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87 6 305328 K. Walsh performance environment structure resources R. Gremwood

306 organizational productivity Greenwood, 1980: 150-165 J. Gyford Gyford, 1989: 235-246 post-parliament institutionalization democratization confidence gap efficiency versus social eguity intrinsic on ideological satisfaction extrinsic on instrumental advantage political and administrative malpractices Porta and Meny, 1997: 166-167

87 6 307 Ecology 861-3 D. Simomnet ecology of politics Simomnet 7873-89

308 patron-clientel coalition Sicily administrators politicians mafia group entrepreneurs G. Falcone G. Lnsaloco Ciancimino Vannucci, 1997: 50-64 Bribery discretionary Powers Barter votes Porta and Meny, 1997: 166-169 violent dissuasion Porta and Meny, 1997: 168-171 political rents corruption market bribery market dramatic vicious circle Vnnucci, 1997: 64

87 6 309

310 8161

87 6 311 7928 77111 79 clientelism and coalition 7861

312 7837-39 mafia politics 83115-117

87 6 313 ruling structure KTV

314 Gerhard E. Lenski Power position property authority influence Lenski, 1966: 36-39 James C. Scott vertical ties napotism parochial royalty locality orientation deference patron-client policy concerns material rewards and favors secure

87 6 315 coperation reciprocity relationship Scott, 1970: 549-555 networks redistributive system Bouissou, 1997: 132-134 Patron-clientel relationship Political Rent dynamics of corruption 1 1

316 barter vote 8312

87 6 317 suboptimization 199344-61 open system

318 8619-21 Adonis, 1997: 113-114 2 2

87 6 319 3 3


87 6 321


87 6 323

324 democratization institutionalization management and reforms restructuring reproductive Goetz and Clarke, 1993: 4-10 Political efficacy Political competence Political rents

87 6 325

326 78 Simomnent 78 86 86 83 79 81 78 78 83 83 Adonis A., 1997, The UK: Civic Virtue Put to the Test in Porta D. Detey led), Democracy and Corruption in Europe (London: pinter). Bouissou J., 1997, Gifts, Networks and Clienteles; Connyetion in Japan

87 6 327 as a Redstributive System in Porta D.D. et., (ed.), Democracy and Corruption in Europe (London: Pinter). Goetz E.G. and Clarke S.E., 1993, The New Localism. London: Sage Publication. Greenwood Royston, 1980, Patterns of Management in Local Government (London: Unwin Hyman). Gyford J., 1989, The Changing Politics of Local Government (london: Unwin Hyman). Lenski G.E., 1996, Power and Privilege (New York: Mcgraw-Hill Book Company). Porta D.D and Meny Y., ed., 1997, Democracy and Corruption in Europe (London: Pinter). Scott J.C., 1970, Corruption, Machine Politics and Political Change, in Arnold J.Heidenheimer ed., Political Corruption (New York: Hott, Rinehart and Winston. edc. pp.549-555). Vanmucci A., 1997, Politicians and Godfather: Mafia and Political Corruption in Italy. in Porta D.D. etc., (ed.), Democracy and Corruption in Erope (London: Pinter).

328 The Relationships Between Local Political Ecology and Local Administration Yung-Mau Chao Abstract The paper intends to analyze the relationships between local political ecology and local administration. Local political ecology is constituted with local faction bosses, mafia politicians, businessmen politicians, and some concerned interest groups. This ecology web strongly impact the local authorities. Local political mafia, factions and businessmen always use the power of privileges to conduct the extortion and solicitation on personnel, construction case, purchases and the monopoly or protection of special reciprocal benefits. These acts are seriously damage the neutrality of administration, and weakening the prestige of local government. This ecological structure in Taiwan local politics also conducts as a corrupt political class, and very much like a dynamic system of corruption as well. The dynamics of political corruption appear to be interwoven with the power of political parties to strengthen their mandate. This ecology has had the effect of further reducing defences against local political corruption and bad administration.

87 6 329