does not charge us to live according to ethics or virtues; it charges us to live according to Christ. Christ must be everything in our daily living. H

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71 新約聖經的福音 3


Life-Study of Philippians Message 1 The Background and Subject of the Book Scripture Reading: Phil. 1:1-18, 27-30; 2:1-5, 12-16; 3:2-11; 4:2-3, 14-19 In the Bible there are two books which are concerned with experience rather than with doctrine. These books are Song of Songs and Philippians. Apparently these books have no relation to each other. But if we get into the depths of these books, we shall find that they are sister books and that both are concerned with the experience of Christ. For this reason, it would be helpful to study the Song of Songs along with the book of Philippians. We have pointed out that four New Testament books make up the heart of the divine revelation. These books are Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Galatians, Ephesians, and Colossians all have a similar pattern of composition. In these books Paul first presents doctrines, then experience. After setting forth a certain doctrine, Paul encourages us to walk according to that doctrine. Ephesians, for example, is written in two main parts. The first part, chapters one through three, sets forth the doctrine regarding the church, the Body of Christ. But the second section, composed of chapters four through six, is concerned with our walk according to the doctrine unfolded in the first three chapters. Since Ephesians is composed in this way, it is a book of both doctrine and experience. In principle, the same is true of Galatians and Colossians. The book of Philippians, however, is different in this regard. It is not Paul s intention in writing this book to convey doctrine. This does not mean that there is no doctrinal element in this book. All the New Testament writings have a doctrinal ingredient. But strictly speaking, Philippians is not concerned with doctrine; it is concerned with the experience of Christ. In 1:20 Paul says, Christ shall be magnified in my body, and in 1:21 he declares, To me to live is Christ. These two statements represent the basic concept of the whole book. In this book we are charged to magnify Christ and to live Him. To magnify Christ is not only to express Him; it is to express Christ by causing Him to be enlarged. We should magnify Christ by living Him in a practical way day by day. Our daily living should be a living that lives Christ. Certain ethical teachings encourage people to live by particular virtues. The book of Philippians, however, 腓立比書生命讀經 第一篇 腓立比書的背景和主題 讀經 : 腓立比書 1:1-18,27-30,2:1-5, 12-16,3:2-11,4:2-3, 14-19 聖經中有兩卷書是講經歷過於講道理的, 就是雅歌和腓立比書 表面看來, 這兩卷書互不相關 ; 但我們若深入其中, 就會發現這兩卷是姊妹書, 二者都與經歷基督有關 因這緣故, 讀腓立比書同時也讀雅歌, 一定會有幫助 我們曾經指出, 新約中有四卷書構成神聖啟示的心臟 這四卷書就是加拉太書 以弗所書 腓立比書和歌羅西書 加拉太書 以弗所書 和歌羅西書結構的模式很類似 在這三卷書裏, 保羅先題出道理, 再說到經歷 保羅陳明一種道理之後, 就鼓勵我們照著那個道理行事為人 例如, 以弗所書分為兩個主要部分 第一部分是一至三章, 說到召會就是基督的身體這個道理 ; 但由四至六章所組成的第二段, 則說到我們照著前三章所啟示的道理而有的行事為人 保羅這樣寫了以弗所書, 所以這是一卷兼有道理和經歷的書 原則上, 加拉太書和歌羅西書也是一樣 然而, 腓立比書就這一面來說就不同了 ; 保羅寫這卷書無意陳述道理 這不是說這卷書裏沒有道理的成分 全部新約的著作都含有道理的成分 但嚴格說來, 腓立比書不是講道理, 而是講對基督的經歷 在一章二十節保羅說, 總叫基督在我身體上, 現今也照常顯大 ; 在二十一節他宣告說, 在我, 活著就是基督 這兩句話代表整卷書的基本觀念 這卷書囑咐我們要顯大基督並活基督 顯大基督不只是彰顯祂, 乃是使祂得著擴大而彰顯祂 我們應當天天實際的活基督以顯大基督 我們的日常生活應當是活基督的生活 有些倫常的教訓勉勵人憑一些特殊的美德來生活 然而, 腓立比書沒有囑 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 1 - Page 1 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 1 篇第 1 頁

does not charge us to live according to ethics or virtues; it charges us to live according to Christ. Christ must be everything in our daily living. He must be even such virtues as humility and kindness. Before Paul was saved, his life was centered around the law, and he lived the law. But after he was converted to Christ and was regenerated, he began to live Christ. Christ became not only Paul s life, but also his living. Eventually, according to his experience, Paul could declare that to him to live was Christ. 咐我們要照著倫理或美德而活 ; 乃是囑咐我們要照著基督而活 在我們的日常生活中, 基督必須是一切 甚至祂必須就是謙卑 仁慈等美德 保羅得救以前的生活是以律法為中心, 他也活律法 但他歸向基督 得重生之後, 就開始活基督 基督不只成為保羅的生命, 也成為保羅的生活 最終, 照著保羅的經歷, 他能宣告 : 在他, 活著就是基督 I. THE BACKGROUND 壹 背景 In this message we shall consider the background and subject of Philippians. Every book in the Bible has both a background and a subject. Since the book of Philippians is concerned with the experience of Christ, some may think that there is no need to consider the background. However, even this book on the experience of Christ was written with a certain kind of background. This background is the reason the book was written. In order to get into the depths of the significance of this book, we must know its background. The book of Philippians does not say explicitly what the background is. But as we consider Paul s statements and exhortations in this book, we detect certain hints regarding the background. If we read the four chapters of this book carefully, we shall find four elements related to the background. A. The Judaizers Exercising Their Influence over the Believers in Christ At the time the book of Philippians was written, the Judaizers were exercising their influence over the believers in Christ (3:2-4). The Judaizers were very strong for the Jewish religion. They not only practiced their religion, but they promoted it and even fought for it. The most zealous of the Judaizers were the Pharisees, those who were most orthodox in the religion of their fathers. As a result of the Jewish dispersion, these Judaizers were spread over the Mediterranean region. Wherever Jews were found, there would always be some Judaizers. No other group of people could match the zeal with which the Judaizers promoted their religion. Even in Philippi, a city in Macedonia, they were exercising their influence over the believers. In 3:1 Paul says, For the rest, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not irksome, and for you it is safe. This word indicates that to rejoice in the Lord is a safeguard, 在本篇信息中, 我們要來看腓立比書的背景和主題 聖經中每一卷書都有其背景和主題 既然腓立比書是論到對基督的經歷, 有些人可能認為沒有必要探討其背景 然而, 甚至這卷論到經歷基督的書也有某種的背景, 這個背景正是寫這卷書的原因 我們要深究這卷書的意義, 就必須知道其背景 腓立比書沒有明白說出其背景是甚麼 但我們思想保羅在這卷書中的陳述和勸勉, 就可以看出一些有關其背景的端倪來 我們若仔細的讀這卷書的各章, 就會找到與其背景有關的四個因素 一熱中猶太教者對於 在基督裏的信徒造成影響 在寫腓立比書的時候, 熱中猶太教者對於在基督裏的信徒很有影響 ( 三 2 ~ 4 ) 這些熱中猶太教者很強的支持猶太教 他們不只奉行自己的宗教, 並且大力推廣, 甚至為此而戰 其中最熱心的是法利賽人, 他們在祖宗遺傳下來的宗教裏是最正統的派別 因著猶太人分散了, 這些熱中猶太教者就遍佈在地中海一帶 那裏有猶太人, 那裏就有熱中猶太教者 沒有一個團體比得上熱中猶太教者這樣熱心的推廣他們的宗教 就連在馬其頓的一個城市 腓立比, 他們也一直對信徒們造成影響 在三章一節保羅說, 還有, 我的弟兄們, 你們要在主裏喜樂 把同樣的話寫給你們, 於我並不為難, 於你們卻是妥當 這話指明在主裏喜樂是一種 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 1 - Page 2 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 1 篇第 2 頁

