Contents 目录 Contents 2 About IFCC Host City Shenzhen 7 Organizers 9 International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan 9 Shenzhen Municipal Forestry Bu

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首届国际森林城市大会 1 st International Forest City Conference 会议手册 Conference Program 中国深圳 2016.11.29-11.30 Shenzhen, China

Contents 目录 Contents 2 About IFCC 2016 5 Host City Shenzhen 7 Organizers 9 International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan 9 Shenzhen Municipal Forestry Bureau 9 Urban Forest Research Center 10 International Network for Bamboo and Rattan 11 Keynote Speaker 12 Zehui Jiang 12 Special Invited Speakers 14 Qingsheng Liu 14 Shona Myers 15 Bojie Fu 15 Cecil Konijnendijk 16 Fabio Salbitano 17 Theme and Panel Sessions 18 Conference Programs 19 General Program 19 Opening Ceremony Program 20 Plenary Presentations Program 21 Panel Sessions Programs 22 Panel Session 1: Forest Cities Mayors Forum Philosophy and Practice of Building Forest Cities 22 Panel Session 2: Ecological Functions and Assessment of Urban Forests 24 Panel Session 3: INBAR Session Bamboo for Urban Parks and Wellbeing

26 Panel Session 4: Ecosystem Services of Urban Forests 28 Panel Session 5: Development Models and Innovation of Forest Cities 29 Panel Session 6: Planning and Management of Forest Cities 31 Closing Ceremony Program 32 Important Notes 34 Registration 34 Panel Sessions Venues 34 Transport 35 Accommodation 37 Meal Arrangement 38 City Tour Information 39 Staff Contact Information 39 General Information 40 大会简介 42 会议主办城市 深圳 43 承办单位 44 国际竹藤中心 44 深圳市林业局 44 国家林业局城市森林研究中心 45 国际竹藤组织 45 大会主旨报告人 46 江泽慧 46 大会特邀报告人 47 刘庆生 47 休娜 迈尔斯 47 傅伯杰 47 塞西尔 科奈恩德克 48 法比奥 萨尔比达诺 48 3

大会主题及分会场设置 49 大会议程 50 总议程 50 开幕式议程 52 大会特邀报告议程 52 分会场议程 53 分会场 1: 森林城市市长论坛 森林城市建设理念与实践 53 分会场 2: 城市森林生态功能与评价 54 分会场 3:INBAR 论坛 竹子在提升城市园林和民众福祉中的作用 56 分会场 4: 城市森林生态系统服务 58 分会场 5: 森林城市发展模式和创新实践 59 分会场 6: 森林城市规划与管理 60 闭幕式议程 61 会务信息 62 会议报到 62 会场地点列表 62 交通安排 63 住宿安排 65 用餐安排 66 城市考察安排 67 会务组信息 67 其他注意事项 67 4

About IFCC 2016 Urbanization is speeding up worldwide, along which come substantial development opportunities as well as challenges for the human society. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in 2015 made it a goal to "make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable", thus setting a higher standard for cities' ecological environment. Meanwhile, urban construction brings a series of environmental problems, including the increase of the heat island effect, air pollution, soil erosion, and water shortage, posing a serious threat to achieving the goal of sustainable cities and communities. In the future, while we press ahead with the urbanization process, we should also adopt the concept of forest city, improve cities' ecosystem services, coordinate the planning of forest cities with regional sustainable development, promote the building of forest cities, innovate on development models, and try to achieve the goal of sustainable cities and communities proposed by the United Nations. Forests are an important component of cities' ecosystem and have distinct ecological, economic, social, and cultural functions. Being the green infrastructure of urban ecological environment, forests can provide shade, clear up the air, cancel noise, and absorb dust. In addition, forests are a symbol of low-carbon cities, a carrier of a city's unique culture, and a significant sign of urban development and cultural progress. Since the start of the 21st century, urban planners of many countries have highlighted forests and constructed efficient urban forest ecosystems. It has become a widely shared belief that forest cities should be promoted. China and European countries have successfully hosted six Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Symposiums on Urban Forestry to promote cooperation and exchange in urban forestry between Asian and European countries. In the 3rd 5

United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) hosted in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, in October 2016, urban and peri-urban forestry (UPF) was identified as a key driver of the New Urban Agenda. The 1st International Forest City Conference, sponsored by the State Forestry Administration (SFA), Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, and the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and hosted by the International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR), Shenzhen Municipal Forestry Bureau, the Urban Forest Research Center of SFA, and International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), will convene between November 29 and 30 in 2016, in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. The purpose of the conference is to help achieve the United Nation's goal of sustainable cities and communities, promote dialogue and collaboration on new ideas, new models, and new practices in building forest cities, share the best practices of various countries, and together draw the roadmap of the future development of sustainable cities and communities. 6

Host City Shenzhen Located in the south of Guangdong Province, east of the Pearl River Delta, and adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, Shenzhen is the first special economic zone established by China's reform and opening up policy and thus a pioneer in reform, opening up, and foreign economic exchanges. With one of the largest total economic output among China s major cities, it is an epitome of innovation-driven development and circular economy, a national high-tech industry base and cultural industry base, and an international financial, trade and shipping center. The city has an urban area of about 1996 square kilometers and a coastline of 248 kilometers long. Under its jurisdiction, there are 8 administrative districts and 2 functional zones. The resident population is around 10.78 million. The city boasts a forest area of 68,700 hectares, accounting for 34.76% of its total land area. The forest coverage rate of the city is 40.92% with a per capita green space of 16.04 square meters. Specifically, there are 2,400 kilometers of greenways and 911 parks, including 17 forest parks and outskirt parks, 8 municipal wetland parks, 4 natural reserves. The city features a three-tier park system of natural parks, city parks, and community parks. In terms of forest resources and ecological indicators, Shenzhen is ranked among the best in China s large and medium sized cities. It has won a series of honours on this front, including "National Garden City", National Green Model City", "National Environmental Protection Model City", "World Garden City" and China Habitat Environment Award". On 16 th October, 2016, the 2016-2025 Master Plan for Establishing Shenzhen as a National Forest City, with its compiling led by ICBR, passed the review of experts organized by the State Forestry Administration. Now under the leadership of CPC Central Committee and Guangdong Provincial Committee, Shenzhen is building itself into a world-class forest and flower city. 7


Organizers International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan The International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR) was established in 2000 with the approval of the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Science and Technology. ICBR is a non-profit scientific research organization affiliated to the State Forestry Administration. Its mission is to provide services for the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), the first inter-governmental international organization headquartered in China, to assist and cooperate with INBAR to fulfill its mission, and to promote the sustainable development of bamboo and rattan industry across the world. The main responsibilities and tasks of ICBR include: conducting basic and applied researches on the breeding, management, and utilization of bio-resources, especially bamboo and rattan; promoting international scientific cooperation and exchanges in the field of bamboo and rattan among the member states of INBAR; developing new curriculums and improving education to train high-level professionals in bamboo, rattan, and flower; conducting technological R&D, technological services as well as promotion and application of research results to support the development of bamboo, rattan, and flower industry; and conducting research in biomass energies, biomass materials, bio-technologies, and bamboo forest ecosystem fixer system in response to global climate change and national innovation-driven development goals so as to promote the development of a green and low-carbon economy. Shenzhen Municipal Forestry Bureau Shenzhen Municipal Forestry Bureau is in charge of building and managing public 9

green space and parks, organizing afforestation and land greening efforts, and protecting and managing ancient and heritage trees. The bureau s terms of reference also include the following: organizing and guiding forest eco-environment conservation investigations, monitoring, and assessment; releasing forest eco-environment status and indicator information; organizing and guiding the preservation and utilization of terrestrial wildlife resources; organizing the restoration of natural forest resources; preserving biodiversity; guiding the construction and management of wildlife and wetland natural reserves; implementing the work related to building Shenzhen into a National Forest City. Urban Forest Research Center Approved and established by the State Forestry Administration, the Urban Forest Research Center of the State Forestry Administration (UFRC) is a professional institute specializing in urban forest research, forest city planning, and forest landscape planning & design. It is the leading team for scientific research of major state urban forest projects, the core think tank to make strategies and decisions for China s urban forestry development, and a main force in international urban forestry exchanges and cooperation. As the "national team" in the scientific research of urban forests in China, UFRC has successively undertaken national key science and technology support programs in urban forestry, public welfare research projects and over 30 projects commissioned by the State Forestry Administration. It has directed the making of the state urban forestry development strategy, carried out urban forest development research in over 50 cities throughout the country, prepared modern forestry development strategies for 6 provinces, and compiled the overall planning of forest city building for over 40 cities. 10

