate assessment and evaluation tools according to different teaching objectives. 3.6.3 Teachers should be able to analyze the results of assessment and evaluation effectively, and be able to apply them in their teaching. 5

Standard 4: Chinese Culture and Cross-cultural Communication Standards 4.1 Teachers should be familiar with the basic knowledge of Chinese culture, and be able to explain and introduce Chinese culture into their teaching. 4.2 Teachers should be familiar with basic knowledge about contemporary China, and be able to introduce China to learners objectively and accurately. 4.3 Teachers should demonstrate an awareness of cross-cultural communication. 4.4 Teachers should be able to demonstrate skills in crosscultural communication. Content 4.1.1 Teachers should demonstrate their understanding of Chinese culture, its major characteristics, basic values and contemporary implications. 4.1.2 Teachers should be able to help their students understand the Chinese belief and value systems, ways of thinking and communication, and social and cultural customs by incorporating cultural products and practices into their teaching. 4.1.3 Teachers should be able to integrate aspects of Chinese culture in their language teaching. 4.1.4 Teachers should be familiar with Chinese Artistic Performance and be able to apply them in their teaching. 4.2.1 Teachers should be familiar with the basic knowledge about contemporary China. 4.2.2 Teachers should be familiar with the current important issues about contemporary China. 4.2.3 Teachers should be able to introduce China objectively and accurately. 4.3.1 Teachers should demonstrate their understanding of aspects of major cultures in the world. 4.3.2 Teachers should respect different cultures and have multicultural awareness. 4.3.3 Teachers should be aware of the major differences and similarities between Chinese culture and other major cultures and be mindful of them in teaching. 4.4.1 Teachers should demonstrate their understanding of basic principles and strategies in cross-cultural communication. 4.4.2 Teachers should be competent in cross-cultural communication, and be able to solve problems in teaching cross-cultural communication effectively. 4.4.3 Teachers should be able to use English or the native/ official language of the target country for communication, and as a pedagogical language for teaching Chinese if necessary. 6

Standard 5: Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Development Standards 5.1 Teachers should demonstrate professional ethics. 5.2 Teachers should demonstrate psychological soundness and readiness. 5.3 Teachers should demonstrate ability to conduct action research and an interest in disciplinary development. Content 5.1.1 Teachers should demonstrate their mindfulness and understanding of professional values, and be able to establish and maintain a professional reputation. 5.1.2 Teachers should comply with laws and regulations and professional moral standards. 5.2.1 Teachers should demonstrate psychological soundness with positive attitudes. 5.2.2 Teachers should demonstrate psychological readiness and selfadaptability in dealing with pressures and conflicts. 5.2.3 Teachers should demonstrate willingness and ability to collaborate with others. 5.2.4 Teachers should be able to conduct educational research and demonstrate awareness of reflective teaching. 5.2.5 Teachers should be familiar with the latest research findings, issues, and trends in the field, and participate in academic activities and professional training, and seek opportunities for disciplinary development. 2. Structure of the Test 2.1. Written Examination Component Content proportion Basic knowledge Basics in Chinese language teaching 20% Capacity to apply Comprehensive quality Chinese language teaching methodology; Instructional design and classroom management Chinese culture and cross-cultural communication; Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Development 50% 30% Total 100% 7

2.2. Interview 2.2.1 demo lesson It focuses on assessment of test takers capabilities in the following aspects: linguistic knowledge and linguistic analysis; application of second-language learning and teaching theories; instructional design. 2.2.2 trial lecture It focuses on assessment of test takers capabilities in the following aspects: verbal communication in Chinese; blackboard-writing design and Chinese characters writing; organization and implementation of classroom activities; application of teaching methods and auxiliary resources; classroom management and contingency handling. 2.2.3 Q&A It focuses on assessment of test takers capabilities in the following aspects: language-point analysis; the combination of Chinese artistic talents and teaching; multicultural awareness and intercultural communication; professionalism and career development. III. Sample 1. Written Examination 请从 A-E 中选出与文中划线词语对应的术语 每种术语只能选择一次, 其中有一个是多余的选项 A 单纯词 B 短语 C 单音词 D 不自由语素 E 离合词 8