a security. When we rejoice in Him, we are safe. Rejoicing protects us. When Paul wrote the book of Philippians, certain believers in Philippi were not rejoicing in the Lord, for they were being troubled or distracted by those described in verse 2. In this verse Paul says, Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the concision. On the one hand, Paul tells us to rejoice; on the other hand, he tells us to beware of the dogs. As we shall see, the dogs here refer to the Judaizers. Today there are also dogs of which we need to beware. In fact, in Paul s time there was just one group of dogs, the Judaizers, but today there are many different kinds of dogs. Whenever these dogs exercise their influence, perhaps by spreading evil rumors about the Lord s recovery, we may find it difficult to rejoice. Thus, we need Paul s exhortation to rejoice and to beware of dogs. According to the construction of 3:2, the dogs, the evil workers, and the concision all refer to the same people. The fact that the dogs are associated with the evil workers and the concision indicates that the dogs are religious people. The evil workers mentioned here were not thieves. They were those who advocated circumcision. But as they zealously promoted circumcision, they were like barking dogs. For this reason, Paul uses the terms evil workers and the concision, as expressions of extreme contempt. As religious dogs, the Judaizers were not only barking ones, but also biting ones. Wherever the gospel was preached and churches were established, the Judaizers came as barking, biting, religious dogs to trouble the saints. The barking and biting of the Judaizers was one aspect of the background against which the book of Philippians was written. Today there are a number of different groups of barking religious dogs. Wherever we may go, we are troubled by the different religious parties. In principle, our situation is the same as that of the Philippians when Paul wrote to them. Like the believers at Philippi, we urgently need the experience of Christ. If the Philippians were in need of the experience of Christ because of their background, how much more do we need to experience Him because of the situation in which we find ourselves today! The Philippians had to deal with only one ism, but we must deal with many isms, with many groups of barking religious dogs. When we rise up to speak concerning the experience of Christ, these dogs come to bark and to bite. The writings of the opposers, in which many false accusations are made against us, may be regarded as the barking of religious dogs. 保護 保障 當我們在祂裏面喜樂時, 我們就是安全的 喜樂護衛了我們 保羅寫腓立比書的時候, 腓立比的一些信徒並沒有在主裏喜樂, 因為他們正受到二節所說那班人的攪擾和迷惑 二節保羅說, 你們要提防犬類, 提防作惡的, 提防妄自行割的 保羅一面告訴我們要喜樂, 另一面告訴我們要提防犬類 我們會看見, 這裏的 犬類 是指熱中猶太教者 今天我們也必須提防 犬類 事實上, 在保羅的時代只有一群 犬類, 就是熱中猶太教者 ; 但今天有各種不同的 犬類 每當這些犬類來騷擾, 也許是藉著散播有關主恢復的邪惡謠言來騷擾時, 我們就很難喜樂 因此, 我們需要保羅的勸勉 : 要喜樂, 並要提防 犬類 根據三章二節的結構, 犬類 作惡的 妄自行割的, 都是指同一班人 犬類 與作惡的 妄自行割的有關係, 這事實指明 犬類 乃是熱心宗教的人 作惡的在這裏不是指盜賊, 而是那些主張行割禮的人 他們熱心推廣割禮的時候, 正像狂吠的狗一般 因這緣故, 保羅用了 作惡的 和 妄自行割的 這兩個極端輕蔑的辭 這些熱中猶太教的宗教 犬類, 不只亂吼亂叫, 也亂咬人 凡是福音所到之處, 有召會建立的地方, 熱中猶太教者就像狂吠 亂咬的宗教 犬類 來擾亂聖徒 保羅寫腓立比書所對抗的背景之一, 就是熱中猶太教者的狂吠與亂咬 今天有許多不同狂吠的宗教 犬類 不論我們走到那裏, 總會受到各種宗教團體的擾亂 原則上, 我們的處境與當初保羅寫信給腓立比人時的處境相同 我們和腓立比的信徒一樣迫切的需要經歷基督 如果腓立比人因著他們的背景而需要經歷基督, 我們處在今天的環境中, 就更需要經歷基督了 腓立比人只要應付一個教派, 而我們必須對付許多教派, 許多狂吠的宗教 犬類 當我們起來論到經歷基督的事, 這些 犬類 就來狂吠 亂咬 反對者的著作中, 有許多敵擋我們的不實控告, 這些都可以看作宗教的 犬類 在那裏亂吼亂叫 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 1 - Page 3 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 1 篇第 3 頁

Because of the influence the Judaizers were exerting over the saints, Paul was compelled to warn the saints at Philippi to beware of dogs. It was not easy for him to utter such a word, for these barking dogs were his countrymen. Paul was very patriotic, and he had a deep love for the Jewish nation. This made it difficult for him to refer to certain of his countrymen as dogs. But the situation forced him to use such a strong expression. Even though the Judaizers were among Paul s countrymen, his kinsmen according to the flesh, he could not refrain from calling them dogs, evil workers, the concision. The influence of these dogs was an important part of the background of the book of Philippians. Since, in principle, our situation is the same today, we must consider that Philippians was written for us also. In their situation, the Philippian believers needed the experience of Christ, and in our situation today we need all the more to experience Him. B. The Judaistic Believers Preaching Christ because of Envy and Strife in Rivalry with the Apostle Paul According to 1:15-18, some were preaching Christ because of envy and strife and out of rivalry. In particular, they were in rivalry with Paul. Those who preached Christ in this way were the Judaistic believers, believers in Christ who held to the Jewish religion and who were bringing certain aspects of Judaism into the church life. Their holding on to the things of Judaism caused them to preach Christ in rivalry with Paul, who renounced Judaism with its law, rituals, traditions, and practice of circumcision. Since the Judaistic believers still held to these religious things, they were preaching Christ out of envy and strife. Nevertheless in 1:18 Paul could say, What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is announced, and in this I rejoice, yes, and I will rejoice. Paul admitted that even those who preached because of envy and strife and out of rivalry were still preaching Christ. He could rejoice in the fact that Christ was announced. Whereas Paul preached Christ with God s economy, others preached Christ with Judaism. Thus, there were two different ways of preaching Christ. The same is true today. Many Christians are preaching Christ, but they are not preaching Christ with God s economy concerning the church. In Paul s time, the Judaistic believers preached Christ out of a concern for Judaism, not out of a concern for the church. In a sense, they even preached Christ for Judaism. Paul, however, preached Christ for the 因著熱中猶太教者對聖徒的影響, 保羅不得不警告腓立比的聖徒要提防 犬類 要他說出這樣一個辭來很不容易, 因為這些狂吠的 犬類 是他本國的人 保羅非常愛國, 他也深愛猶太民族 因此, 要他稱自己的一些同胞為 犬類, 實在很難 但是當時的情勢逼他非使用這樣強烈的措辭不可 即使熱中猶太教者是保羅的同胞, 是他的骨肉之親, 他也不得不稱他們為 犬類 作惡的 妄自行割的 這些 犬類 的影響在腓立比書的背景當中, 佔很重要的地位 原則上, 我們今天的處境也是一樣, 所以我們必須看見腓立比書也是為我們寫的 腓立比的信徒在他們的處境中需要經歷基督, 我們在今天的景況中更需要經歷祂 二 熱中猶太教的信徒傳基督是因著嫉妒爭競, 為要與使徒保羅相爭 根據一章十五至十八節, 有些人傳基督是 因著嫉妒爭競, 出於私圖好爭 ; 他們特別是要與保羅相爭 這樣傳基督的人就是那些熱中猶太教的信徒 ; 他們是在基督裏的信徒, 卻固守猶太教, 並且把猶太教的一些東西帶進召會生活裏 因著他們持守猶太教的東西, 這就使他們在傳基督的事上與保羅成了對頭 ; 因保羅已棄絕了猶太教以及猶太教的律法 儀式 傳統和割禮的作法 熱中猶太教的信徒仍舊持守這些宗教的事物, 所以他們傳基督就是出於嫉妒爭競 然而在一章十八節保羅卻能說, 這有何妨呢? 或假意, 或真誠, 無論怎樣, 基督究竟被宣傳開了, 為此我就歡喜, 並且還要歡喜 保羅承認, 那些人即使是因著嫉妒爭競, 仍然是傳揚基督 他能因著基督被傳開這事實而歡喜 保羅是傳基督連同神的經綸, 而其餘的人傳基督卻攙進了猶太教 所以這裏有兩種傳基督不同的方式 今天的情形也是一樣 許多基督徒傳基督, 但他們並不是傳基督連同神對召會的經綸 在保羅的時代, 熱中猶太教的信徒傳基督是出於對猶太教的關切, 而不是出於對召會的關切 我們可以這麼說, 他們甚至是為猶太教而傳基督 ; 然而, 保羅是為召會, 就 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 1 - Page 4 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 1 篇第 4 頁