At present, UFRC takes a leading place in China in the fields of urban forestry development theory, urban forest health effects, urban forest ecological services, urban forest culture, and cultivation of urban ecological and landscape forests. The institution boasts globally cutting-edge technologies in forest city planning. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) is a multilateral development organization of 41 member states for the promotion of bamboo and rattan. INBAR plays a unique role in supporting its members to find and demonstrate innovative ways of using bamboo and rattan to protect environments and biodiversity and alleviate poverty. INBAR connects a global network of partners from the government, private, and not-for-profit sectors to define and implement a global agenda for sustainable development with bamboo and rattan. 11

Keynote Speaker Zehui Jiang Professor Zehui Jiang is Chief Scientist of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, a PhD Supervisor, and a pioneer in Wood (Bamboo and Rattan) Science and Technology. She is Vice Chair of the Committee of Population, Resources and Environment of the CPPCC National Committee, Executive Deputy Director General of the Science and Technology Committee of the State Forestry Administration of China, Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Director General of the International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR), President of China Flower Association and China Eco-Culture Association. On the academic front, Prof. Jiang has a fellowship at the International Academy of Wood Science, an Honorary Doctoral Degree of Laws at the University of Alberta in Canada, and an Honorary PhD Degree at St Petersburg State Forestry Technical University. She was President of Anhui Agricultural University and the Chinese Academy of Forestry. Prof. Jiang has long been engaged in education, research and technology management in the fields of forest utilization science, wood science and technology, ecology, etc. She has successively hosted and participated in the National Climbing Program, Science Support Programme, National Key Technology Research & Development Program, National Program on Key Basic Research Projects of China (973 Program), Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, State High-Tech Development Plan (863 Program), as well as GEF, ITTO and CFC projects. Her research has been awarded with 1 first prize and 3 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and 8 provincial/ministeriallevel prizes. She has successfully applied for more than 110 patents and published 12

over 30 monographs and more than 200 papers in domestic and foreign journals. Prof. Jiang has tutored more than 60 graduate students and post-doctoral candidates in the major of forestry engineering. Prof. Zehui Jiang has been interested in and working in urban forestry research and forest city building for a long time. Back in 2001, Guiyang Declaration on ASEM Science and Technology Cooperation on Forest Conservation and Sustainable Development was approved at ASEM Symposium on Forest Conservation and Sustainable Development. Since then, under the ASEM Science and Technology Forestry Initiative, six biennial Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Symposiums on Urban Forestry have been held. Prof. Jiang s awards and honours include Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker, the Global Environment Leader Award, the International Academy of Wood Science Distinguished Service Award, Remarkable Contribution Award by the University of British Columbia, and the Gold Rose Award, the most prestigious individual award of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH). She is Chief Editor of World of Ecological Culture, Honorary President of China Floriculture, Vice Director of the Editorial Committee of China Territory Today, and Honorary Director of the Editorial Committee of Forestry Science. 13

Special Invited Speakers Qingsheng Liu Liu Qingsheng is member of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), member of the Shenzhen Municipal People s Government CPC Group. He has an EMBA degree. From 1985 to 2005, he worked in the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China first and then moved to the Publicity Department of Shenzhen Party Committee on publicizing tasks and actively promoted development of IT application on and communication about health. During the period when he worked as one of the key leaders of Nanshan and Futian Districts of Shenzhen, he was engaged in the development of Futian Minsheng WeChat interactive platform, and actively promoted urban greening and landscaping. From January of 2014 to September of 2016, he was both Vice Mayor of Shenzhen and Director of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau. During the period, he actively promoted the Technology City Wall program and improved the city s public security indicators. His current position is both member of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and member of the Shenzhen Municipal People s Government CPC Group, in charge of forestry, urban management, transport, civil administration, ports, etc. He is now actively engaged in the promotion of technological innovation for urban management and advocating full use of advanced technologies, including big data, cloud platforms, internet plus, to build Shenzhen into a world-class forest city and world-renowned flower city. 14

Shona Myers Shona Myers, New Zealander, is an ecologist. She received Bachelor of Science in Botany and Ecology from the University of Auckland in 1982 and Master of Science (First Class Honours) in Botany and Ecology from the same university in 1984. Shona has over 30 years experience as an ecologist. She has worked widely in central and regional government agencies, leading biodiversity conservation and resource management programmes. She has undertaken ecological survey and monitoring projects in many parts of New Zealand. She was formerly President of the New Zealand Ecological Society and is currently President of the International Association for Ecology (INTECOL). In November, 2016, Shona was voted as a Life Member of New Zealand Ecological Society. Bojie Fu Dr. Bojie Fu is a professor of physical geography and landscape ecology at the State Key Lab of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for Developing World (TWAS) and Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society Edinburgh UK. He is President of the Geographical Society of China, Director-General of the Department of Earth Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. His research areas are land use and land cover change, landscape pattern and ecological processes, and ecosystem services and management. He serves as Vice President of International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) and Vice Chairman of International Long-term Ecological Research Network (ILTER). He has published more than 400 scientific papers and 10 books, in journals including Science, Nature Geoscience and Nature Climate Change. His prizes include China National Natural Science Prize and Award 15

of Distinguished Service from the International Association of Landscape Ecology. Cecil Konijnendijk Dr. Cecil Konijnendijk is professor at the Department of Forest Resources Management of the University of British Columbia (UBC). At UBC, Cecil teaches in the Bachelor of Urban Forestry program, while he is also coordinating the development of a new professional Masters in urban forestry. He is also engaged in developing a strong urban forestry research group with an international focus. Cecil obtained his MSc in forestry from Wageningen University, Netherlands, and did his doctoral work at the University of Joensuu (now the University of Eastern Finland). Cecil has previously also held professorships at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Hong Kong. His research and teaching focus on urban forestry, urban green space governance, green infrastructure planning, cultural ecosystem services, and relations between people and nature in an urban context. Cecil has advised cities, national governments and international organizations such as FAO and the European Commission on urban forestry issues. He has published widely on this topic and authored several textbooks, including the book Urban Forests and Trees that was also translated into Chinese. He is editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening and book series editor for Springer s Future City series. Together with Francesco Ferrini and Alessio Fini, he is currently compiling a new Routledge Handbook on Urban Forestry. 16

Fabio Salbitano Fabio Salbitano, Italian, PhD in Forest Ecology, is professor at the Department of Management of Rural, Forest and Food Systems of the University of Florence and currently teaches Urban Forestry, Landscape Ecology, and Silviculture. Since the mid-1980s, he has been involved in research and education on ecological history, ancient woodlands, urban woodland planning, design and management, etc. His specific research activities were carried out through a number of International and National projects, research consultancy work for international and national Agencies (FAO, EU, IUFRO, etc.), as well as expertise and support for academic institutions and NGOs. He has been participating actively in FAO Urban Forestry Programs since 2001, as volunteer advisor or consultant. 17

Theme and Panel Sessions The theme of this conference is Forest Cities and Human Habitats. There are six panel sessions, as follows: Panel Session 1: Forest Cities Mayors Forum Philosophy and Practice of Building Forest Cities Panel Session 2: Ecological Functions and Assessment of Urban Forests Panel Session 3: INBAR Session Bamboo for Urban Parks and Wellbeing Panel Session 4: Ecosystem Services of Urban Forests Panel Session 5: Development Models and Innovation of Forest Cities Panel Session 6: Planning and Management of Forest Cities 18

Conference Programs General Program 28 th November Registration Lobby, Building A, Wuzhou Guest House Dinner Please see Meal Arrangement 29 th November Group Photo In front of Building A, Wuzhou Guest House Opening Ceremony Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House Tea Break / Forest Cities Exhibition Outside of Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House Plenary Presentations Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House Lunch Please see Meal Arrangement Panel Sessions Panel Session 1: Forest Cities Mayors Forum Philosophy and 10:00-22:00 18:00-20:00 8:30-8:50 9:00-10:10 10:10-10:30 10:30-12:10 12:10-13:40 14:00-18:15 Practice of Building Forest Cities Panel Session 2: Ecological Functions and Assessment of Urban Forests Panel Session 3: INBAR Session Bamboo for Urban Parks and 19

