CHI 3411 (x 3879) Advanced Chinese 2 (N, S)

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CHI 3411 (x 3879) Advanced Chinese 2 中文三年級第二學期 Spring 2016 Time: MWF4 (10:40-11:30am) Instructor: Dr. XIAO Ying Classroom: LIT0235 Office: Pugh Hall 306 Credits: 3 Prerequisite: CHI 3410 or Telephone: 352-392-6539 equivalent Final Exam: Thursday, April 28, 12:30-2:30pm E-mail: Office hours: Wednesday 9-10:30am & Friday 12-1:30pm or by appointment *The syllabus is subject to change according to the needs of the class and upon the instructor s notification. Description: The course is designed on the basis of linguistic skills acquired in the previous five semesters of Chinese study to further train students in advanced use of the language, including conversation, speaking, reading, writing and translation. The topics of the lessons cover the social changes in contemporary China and cultural developments in its social context. Grades are based on both the level of achievement and the progress made during the course. Course Requirements: Attendance in class will affect your grade, but more importantly failure to attend class will seriously impair your ability to learn Chinese. Every five unexcused absences will result in a five percent deduction of the final course grade. Participation in class discussion is important and will affect your overall grade. The vocabulary, grammar as well as the content in the assigned text will be discussed during the lecture. You will be expected to read through the text and the grammar notes before coming to class. You will be asked questions related to what you are supposed to prepare. In order to be well prepared for the next class meeting and fully participate in discussion, you should do the following before the class: --Read the assigned text, including understanding grammar notes and examples, and learning new vocabulary; --Read the text aloud; --Practice writing new characters and phrases; --Generate at least one question about the text for discussion in class. Homework assignments (including written exercises and compositions) should be handed in at the beginning of class. Late homework assignments will NOT be accepted unless mitigating circumstances are declared. There will be extensive reading, writing and other assignments. Prepare the assigned lessons and materials before each class. If there are audiocassettes for the assigned materials, you should go to the LRC to listen to them before class. There will be shishi baogao 時事報告 in class. Students are required to read one essay of news in Chinese newspapers or websites in association with the topic theme of the book chapter and then report them in class. There will be kouyu lianxi 口语练习 in class. Students are asked to present a Chinese story, Page 1 of 7

folklore, poem, or proverb and interpret the meanings of the selected piece in class. Dictation: There will be a dictation in the first 5 minutes of every new topic. No make-up dictation will be given. Quizzes and Exams: No make-up quizzes or exams will be given. However, if you must miss a test due to illness or personal emergency, you are responsible for documentation. Term Paper (zhuanti baogao 專題報告 ) and Oral Presentation (April 15-20) There will be a 3-4 page writing project or paper (zhuanti baogao 專題報告 ) and an oral presentation based on the paper. Students may consult the paper in their oral presentations, but should not read the paper. You should relate your topic to materials we have read this semester. The more you use the words and sentence patterns learned from this class, the higher the number of points you will get. The topic of your choice for your term paper is due March 9 when you orally present your topic in class; the first draft of outline is due March 23, and the final version April 20. Required Textbooks: Chih-p ing Chou et al. All Things Considered: Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese 事事關心 : 現代漢語高級讀本. Rev. ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011. One paper dictionary: I recommend The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary: Chinese-English Edition. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002. Or Far East Chinese-English Dictionary 遠東漢英大辭典. Taipei: The Far East Book Co., 2000. Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. Academic Honesty Guidelines: The academic community of students and faculty at the University of Florida strives to develop, sustain and protect an environment of honesty, trust and respect. Students are expected to pursue knowledge with integrity. Exhibiting honesty in academic pursuits and reporting violations of the Academic Honesty Guidelines will encourage others to act with integrity. Violations of the Academic Honesty Guidelines shall result in judicial action and a student being subject to the sanctions in paragraph XIV of the Student Code of Conduct. The conduct set forth hereinafter constitutes a violation of the Academic Honesty Guidelines (University of Florida Rule 6C1-4.017). Make-up Policy: In general, there are NO MAKE-UP EXAMS! This policy is strictly enforced; therefore, please do not schedule dental appointments or car maintenance, nor purchase air tickets for the days of exams! Medical emergencies will be handled on a case by case basis, but require Page 2 of 7