我每天早上七点起床, 然后洗澡, 吃早饭喝 (1) 咖啡, 准备去上课, 我们的课上到十二点, 下课后我跟朋友 (2) 们一起去吃午饭 有时, 我有下午课, 所以吃饭后回家休息一下 四点左右我又去上课到六点 下课后, 我也跟朋友去吃晚饭, 但有时候我回家做饭 吃完饭以后, 我洗澡还有打扫一下房间, 什么 (3) 事儿都做完了, 我开始复习和预习准备明天的课 我每天学习到十点或者十一点左右学习完以后准备 (4) 睡觉 我每天就是这样, 朝九晚五, 很没意思, 对不对? 答案 :A D C E 阅读下列材料, 根据要求回答问题 以下是英国一所大学的孔子学院面向当地开设的一些中文课程 : 汉语与中国文化 (Level 1 2 3 4) 12 周,2 学时 / 周 ( 星期六 ) 孩子 中文演唱 2 学时 / 周 ( 星期六 ) 民族舞蹈 2 学时 / 周 ( 星期六 ) 汉语 ABC 品尝汉语 1 次,3 个小时 生存汉语 5 周,2 学时 / 周 ( 晚上 ) 成人 大家汉语旅游汉语中国书法中国绘画太极拳 12 周,10 学时 / 周 3 学时 / 周 2 学时 / 周 2 学时 / 周 2 学时 / 周 9

以下是这所大学的孔子学院备选教材的目录 : 备选教材一备选教材二备选教材三 Lesson 1 问候 ( 一 ) 你好语音 1. 声母 韵母 (1) 2. 拼音拼写说明 (1) 3. 声调变调 Lesson 2 问候 ( 二 ) 你身体好吗语音 1. 声母 韵母 (2) 2. 拼音拼写说明 (2) Lesson 3 问候 ( 三 ) 你工作忙吗语音 1. 不 一 的变调 2. 儿化 Lesson 4 相识 ( 一 ) 您贵姓语法 1. 吗? 2. 用疑问代词的问句 3. 形容词谓语句 Lesson 5 相识 ( 二 ) 我介绍一下儿语法 1. 动词谓语句 2. 是 字句 (1) Lesson 1 你好一 课文 生词二 注释三 语音练习 : 声母 韵母四 会话练习打招呼 问候五 语音 1. 声母和韵母 2. 发音要领 3. 声调 4. 三声变调 5. 拼写规则六 语法汉语的语序七 汉字汉字基本笔画 Lesson 2 你忙吗一 课文 生词二 注释三 语音练习 : 声母 韵母四 会话练习问候别人 问需要五 语音 1. 轻声 2. 发音要领 3. 拼写规则六 语法 1. 形容词谓语句 2. 用 吗 的是非问句七 汉字 UNIT1 ATIONALITIES AND CITIES Lesson 1 你是哪国人 Lesson 2 我从北京来 UNIT2 TIME AND DATE Lesson 3 现在几点 Lesson 4 今天几月几号 UNIT 3 LOCATIONS Lesson 5 你去学校吗 Lesson 6 妈妈在厨房 UNIT 4 CCUPATIONS Lesson 7 我爸爸是医生 Lesson 8 我想当音乐家 UNIT 5 ANIMALS AND NATURE Lesson 9 你喜欢什么动物 Lesson 10 山上有树 10