Wellbeing Please see Panel Sessions Programs 20:00 Welcome Banquet (Buffet) Wuzhou Banquet Hall, Wuzhou Guest House 30 th November Panel Sessions Panel Session 4: Ecosystem Services of Urban Forests 8:30-10:50 Panel Session 5: Development Models and Innovation of Forest Cities Panel Session 6: Planning and Management of Forest Cities Please see Panel Sessions Programs 18:30-10:50-11:20 11:20-12:05 12:15-13:20 13:30-16:30 18:00-20:00 Tea Break / Poster Session Competition Outside of Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House Closing Ceremony Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House Lunch Please see Meal Arrangement City Tour Please see City Tour Information Dinner Please see Meal Arrangement Opening Ceremony Program Time: 9:00-10:10, 29 th November, 2016 Venue: Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House 20

9:00-9:50 Phase 1: Addresses 9:50-10:10 Phase 2: Keynote Speech Philosophy and Innovation of Building Forest Cities in China Speaker: Prof. Zehui Jiang Vice Chair, Committee of Population, Resources and Environment, CPPCC; Co-Chair, Board of Trustees of INBAR; President, China Eco-Culture Association; Director General, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR) Plenary Presentations Program Time: 10:30-12:10, 29 th November, 2016 Venue: Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House * Each presentation is given 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q & A. Chair: Shirong Liu President, Ecological Society of China Speakers: 1. Optimizing Shenzhen s ecological space and building a world-class forest city Qingsheng Liu Member, Standing Committee, CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee 2. Urban biodiversity - experiences from Aotearoa, New Zealand Shona Myers President, International Association for Ecology 3. Ecosystem services and urban eco-environmental improvement Bojie Fu Fellow, Chinese Academy of Sciences 21

4. City forests and forest cities advances in global urban forestry research and education Cecil Konijnendijk Professor, University of British Columbia Panel Sessions Programs * Each presentation is allowed up to 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q & A. * Please provide the staff with your slides at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of each panel session. Panel Session 1: Forest Cities Mayors Forum Philosophy and Practice of Building Forest Cities Time: 14:00-17:20, 29 th November Venue: International Convention Hall, Wuzhou Guest House 1 2 3 14:00-15:20 Owen Croy Manager, Parks for the City of Surrey Craig Harrison London Manager, Forestry Commission England Representative of Xi an, Shaanxi Province Opening Speeches Chair: To be confirmed Best Practices in Conservation and Re- Planting of Urban Forests During Development: A Case Study of Surrey, British Columbia Urban forestry in the UK developing a wood culture To be confirmed 22

4 Zhiqiang Zhang Professor, Beijing Forestry University Urban forests planning in China: Framework, issues, and future directions 15:20-15:40 Tea Break 15:40-17:00 Mayors Dialogues Topic 1: Forest Cities and Ecological Welfare for Urban Residents (40 min) Chair: Craig Harrison London Manager, Forestry Commission England 1. Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China: Optimizing urban ecological space 2. Athens, Greece: To be confirmed 3. Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China: A distinctive forest city 4. Anshan, Korea: To be confirmed 5. Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China: Building a suburb ecological protective zone 6. Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, China: Reinforcing ecological infrastructure 7. Baotou, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China: Protecting cities ecological resources Topic 2: Forest Cities and Green Infrastructure (40 min) Chair: Cheng Wang Research Professor, Urban Forest Research Center, SFA 1. Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China: Building a three-tier park system and a greenway system 2. London, United Kingdom: Urban forest management 3. Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China: Eco-tourism 4. Havana, Cuba: To be confirmed 5. Changchun, Jilin Province, China: Building parks with features 6. Changde, Hunan Province, China: Eco-culture 7. Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China: Building an ecological water network 8. Zaozhuang, Shandong Province, China: Promoting the transition of cities 23

Q & A (20 min) 17:00-17:20 Chair: Cheng Wang Research Professor, Urban Forest Research Center, SFA Panel Session 2: Ecological Functions and Assessment of Urban Forests Time: 14:00-18:15, 29 th November Venue: Yangtse River Room, Wuzhou Guest House Part I 14:00-16:00 Chair: John Grace Professor, University of Edinburgh 1 2 3 4 Mauro Centritto Director, Trees and Timber Institute, National Research Council, Italy Xiangrong Wang Professor, Fudan University Richard Harper Professor, Murdoch University Wenjie Wang Research Professor, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Reducing VOC emissions: implications for planning a green city Assessment on eco-effect of skyrise greenery and urban forest A case of Shanghai, China Urban forests and the emerging carbon economy Woody species and bird biodiversity in Harbin city, Northeastern China: from long-term record and urban rural gradient data 5 Christos Gallis Urban and peri-urban forests and 24

6 Senior Researcher, Forest Research Institute, Greece Guangfa Qie Associate Research Professor, Urban Forest Research Center, SFA their ecosystem services for public health and sustainability Effects of plain afforestation projects on the urban living environment of Beijing 16:00-16:15 Tea Break Part II 16:15-18:15 Chair: Xiangrong Wang 1 2 3 4 5 6 Christoph Kleinn Abteilungsl Professor, University of Göttingen Liangjun Da Professor, East China Normal University Björn Olof Hånell Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Feng Li Professor, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Yadong Qi Professor, Southern University Hongxu Wei Assistant Research Professor, Professor, Fudan University Urban trees and city forests experiences from Germany and from a research project in Bangalore, India Ecological livability and urban closeto-nature forest IUFRO - 125 years of international cooperation in forest science Impacts of urbanization on ecosystem services and management applications Managing safe urban forests to reduce wind damage: experiences from hurricanes in Gulf Coast of the United States Difference of N changes between landscape-planting-tree seedlings in 25

Northeast Institute of Geography urban and rural environments and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Panel Session 3: INBAR Session Bamboo for Urban Parks and Wellbeing Time: 14:00-18:00, 29 th November Venue: Yellow River Room, Wuzhou Guest House Opening Speeches 14:00-14:20 Chair: Dr. Zhiyong Li Deputy Director-General, INBAR 1. Dr. Andrew John Bennett, Chair, INBAR Board of Trustees (5 minutes) 2. Dr. Benhua Fei, Executive Deputy Director General, International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (5 minutes) 3. Dr. Hans Friederich, Director-General, INBAR (5 minutes) Technical Sessions 14:20-15:40 Chair: Dr. Zhiyong Li Deputy Director-General, INBAR 1 2 3 Neville Mars Dutch architect & planner Founder, Dynamic City Foundation (DCF) Martin Tam Architect, Founder & CEO of Able Mart Limited in Hong Kong Shu Zhu Regional Director, East Asia The end of endless cities (15 min) Bamboo for the 21st century built environment (15 min) Forest management: Lessons learnt from the Global South (15 min) 26

4 Secretariat, Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) Qiang Li Programme Director, International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) The bamboo and rattan projects supported by ITTO (15 min) 5 Q & A (20 minutes) 15:40-16:00 Coffee Break Dialogue 1:The applications of bamboo in housing and landscaping 16:00-16:55 during the development of forest cities Chair: Dr. Hans Friederich Director-General, INBAR H.E. Karunasena Kodituwakku Ambassador of Sri Lanka to China H.E. Carmenza Jaramillo Gutierrez Ambassador of Colombia to Portugal Lucie Edwards Member, INBAR Board of Trustees Mark Halle Member, INBAR Board of Trustees Panel Discussion (45 min) The cultural heritage of traditional bamboo architecture and the development of modern bamboo construction Bamboo and urban greening Landscape design of bamboo forest in parks and gardens Q & A (10 min) Dialogue 2: The restoration of bamboo forest during urbanisation 16:55-17:50 and wellbeing of urban residents Chair: Dr. Hans Friederich Director-General, INBAR 27

H.E. Simon Pierre Adovelande Ambassador of Benin to China H.E. Madibo Charls Wagidoso Ambassador of Uganda to China Dr. Jan McAlpine Member, INBAR Board of Trustees Dr. Sileshi Getahun Member, INBAR Board of Trustees Panel Discussion (45 min) The protection and restoration of bamboo forest in the suburbs of cities The markets and consumption of bamboo products Leisure industry and ecological welfare of bamboo forest Prof. Francisco Jaime Tilak Viegas Member, INBAR Board of Trustees Q & A (10 minutes) Closing Conclusion 17:50-18:00 Dr. Hans Friederich Director-General, INBAR Panel Session 4: Ecosystem Services of Urban Forests Time: 8:30-10:50, 30 th November Venue: Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House 1 2 8:30-10:50 John Grace Professor, University of Edinburgh Cheng Wang Research Professor, Urban Forest Chair: Richard Harper Professor, Murdoch University Urban forests: bringing nature closer to the people Forest city cluster in China: Plan and construction 28