appropriate documentation for consideration. No changes to the FINAL EXAM day schedule will be made except for University sanctioned make-up exams (see University schedule for specific policies). For students for whom the Registrar s office authorizes a make-up exam, the make-up will be given on the last day of classes. Evaluation and Grading: Evaluation provides each student multiple opportunities to demonstrate incremental skill development and accomplishment of goals over discreet segments of material. It provides feedback for both teaching and learning. The examinations will be cumulative, including all previous material plus the most recent week s new material. Your grade will be based strictly on your scores in the aforementioned categories. To get a good final grade, you should work hard in each section. The final letter grade represents the evaluation of the following criteria: 1. Class preparation, participation and performance*: 10% 2. Dictation: 5% 3. Homework: 20% 4. Quizzes: 20% 5. Term paper and oral presentation: 10% 6. Mid-term: 15% 7. Final exam: 20% (* The performance consists of all the regular class performance and oral excises.) Grading Scale A=93-100%; A-=90-92%; B+=87-89%; B=83-86%; B-=80-82%; C+=77-79%; C=73-76%; C-=70-72%; D+=67-69%; D=63-66%; D-=60-62%; E=below 60%. S is equivalent to C or better. Passing Grades and Grade Points According to university guidelines, letter grades will convert to GPA as follows: A = 4.0; A- = 3.67; B+ = 3.33; B= 3; B- = 2.67; C+ = 2.33; C = 2.0; C- = 1.67; D+ = 1.33; D = 1.0; D- =.67; E = 0; WF = 0; I = 0; NG = 0; S-U = 0 "Students must earn a grade of C or higher to enroll in the second-semester continuation of this language course or to advance to the next year's level; C- is not adequate to continue. The S-U option is not counted toward their major or minor degree, nor General Education requirements." Page 3 of 7

中文三年級第二學期進度表 ( 若有需要將做適度調整 ) 一月份 星期 ( 一 )6 日 三 自我介紹 課程介紹及評分標準說明 8 日五看 : 第二十二課 老夫少妻為何增多? ( 二 )11 日 一 時事報告 看 : 第二十二課 老夫少妻為何增多? 13 日 三 交第二十二課功課 看 : 第二十二課 老夫少妻為何增多? 15 日 五 聽寫第二十二課 時事報告 (L22) 看 : 第十課 鮮花插在牛糞上 ( 三 )18 日 一 No Class Martin Luther King Day 20 日 三 口语练习 1 看 : 第十課 鮮花插在牛糞上 22 日 五 交第十課功課 看 : 第十課 鮮花插在牛糞上 ( 四 )25 日 一 聽寫第十課 時事報告 (L10) 看 : 第十一課 總統有了女朋友 27 日 三 口语练习 2 看 : 第十一課 總統有了女朋友 29 日 五 交第十一課功課 看 : 第十一課 總統有了女朋友 二月份 星期 ( 五 )1 日 一 聽寫第十一課時事報告 (L11) 第十三課 小學生做生意 3 日 三 交第十三課功課 看 : 第十三課 小學生做生意 Page 4 of 7

5 日五小考 1 :第二十二課 第十課 第十一課 ( 共 3 課 ) ( 六 )8 日 一 聽寫第十三課 時事報告 (L13) 看 : 第十三課 小學生做生意 10 日 三 討論小考 1 看 : 第十五課 金錢是交往的通行證嗎? 12 日 五 口语练习 3 看 : 第十五課 金錢是交往的通行證嗎? ( 七 )15 日 一 交第十五課功課 看 : 第十五課 金錢是交往的通行證嗎? 17 日三聽寫第十五課時事報告 (L15) 看 : 第十五課 金錢是交往的通行證嗎? 19 日 五 口语练习 4 看 : 第十九課 考試的 槍手 問題 ( 八 )22 日一交第十九課功課看 : 第十九課 考試的 槍手 問題 24 日 三 聽寫第十九課 時事報告 (L19) 看 : 第十九課 考試的 槍手 問題 26 日五期中考 ( 第二十二 十 十一 十三 十五 十九課 ) 三月份 星期 ( 九 ) 春假快樂! ( 十 ) 7 日 一 口语练习 5 看 : 第二十課 贍養老人是子女應盡的責任 9 日 三 討論專題報告的題目 討論期中考 看 : 第二十課 贍養老人是子女應盡的責任 11 日 五 交第二十課功課 看 : 第二十課 贍養老人是子女應盡的責任 Page 5 of 7

( 十一 )14 日 一 聽寫第二十課 時事報告 (L20) 看 : 第二十一課 中國老人需要關懷 16 日 三 交第二十一課功課 看 : 第二十一課 中國老人需要關懷 18 日五 No Class ( 十二 )21 日一聽寫第二十一課時事報告 (L21) 看 : 第二十一課 中國老人需要關懷 23 日三交專題報告的大綱看 : 第三十一課 中國人口結構發生轉變 25 日五交第三十一課功課看 : 第三十一課 中國人口結構發生轉變 ( 十三 )28 日一聽寫第三十一課時事報告 (L31) 看 : 第三十一課 中國人口結構發生轉變 30 日三小考 2 :第二十 二十一 三十一課 ( 共 3 課 ) 四月份 星期 1 日 五 No Class ( 十四 )4 日一口语练习 6 看 : 第二十九課 中國要控制吸煙率上升趨勢 6 日三交第二十九課功課討論小考 2 看 : 第二十九課 中國要控制吸煙率上升趨勢 8 日五聽寫第二十九課時事報告 (L29) 看 : 第二十九課 中國要控制吸煙率上升趨勢 ( 十五 )11 日一總復習 13 日三總復習 15 日五口頭報告 每人 6 分鐘 Page 6 of 7

( 十六 )18 日一口頭報告 每人 6 分鐘 20 日三口頭報告 每人 6 分鐘交專題報告的定稿 Page 7 of 7