church, the Body of Christ. Paul was persecuted not mainly for simply preaching the gospel, but in particular for defending the gospel and confirming it. In 1:7 he speaks of the defense and confirmation of the gospel and in 1:16 he says that he was set for the defense of the gospel. The Judaistic believers, on the contrary, were perverting the gospel and distorting it. The gospel is not for Judaism, and it should not be preached for the purpose of bringing unbelievers under the law and to the practice of circumcision. To preach the gospel in this way is a perversion and distortion of the gospel. In his defense of the gospel, Paul made it clear that the goal of the gospel is to bring forth the Body of Christ, not to cause anyone to bear the mark of circumcision. As Paul preached the gospel in a positive, divine way, he also defended it and confirmed it. Paul s way of preaching the gospel was very different from that of the Judaistic believers. Therefore, at the time the book of Philippians was written, the gospel was preached in two different ways. Today we are also preaching the gospel in a way that is different from that followed by many in organized religion. Many are preaching the gospel, but not in the way that is in line with God s economy. Whenever we preach the gospel according to God s economy, as Paul did, we are opposed by the religionists. Because of the different ways of preaching Christ, persecution comes from the religious dogs. C. The Philippian Believers Participating with the Apostle Paul in the Furtherance of the Gospel Another aspect of the background of this book concerns a matter that is very positive, the participation of the Philippian believers with the apostle Paul in the furtherance of the gospel (1:5-7; 4:14-19). I am concerned that some among us still hold to an understanding of the gospel which is not adequate. The preaching of the gospel includes more than the fact that Christ is our Savior and that by believing in Him we shall have forgiveness of sins, salvation from hell to heaven, and regeneration. Actually, the whole book of Philippians is a definition of the gospel. The gospel is the proclamation of the move of God on earth according to His economy. This means that the gospel is the preaching of God s economy. Thus, the gospel includes the matter of magnifying Christ and living Christ. It includes every aspect of the experience of Christ covered in this book. For the Philippian believers to participate with Paul in the furtherance of the gospel meant that they were partaking in the move of God s economy on earth. 是為基督的身體來傳基督 保羅遭受逼迫, 主要還不是為了傳福音, 而是為了辯護 證實福音 在一章七節他說到 辯護 證實福音, 在一章十六節他又說, 他是 為辯護福音設立的 相反的, 熱中猶太教的信徒卻屈改 曲解福音 福音不是為著猶太教的, 傳福音的不該是為了把不信的人帶到律法以下, 使其受割禮 這樣傳福音就是屈改 曲解福音 保羅辯護福音的時候說得很清楚, 福音的目標是要產生基督的身體, 不是要叫人帶著割禮的記號 保羅一面以積極 神聖的方式傳福音, 一面也辯護 證實福音 保羅傳福音的方式與熱中猶太教的信徒截然不同 因此, 寫腓立比書的時候有兩種傳福音的方式 今天我們傳福音, 也與許多在組織宗教裏之人所作的不同 許多人傳福音, 但並非與神的經綸一致 每當我們像保羅那樣, 照著神的經綸傳福音時, 我們就遭受宗教徒的反對 因著傳基督有不同的方式, 就有逼迫來自宗教的 犬類 三 腓立比的信徒與使徒保羅一同推廣福音 腓立比書另一面的背景, 是關於一件非常積極的事, 就是腓立比的信徒與使徒保羅一同推廣福音 ( 一 5 ~ 7, 四 14 ~ 19 ) 我擔心我們中間有些人對福音仍持守一種不充分的了解 福音的傳揚不只包括基督是我們的救主, 藉著相信祂, 我們就罪得赦免, 蒙拯救不下地獄而上天堂, 並且得著重生等等 事實上, 整卷腓立比書都是福音的定義 福音乃是宣揚神照著祂的經綸而有在地上的行動 這意思是說, 福音乃是傳揚神的經綸 因此, 福音包括顯大基督與活基督, 包括這卷書中所說經歷基督的每一方面 對腓立比的信徒來說, 與保羅一同推廣福音, 意思就是他們有分於神在地上經綸的行動 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 1 - Page 5 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 1 篇第 5 頁

God s economy is not simply to have a group of people who are forgiven of their sins, justified, washed by the blood of Christ, regenerated, saved from hell, and destined for heaven. Such things are just part of God s salvation for the carrying out of His economy. The gospel includes the economy of God in its entirety. We should not try to define the gospel by taking a few phrases from Paul s writings out of context. We need to consider the whole book of Philippians with all the major points. If we put these points together, we shall have the totality of the gospel, and we shall see that the gospel involves God s move according to His economy. How blessed were the Philippian believers to participate in the furtherance of such a gospel! The gospel in which they had a share was not the low, narrow, superficial gospel preached by many Christians today. The Philippian believers had the privilege of sharing in the spread and furtherance of the gospel that is according to God s economy. D. Dissension Existing among the Philippian Believers Even though the Philippian believers participated with Paul in the furtherance of the gospel, there was still at least some amount of dissension among them (1:27; 2:1-4; 4:2-3). As we shall see, the reason for this dissension lay in the fact that they were not one in soul. They had been regenerated in the spirit, but they had not yet been transformed in soul. They had no problem in the spirit, but there were at least some problems in the soul, particularly in the mind. Some among them had different concepts, and these different concepts were causing dissension. 神的經綸不光是要得著一班罪得赦免 得稱為義 被基督的血洗淨 得了重生 蒙拯救不下地獄 命定上天堂的人 這些只不過是神為了執行祂的經綸所施行之拯救的一部分 福音包括神經綸的全部 我們不該從保羅的著作中斷章取義, 來給福音下定義 我們必須查考整卷腓立比書以及所有的要點 我們把這些要點都放在一起, 就會看見福音的全貌, 並且看見福音乃是包括神照著祂的經綸而有的行動 腓立比的信徒有分於推廣這樣的福音, 是何等有福! 他們所有分的福音, 不是今天許多基督徒所傳低品 狹窄 膚淺的福音 腓立比的信徒有這個特權, 有分於傳揚並推廣照著神經綸的福音 四存在於腓立比信徒中間的不合 雖然腓立比的信徒與保羅一同推廣福音, 但他們中間仍然有不合 ( 一 27, 二 1 ~ 4, 四 2 ~ 3 ) 我們會看見, 他們的不合, 原因乃在於他們魂裏不一的事實 他們已經在靈裏重生, 但是他們的魂還沒有變化 他們在靈裏沒有問題, 但是在魂裏, 特別是在心思裏, 至少還有點問題 他們中間有些人觀念不同, 這些不同的觀念造成了不合 II. THE SUBJECT THE EXPERIENCE OF CHRIST 貳 主題 經歷基督 As we have already indicated, the subject of Philippians is the experience of Christ. Concerning the experience of Christ, each chapter of Philippians covers a major point. First in chapter one we have the magnification of Christ. No matter what the circumstances are in which we find ourselves, we need to express Christ in such a way that we magnify Him. In chapter two Paul presents Christ as our pattern. In everything we do, we need a pattern, a model, an example. Even in the experience of Christ and the enjoyment of Christ, we need a pattern. This pattern is Christ Himself. Chapter three indicates that Christ should be our goal, our aim. We who love the Lord and seek Him are not aimless. Our aim is Christ Himself. He is the goal toward which we press. Finally, in chapter four, Christ is our strength. In 4:13 我們已經指出, 腓立比書的主題是經歷基督 論到經歷基督這件事, 腓立比書每一章都包含一個要點 首先, 第一章有顯大基督 我們無論處在甚麼景況, 都必須這樣彰顯基督, 為要讓祂得著顯大 在第二章, 保羅陳明基督為我們的榜樣 我們無論作甚麼, 都需要榜樣 模型 範例 就是在經歷基督 享受基督的事上, 我們也需要榜樣 這榜樣就是基督自己 第三章指明基督該是我們的標竿, 我們的目標 我們這些愛主 尋求主的人並不是沒有目標, 我們的目標就是基督自己 祂是我們向前直跑的標竿 最後, 第四章說到基督是我們的能力 在 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 1 - Page 6 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 1 篇第 6 頁