3 4 5 6 7 Research Center, SFA Hui Xu Professor and Vice President, Southwest Forestry University Wendy Y. Chen Professor, University of Hong Kong Pedro Miguel Ramos Arsénio Professor, University of Lisbon Bing Ye Research Professor, Research Institute of Forestry Policy and Information, Chinese Academy of Forestry Fangjun Liao Doctor, Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen Discussion on mountainous forest city construction based on Conservation and Utilization of Biodiversity in Yunnan Plateau Public perceptions of urban heritage trees ecosystem services Green infrastructure as a strategic tool for the integration of natural values, cultural values and ecosystem services Research on valuating health effects of urban forests based on long-term monitoring data Landscape trajectories and their effect on fragmentation for a coastal mountainous region in Shenzhen, China Panel Session 5: Development Models and Innovation of Forest Cities Time: 8:30-10:30, 30 th November Venue: Yangtse River Room, Wuzhou Guest House 8:30-10:30 Chair: Björn Olof Hånell 29

1 2 3 4 5 6 Maxim Lobovikov Professor, Saint Petersburg Forest Technical University Xingyuan He Research Professor, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Michael Rosen President, Tree Canada Chiky Wong President, Hong Kong Chapter, International Society of Arboriculture Guang Deng Associate Research Professor, Research Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques, Chinese Academy of Forestry Xiang Li Associate Professor, Economic Development Research Center, SFA Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences City forest in Russia: policy and management Analysis of urban forest research in China, based on published papers Canada Forest nation/urban people. Developing a forest city ethic Challenge of urban tree management in Hong Kong Urbanization and urban forests development in San Francisco Monetary valuation of urban forest ecosystem services in China: achievements, problems and future research need 30

Panel Session 6: Planning and Management of Forest Cities Time: 8:30-10:30, 30 th November Venue: Yellow River Room, Wuzhou Guest House Chair: Feng Li 8:30-10:30 Professor, Research Center for Eco- Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1 2 3 4 5 Trevor Sandwith Director, IUCN Global Protected Areas Programme Nancai Pei Associate Research Professor, Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry Ying Fah Lee Researcher, Forest Research Centre, Malaysia Xuzhong Song Associate Research Professor, Zhejiang Provincial Academy of Forestry Tien Wahyuni Researcher, Forest Ecosystem Research and Development Center, Indonesia Solutions for nature, health and a new urban generation in the cities of the future Long-term afforestation efforts attract birds' return in Beijing, China Management of Sandakan Rainforest Park, a city park in Sabah, Malaysia Technical specifications for protection of ancient and heritage trees in Zhejiang Province Review on application of urban forest policy 31

6 Wenjun Duan Doctor, Urban Forest Research Center, SFA O 3 Status in three kinds of forests in Yuanshan park, Shenzhen Closing Ceremony Program Time: 11:20-12:05, 30 th November, 2016 Venue: Huaxia Hall, Wuzhou Guest House Invited plenary speech (15 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q & A) Multiple scales in urban forestry towards the cities of tomorrow: the role of FAO Guidelines on Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry Fabio Salbitano Professor, University of Florence Chair: Xuhui, Professor, vice president of Southwest Forestry University Closing Ceremony Chair: Shirong Liu, President, Ecological Society of China 1. Closing Conclusion (10 min) Shirong Liu President, Ecological Society of China 2. Reading Shenzhen Declaration (3 min) Guobin Wang Director, Shenzhen Municipal Forestry Bureau 3. Address on behalf of All Attendees (3 min) Björn Olof Hånell Vice President, IUFRO 4. Thank You Speech of Organizers and Outstanding Poster Award 32

Ceremony (4 min) 33

Important Notes Registration Registration is open from 10:00 to 22:00 on 28 th November at the lobby of Building A of Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House. Please complete your registration procedure within the abovementioned time frame. After registration, please check in at the hotel that the Organizing Committee has assigned for you. Panel Sessions Venues All the events and panel sessions of this conference will take place at Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House. Opening Ceremony & Plenary Presentations Panel Session 1: Forest Cities Mayors Forum Philosophy and Practice of Building Forest Cities Panel Session 2: Ecological Functions and Assessment of Urban Forests Panel Session 3: INBAR Session Bamboo for Urban Parks and Wellbeing Welcome Banquet Panel Session 4: Ecosystem Services of Urban Forests Panel Session 5: Development Models and Innovation of Forest Cities Morning, 11.29 Afternoon, 11.29 Afternoon, 11.29 Afternoon, 11.29 Evening, 11.29 Morning, 11.30 Morning, 11.30 Huaxia Hall International Convention Hall Yangtse River Room Yellow River Room Wuzhou Banquet Hall Huaxia Hall Yangtse River Room Panel Session 6: Planning and Morning, Yellow River Room 34

Management of Forest Cities 11.30 Closing Ceremony Morning, 11.30 Huaxia Hall Huaxia Hall Huaxia Hall is located on the 2 nd Floor of Building B. Building A and B are connected on the 1 st Floor. Please go to the 1 st Floor of Building B first and then take the lift to the 2 nd Floor for Huaxia Hall. Wuzhou Banquet Hall Wuzhou Banquet Hall is located on the 2 nd Floor of Building A. International Convention Hall International Convention Hall is located on the 3 rd Floor of Building A. Yellow River Room Yellow River Room is located on the 2 nd Floor of Building A. Yangtse River Room Yangtse River Room is located on the 2 nd Floor of Building A. Transport 1. Shuttle Bus Service (1) Coming Schedule: Buses leave at every hour from 10:00 to 22:00 on 28 th November for Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House. Pick-up Points: Parking Lot, Shenzhen Bao an International Airport 35

Parking Lot, West Square, Shenzhen North Railway Station (Exit B1) Contacts: For Shenzhen Bao an International Airport, contact Ping Hu at 0086-13922845761. For Shenzhen North Railway Station, contact Yongyong Zheng at 0086-13609623213. (2) Leaving Schedule: Buses leave at 8:00, 10:00, and 12:00 on 1 st December for Shenzhen Bao an International Airport and Shenzhen North Railway Station Pick-up Point: Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House Contacts: For Shenzhen Bao an International Airport, contact Ping Hu at 0086-13922845761. For Shenzhen North Railway Station, contact Yongyong Zheng at 0086-13609623213. 2. Public Transport (1) From Shenzhen Bao an International Airport Take Subway Line 11 (To Futian) at Airport Station Get off at Chegongmiao Station Change to Subway Line 1 (To Luohu) Get off at Xiangmihu Station Take Exit C2 (2) From Shenzhen North Railway Station Take Subway Line 4 (To Futian Port) at Shenzhen North Station Get off at Huizhan Zhongxin Station Change to Subway Line 1 (To Luohu) Get off at Xiangmihu Station Take Exit C2 (3) From Shenzhen Luohu Railway Station Take Subway Line 1 (To Airport East) at Luohu Station Get off at Xiangmihu Station Take Exit C2 (4) From Shenzhen Futian Railway Station Option 1: Take Bus 32, 113 or 223 at Guangdian Dasha Station (To Songping 36

Mountain Station) Get off at Tequ Baoshe Station Option 2: Take Bus 59 at Futian High-Speed Railway Station (To Buxin Station) Get off at Tequ Baoshe Station (5) From Hong Kong International Airport Take Bus a41 at Airport Bus Terminus Get off Sha Tin City Center Bus Terminus Walk to Sha Tin Station and Take Line Lo Wu (To Lok Ma Chau) Get off at Lok Ma Chau Station Walk to Futian Port Station and Take Bus m441 Get off at Tequ Baoshe Station 3. Taxi (1) From Shenzhen Bao an International Airport The journey usually takes about 40 minutes and costs around CNY 100. (2) From Hong Kong International Airport The journey usually takes about 60 minutes and costs around CNY 350. Accommodation Attendees will stay either at Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House or Shenzhen Guohui Hotel. All the events and panel sessions will take place at Wuzhou Guest House. It takes 10 minutes to walk from Guohui Hotel to Wuzhou Guest House (see map below). As there is a limited number of rooms available at these two hotels, the Organizing Committee will assign rooms for attendees at its discretion. 1. Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House Address: 6001, Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Tel: 0086-755-82938000 Fax: 0086-755-83831797 Website: 2. Shenzhen Guohui Hotel 37

