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* 2007 77 19 1882 353 1 20 70 Buroway 1978 p. 256 * 100872 mengjie@ ruc. edu. cn 2005 1 2005 15

1972 571 Buroway 1978 p. 256 80 Przeworski and Wallerstein 1982 2002 2005 Zingales 2000 1998 Rajan and Zingales 1998 Blair 2005 Blair and Stott 1999 2000 1 2 20 80 1 1995 353 355 16 2 tacit knowledge

80 2000 2010 2006 70 mysteries 1972 533 1979 571-572 1979 deskilling 2008 Manwaring and Wood 1985 17

consent 2008 47 Manwaring and Wood 1985 p. 171 Manwaring and Wood 1985 p. 191 Smith 2000 pp. 48 49 Manwaring and Wood 1985 p. 192 Adler 2007 Gordon 1996 p. 183 hegemonic strategy Buroway and Wright 1994 p. 81 85 18

1 1 1972 354 2005 2005 28 30 2 1972 59 60 1 1 1972 568 3 1 1 1 2 3 2007 1972 568 19

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the New Interpretation T W = T = V + S V S e e = S V S = V = e 1 + e W = e T 2 1 + e 1 1 + e W = 1 T 3 1 + e 3 2 θ = 1 1 + e 1 - θ = e 1 + e e e 3 4 3 3 2005 9 4 4 4 21

1972 614 4 20 80 2008 Foley 1982 Dumenil 1983 1984 the Monetary Expression of Labor Time MELT valueadded MELT 20 80 3 1 50 40 2 15 MELT 15 1 Foley 1986 p. 14 MELT 1 Saad-Filho 1996 p. 127 Saad-Filho MELT MELT MELT 22

MELT MELT MELT ex post Saad-Filho Saad-Filho 1996 p. 130 1974 99 1997 103 Mohun 2004 1 Foley 1982 p. 43 1 2008 36 23

1972 355 2005 2000 1979 2008 2003 2003 24 1882 1882 9 12 35 1971 2008 13 1986 2 2007 2007 2001 23 1972 23 1974 26 3 1979 47 1995 1 2 2005 5 2010 10 2005 1997 1963 11 2002 1964 9 1980 33 2006 2011 2 Adler P. S. 2007 The Future of Critical Management Studies A Paleo-Marxist Critique of Labour Process Theory Organization

Studies Vol. 28 No. 9. Blair M. M. 2005 Institutionalists Neoclassicals and Team Production British Journal of Industrial Relations Vol. 43 No. 4. Blair M. M. and L. A. Stott 1999 A Team Production Theory of Corporate Law Virginia Law Review Vol. 85 No. 2. Buroway M. 1978 Toward a Marxist Theory of the Labor Process Theory Braverman and Beyond Politics and Society Vol. 8 No. 3 4. Buroway M. and E. O. Wright 1994 Coercion and Consent in Contested Exchange in Wright E. O. Interrogating Inequality London and New York Verso. Dumenil G. 1983 1984 Beyond the Transformation Riddle A Labor Theory of Value Science and Society Vol. 47 No. 4. Gordon D. M. 1996 Fat and Mean New York The Free Press. Foley D. 1982 The Value of Money The Value of Labor Power and the Marxian Transformation Problem Review of Radical Political Economics Vol. 14 No. 2. Foley D. 1986 Understanding Capital Harvard University Press. Manwaring T. and S. Wood 1985 The Ghost in the Labour Process in D. Knights H. Willmott D. Collinson eds. Job Redesign Critical Perspectives on the Labour Process Gower Publishing Company Ltd. Mohun S. 2004 The Labour Theory of Value as Foundation for Empirical Investigations Metroeconomica Vol. 55 No. 1. Przeworski A. and M. Wallerstein 1982 The Structure of Class Conflict in Democratic Capitalist Societies American Political Science Review Vol. 76 No. 2. Rajan R. G. and L. Zingales 1998 Power in a Theory of the Firm Quarterly Journal of Economics Vol. 108 pp. 387 432. Saad - Filho Alfredo 1996 The Value of Money The Value of Labour Power and the Net Product An Appraisal of the New Approach to the Transformation Problem in A. Freeman G. Carchedi eds. Marx and Non - Equilibrium Economics Cheltenham U. K Edward Elgar. Smith T. 2000 Technology and Capital in the Age of Lean Production Albany State University of New York Press. Zingales L. 2000 In Search of New Foundations Journal of Finance Vol. 55 No. 4. Zingales L. 1998 Corporate Governance in Peter Newman ed. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law London Stockton Press. The Plus-sum Relations between Capital and Labor in the Creation of Value A New Marxian Explanation Based on the Proportional Theory of Value Creation Meng Jie School of Economics Renmin University of China Abstract In Marxian theory of surplus value there could only exist zero-sum relations between capital and labor in the creation of value. This essay attempts to explain the possible plus-sum relations between capital and labor without violating Marxian labor theory of value. For this purpose two types of theories are introduced. The first is the theory of tacit knowledge and its application in the Marxist debate on capitalist labor process. The second is the Proportional Theory of Value Creation which argues that labor productivity changes in proportion to the value product created in given length of time. The main body of this essay investigates the value-creating process based upon technical change and the increase in the complexity of labor and explains under what economic conditions the shop-floor workers claim to surplus would be warranted. The existence of such plus-sum relations of capital and labor can be considered as counteracting factor of the law of relative surplus value. Key Words Tacit Knowledge Surplus Value Plus-sum Relations Law of Proportional Relations JEL Classification B52 D20 25