1. 根据上表的课程体系, 该孔子学院的教学目的不包括 : A. 鼓励民众系统地学习汉语 B. 让民众体验学习汉语的乐趣 C. 介绍 宣传中国的语言文化 D. 激发学习兴趣, 吸引民众主动接触汉语言 汉文化 2. 备选教材一最可能是一本以 为主要编写原则的教材? A. 文化与结构 B. 话题与结构 C. 文化与功能 D. 结构与功能 3. 最适合学习备选教材二的是 : A. 想去中国旅游的自由职业者 B. 刚刚进入汉语专业学习的大学生 C. 对汉语和中国文化感兴趣的退休人员 D. 一年后将被派到中国担任经理的公司职员 4. 最适合学习备选教材三的是 : A. 三岁时移民美国的华裔小学生 B. 不想学习汉字, 只想说汉语的大学生 C. 妻子是中国人 想系统学习汉语的大学教授 D. 看不懂汉字 但能说流利汉语的华裔中学生 5. 编写教材时, 螺旋式安排话题和结构的最大优点是 : A. 使每项技能都得到充分练习 B. 选题比较灵活, 不受功能的限制 C. 能灵活对各项技能进行综合训练 D. 在反复接触中巩固加深所学内容 答案 :A D B B D 11

阅读下列材料, 根据要求回答问题 翻开有关西域的历史书籍 汉书 西域传, 可以看到其中记载了西域 36 国在欧亚大陆的广阔腹地画出的绵延不绝的绿色长廊, 夏季走入这里与置身江南无异 昔日塔里木盆地一望无际的丰富水系滋润着万顷绿地 当年张骞肩负伟大历史使命西出阳关, 当他踏上这片想象中的不毛之地时, 却被它超凡脱俗的美景惊呆了 映入张骞眼中的是遍地的绿色和金黄的麦浪, 从此, 张骞率众人开辟了著名的丝绸之路 1. 下列关于 汉书 的说法正确的是 : A. 由东汉的历史学家班固编写 B. 是我国第一部编年体断代史 C. 与 资治通鉴 并称 史学双璧 D. 主要记载了从后周到西汉及王莽新朝的历史 2. 下列关于 丝绸之路 的说法正确的是 : A. 在唐代空前繁荣 B. 最初作用是运输中国古代出产的瓷器 C. 起始于古都洛阳, 连接亚 非 欧三大洲 D. 胡萝卜 洋葱等蔬菜经过丝绸之路传入西域 3. 下列国家哪个不与中国西部地区接壤? A. 阿富汗 B. 尼泊尔 C. 哈萨克斯坦 D. 土库曼斯坦 4. 如果教师想找一段视频展现丝绸之路, 他应该找后缀为 的文件 : A. avi B. mp3 C. wav D. wma 答案 :A A D A 12

( 玛丽来到中国朋友张梅的宿舍, 张梅正在试衣服 ) 玛丽 : 张梅, 你在忙什么呢? 张梅 : 我在试衣服呢 你看我穿这件衣服怎么样? 玛丽 : 太红了! 我觉得旁边那件蓝色的和那件黑色的都不错 张梅 : 蓝色的有点儿短 黑色的不能穿, 因为明天我要去参加婚礼 玛丽 : 为什么? 在我们国家, 穿什么颜色的都可以, 只要漂亮就行 1. 试 2. 蓝色 3. 黑色 4. 短 5. 参加 6. 婚礼 7. 颜色 8. 只要 就 请设定本课教学对象的年龄与汉语水平, 对教学目标 教学内容 ( 包括语言与文化 ) 教学重点与难点 教学步骤 课堂活动 使用的媒体和教具 课外活动设计进行简单的说明 请自行选择恰当的内容, 以考官为授课对象, 进行实际教学演示 要求 : 包括导入 讲解 操练 活动 板书 考官主要围绕以下两方面对考生进行提问 : 1. 根据考生试讲内容, 就教学方法 教学组织与课堂管理等进行提问 2. 根据提前准备好的若干结构化面试题目, 随机就考生的中华文化与跨文化交际 职业道德与专业发展, 以及沟通能力 应变能力和心理素质等基本职业素养进行提问 13