Address: 6002, Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Tel: 0086-755-83928888 Fax: 0086-755-83906383 Meal Arrangement During the conference, except for the Welcome Banquet, complimentary buffets are provided at breakfast, lunch, and dinner for attendees at the hotel that they are staying at. Meal tickets are required for entrance to dining rooms. Please destroy any unused meal tickets. 1. Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House Location: Zijin Dining Room, 1 st Floor, Building A Time: Breakfast 7:00-10:00; Lunch 11:30-14:00; Dinner 18:00-21:00 2. Shenzhen Guohui Hotel Location: Dining Room, 3 rd Floor 38

Time: Breakfast 7:00-10:00; Lunch 12:00-13:30; Dinner 18:00-20:00 City Tour Information Time: 13:30-16:30, 30 th November 20, 16 Pick-up Point: In front of Building A, Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House Destinations: Lianhua Mountain and Shenzhen Bay Foreign attendees: Staff Contact Information Please contact Jian Wang at 0086-13381227286 for all inquiries. Domestic attendees: For transport inquiries, please contact Ping Hu at 0086-13922845761. For accommodation inquiries at Wuzhou Guest House, please contact Honghai Dai at 0086-13501235098. For accommodation inquiries at Guohui Hotel, please contact Jingjing Xu at 0086-13510415731. For conference on-site coordination, please contact Yan Yu at 0086-13911735180 or Pingdi Zhuang at 0086-13603092555. During the conference, we have staff staying at both hotels. Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House: Room 422, Building A: Room 423 (for medical services), Building A Shenzhen Guohui Hotel: Room 2011 and 2012 39

General Information Name Badge You will receive your name badge at registration. Please wear it at all times during the conference for identification purposes. The name badges are colour-coded as follows: Attendees Green; Staff White. Internet Complimentary WIFI network is available at both hotels. Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House WIFI: wzhotel No password needed Shenzhen Guohui Hotel WIFI: GHhotel Password: 83928888 Travel You can travel in Shenzhen by bus, subway, or taxi. In Shenzhen s downtown area, two types of taxis co-exist. The red ones have a minimum charge of CNY 11.00 for the first 2 kilometers. After 2 kilometers, CNY 2.40 is added for each extra kilometer. There is also a waiting time charge of CNY 0.80 per minute. The blue ones are electric vehicles and have a minimum charge of CNY 10.00 for the first 2 kilometers. After 2 kilometers, CNY 2.40 is added for each extra kilometer. There is also a waiting time charge of CNY 0.80 per minute. Weather It is autumn in late November in Shenzhen. Generally, the weather is cool with little rainfall. The average temperature ranges from 15 C to 25 C, with chillier mornings and evenings. 40

Electricity The voltage is 220V 50Hz in China. Please prepare power adapters and converters as needed. Making Telephone Calls China country code: 86 Shenzhen s area code: 0755 To make phone calls using in-room telephones: Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House To call other rooms, dial 6 + Room Number. To make other calls, dial 9 + Phone Number. Please note that making calls of this type will incur extra charges. Shenzhen Guohui Hotel To call other rooms, dial Room Number directly. To make other calls, dial 9 + Phone Number. Please note that making local calls is free of charge and making domestic long-distance and international calls will incur extra charges. Emergency Calls Ambulance: 120; Police: 110; Fire Emergency: 119 Tips and Tax Tipping is not expected or commonly practiced in Shenzhen. Taxes are already included in stated prices. 41

大会简介 全球日益加快的城市化进程使人类社会面临巨大的发展机遇和挑战 2015 年通过的联合国 2030 年可持续发展议程确立了 建设具有包容性 安全 有复原力和可持续的城市和人类住区 的战略目标, 对城市生态环境建设提出了新的更高的要求 ; 与此同时, 全球范围内城市建设中的热岛效应增加 空气污染 土壤退化 水资源短缺等一系列生态环境问题, 尤其是全球气候变化, 对可持续城市和社区目标的实现构成了严重挑战 面向未来, 在推进城市化快速发展进程中, 需要树立森林城市的发展理念, 构建城市森林生态系统和提高生态系统服务功能, 统筹森林城市规划与区域可持续发展, 弘扬森林文化, 创新森林城市发展模式, 努力实现联合国提出的可持续城市与社区的发展目标 森林是城市生态系统的重要组成部分, 具有独特的生态 经济 社会和文化功能 森林具有庇荫降温 净化空气 降噪除尘等生态功能, 是城市生态环境建设的绿色基础设施, 同时也是低碳城市重要的绿色标志 文明城市独特的文化载体 城市发展和文明进步的重要标志 进入 21 世纪以来, 世界上许多国家在城市建设中把目光投向森林, 构建高效的城市森林生态系统, 建设森林城市, 已逐渐成为广泛的共识 2004 年以来, 中国与欧洲国家先后成功举办了 6 届 亚欧城市林业论坛, 推动了亚欧国家在城市森林领域的合作和交流 2016 年 10 月在厄瓜多尔首都基多召开的第三届联合国住房和可持续城市发展会议中, 城市及城郊森林 (UPF) 建设也成为了新城市议程的关键推动力 为推动联合国 2030 年议程可持续城市和社区的发展, 促进森林城市建设中新理念 新模式和新实践的对话与合作, 分享各国森林城市建设的成功经验, 探讨未来可持续城市与社区发展路线图, 由中国国家林业局 深圳市人民政府和中国全国政协人口资源环境委员会主办, 国际竹藤中心 国家林业局城市森林研究中心 深圳市林业局和国际竹藤组织承办的 首届国际森林城市大会, 将于 2016 年 11 月 29 日 -30 日在中国广东省深圳市举办 42

会议主办城市 深圳 深圳 中国改革开放建立的第一个经济特区, 地处广东省南部, 珠江三角洲东面, 毗邻香港和澳门, 是我国改革开放和对外经济交流重要前沿城市, 国家综合改革的自主创新与循环经济示范城市和创新驱动发展先锋城市, 是国家高新技术产业基地和文化产业基地, 国际性金融贸易和航运中心, 经济总量位居全国大中城市前列 全市市域面积约 1996 平方公里, 海岸线长 248 公里, 下辖 8 个行政区 2 个功能区, 常住人口约 1078 万人 全市林地面积为 6.87 万公顷, 占国土面积的 34.76%, 全市森林覆盖率 40.92%, 人均公园绿地为 16.04 平方米, 绿道总长 2400 公里, 森林公园或郊野公园 17 个, 市级湿地公园 8 个, 自然保护区 4 个, 公园总数 911 个, 基本形成了自然公园 - 城市公园 - 社区公园 三级 公园体系, 各项森林资源和生态指标均名列全国大中城市前列, 先后获得过 国家园林城市 全国绿化模范城市 国家环保模范城市 世界花园城市 和 中国人居环境奖 等一系列荣誉 2016 年 10 月 16 日, 由国际竹藤中心牵头编制的 深圳市国家森林城市建设总体规划(2016-2025 年 ) 通过国家林业局组织的专家评审 深圳正按照中央和广东省委统一工作部署抓紧创建世界级森林城市和打造世界著名花城 43

承办单位 国际竹藤中心国际竹藤中心是 2000 年经中编办 财政部 科技部批准成立, 直属国家林业局的非营利性科研事业单位, 其宗旨是直接服务于第一个总部设在中国的的政府间国际组织 国际竹藤组织 (INBAR), 支持和配合国际竹藤组织履行使命和宗旨, 推动国际竹藤事业可持续发展 中心设有 7 个研究所, 主要职责和任务是 : 开展竹藤 花卉为特色的生物资源培育 经营及利用的基础与应用研究 ; 面向国际竹藤组织成员国, 开展竹藤领域国际合作与交流, 国际国内技术培训 ; 开展学科和人才建设, 培养竹藤 花卉领域高级专业人才 ; 开展技术研发 科技服务和成果推广应用, 促进竹藤 花卉产业发展 ; 围绕应对全球气候变化和服务于国家创新驱动目标, 积极开展生物质能源 生物质材料和生物技术以及竹林生态系统定位网络研究, 促进绿色经济和低碳经济发展 深圳市林业局深圳市林业局的主要职责为组织实施公共绿地 公园建设和管理工作 ; 组织开展植树造林 封山育林 全民义务植树和国土绿化工作 ; 负责古树名木及其后续资源的保护和管理 此外, 深圳市林业局还承担林业资源与林业环境保护责任 ; 组织开展 指导林业生态环境保护调查 监测和评价, 发布林业生态环境状况公报及专项信息 ; 组织 指导陆生野生动植物资源的保护和合理开发利用 ; 组织开展林业资源自然生态修复工作 ; 按分工负责生物多样性保护的有关工作 ; 指导野生动植物 湿地类型自然保护区的建设和管理 负责深圳市国家森林城市创建工作 44