Paul says, I can do all things in Him who empowers me. Christ is not only the pattern and the goal; He is also the strength, the power, the dynamo. As the dynamo within us, He empowers us to live Him, to magnify Him, and to press on toward Him as the goal. In the four chapters of Philippians we see Christ as the One lived out and magnified, Christ as the pattern, Christ as the goal, and Christ as our inward strength. This book on the experience of Christ covers four major points: the expression, the pattern, the goal, and the strength. We all need to experience Christ in this fourfold way. A. For the Overcoming of the Influence of the Judaizers It was necessary for the Philippians to experience Christ in order to overcome the influence of the Judaizers. We also need to experience Christ if we would overcome the opposition we face today. We cannot overcome the barking of religious dogs by anything we have in ourselves. The opposition is too severe to be overcome by our own efforts. For this, we need the adequate experience of Christ. We need to experience Christ in such a way that we live Him, and take Him as our pattern, goal and power. Such an experience of Christ will enable us to overcome all opposition. The more we are opposed, the more we should live Christ. We should be like a ball full of air: the more we are suppressed, the higher we rise up. In a sense, we should be thankful for all the opposition. Because of it, we are being stirred up. However, it is not sufficient merely to be awakened and stirred up to stand against the opposition; we must go on to live Christ and to magnify Him. As we experience Christ, we shall overcome the negative influence of today s religionists. B. For the Discernment of the Preaching of Christ in Rivalry Through the experience of Christ, we shall also acquire discernment concerning the different ways of preaching Christ, in particular concerning the preaching of Christ in rivalry (1:9-11). The more we experience Christ, the more discernment we shall have. In fact, Christ Himself will become our discernment, our sensitive perception, our moral tact. By experiencing Christ we become sensitive and tactful. Such tact is neither natural nor that gained by education. It comes only through the experience of Christ. As we experience Christ, He becomes our perception and tact, the discernment by which we see through the intentions of others. With Christ as our x-ray, no one can hide from our perception. 四章十三節保羅說, 我在那加我能力者的裏面, 凡事都能作 基督不僅是榜樣 標竿, 祂也是力量 能力 發電機 祂是我們裏面的發電機, 加能力給我們, 使我們活祂 顯大祂, 並向著祂這標竿直跑 在腓立比書這四章中, 我們看見活出的基督, 顯大的基督, 作榜樣的基督, 作標竿的基督, 以及作我們裏面能力的基督 這卷論到經歷基督的書包含四個要點 : 彰顯 榜樣 標竿和能力 我們都必須對基督有這四重的經歷 一為要勝過熱中猶太教者的影響 腓立比人必須經歷基督, 好勝過熱中猶太教者的影響 我們若要勝過今天所面臨的反對, 也需要經歷基督 我們不能憑自己所有的來勝過宗教 犬類 的狂吠 反對太激烈了, 我們憑自己的努力無法勝過 為這緣故, 我們必須對基督有充足的經歷 我們必須這樣來經歷基督, 好叫我們活基督, 以祂為我們的榜樣 標竿和能力 我們這樣來經歷基督, 就能勝過所有的反對 我們越遭遇反對, 就越當活基督 我們該像滿了氣的球 : 越被壓抑, 就彈得越高 一面來說, 我們該為所有的反對而感謝 因著這些反對, 我們被激動起來 然而, 單單被喚醒 受激動起來抵擋反對的勢力還不彀 ; 我們必須進一步活基督並顯大基督 我們經歷了基督, 就會勝過今天宗教人士消極的影響 二為著辨識出於爭競的傳基督 藉著經歷基督, 我們也會有辨識, 辨別傳基督的不同方式, 特別能辨識出於爭競的傳基督 ( 一 9 ~ 11 ) 我們越經歷基督, 就越有辨識 事實上, 基督自己要成為我們的辨識, 成為我們敏銳的知覺, 道德的機智 藉著經歷基督, 我們變得敏銳而機智 這種機智不是天生的, 也不是從教育來的, 惟獨來自對基督的經歷 我們經歷基督, 祂就要成為我們的知覺與機智, 也就是我們藉以看透別人意念的辨識 有基督作我們的 X 光, 我們就可以洞察任何人的隱情 我們都需 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 1 - Page 7 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 1 篇第 7 頁

We all need such discernment. C. For the Participation in the Furtherance of the Gospel We also need to experience Christ so that we may participate in the furtherance of the gospel (1:27-30). Through the experience of Christ, we are able to share in God s move in His economy. D. For the Abolishing of Dissension Finally, the experience of Christ is for the abolishing of dissension (2:5, 12-16). Dissension can be abolished only through the experience of Christ. The more experience of Christ we have, the less dissension there will be. 要這樣的辨識 三為著在推廣福音上有分 我們也必須經歷基督, 好叫我們在推廣福音上有分 ( 一 27 ~ 30 ) 藉著經歷基督, 我們就能有分於神經綸的行動 四為著消除不合 最後, 經歷基督乃是為著消除不合 ( 二 5,12 ~ 16 ) 只有藉著經歷基督纔能消除不合 我們越經歷基督, 就越沒有不合 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 1 - Page 8 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 1 篇第 8 頁

Life-Study of Philippians Message 2 THE CHURCH IN PHILIPPI Scripture Reading: Phil. 1:1-11, 19, 27; 2:1-2; 4:2, 14-18 In this message we shall consider certain features of the church in Philippi. Philippi was the chief city in the province of Macedonia of the old Roman Empire (Acts 16:12). Through Paul s first ministry journey to Europe (Acts 16:10-12), a church was raised up in this city, the first church in Europe. 腓立比書生命讀經 第二篇 在腓立比的召會 讀經 : 腓立比書 1:1-11, 19, 27; 2:1-2; 4:2, 14-18 在本篇信息中, 我們要來看在腓立比的召會的一些特點 腓立比是古羅馬帝國馬其頓省的主要城市 ( 徒十六 12 ) 藉著保羅第一次去歐洲盡職的旅程,(10 ~ 12,) 歐洲的第一個召會在這城興起了 I. ESTABLISHED IN GOOD ORDER 壹 建立得有秩有序 In Philippians 1:1 Paul says, Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the overseers and deacons. This verse indicates that the church in Philippi was established in good order. Notice that Paul speaks of the saints...with the overseers and deacons. This is the only place in the New Testament where such an expression is found. It is significant that Paul speaks of the saints with the overseers and deacons. In every local church the unique group consists of the saints. The saints are the components of a local church. Among the saints there are leading ones, which the New Testament describes as elders or overseers. Overseers are the elders in a local church (Acts 20:17, 28). Elder denotes the person, whereas overseer denotes the function. When an elder functions, he exercises oversight. Hence, he is an overseer. Here overseers are mentioned instead of elders to indicate that the elders were proper in their responsibility. In the second century, Ignatius taught that the overseers, or bishops, are higher than the elders. He claimed that the elders are local and that the overseers, bishops, exercise authority in an area greater than a locality. Ignatius concept, however, is altogether contrary to the Scriptures. The New Testament indicates clearly that the elders are the overseers and that the overseers are elders. Both titles refer to the same people. When an elder is carrying out his responsibility in the church, he is functioning as an overseer. The overseers, therefore, are not a group of people different from the elders. In 1:1 Paul also mentions the deacons. Deacons are the serving ones in a local church under the direction of the overseers (1 Tim. 3:8). The English word deacon is an anglicized form of the Greek word diakonos, which means a serving one. 腓立比一章一節保羅說, 基督耶穌的奴僕, 保羅和提摩太, 寫信給所有在腓立比, 在基督耶穌裏的聖徒, 同諸位監督和諸位執事 這節指明在腓立比的召會建立得很有秩序 請注意保羅說到 聖徒, 同諸位監督和諸位執事 整本新約只在這一處有這樣的說法 保羅說到聖徒, 同諸位監督和諸位執事, 是很有意義的 每個地方召會, 這獨一的一班人, 乃是由眾聖徒組成的 眾聖徒是地方召會的組成分子 聖徒中間有帶頭的人, 新約稱之為長老或監督 監督是地方召會的長老 ( 徒二十 17,28 ) 長老 是說到人, 監督 是說到功用 監督就是盡功用的長老 這裏說監督, 不說長老, 指明那些長老很盡責 在第二世紀, 以格那提 (Ignatius) 教導人說, 監督高於長老 他聲言長老是地方性的, 而監督行使職權的區域比地方來得大 然而, 以格那提的觀念完全與聖經相反 新約清楚的指明, 長老就是監督, 監督就是長老 兩種稱謂是指同一班人 長老在召會中履行其職責時, 乃是盡監督的功用 因此, 監督與長老並不是兩班人 在腓立比一章一節, 保羅也題到執事 執事是地方召會中, 在監督指導下服事的人 ( 提前三 8 ) 英文的執事 (deacon) 是希臘字狄奧克諾斯 (diakonos) 的英語化形式, 意思是服事的人 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 2 - Page 1 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 2 篇第 1 頁

