2017 SCORING GUIDELINES Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 EXCELLENT Demonstrates excellence in 5 VERY GOOD Suggests excellence in 4 GOOD Demonstr

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2017 AP Chinese Language and Culture Sample Student Responses and Scoring Inside: RR Interpersonal Speaking Conversation RR Scoring Guideline RR Student Samples RR Scoring College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Central, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program: apcentral.collegeboard.org

2017 SCORING GUIDELINES Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 EXCELLENT Demonstrates excellence in 5 VERY GOOD Suggests excellence in 4 GOOD Demonstrates competence in 3 ADEQUATE Suggests competence in 2 WEAK Suggests lack of competence in 1 VERY WEAK Demonstrates lack of competence in 0 UNACCEPTABLE Contains nothing that earns credit TASK COMPLETION DELIVERY LANGUAGE USE provides a very thorough and appropriate response; includes elaboration and detail Smoothly connected sentences provides a thorough and appropriate response; may include elaboration and detail Connected sentences provides an appropriate response Sentences may be loosely connected provides a basic but appropriate answer Disconnected sentences provides an appropriate but incomplete answer Fragmented sentences Addresses prompt minimally or marginally Very disjointed sentences or isolated words Natural pace and intonation, with minimal hesitation or repetition Accurate pronunciation (including tones), with minimal errors Consistent use of register appropriate to situation Smooth pace and intonation, with occasional hesitation and repetition Occasional errors in pronunciation (including tones) Consistent use of register appropriate to situation except for occasional lapses Generally consistent pace and intonation, with intermittent hesitation and repetition May have several errors in pronunciation (including tones), which do not necessitate special listener effort May include several lapses in otherwise consistent use of register appropriate to situation Inconsistent pace and intonation, with hesitation and repetition that interfere with comprehension Errors in pronunciation (including tones) sometimes necessitate special listener effort Use of register appropriate to situation is inconsistent or includes many errors Labored pace and intonation, with frequent hesitation and repetition Frequent errors in pronunciation (including tones) necessitate constant listener effort Frequent use of register inappropriate to situation Very labored pace and intonation, with constant hesitation and repetition Frequent errors in pronunciation (including tones) necessitate intense listener effort Constant use of register inappropriate to situation Mere restatement of the prompt Clearly does not respond to the prompt I don t know, I don t understand, Please repeat, or equivalent in Chinese Not in Mandarin Chinese Blank (although recording equipment is functioning) or mere sighs Rich and appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with minimal errors Wide range of grammatical structures, with minimal errors Appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with sporadic errors Variety of grammatical structures, with sporadic errors Mostly appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Mostly appropriate grammatical structures, with errors that do not generally obscure meaning Limited appropriate vocabulary and idioms, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning; intermittent interference from another language Mostly simple grammatical structures, with frequent errors that sometimes obscure meaning Minimal appropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that obscure meaning; repeated interference from another language Limited grammatical structures, with frequent errors that obscure meaning Insufficient, inappropriate vocabulary, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning; constant interference from another language Little or no control of grammatical structures, with frequent errors that significantly obscure meaning