国家林业局城市森林研究中心国家林业局城市森林研究中心由国家林业局批准成立, 是从事城市森林科学研究 森林城市规划和森林景观规划设计的专业机构, 是国家城市森林重大科研项目的领军团队, 是我国城市林业发展战略与决策制定的核心智囊, 是国际城市林业交流与合作的中坚力量 近年来, 中心先后承担了城市林业方面的国家科技支撑重大项目 社会公益研究项目 国家林业局 948 项目等 30 余项, 主持制定了国家城市林业发展战略, 在全国 50 多个城市开展了城市森林建设研究, 为江苏 浙江 福建等 6 省编制了现代林业发展战略, 为北京 上海 广州 成都 西安 南京等 40 多个城市编制了森林城市建设总体规划 目前, 中心在城市林业发展理论 城市森林保健功能 城市森林生态服务 城市森林文化 城市生态风景林培育等领域居于国内领先地位, 在森林城市规划方面处于国际先进水平 国际竹藤组织国际竹藤组织现有成员国 41 个, 是于 1997 年 11 月 6 日在北京由中国在内的 9 个国家发起 通过签署 国际竹藤组织成立协议 而成立的第一个总部设在中国的独立的全球性政府间国际组织 国际竹藤组织是世界上惟一从事竹藤这两种最主要的非木材资源保护与发展的国际组织, 其宗旨是, 通过竹藤保护与发展领域的国际间合作, 保护环境 消除贫困 促进产业, 提高竹藤产区人民的福利, 为实现全球环境 社会和经济的可持续发展做出贡献 45

大会主旨报告人 江泽慧江泽慧, 首席科学家, 教授, 博士生导师, 木 ( 竹藤 ) 材科学与技术学科带头人 全国政协人口资源环境委员会副主任, 国家林业局科技委员会常务副主任, 国际竹藤组织 (INBAR) 董事会联合主席, 国际竹藤中心 (ICBR) 主任, 中国花卉协会会长, 中国生态文化协会会长 国际木材科学院院士, 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学法学名誉博士, 俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立林业技术大学名誉博士 曾担任安徽农业大学校长和中国林业科学研究院院长 长期从事森林利用学 木材科学与技术以及生态学等学科领域的教学 科研和科技管理工作, 先后主持和参加国家攀登计划项目 科技支撑项目 国家 973 项目 国家自然基金重点项目 国家 863 项目 GEF 项目 ITTO 项目和 CFC 项目等多项, 研究成果获国家科技进步一等奖 1 项, 二等奖 3 项, 省部级奖 8 项, 授权专利 110 余项, 出版专著 30 余部, 在国内外刊物学术论文 200 余篇 先后培养林业工程学科研究生 博士后 60 余名 江泽慧教授一直关注开展城市林业研究和森林城市建设工作 2001 年大力推动提出 亚欧森林保护与可持续发展科技合作贵阳宣言, 根据亚欧森林科技合作框架, 每两年在亚欧国家组织举办亚欧城市林业国际研讨会, 如今已成功举办了 6 届 她还荣获了 全国优秀科技工作者, 全球环境领导奖, 国际木材科学院杰出贡献奖, 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 (UBC) 授予杰出贡献奖, 以及国际园艺生产者协会 (AIPH) 个人最高奖项 金玫瑰奖 现任 生态文明世界 主编 中国花卉园艺 名誉社长 今日国土 编委会副主任 林业科学 编委会名誉主任 46

大会特邀报告人 刘庆生刘庆生, 广东省深圳市委常委 市政府党组成员, 工商管理硕士 1985 年至 2005 年间, 在中央宣传部和深圳市委宣传部长期从事宣传工作, 积极推进健康信息化建设和传播工作 在深圳市南山区和福田区担任主要领导期间, 打造 福田民生 微信互动平台, 积极推进城市绿化美化 2014 年 1 月至 2016 年 9 月, 任深圳市副市长 公安局局长, 积极推进 科技护城墙 建设, 提升城市公共安全指数 现任深圳市市委常委, 分管林业 城市管理 交通运输 民政 口岸等工作 积极推动城市管理科技创新, 充分利用大数据 云平台 互联网 + 等先进理念, 全力将深圳打造成世界级的森林城市和世界著名花城 休娜 迈尔斯休娜 迈尔斯, 新西兰人, 生态学家,1982 获奥克兰大学植物学和生态学理学学士学位,1984 年获奥克兰大学植物学和生态学一级荣誉理学硕士学位 从事生态学研究逾 30 年, 曾在中央及地方政府多个部门带头开展生物多样性保护及自然资源管理项目, 并参与了新西兰多个地区的生态调查与监控项目 曾任新西兰生态学学会主席, 现任国际生态学学会主席 2016 年当选新西兰生态学学会终身荣誉会员 傅伯杰傅伯杰, 男,1958 年生, 陕西咸阳市人, 中国科学院院士 第三世界科学院院士 英国爱丁堡皇家学会外籍院士 现任中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员 学术委员会主任 兼任中国科学 47

院地学部主任 国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部主任 任国际生态学会副主席 中国地理学会理事长 国家生态保护与建设专家委员会副主任 主要从事自然地理学和景观生态学研究, 在土地利用结构与生态过程 景观生态学和生态系统服务等方面取得了系统性创新成果 发表学术论文 400 余篇, 其中在 Science Nature geoscience Nature climate change 等 SCI 收录刊物发表论文 200 余篇, 出版著作 10 部 曾获国家自然科学二等奖, 国家科技进步二等奖和国际景观生态学会杰出贡献奖 任生态学报主编,Chinese Geographical Science 主编,Landscape Ecology Landscape and Urban Planning Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 等刊物编委 塞西尔 科奈恩德克塞西尔 科奈恩德克博士现任职于加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学森林资源管理系, 负责教授本科生城市林业课程, 协调开发城市林业新专业硕士课程, 并组建具有全球视野的城市林业研究团队 科奈恩德克为荷兰瓦赫宁根大学林业硕士 约恩苏大学 ( 现为东芬兰大学 ) 博士 先前曾在哥本哈根大学和香港大学担任教授 科奈恩德克的教学与科研工作主要集中在城市林业 城市绿色空间治理 绿色基础设施规划 文化生态系统服务以及城市环境中人与自然的关系 曾为多个城市 国家政府和国际组织 ( 如联合国粮农组织及欧洲委员会 ) 就城市林业问题担任顾问 在这个主题上科奈恩德克发表论文颇多, 也撰写过相关教材, 其中 城市森林与树木 一书已译成中文 科奈恩德克任学术期刊 城市林业与城市绿化 主编 施普林格 (Springer) 未来之城系列丛书编辑 现正与 Francesco Ferrini 和 Alessio Fini 合作编写劳特利奇 (Routledge) 城市林业手册 法比奥 萨尔比达诺 法比奥 萨尔比达诺, 意大利人, 森林生态学博士, 佛罗伦萨大学农村 森 48

林及粮食系统管理学院教授, 现教授城市林业 景观生态学 造林学等课程 自 20 世纪 80 年代中期开始参与生态历史 古树 城市森林规划设计及经营等领域的科研与教学 萨尔比达诺参与了一系列的国际及国家级科研项目, 并参与了联合国粮农组织 欧盟 国际林盟等国际组织机构的科研顾问项目 自 2001 年起, 萨尔比达诺开始积极参与联合国粮农组织的城市林业项目, 并担任顾问 大会主题及分会场设置 本次大会的主题是 森林城市与人居环境, 下设六个分会场, 分别为 : 分会场 1: 森林城市市长论坛 森林城市建设理念与实践 分会场 2: 城市森林生态功能与评价 分会场 3:INBAR 论坛 竹子在提升城市园林和民众福祉中的作用 分会场 4: 城市森林生态系统服务 分会场 5: 森林城市发展模式和创新实践 分会场 6: 森林城市规划与管理 49

