You are invited to view SKA Academy Of Art and Design's photo album: 2011 High Museum filed trip https:// sabahkinderart/ 2011Th

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We Visit, We See, We Learn High Museum Atlanta and Little Five Point computer graphic class field trip You are invited to view SKA Academy Of Art and Design's photo album: 2011 High Museum filed trip 2011HighMuseumFiledTrip SKA is Awarded Candidacy for Accreditation by Southern Association of Colleges & Schools and Council on Accreditation & School Improvement (SACS CASI) SKA is a member of the National Art Education Association (NAEA) and Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA). Accreditation: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and Zoo

You are invited to view SKA Academy Of Art and Design's photo album: 2011 High Museum filed trip https:// sabahkinderart/ 2011TheLittleFivePoint#

We Visit, We See, We Learn In Sabah Kinder Arts (SKA) Academy, we believe that children should get the chance to explore and see the things they are learning through their own perceptions. By doing so, children will be able to participate and learn in a handson experience, which in turn will motivate them and pique their interest in the subject they learn. In the field of art, visiting places outside the classroom allows the children to see art in the community around them, broadening their perspectives and enlivening their conventional art lessons with resources from the world outside. In lieu of this, SKA has recently organized two field trips, one to the High Museum of Atlanta and another to the Little Five Point. The field trip to the High Museum of Atlanta was held on the 7th of April 2011 from 12.45 to 3.00 p.m. It was open for all SKA art students, so 60 students under the lead of 9 volunteers participated in this trip. Here, SKA would like to extend its gratitude to the senior students: Annette Sujo, Anthony Yan & Claire Chang and parents: Anna Shih, Chenyue Mao, Mark Tudor, Famina Tamin, Evelyn Noyphao, Feijun Luo for volunteering to help on this field trip. About 8 or 9 students were assigned to one adult so that the children will receive ample attention and care throughout the event. First, the students participated in the First Look Tour through the permanent collection gallery, where the museum guides were available to provide explanations and the stories of the contemporary art pieces displayed there. It was indeed an eye-opening experience for the children to browse through the variety of quirky, imaginative and original artwork in the High Museum. They got to witness how in some cases, basic patterns, colors and shapes can be combined to create an ingenious piece of art. Then, the children went on to a workshop organized by the staff members, where they learned to use lines, shapes and forms plus creativity in designing patterns to create a paper plate design. Under the guidance of the staff members, SKA students utilized the new techniques and skills they have learned to produce artistic, beautiful paper plates.

What Greenwich Village is to New York, Little Five Points is to Atlanta. Located along the boundary between two turn-of-the-century residential neighborhoods, Inman Park and Virginia-Highland, the business area reflects its bohemian air in unique businesses, cultural activities and colorful people. The other field trip was to the Little Five Points and was organized for students taking computer graphic classes. This excursion gave SKA students the opportunity to learn while exploring the outdoors. The main aim of this field trip was for SKA students to take footage and photos to be used in the coming PTSA Reflections project. Besides, they also learned how to interview people, ask questions relating to movies, take pictures in an outdoor setting and use the correct angle while taking footage of scenes. By interacting with the people who have expertise in certain fields and applying their knowledge gained from lessons and such, SKA students can certainly benefit from this experience as they observe and learn from the people around them. Apart from the two field trips mentioned above, SKA has more planned for the future. One of them is a visit to Apple Computers to learn a new I-Movie program, which caters for students taking computer classes at SKA. One more coming up is a visit to the Atlanta Institute of Art, open for both students and parents, while another is planned for the Savannah College of Art and Design University, for middle to high school students and their parents. Children might be more able to understand the relevance and importance of their lessons when they see the real-life application of what they are studying. In the field of art, field trips allow children to get such an experience as they see how art is like in the world outside the classroom. This will certainly boost their motivation and passion for art as they appreciate the different ways art can be applied in their daily lives. Seeing how successful and beneficial the previous field trips are, SKA will definitely continue organizing field trips to various places to open up new ideas, concepts and opportunities to its students.

SKA艺术设计学院的户外活动 沙巴艺术设计学院 (美國藝術教育協會會員及家長, 教師全國會員代表, 与美國百里延绵壁画行 动合作夥伴) 艺术之城, SKA的使命, Gwinnett 的未来 春天来到了 在这美好的季节 所有的生命力都绽放在 季节不但为人们带来欢喜的气氛 它也是艺术家们充满 光的沐浴下 这个 感的季节之一 如此代表着艺 术的季节 SKA艺术设计学院当然把握着此机会 举行一连串的户外活动 好让学生们 能 享受外面 光的普照的同时吸收春天满满的艺术气息 在4月6日 SKA的第一个户外活动 是专为电脑绘画班的 学生所举办的 这个活动虽 然只持续了短短的 个小时 当学生所学习到很多 事物 活动的地点是在被誉为亚特兰大 的 Greenwich Village Little Five Points 在 这个小小的区域上他们文化背景却是无比广大 集 合这 个世纪的特点 SKA学生们的作业便是为了 准备下一期的Reflections 作品而收索各 需要的照 片或影片 除此之外 此活动的另一个目的也是为了培训孩子进行采访 除了学习正 提问方法以外 孩子们也学习如何以各 的 角度进行摄影以及如何配合着户外环境使用相 机 而在4月7日 SKA进行了我们的第二个户外活动 由于活动是 放于所有 SKA的学生 我们得到了更热烈的响应 活动当天一共有60位学生的参与 当中包括了

9 3 SKA 资 Annette Sujo, Anthony Yan & Claire Chang 6 长 Anna Shih, Chenyue Mao, Mark Tudor, Famina Tamin, Evelyn Noyphao, & Feijun Luo 带领 们 High Museum Of Art Atlanta 组 组则 长带领 动 览 馆 这 绝 现时 艺术 经过领队 释 们 时 艺术风 动 则 艺术 这 们 刚刚 资讯 实 SKA 编 项 让 们 记 习 识 让 动 SKA 续 举办户 动 们 动 质 现 SKA 动 为 们 习 为 SKA 为 间 为优 艺术设计 SKA 创办 师 举办 3 户 动 Apple Store 电脑 释 电脑绘 观亚 兰 Savannah College of Art and Design SKA 观 Atlanta Institute of Art 亚 兰 艺术设计 SKA 长 们 过这 户 动让 习 2011 Copyright, SABAH KINDER ART. All Rights Reserved. The copying or republication of SKA Content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of SKA.