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 1 Note: Student responses are quoted verbatim and may contain grammatical errors. In the transcripts of students speech quoted in the commentaries, a three-dot ellipsis indicates that the sample has been excerpted. Two dots indicate that the student paused while. Overview This task assessed ability in the mode of communication by having students respond to a series of questions in a simulated conversation. The task consisted of a statement identifying an interlocutor and a conversation topic followed by six questions. Students were allotted 20 seconds to speak at each turn in the conversation. Students should demonstrate the ability to interact appropriately, given the specified cultural context, in an unrehearsed, spontaneous fashion, and their responses should reflect integration of a variety of critical thinking skills, such as analyzing, synthesizing, comparing, and evaluating, in the process of negotiating meaning. Score: 6 我學中文的目的就為了更好了解中國的文化, 並且能與我的中國朋友們進行交流 我覺得只有學好一個國家的語言才能去更加深入了解這個國家, 對國家更加深入的文化 This response directly addresses the prompt and provides a very thorough and appropriate answer with well-connected sentences. The pace and intonation are both natural, with minimal hesitation or repetition. Vocabulary is rich and appropriate ( 了解, 進行交流, 更加深入 ), and grammatical structures are varied ( 為了, 更好, 並且, 只有... 才能 ). Score: 3 Uh.. 我學中文的目的是, 我想會跟我的家人會說好的中文 This response directly addresses the prompt and provides a basic but appropriate response. However, the pace is inconsistent, vocabulary is limited ( 家人, 好的中文 ), and grammatical structures are simple.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 1 (continued) Score: 1 我學 [xue4] 中文.. uh 六六年,uh 在我的 uh uh 高中,um 我們 uh.. 學很多中國 The response addresses the prompt only minimally with very disjointed sentences. Pace and intonation are very labored with constant hesitation and frequent errors in pronunciation, e.g., 學 [xue2] is pronounced as 學 [xue4]. The response also uses insufficient vocabulary and shows little control of grammar. Except for the first short sentence, the rest of the response is fragmented.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 2 Score: 6 我選北 [bei1] 京的項目因為北京是中國的首都, 也是中國的政治文化的地標 [biao3] 了解北京能幫助我更了解中國的文化和歷史 北京也有很多旅行景點和文化地標 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a very thorough and appropriate answer. Sentences are smoothly connected, and delivered in a natural pace without any hesitation or repetition. Pronunciation is clear and accurate with minimal errors ( 地標 [biao3]). The response uses rich and appropriate vocabulary ( 首都, 政治, 文化, 了解, 歷史, 景點 ) and accurate grammatical structures ( 我選北 [bei1] 京的項目因為北京是中國的首都, 也是中國的政治文化的地標 [biao3]). Score: 4 北京是很大的城市,uh 北京有 uh 很多人, 所以我可以看很多的 uh 文化,uh 中國的文化 Uh.. 我也喜歡很大的城市 Uh.. The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate answer. Sentences are loosely connected due to limited use of transitional elements ( 所以 ), and the pace of delivery is generally consistent with intermittent hesitation and repetition. The use of vocabulary and grammatical structures is mostly appropriate, with errors ( 可以看很多的 uh 文化, uh 中國的文化 ) that do not generally obscure meaning. Score: 2 因為你們 h- 是很好 [hao4] 的項 [xiang3] 目,uh 我最喜歡你的項目, 因為你的項目很漂亮 北京的項目, 比你的 x- 沒你的項目漂亮 The response directly addresses the prompt with an appropriate but incomplete answer. Sentences are disjointed, and the pace of delivery is labored. This response contains frequent errors that obscure meaning. For example, the meaning of 你的項目很漂亮 and 比你的 x- 沒你的項目漂亮 is not clear.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 3 Score: 5 我覺得在中國的時候, 除了學習以外, 另外一個提高中文 [guo2] 水平的好方法就是跟在中國的中國人說話, 就是因為他們的中文很好, 和常常練習中文是個提高中文的的好方法 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a thorough and appropriate answer with some elaboration ( 就是因為他們的中文很好 ). The sentences are well connected ( 除了... 以外, 另外 ). Pace and intonation are smooth, and the pronunciation is accurate. The response contains appropriate vocabulary ( 提高中文水平 ) and a variety of grammatical structures. Score: 3 我覺得 uh 同同 uh 朋友說話的中文, 會幫我好一點, 因為我們會 uh 看著 uh 想去哪裏啊, 有什麼好東西做啊,uh 和.. uh 吃好不好, 那種東西會幫我 The response directly addresses the prompt with a basic answer ( 同 uh 朋友說話的中文, 會幫我好一點 ). The pace is inconsistent, with hesitation and repetition, and the sentences are disconnected. The response contains limited vocabulary and mostly simple grammatical structures with errors. Score: 1 啊比如除了在學校學中文, 可以去看什麼北京那個,uh 北京, 北京... The response addresses the prompt minimally ( 去看什麼北京 ) with disjointed sentences. The pace is labored with hesitation and repetition. Insufficient vocabulary and grammatical resources limit the student's ability to respond.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 4 Score: 6 我願意在中國家庭住, 因為我來這兒為了學習漢語, 多了解中國文化, 所以我住在中國人家的話, 我可以更了解中國文化, 而且我可以積累知識 謝謝 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a very thorough and appropriate answer ( 我願意在中國家庭住, 因為我來這兒為了學習漢語, 多了解中國文化 ). It is presented in smoothly connected sentences ( 所以... 而且...), and the speaker speaks with accurate pronunciation and a natural pace and intonation. The response includes rich and appropriate vocabulary, such as 了解, 文化, 積累, 知識. It also has a wide range of grammatical structures with minimal errors, such as [ 是 ] 為了. Score: 4 Uh 我想 [shang2] 住在一個中文 uh 中人的家, 因為 uh 如果我在中文中人的家, 他們可以幫助 [zhu1] 我 um 幫助我的中文 但是在 uh 在學校我住在 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate response ( 因為 uh 如果我在中文中人的家, 他們可以幫助 [zhu1] 我 um 幫助我的中文 ). Sentences are connected, and the pace and intonation are generally consistent, with intermittent hesitation and repetition. The response has several errors in pronunciation ( 想 [shang2], 助 [zhu1]) but does not necessitate special listener effort. The response has vocabulary errors ( 中文中人的家 ) that do not obscure meaning. It also includes a grammatical error ( 在學校我住在 ) that does not obscure meaning. Score: 1 我現在 uh 住在 uh 中國的家裏, 我和 uh 一個中國的 uh 學生做朋友, 所以他給我同他 The response addresses the prompt only marginally ( 我現在 uh 住在 uh 中國的家裏 ) without providing an appropriate and clear answer. Its insufficient vocabulary and grammatical structures with errors significantly obscure meaning in the last sentence fragment ( 所以他給我同他 ).