大会议程 总议程 11 月 28 日 报到深圳五洲宾馆 A 座大堂晚餐会议代表在各自入住酒店用餐详见用餐安排 11 月 29 日 集体合影深圳五洲宾馆 A 座门前开幕式深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅茶歇 森林城市宣传展览深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅外大会特邀报告深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅午餐详见用餐安排 分会场会议 分会场 1: 森林城市市长论坛 森林城市建设理念与实践 10:00-22:00 18:00-20:00 8:30-8:50 9:00-10:10 10:10-10:30 10:30-12:10 12:10-13:40 14:00-18:15 分会场 2: 城市森林生态功能与评价 分会场 3:INBAR 论坛 竹子在提升城市园林和民众福祉中的 作用 详见分会场议程 50

18:30-20:00 大会欢迎宴会 ( 自助 ) 深圳五洲宾馆五洲厅 11 月 30 日 分会场会议 分会场 4: 城市森林生态系统服务 8:30-10:50 分会场 5: 森林城市发展模式和创新实践 分会场 6: 森林城市规划与管理 详见分会场议程 10:50-11:20 11:20-12:05 12:15-13:20 13:30-16:30 18:00-20:00 茶歇 墙报展示评比深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅外闭幕式深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅午餐详见用餐安排城市考察详见城市考察安排晚餐详见用餐安排 51

开幕式议程 2016 年 11 月 29 日 9:00-10:10 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅 9:00-9:50 第一阶段 : 领导致辞 9:50-10:10 第二阶段 : 大会主旨报告中国森林城市的建设理念与创新实践报告人 : 江泽慧教授全国政协人口资源环境委员会副主任 国际竹藤组织董事会联合主席 中国生态协会会长 国际竹藤中心主任 大会特邀报告议程 2016 年 11 月 29 日 10:30-12:10 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅每个报告 20 分钟, 提问 5 分钟主持人 : 刘世荣中国生态学学会理事长 1 优化深圳市生态空间, 建设世界级森林城市报告人 : 刘庆生深圳市人民政府常委 2 从新西兰奥特亚罗瓦的经验谈城市生物多样性报告人 : 休娜 迈尔斯国际生态学学会主席 3 生态系统服务与城市生态建设报告人 : 傅伯杰中国科学院院士 4 城市森林与森林城市 全球城市林业研究与教学的发展报告人 : 塞西尔 科奈恩德克加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学教授 52

分会场议程 口头报告 15 分钟, 提问 5 分钟 请各位报告人于分会场会议开始前 15 分钟将 PPT 拷入会务电脑 分会场 1: 森林城市市长论坛 森林城市建设理念与实践 2016 年 11 月 29 日 14:00-17:20 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆国际会议厅 1 2 14:00-15:20 欧文 克洛伊加拿大萨里市公园负责人 研究员克雷格 哈里森英国伦敦林业委员会高级项目主管 开场报告主持人 : 国家林业局宣传中心领导发展过程保护和再种植城市森林的最好实践 - 英属哥伦比亚省萨里市案列研究英国的城市林业 发展树木文化 3 中国森林城市市长代表发言陕西省西安市 4 张志强 北京林业大学教授 中国的城市森林规划 : 框架 问题与发展 方向 15:20-15:40 茶歇 15:40-17:00 对话与问答议题 1 森林城市与居民生态福利 ( 让居民享受更多更好的生态福利 ) (40 分钟 ) 主持人 : 克雷格 哈里森英国伦敦林业委员会高级项目主管 53

1 贵州省贵阳市: 优化城市生态空间 2 希腊雅典 3 广东省广州市: 特色森林城市 4 韩国 5 河南省郑州市: 构筑城郊生态屏障 6 河北省张家口市: 加强生态基础设施 7 内蒙古自治区包头市: 保护城市生态资源议题 2 森林城市与绿色基础设施 (40 分钟 ) 主持人 : 王成国家林业局城市森林研究中心研究员 1 广东省深圳市: 三级公园体系与绿道系统建设 2 英国伦敦: 城市森林管理 3 浙江省杭州市: 生态旅游 4 古巴哈瓦那 5 吉林省长春市: 特色公园建设 6 湖南省常德市: 生态文化 7 江苏省扬州市: 生态水网建设 8 山东省枣庄市: 促进城市转型发展自由问答 (20 分钟 ) 17:00-17:20 主持人 : 王成 国家林业局城市森林研究中心研究员 分会场 2: 城市森林生态功能与评价 2016 年 11 月 29 日 14:00-18:15 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆长江厅 14:00-16:00 第一节 54

1 2 3 4 5 6 莫罗 森德利多意大利国家研究委员会树木与木材研究所所长王祥荣复旦大学教授理查德 哈珀澳大利亚莫道克大学教授王文杰中科院东北地理与农业生态研究所研究员克里斯托斯 加利斯希腊农业部林业研究所研究员郄光发国家林业局城市森林研究中心副研究员 主持人 : 约翰 格雷斯英国爱丁堡大学教授降低挥发性有机化合物排放对规划绿色城市的意义空中绿化与城市森林的生态效应评价 以中国上海为例城市森林与新兴的低碳经济基于长期记录与城乡梯度数据分析中国东北哈尔滨市的树种与鸟类多样性城市与城郊森林及其在公共卫生与可持续发展方面的生态系统服务平原绿化项目对北京城区居住环境的效应 16:00-16:15 茶歇 第二节 16:15-18:15 主持人 : 王祥荣 1 2 3 克里斯多夫 克莱因德国哥廷根大学教授达良俊华东师范大学教授比约恩 哈奈尔瑞典农业大学教授 复旦大学教授基于德国经验与印度班加罗尔研究项目看城市树木与城市森林生态宜居度与城市近自然森林国际林联 森林科学国际合作 125 年 55

4 5 6 李锋中科院生态环境研究中心教授齐亚东美国南方大学教授魏宏旭中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所助理研究员 城市化对生态系统服务与管理应用的影响从美国墨西哥湾岸区应对飓风的经验看如何通过经营安全的城市森林降低风损城市与农村环境中景观树木树苗 N 变化的差异 分会场 3:INBAR 论坛 竹子在提升城市园林和民众福祉中的作用 2016 年 11 月 29 日 14:00-18:00 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆黄河厅 开幕式致辞 14:00-14:20 主持人 : 李智勇 INBAR 副总干事 1 安德鲁 贝纳特 INBAR 董事会主席 (5 分钟 ) 2 费本华国际竹藤中心常务副主任 (5 分钟 ) 3 费翰思 INBAR 总干事 (5 分钟 ) 主题研讨会 14:20-15:40 主持人 : 李智勇 INBAR 副总干事 1 何新城 荷兰建筑师 规划师 动态 城市基金会 (DCF) 创始人 城镇化进程中的新模式 (15 分钟 ) 56

2 3 4 谭天放香港建筑师 谭天放建筑发展事务所创始人 董事长朱澍倡导地区可持续发展国际理事会 (ICLEI) 东亚秘书处区域主任李强国际热带木材组织 (ITTO) 项目部主任 竹子在 21 世纪建筑环境中的作用 (15 分钟 ) 南半球城市森林管理案例 (15 分钟 ) 国际热带木材组织的竹藤行动 (15 分钟 ) 5 问答环节 (20 分钟 ) 15:40-16:00 茶歇高端对话 1 森林城市建设中竹子在建筑以及园林建设 16:00-16:55 中的应用 主持人 : 费翰思 INBAR 总干事 卡鲁纳塞纳 科迪图瓦库 斯里兰卡驻华大使讲坛对话 (45 分钟 ) 卡尔门萨 卡拉米略哥伦比亚驻葡萄牙大使露西 爱德华兹 INBAR 董事会成员 传统竹建筑文化的传承和现代竹建筑的发展竹子与城市绿化公园与庭院的竹林景观设计 马汉理 问答环节 (10 分钟 ) INBAR 董事会成员 高端对话 2: 16:55-17:50 城市化进程中竹林恢复与城市居民的生态 福利 57

主持人 : 费翰思 INBAR 总干事 西蒙 阿多韦兰德 贝宁驻华大使 马蒂博 瓦基多索乌干达驻华大使简 迈克尔萍 INBAR 董事会成员塞里希 盖塔宏 INBAR 董事会成员 讲坛对话 (45 分钟 ) 城市周边竹林资源的保护与恢复 竹产品市场与消费 竹林游憩与生态福利问答环节 (10 分钟 ) 提拉克 维嘎斯 INBAR 董事会成员 会议总结 17:50-18:00 费翰思 INBAR 总干事 分会场 4: 城市森林生态系统服务 2016 年 11 月 30 日 8:30-10:50 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅 1 2 8:30-10:50 约翰 格雷斯英国爱丁堡大学教授王成国家林业局城市森林研究中 主持人 : 理查德 哈珀澳大利亚莫道克大学教授城市森林 : 让人与自然更亲近中国的森林城市群 : 规划与建设 58