Philippians 1:1, which shows that a local church is composed of the saints with overseers to take the lead and deacons to serve, indicates that the church in Philippi was in good order. Paul did not say to all the saints and the overseers and deacons ; he said all the saints with the overseers and deacons. The Greek preposition rendered with actually means together with. If Paul had used the conjunction and instead of the preposition with, this would indicate that in a local church there should be three groups of people the saints, the overseers, and the deacons. But his use of with indicates that there are not three such groups in the church. The concept of today s organized Christianity is to have various distinct classes of people within the church. It is against the Bible, however, to have different classes of believers in a local assembly. The New Testament reveals that in a local church there is a unique group, and this group is composed of all the saints. Writing under the leading of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote in a deliberate, cautious way, using the preposition with and not the conjunction and. Paul s use of the preposition instead of the conjunction is very significant. It indicates that in any locality there should be just one church, which must include all the saints in that locality. We thank the Lord that in spite of all the divisions, we have been recovered to the original standing of the church: that of one church in a locality including all the saints as the unique group of people. 腓立比一章一節給我們看見, 地方召會是由眾聖徒, 同領頭的監督和服事的執事組成的, 這指明在腓立比的召會很有秩序 保羅不是說, 聖徒 與 諸位監督和諸位執事, 乃是說 同 諸位監督和諸位執事 繙作 同 的希臘字是個介系詞, 實際上是 偕同 的意思 如果保羅用的是連接詞 與, 而不是介系詞 同, 就指明在地方召會中該有三班人 聖徒 監督和執事 但是他用 同, 就指明召會並不是分為這三班人 今天組織基督教的觀念是說, 召會裏要有各種不同的階級 但是, 地方召會中的信徒有不同的階級是違反聖經的 新約聖經啟示, 地方召會只有一班人, 而這一班人是由所有的聖徒組成的 在聖靈的引導之下, 保羅刻意且慎重的用了介系詞 同, 而不用連接詞 與 保羅用介系詞而不用連接詞是很有意義的 這指明在任何地方, 只該有一個召會, 包括當地所有的聖徒 我們感謝主, 雖然有各種的分裂, 主卻已經把我們恢復到召會起初的立場上 : 一地一會, 包括所有的聖徒這獨一的一班人 II. FELLOWSHIPPING IN THE FURTHERANCE OF THE GOSPEL 貳 在推廣福音上有交通 The church in Philippi also had fellowship with Paul in the furtherance of the gospel. In 1:5 Paul speaks of your fellowship unto the gospel from the first day until now. Fellowship here means participation, communication. The same Greek word is translated contribution in Romans 15:26 and sharing in Hebrews 13:16. The saints in Philippi had fellowship unto the gospel, participating in the furtherance of the gospel through the apostle Paul s ministry. This participation included their financial contributions to the apostle (4:10, 15-16), which issued in the furtherance of the gospel. This kind of fellowship, which kept them from being individualistic and diversely minded, implies their oneness with the apostle Paul and with one another. This gave them the ground for their experience and enjoyment of Christ, which is the main point of this book. The Christexperiencing-and-enjoying life is a life in the furtherance 在腓立比的召會也在推廣福音上與保羅有交通 在一章五節, 保羅說到 你們從頭一天直到如今, 在推廣福音上所有的交通 這裏的交通, 意思是有分 交接 同一個希臘字在羅馬十五章二十六節也繙作 交通, 而在希伯來十三章十六節繙作 供輸 在腓立比的聖徒, 藉著使徒保羅的職事, 在福音上有交通, 有分於福音的推廣 這樣的有分, 包括在財物上供給使徒,( 腓四 10,15 ~ 16,) 結果使福音得著推廣 這種交通, 使他們脫離個人主義和不同的心向, 含示他們與使徒保羅是一, 也彼此是一 這給他們立場經歷並享受基督, 這是本書的要點 經歷並享受基督的生活, 乃是推廣福音 傳揚福音的生活 ; 不 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 2 - Page 2 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 2 篇第 2 頁

of the gospel, a gospel-preaching life, not individualistic but corporate. Hence, there is the fellowship unto the gospel. The more fellowship we have in the furtherance of the gospel, the more Christ we experience and enjoy. This kills our self, ambition, preference, and choice. As the Philippian believers were sharing in the furtherance of the gospel, in the furtherance of God s move on earth according to His economy, they were partakers with Paul of grace. Those who partake of grace are those who share and enjoy the processed Triune God as grace. The apostle was such a one in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, and the saints at Philippi were joint-partakers with him in this grace. Grace is the Triune God processed to be our enjoyment. By having fellowship unto the gospel with Paul, the Philippians enjoyed this grace. According to the expression in Greek, they became partakers of Paul s grace, of the very grace he enjoyed. The church in Philippi also prayed for Paul (1:19), made his joy full and caused him to rejoice (2:1-2), and supplied his material need. There is no doubt that this church was very good. 是個人的, 乃是團體的 因此這裏說, 在推廣福音上所有的交通 我們在推廣福音上越有交通, 就越經歷並享受基督 這殺死我們的己 野心 喜好和選擇 因著腓立比的信徒有分於福音的推廣, 有分於神照著祂的經綸而有在地上的行動, 他們就與保羅同享恩典 同享恩典, 就是一同有分於並享受經過過程之三一神作恩典 使徒在辯護 證實福音時是這樣享受恩典的人, 而腓立比的聖徒乃是他這恩典的同享者 恩典就是三一神經過種種過程, 來成為我們的享受 藉著與保羅在推廣福音上有交通, 腓立比人也享受這恩典 按照希臘文的用辭, 他們成了保羅恩典的同享者, 分享保羅所享受的恩典 在腓立比的召會也為保羅禱告,( 一 19,) 使他的喜樂滿足, 並叫他歡喜, ( 二 1 ~ 2,) 且供給他物質上的需要 毫無疑問, 這是非常美好的召會 III. HAVING DISSENSIONS AMONG THEMSELVES 參 在他們中間有不合 Although the church in Philippi was established in good order and had fellowship with Paul in the furtherance of the gospel, there was nevertheless dissension among them. By this we see that it is very difficult to avoid dissension. It can exist anywhere and at any time. The source of dissension is our opinions. Opinions come from the mind, the main part of the soul. In the book of Philippians Paul speaks often of the soul, the mind, and thinking. In 1:27 he uses the expression with one soul, and in 2:2, the expression joined in soul. In 2:20 he uses the term like-souled. We in the church life today need to be one in the soul. Christians frequently speak of being one in the Lord or one in the Spirit, but have you ever heard believers speak of being one in the soul? Until we are one in soul, there is no practicality to our oneness. Our oneness will be that of shaking hands over the fence. Christians talk about oneness, but they still hold to their dissenting opinions. Paul s concept of oneness was different. In Philippians he makes it clear that we need to be one in soul. In order to be one in soul, we need to be transformed and renewed in our mind. Romans 12:2 speaks of being transformed by the renewing of the mind. It is 儘管在腓立比的召會建立得很有秩序, 且與保羅在推廣福音上有交通, 然而在他們中間仍有不合 由此我們看見, 不合是很難避免的 任何時候, 任何地方都可能有不合 不合起源於我們的意見 ; 意見來自心思 魂的主要部分 在腓立比書中, 保羅時常說到魂 心思和思念 在一章二十七節和二章二十節, 他用 同魂 一辭 ; 在二章二節, 他說到 魂裏聯結 今天我們在召會生活中必須在魂裏是一 基督徒常說在主裏是一, 或在靈裏是一, 但你聽信徒說過在魂裏是一麼? 除非我們在魂裏是一, 否則, 我們的一就不實際 我們的一不過是隔牆拉手 基督徒談論合一, 但他們仍然各持己見 保羅對一的觀念是不同的, 在腓立比書中他明白指出, 我們必須在魂裏是一 要在魂裏是一, 我們的心思必須變化且更新 羅馬十二章二節說到藉著心思的更新而變化 你的心思很可能非 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 2 - Page 3 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 2 篇第 3 頁

