该项目竣工于 2007 年, 除了改造这一狭长的地段为一栋两层的书店外, 还新建了地下室 各层的墙面, 从地面到天花板, 以及楼层间的间隙, 都用摆放了各种书籍 书店地下一层是儿童书籍区和一个小型礼堂, 可供书店举办讲座和培训等

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巴西, 圣保罗,Livraria de Vila 书店 /Isay Weinfeld Arquitecto 巴西建筑师 Isay Weinfeild 设计的 Livraria da Vila 是一家外立面由旋转书架构成的独特书店, 位于巴西圣保罗

该项目竣工于 2007 年, 除了改造这一狭长的地段为一栋两层的书店外, 还新建了地下室 各层的墙面, 从地面到天花板, 以及楼层间的间隙, 都用摆放了各种书籍 书店地下一层是儿童书籍区和一个小型礼堂, 可供书店举办讲座和培训等

来自建筑师的更多信息 : Livraria da Vila 书店是由位于圣保罗狭长地段上的一栋两层楼房改造而成的

为了便于书籍的摆放及运送, 一开始就确定了开放式平面的设计方案 因此, 对现有建筑进行 结构改造, 极其重要 如, 用金属材料取代建筑物外层的柱子, 并稳固了地基结构 新增的地下室, 专为儿童打造, 包括一个小型的礼堂, 可供书店举办讲座和培训等

我们始终坚持, 一个商业建筑设计必须能使商家商品的商品更突出, 提高其促销及其销售量 毫无疑问, 实现这一目标有很多种方式, 而不同的方法区分了各项目的性质

我们的设计方案旨在创造一个让顾客舒适的空间 www.archgo.com 把世界的优秀建筑送到您的桌面 放眼望去, 屋里的每一个角落都是书, 毫无矫揉造作的感觉 在这个二手书店里, 顾客可以在 各层的椅子或沙发上随意翻阅他们感兴趣的书 通过构建低层高空间, 深色调, 间接照明以及从上到下的按一定规则 随意 摆放的 无尽 的书架,Livraria da Vila 无不体现出其舒适性 书店的旋转书架门, 通过楼板的开洞来形成各层空间串联以及其它设计元素都让人出乎意料, 激发了顾客进入书店并探索丰富空间的欲望 建筑师 :Isay Weinfeld 合作者 :Domingos Pascali 项目经理 :Monica Cappa 设计小组 :Marcelo Alvarenga / Juliana Garcia / Leandro Garcia 设计日期 :2006 年 9 月竣工日期 :2007 年 4 月建筑面积 :790,00 m² 原文 : Livraria de Vila is a bookshop in São Paulo with a store-front made of revolving bookcases, designed by Brazilian studio Isay Weinfeld Arquitecto.

Completed in 2007, the project involved the renovation of a two-storey house on the deep narrow site and included the addition of a basement. The walls of each level are covered with shelves from floor to ceiling and apertures between floors are lined with books too. The basement level is dedicated to childrens books, in addition to a small auditorium for lectures and courses. Here is some more information from the architects: The Livraria da Vila is the result of the refurbishment of a two-story house, built on a very narrow plot in São Paulo. From start, it was clear an open plan was needed, as to better arrange products and circulation. For that reason, significant structural alterations were performed to the existing building, such as the incorporation of metal parts that would make it possible to displace the pillars to the outer sections of the building, and reinforce its foundations. The inclusion of one level basement allowed for the setting up of an entire floor exclusive for children, in addition to a small auditorium, to hold courses and lectures. We believe that in a commercial venue, a project must always be developed to enhance the product, its in-store merchandising, and its sales. There are, undoubtedly, innumerable ways to achieve this goal, and it is probably the nature of the approach that distinguishes each project. We, in particular, strive for solutions that will allow customers to experience the product as comfortably as possible. In the case of Livraria da Vila, such comfort is translated into the composition of low-ceiling spaces, dark tones, indirect lighting and infinite shelves in careful disarray covering all walls to the ceiling. Whichever direction one looks at, there are books, and an unpretentious feel, reminding that of used-book stores, making customers at ease to browse the shelves for the books they want, to leaf through or even read them in the couches and easy chairs scattered around the multiple stories. The pivoting window-shelf-doors, and the voids connecting one floor to the next, are other project elements that, unexpected, invite customers to enter and explore the store and its various spaces. Architect: Isay Weinfeld

Collaborator: Domingos Pascali Project manager: Monica Cappa Team: Marcelo Alvarenga / Juliana Garcia / Leandro Garcia Date of commission: Sept 2006 Date of completion: Apr 2007 Buit area: 790,00 m² www.archgo.com 把世界的优秀建筑送到您的桌面