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 5 Score: 5 我覺得 uh 看,uh 我覺得最難的會是跟別人說話, 雖然我覺得我的中文水平很好, 我從來沒有去中國, 我去中國的時候, 中國人說得很快, 然後他們說的東西都是 uh 新對我新的東西 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a thorough and detailed answer ( 我覺得最難的會是跟別人說話... 我從來沒有去中國 ) with further elaboration ( 中國人說得很快 ; 他們說的東西都是... 新的東西 ). The response is delivered in a smooth pace with occasional hesitation. Appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures are used with sporadic errors (e.g., 沒去中國 instead of 沒去過中國 ; 對我...instead of 對我來說 ). However, the errors do not obscure meaning. Score: 3 Uh 我覺得去中國時候, 最難東西就是新的地方, 因為中國比美國 uh 的環境.. 不一樣, 我就會有一個很 [hen2] 難時候 uh adapt 新的環境 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a basic but appropriate answer 最難東西就是新的地方, 因為中國比美國的環境不一樣. The pace of the response is generally consistent, with intermittent hesitation and repetition. Use of vocabulary is appropriate. There is a grammatical error (e.g., 我就會有一個很 [hen2] 難時候 ) that obscures meaning. Score: 1 我難適應 uh 因為 uh 我可可以學這個中文在 um 中國的 um 政治 uh sh- 我可以學政治的中文 The response addresses the prompt only minimally: 我難適應... 因為... The response is presented with very disjointed sentences (e.g., 我可可以學這個中文在 um 中國的 um 政治 uh sh-) and a labored pace with constant hesitation. It also shows little control of grammatical structures. Except for the last sentence ( 我可以學政治的中文 ) the rest of the response contains grammatical errors.

Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation 6 Score: 5 我會約幾個學生 q- 同學去中國的各處名勝古跡觀察, 例如 : 去了北京之後, 我們可以去長城 見他們故宮等地方, 去了解中國的各種文化, 從此從而對中國文化更了解 The response directly addresses the prompt ( 去中國的各處名勝古跡觀察 ; 了解中國的各種文化 ) and provides a thorough and appropriate answer that includes elaboration and detail, for example: 去了北京之後, 我們可以去長城 見他們故宮等地方. It is presented with connected sentences and a smooth pace and intonation. The response uses appropriate vocabulary and a variety of grammatical structures ( 約..., 各處名勝古跡, 去了北京之後, 從而... 更...) with sporadic errors, such as 見... 地方, 從此. Score: 3 我.. 因為我住 [zhu3] 在中國家人裏, 我可以跟他們 uh 講一講暑假的時候可以做什麼, 知道要.. 比較認識.. um 文化 The response directly addresses the prompt and provides a basic but appropriate answer ( 住在中國家人裏 ; 認識文化 ). Sentences are disconnected (e.g., 講一講暑假的時候可以做什麼, 知道要.. 比較認識.. um 文化 ), and the pace and intonation are inconsistent and labored with hesitation. The response contains limited vocabulary and mostly simple grammatical structures (e.g., 我住 [zhu3] 在中國家人裏, 我可以跟他們 uh 講一講暑假的時候可以做什麼 ). Score: 2 OK, 在以後我 x- 我希望 [xi3 wang2] uh sh- 在中國,uh 做工作,uh The response directly addresses the prompt and provides an appropriate but incomplete answer ( 希望在中國做工作 ) without mentioning the "why" part of the prompt. The pace and intonation are labored with frequent hesitation. It also contains minimal vocabulary and limited grammatical structures ( 在以後我 x- 我希望 uh sh- 在中國,uh 做工作 ).