quite possible that your mind is very old. This may even be true of young people. But if your mind has been renewed, it will be new and fresh, even though you may be an elderly person. I can testify that Christ has never bent my mind in any way, but He certainly has been renewing it. One reason for oldness in our mind is that we remember past offenses. Years ago a certain thing may have happened to you, but you are still not willing to forget it. This means that in this particular matter you do not show forgiveness, for genuine forgiveness implies forgetting the offense. Because certain saints remember offenses from the past, their mind is old. If our mind is old, it will cause us problems and lead to dissension. Therefore, it is crucial for us all to have a renewed mind. The only defect in the church in Philippi was the dissension caused by different opinions. In 4:2 Paul said, I beseech Euodias, and I beseech Syntyche, to think the same thing in the Lord. These two leading sisters were co-workers with Paul. However, they were not one in their thinking. The differences in their thinking were probably not concerning secular matters, but concerning God s move on earth. Concerning this, they had different opinions in the soul. Because they were still one in spirit, these sisters were not divided. But in practice there was dissension between them because of their different concepts. This dissension was a shortcoming in that very good church at Philippi. As a result of the dissension among them, the Philippian saints were not one soul in preaching the gospel (1:27). In 2:2 and 4:2 we see that the Philippian saints were not thinking the same thing, not having the same love, not joined in soul, and not thinking the one thing. The situation of certain ones in the Lord s recovery today is the same. These ones have been caught by the Lord for His recovery. They know the ground of the church and honor this ground of oneness. However, they do not think the same thing as the rest of the saints, they do not have the same love, and they are not joined in soul. They can truthfully say that they are one in spirit with all the saints, but they cannot say that they are one in the soul, thinking the same thing and even the one thing. What does it mean to think the same thing and to think the one thing? Both expressions are found in 2:2. In 4:2 Paul besought Euodias and Syntyche to think the same thing. The same thing is Christ Himself, and the one thing is the pursuing of Christ 常老舊, 甚至年輕人也可能如此 但如果你的心思得了更新, 就算你是個老人, 你的心思也會是新的, 是新鮮的 我能見證, 基督從來沒有以任何方式屈改我的心思, 但是祂的確一直在更新我的心思 我們的心思老舊有一個原因, 就是我們忘不掉已往的不愉快 幾年前發生在你身上的一件事, 到如今你還不願忘記 這意思是說, 就在這一件事上, 你沒有赦免人, 因為真正的赦免含示忘記被得罪的事 因著有些聖徒牢記已往被得罪的事, 他們的心思就老舊了 如果我們的心思老舊, 便會造成難處, 且導致不合 因此, 我們都要有更新的心思, 這是非常要緊的 腓立比召會惟一的缺點, 就是不同的意見所引起的不合 在腓立比四章二節保羅說, 我勸友歐底亞, 也勸循都基, 要在主裏思念相同的事 這兩位帶頭的姊妹是保羅的同工 然而, 她們的思念卻不同 她們思念上的不同, 可能不是關乎世俗的事, 而是與神在地上的行動有關 就著這事, 她們在魂裏有不同的意見 因這兩位姊妹在靈裏仍然是一, 所以她們沒有分裂 但在實行上, 她們中間因著觀念不同而有不合 這樣的不合, 在那個非常美好的腓立比召會中, 乃是一個缺欠 因著她們中間的不合, 腓立比的聖徒就不能同魂傳揚福音 ( 一 27 ) 在二章二節和四章二節, 我們看見腓立比的聖徒沒有思念相同的事, 沒有相同的愛, 沒有在魂裏聯結, 沒有思念同一件事 今天在主的恢復中有些聖徒的光景也是一樣 主得著這些人來為著祂的恢復, 他們知道召會的立場, 也尊重這合一的立場 但是, 他們不與其他的聖徒思念相同的事, 他們沒有相同的愛, 也沒有在魂裏聯結 他們能說, 他們在靈裏與眾聖徒是一, 這是事實 ; 但他們不能說, 他們在魂裏是一, 思念相同的事, 甚至思念同一件事 思念相同的事和思念同一件事是甚麼意思呢? 二章二節有這兩個說法 保羅在四章二節勸友歐底亞和循都基要思念相同的事 相同的事就是基督自己, 而同一件事就是追求基督好贏得 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 2 - Page 4 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 2 篇第 4 頁

to gain Him, lay hold of Him, and possess Him. We should not regard anything other than Christ as the same thing spoken of by Paul. Many Christian groups have something that they consider to be the same thing. But according to Paul, the same thing is Christ, and the one thing is the seeking after Christ to possess Him. The context of Philippians makes this very clear. To think the same thing Christ and the one thing the seeking after Christ to gain Him causes our mind to be dealt with and renewed. To be renewed in our mind is to have a metabolic change in which the old element is discharged and a new element is supplied. Something of Christ is infused into our being to discharge the old element and to replace it. This process causes our minds to be renewed. Even young people have many old things which need to be discharged and replaced by the element of Christ. We need to allow Christ to become those positive elements in us which cause our minds to be renewed. Whereas many use their natural cleverness in a negative way, perhaps using it to focus on offenses or other negative things, we should be encouraged to set our minds on Christ and to allow our minds to be occupied by Christ. If our mind is not renewed, there will be dissension among us as there was among certain of the Philippian saints. Because they held to the natural mind with its oldness, this defect existed among them. IV. NEEDING MORE KNOWLEDGE AND DISCERNMENT A. In Love That Abounds The excellence of Paul s writing is shown in the way he did not directly point out the defect of the Philippian saints. He did not say, Dear Philippians, I want you to know that you are short of love. Instead, in 1:9 he said, And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in full knowledge and all discernment. These words indicate that their love was not adequate, not sufficient. Paul admitted that the Philippian believers had a certain amount of love, but there was still the need for their love to abound more and more. It is significant that Paul prayed that their love would abound in full knowledge and all discernment. The Philippian believers had much love. Yet their love needed to abound, to overflow more and more, not foolishly, but in full knowledge; not in ignorance, but in all discernment, that they might prove by testing the things which differed. This should include discernment 祂 抓住祂並佔有祂 我們不該認為保羅所說的 相同的事, 是基督以外的任何事物 許多基督教團體有他們自以為是 相同的事 的事物 但是按照保羅所說, 相同的事 乃是基督, 而 同一件事 乃是追求基督為要得著祂 按腓立比書的上下文, 這點是非常清楚的 思念相同的事 基督, 以及思念同一件事 追求基督為要贏得基督, 使我們心思受到對付而得更新 心思得更新乃是有新陳代謝的改變, 排除舊元素, 補充新元素 基督的成分注入我們裏面, 就除去老舊的成分並取而代之 這個過程叫我們的心思得以更新 即使年輕人也有許多老舊的東西需要清除, 並由基督的成分來頂替 我們必須讓基督在我們裏面, 成為那些叫我們的心思得以更新的積極元素 許多人可能消極的運用他們天然的聰明, 貫注於那些不愉快或其他消極的事上 ; 然而我們應該受鼓勵, 將心思置於基督, 讓我們的心思被基督佔有 如果我們的心思沒有得著更新, 我們中間就會有不合, 像有些腓立比的聖徒一樣 因為他們固守天然老舊的心思, 這個缺點就存在他們中間 肆 需要更多的知識和辨識 一愛要洋溢 保羅的寫作是絕佳的, 這可從他沒有直接指出腓立比聖徒的缺點上看出來 他並沒有說, 親愛的腓立比人哪, 我要你們知道你們缺少愛 在一章九節他反而說, 我所禱告的, 就是要你們的愛, 在充足的知識並一切的辨識上, 多而又多的洋溢 這話指明他們的愛不彀 不充足 保羅承認腓立比信徒有些愛, 但是他們的愛需要多而又多的洋溢 保羅禱告要他們的愛 在充足的知識並一切的辨識上 洋溢, 這是很有意義的 腓立比信徒很有愛, 但他們的愛需要多而又多的洋溢, 不是愚昧的, 乃是有充足的知識 ; 不是無知的, 乃是有一切的辨識, 使他們能鑑賞更美 不同的事 這應當包括辨識一章十五 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 2 - Page 5 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 2 篇第 5 頁