3 4 5 6 7 心研究员胥辉西南林业大学教授 副校长陈艳香港大学教授佩德罗 阿森尼奥葡萄牙里斯本大学教授叶兵中国林科院科信所研究员廖芳均仙湖植物园博士 基于生物多样性保护与利用的云南高原山地森林城市建设探讨城区古树生态系统服务的公众认知绿色基础设施作为自然价值 文化价值与生态系统服务有机统一的战略工具基于长期监控数据对城市森林卫生效应的评估研究景观轨迹及其对中国深圳沿海山地地区分裂化的影响 分会场 5: 森林城市发展模式和创新实践 2016 年 11 月 30 日 8:30-10:50 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆长江厅 1 2 3 8:30-10:30 马克西姆 乐博维卡夫圣彼得堡林业大学教授何兴元中科院东北地理与农业生态研究所研究员迈克尔 罗森加拿大树木协会主席 主持人 : 比约恩 哈奈尔瑞典农业大学教授俄罗斯的城市森林 : 政策与管理基于已发表论文对中国城市森林研究的分析加拿大 森林国度与城区居民树立森林城市理念 59

4 5 6 王卓粵国际树木学会香港分部主席邓广中国林科院资源信息研究所副研究员李想国家林业局经研中心副研究员 香港城市树木管理面临的挑战旧金山的城市化与城市森林发展中国城市森林生态系统服务的经济价值 : 成就 问题与未来研究需求 分会场 6: 森林城市规划与管理 2016 年 11 月 30 日 8:30-10:30 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆黄河厅 1 2 3 4 5 8:30-10:30 特雷弗 桑德威斯 IUCN 全球保护区计划主任裴男才中国林科院热带林业研究所副研究员李英发马来西亚林业研究中心研究员宋绪忠浙江省林科院副研究员提安 乌尤尼印尼森林生态系统研究和开发中心研究员 主持人 : 李锋中科院生态环境研究中心教授未来城市自然 卫生与新一代城市居民的解决方案中国北京长年植树造林对吸引鸟类回城的作用马来西亚沙巴州仙娜港雨林公园的管理浙江省古树名木保护的技术条件城市森林政策实施回顾 60

6 段文军 国家林业局城市森林研究 中心博士 深圳夏天三处城市森林臭氧浓度变化 闭幕式议程 2016 年 11 月 30 日 11:20-12:05 地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆华夏厅 大会特邀报告 (25 分钟 ) 城市林业的多重尺度 : 联合国粮农组织城市及城郊森林指导意见的作用报告人 : 法比奥 萨尔比达诺意大利佛罗伦萨大学教授主持人 : 胥辉西南林业大学教授, 副校长大会闭幕式主持人 : 刘世荣中国生态学学会理事长 1 大会总结(10 分钟 ) 刘世荣中国生态学学会理事长 2 宣读大会成果 深圳宣言 (3 分钟 ) 王国宾深圳市林业局局长 3 参会代表感言(3 分钟 ) 比约恩 哈奈尔国际林联副主席 4 大会承办单位致谢并颁发优秀墙报奖(4 分钟 ) 61

会务信息 会议报到 大会于 11 月 28 日 10:00-22:00 在深圳五洲宾馆 A 座一层大堂设报到台, 请 参会代表在此期间前往完成报到手续 之后根据大会安排前往各自酒店登记入住 会场地点列表 本次大会主要活动会场及各分会场均设置在深圳五洲宾馆, 具体情况如下 : 开幕式及大会特邀报告 11 月 29 日上午华夏厅 分会场 1: 森林城市市长论坛 森林城 市建设理念与实践 11 月 29 日下午国际会议厅 分会场 2: 城市森林的生态功能与评价 11 月 29 日下午长江厅 分会场 3:INBAR 论坛 竹子在提升城 市园林和民众福祉中的作用 11 月 29 日下午黄河厅 大会欢迎宴会 11 月 29 日晚上 五洲厅 分会场 4: 城市森林生态系统服务 11 月 30 日上午 华夏厅 分会场 5: 森林城市发展模式和创新实践 11 月 30 日上午 长江厅 分会场 6: 森林城市规划与管理 11 月 30 日上午 黄河厅 闭幕式 11 月 30 日上午 华夏厅 华夏厅华夏厅位于深圳五洲宾馆 B 座二层 宾馆 A 座与 B 座在一层相连, 请在一层先到达 B 座后再乘电梯前往二层华夏厅 五洲厅黄河厅位于深圳五洲宾馆 A 座二层 国际会议厅国际会议厅位于深圳五洲宾馆 A 座三层 62

黄河厅黄河厅位于深圳五洲宾馆 A 座二层 长江厅长江厅位于深圳五洲宾馆 A 座二层 交通安排 1 会务接送大巴 (1) 接站时间 :11 月 28 日 10:00-22:00 每整点发车乘车地点 : 深圳机场停车场联系人 : 胡平 0086-13922845761 深圳北站 B1 出站口 ( 西广场深圳通大厦停车场 ) 联系人 : 郑永永 0086-13609623213 (2) 送站时间 :12 月 1 日 8:00 10:00 12:00, 分别开往深圳机场和深圳北站乘车地点 : 深圳五洲宾馆深圳机场联系人 : 胡平 0086-13922845761 深圳北站联系人 : 郑永永 0086-13609623213 2 公共交通 (1) 深圳机场地铁 11 号线机场站 ( 往福田方向 ) 上车 车公庙站转地铁 1 号线 ( 罗湖方向 ) 香蜜湖站 (C2 口 ) 下车 (2) 深圳北站地铁 4 号线深圳北站 ( 福田口岸方向 ) 上车 会展中心站转地铁 1 号线 ( 罗湖方向 ) 香蜜湖站 (C2 口 ) 下车 (3) 罗湖火车站地铁 1 号线 : 罗湖站 ( 机场东方向 ) 上车 香蜜湖站 (C2 口 ) 下车到达香蜜湖站后步行 1 公里到达五洲宾馆, 行程约 15 分钟 ( 见下图 ) 63

(4) 福田站方案一 : 32 路 113 路 223 路 : 广电大厦 站 ( 松坪山总站方向 ) 上车 特区报社 站下车方案二 :59 路 : 福田高铁站上车 ( 布心总站方向 ) 特区报社 站下车特区报社 站下车后步行 500 米到达五洲宾馆, 行程约 8 分钟 ( 见下图 ) (5) 香港国际机场机场巴士总站上车 龙巴 a41 路 沙田市中心巴士总站下车 沙田站上车 东铁线 ( 落马洲方向 ) 落马洲站下车 福田口岸总站上车 m441 路 特区报社 站下车 64

3 出租车从深圳宝安国际机场乘坐出租车前往深圳五洲宾馆时长约 40 分钟, 费用约 100 元 从香港国际机场乘坐出租车前往深圳五洲宾馆时长约 1 小时, 费用约 350 元 住宿安排本次会议的住宿酒店是深圳五洲宾馆和深圳国汇大酒店 大会会场全部设置在五洲宾馆, 从国汇大酒店步行至五洲宾馆路程约 10 分钟 ( 路线见下图 ) 由于酒店住房紧张, 组委会将根据实际情况对代表入住酒店进行分配 1 深圳五洲宾馆地址 : 深圳市福田区深南大道 6001 号电话 :0086-755-82938000 传真 :0086-755-83831797 网址 2 深圳国汇大酒店地址 : 深圳市福田区深南大道 6002 号 65

电话 :0086-755-83928888 传真 :0086-755-83906383 用餐安排会议期间, 除大会宴请外, 参会代表均在各自入住的酒店凭餐票用餐 用餐形式为自助餐 未使用完的餐票请销毁 1 深圳五洲宾馆用餐地点 :A 座一层紫荆阁用餐时间 : 早餐 7:00-10:00, 中餐 11:30-14:00, 晚餐 18:00-21:00 2 深圳国汇大酒店用餐地点 : 三层餐厅用餐时间 : 早餐 7:00-10:00, 中餐 12:00-13:30, 晚餐 18:00-20:00 66