of the different preachings of the gospel in 1:15-18 and of the different peoples in 3:2-3. Paul did not pray that the Philippians love would abound in zeal or in the affection of a good heart. As we all know, love is related to emotion. However, Paul prayed that their love would abound in full knowledge and all discernment, both of which are related to the mind. According to common human experience, love is blind. When a person exercises himself to have a sober mind, when he is calm, clear, and knowledgeable, love is gone. It seems that being loving and having a sober mind cannot exist together. Either a brother loves his wife foolishly, or, being clear in his understanding and sober in his mind, he becomes cold in his love for her. Paul prayed that our love would abound more and more in full knowledge and all discernment. The Greek word for discernment means sensitive perception, moral tact. Discernment is the ability to sense things. Paul did not want the Philippians to love in a foolish way. On the contrary, he encouraged them to love with a mind full of knowledge and discernment, sensitive perception, and moral tact. The knowledge and discernment about which Paul speaks in 1:9 are actually Christ Himself. When we experience Christ, He becomes our knowledge and discernment. The reason we lack the knowledge and the discernment to differentiate between the different kinds of preaching is that we are short of the experience of Christ. B. To Discern the Different Preachings of Christ and the Different Peoples According to the context of 1:9, Paul s meaning was that the Philippians needed knowledge and discernment to distinguish between Paul s preaching and that of the Judaistic believers. We today also need to discern between the many different kinds of preaching. Among Christians today, there are many different ways of preaching Christ. With all these ways, there are certain good points. If there were no good points at all in a particular way of preaching, no one would pay attention to it. But although the different ways of preaching Christ have certain positive features, we must ask whether or not such preaching is for God s economy, for His move on the earth today. Deep within, Paul realized that some of the Philippians had been distracted by the preaching of the Judaistic believers. In these verses Paul seemed to be saying, Philippians, certain of you have been distracted from God s economy by the preaching of the Judaistic believers. I agree that you need to love these people. 至十八節不同的福音傳揚, 以及三章二至三節不同的人 保羅並沒有禱告, 要腓立比人的愛在熱心和好心好意上洋溢 我們都知道, 愛與情感有關 然而, 保羅禱告, 要他們的愛, 在充足的知識和一切的辨識上洋溢, 這兩樣都與心思有關 根據一般人的經歷, 愛是盲目的 當一個人保守自己心思清明, 成為冷靜 清晰而有知識的人時, 愛就消失了 愛與清明的心思似乎不能並存 一個弟兄若不是愚昧的愛妻子, 就是因著悟性清晰 心思清明而對妻子冷淡 保羅禱告, 要我們的愛, 在充足的知識並一切的辨識上, 多而又多的洋溢 希臘文的 辨識 即敏銳的知覺, 道德的機智 辨識就是感覺事物的能力 保羅不要腓立比人愚昧的愛 ; 相反的, 他鼓勵他們用滿有知識和辨識的心思 敏銳的知覺 道德的機智來愛 一章九節保羅所說的知識和辨識, 實際上就是基督自己 當我們經歷基督, 祂就成了我們的知識和辨識 我們缺少知識和辨識, 無法辨別不同的福音傳揚, 原因在於我們對基督缺少經歷 二辨識不同的傳揚基督 和不同的人 根據一章九節的上下文, 保羅的意思是腓立比人需要知識和辨識, 來區別保羅的傳揚, 和熱中猶太教之信徒的傳揚 我們今天也需要辨識各種不同的傳揚 今天在基督徒中間, 傳揚基督有許多不同的方式, 這些方式各有優點 如果一種特殊的傳福音方式毫無優點, 就無法引人注意 但是, 雖然各種傳基督的方式有某些正面的特點, 我們卻必須問說, 這樣的傳揚是否為著神的經綸, 是否為著神今天在地上的行動 保羅深處知道, 有些腓立比人已經受到熱中猶太教之信徒的傳揚所打岔 在這些經節裏保羅似乎是說, 腓立比人哪, 你們有些人已經因著熱中猶太教之信徒的傳講, 從神的經綸岔了出去 我同意你們要愛這些人 然而, 你們的愛應該在充足 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 2 - Page 6 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 2 篇第 6 頁

However, your love should abound in full knowledge and all discernment. Don t love others foolishly love them soberly, with knowledge and sensitive perception. Discernment is the power of perception, the ability to perceive matters in a sensitive way. Certain famous preachers may be knowledgeable and eloquent. But if we have discernment, we shall realize that the goal of their preaching is the furtherance of their own work, not the advancement of God s economy. In order to discern the preaching of others in this way, we need more experience of Christ. Only the experience of Christ can cause love to abound in us in full knowledge and all discernment. Supplied with such a love, we shall love others, but not foolishly. No doubt, certain of the Philippian saints appreciated the preaching of the Judaistic believers. For this reason, Paul prayed that their love for such ones would abound in full knowledge and all discernment. He encouraged the Philippians to love, but to love in knowledge and discernment, not in foolishness and in blindness. C. Testing by Purity and without Offense Paul also prayed that the Philippians would prove by testing the things which differ and be pure and without offense unto the day of Christ. The Greek word rendered pure means judged by sunlight, that is, tested as genuine; hence, pure, sincere. To be without offense means not to be offending, not to cause others to stumble. In discerning things, we need to be pure. In particular, the motives in our heart must be pure. Otherwise, we shall offend others. It is not easy to be discerning in a way that is pure and without offense. This depends very much on our motive. D. By Experiencing Christ Issuing in the Fruit of Righteousness In verses 9 and 10 Paul prayed three things on behalf of the Philippians: that their love would abound in full knowledge and all discernment; that they would prove by testing the things which differ; and that they would be pure and without offense unto the day of Christ. The secret to these three matters is found in verse 11, where Paul speaks of being filled with the fruit of righteousness, which is through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. According to grammar, verse 11 is a modifier related to the three items for which Paul prayed. Having been filled with the fruit of righteousness, the Philippians could abound in love, prove by testing all things, and be pure and without offense. This indicates that being filled with the 的知識並一切的辨識上洋溢 不要愚昧的愛人, 乃要用知識和敏銳的知覺, 清明的愛他們 辨識是領悟的能力, 敏銳的洞察事物的能力 一些著名的佈道家可能很有知識, 口才也很好 ; 但如果我們有辨識, 就會了解他們傳揚福音的目標, 乃是推廣他們自己的工作, 而不是促進神的經綸 我們要這樣辨識別人的傳揚福音, 就需要更多經歷基督 惟有經歷基督, 纔能叫愛在充足的知識並一切的辨識上, 在我們裏面洋溢 這樣的愛供應我們, 我們就能愛別人, 但不是愚昧的愛 毫無疑問, 有些腓立比聖徒賞識熱中猶太教之信徒的傳揚 為這緣故, 保羅禱告叫他們對這等人的愛要在充足的知識並一切的辨識上洋溢 他鼓勵腓立比人要愛人, 但是要憑著知識和辨識來愛, 不要盲目愚昧的愛 三純誠無過的鑑賞不同的事 保羅也禱告叫腓立比人能 鑑賞那更美 不同的事, 且 純誠無過, 直到基督的日子 ( 一 10 ) 純誠, 原文意受陽光鑑定過, 即試驗過, 證實是真的 ; 因此是純潔的 真誠的 無過, 意思是不得罪人, 不絆跌人 我們辨別事情的時候必須純潔 ; 內心的動機尤其要純淨, 否則我們會絆跌人 純誠無過的辨識事物並不容易 這和我們的動機很有關係 四藉著經歷基督結出義果 在九至十節保羅為腓立比人禱告三件事 : 要他們的愛在充足的知識並一切的辨識上洋溢 ; 使他們能鑑賞那更美 不同的事 ; 叫他們純誠無過, 直到基督的日子 這三件事的祕訣就在十一節, 保羅說到 結滿了那藉著耶穌基督而有的義果, 使榮耀稱讚歸與神 根據文法, 十一節是修飾語, 和保羅所禱告的三點有關 腓立比人結滿了義果, 他們的愛就洋溢, 他們就能鑑賞那更美 不同的事, 他們也就純誠無過 這指明結滿了藉著基督而有 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 2 - Page 7 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 2 篇第 7 頁

fruit of righteousness through Jesus Christ is a necessary condition for these three matters. In order for our love to abound, to prove by testing the things which differ, and to be pure and without offense, we must first be filled with the fruit of righteousness which is through Jesus Christ. Verse 11 actually refers to the experience of Christ. Once again we see that the key is the experience of Christ. We know that verse 11 refers to the experience of Christ because of the phrase through Jesus Christ. The fruit of righteousness is through Christ. It comes to us through our experience of Christ. From the Christ we enjoy and experience, we have the fruit of righteousness. The more we experience Christ, the more this experience will issue in the fruit of righteousness. The fruit of righteousness is the living product of a proper life with a righteous standing before God and man. This could not come about by the believers natural man for their boast, but through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God. Our love, therefore, should abound in a way that is according to God s economy. If we experience Christ, our love will abound, we shall prove things by testing, and we shall be pure and without offense. 的義果, 是達到這三件事的必要條件 要叫我們的愛洋溢, 能鑑賞更美 不同的事, 並且純誠無過, 首先我們必須結滿了那藉著耶穌基督而有的義果 十一節實際上是指對基督的經歷 我們再一次看見, 訣竅乃是經歷基督 我們從 藉著耶穌基督 這句話知道, 十一節是指對基督的經歷 義果是藉著基督而有的 我們有義果乃是藉著我們對基督的經歷 我們從所享受 所經歷的基督, 結出義果 我們越經歷基督, 這個經歷就越結出義果來 義果就是信徒在神和人面前, 站在義的地位上, 憑著義的元素, 過正確生活的活產物 這不是憑著信徒天然的人所能有的, 叫他們對自己有可誇的 ; 乃是藉著耶穌基督作他們的生命, 給他們經歷而有的, 使榮耀稱讚歸與神 因此, 我們的愛應當照著神的經綸而洋溢 如果我們經歷基督, 我們的愛會洋溢, 我們就能鑑賞那更美 不同的事, 我們也就純誠無過 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 2 - Page 8 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 2 篇第 8 頁

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Life-Study of Philippians Message 3 PAUL S SUFFERING FOR THE GOSPEL AND HIS ENJOYMENT OF GRACE Scripture Reading: Phil. 1:7-8, 12-14, 16-17, 28-30 In this message we shall consider Paul s suffering for the gospel and his enjoyment of grace. It is easy to understand the matter of suffering for the gospel and of enjoying grace in a natural way. However, in approaching spiritual things, we need to go beyond the natural or traditional understanding. According to the book of Philippians, to suffer for the gospel and to enjoy grace are both deep matters. To suffer for the gospel means that you are on earth solely for the interest of God s economy. To suffer for the gospel is to care for the accomplishment of God s economy. The gospel includes God s economy, and suffering for the gospel requires that we participate in God s economy. Thus, to suffer for the gospel actually means to share in the carrying out of God s economy. Paul s writings indicate that he suffered for the gospel. However, the gospel for which he suffered was not low or superficial. He suffered for the gospel in the sense that he was on earth for the carrying out of God s economy. He did not simply preach that people should believe in Jesus as their Savior so that they might go to heaven. The preaching of such a limited gospel does not entail suffering. In preaching the gospel according to God s economy, Paul renounced religion, law, culture, ordinances, customs, habits, and every kind of ism. The gospel Paul preached slaughtered everything that was apart from God s economy. It slaughtered religion, politics, and culture. In a sense, Paul s gospel slaughters even us. Because Paul preached such a gospel, he was regarded as a troublemaker, a pestilent fellow (Acts 24:5). Even though his preaching of the gospel slaughtered everything contrary to God s economy, Paul referred to the gospel as the gospel of peace (Eph. 2:17; 6:15). In Ephesians 2:17 Paul points out that Christ, after His crucifixion and resurrection, came to the Gentiles preaching the gospel of peace. Peace is possible only when everything contrary to the gospel has been slaughtered. In order for there to be peace between us and God and with one another, religion, politics, culture, ordinances, and the law had to be terminated. Because 腓立比書生命讀經 第三篇 保羅為福音所受的苦難, 以及他對恩典的享受 讀經 : 腓立比書 1:7-8, 12-14, 16-17, 28-30 在本篇信息中, 我們要來看保羅為福音所受的苦難, 以及他對恩典的享受 我們很容易用天然的方式來了解為福音受苦以及享受恩典這件事 然而, 我們來看屬靈的事, 必須越過天然或傳統的領會 照著腓立比書, 為福音受苦以及享受恩典都是深奧的事 為福音受苦, 意思是你在地上只為著神經綸的權益 ; 為福音受苦乃是關心神經綸的完成 福音包括神的經綸, 為福音受苦要求我們有分於神的經綸 因此, 為福音受苦實際上就是有分於神經綸的完成 保羅的著作指明他為福音受苦 然而, 他受苦所為著的福音不是低品的 膚淺的 他為福音受苦的意義, 在於他在地上是為著完成神的經綸 他不只傳講人應該相信耶穌是他們的救主, 使他們可以上天堂 傳揚這種狹隘的福音不需要受苦 保羅照著神的經綸傳揚福音時, 拋棄了宗教 律法 文化 規條 風俗 習慣和各種學說 保羅所傳的福音除滅了神經綸以外的一切事物, 除滅了宗教 政治和文化 就某種意義說, 保羅的福音甚至除滅了我們 保羅因著傳揚這樣的福音, 被人看作製造麻煩的, 如同瘟疫一般 ( 徒二四 5 ) 儘管保羅的傳揚福音除滅了一切與神經綸對立的事物, 他卻稱之為和平的福音 ( 弗二 17, 六 15 ) 在以弗所二章十七節保羅指出, 基督釘十字架並復活之後, 臨到外邦人, 向他們傳揚和平的福音 惟有當一切與福音相對的事物除滅之後, 纔能有和平 為了使我們與神之間 我們彼此之間有和平, 宗教 政治 文化 規條和律法都必須了結 因著保羅所傳的福 Life-Study of Philippians - Message 3 - Page 1 - 腓立比書生命讀經第 3 篇第 1 頁