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94 11 pp.169~186

170 Hruby Jaggar

(sm'atu) (kmloh) (smyus) gaga gaga gaga Qu tux ni qan Sba yox 171

172 Msbtunnx rutux qmbuizng niqan gaga

dadoba sex 塩 173

rutux rutux gaga/rutux rutux 174

175 gaga


kayou 177

mdeposo pisopaxa gaga na pai elaqi Margaret Mead sex sex gender sex Cromwell, J. 178

inequality 参 没内 别 179

Huart L ile Formose, Histoireet Description Huart L ile Formose, Histoireet Description W.A.Pickering Pioneering in Formosa W.A.Pickering,Pioneering in Formosa, mrhuw Jean de La Bruye re Rosalind Miles 180

181 rutux gaga gaga gender Margaret Mead 1935

http://www.taiwanroot.org/cindex.htm gaga 182

1. Huart L ile Formose, Histoireet Description 2. Rosalind Miles 183

3. W.A.Pickering,Pioneering in Formosa, 1.Cromwell, J. 1999 Transmen and FTMs: Identities, Bodies, and Sexualities, Champaign: University of Illinois Press.1999. 2.Hruby G G.Sociological, postmodern, and new realism perspective in social constructionism: Implications for literacy research.reading Research Quarterly,2001,36(1):48-63. 3.Jaggar,Alison.M.Young,I.M.A Comparision to Feminist Philosophy, Oxford and Malden: Blackwell Publishers,1998. 1.http://www.indigen.fju.edu.tw/visited2004/12/28. 2.http://www.taiwanroot.org/cindex.htm/visited2005/3/20. 184

The Status of Women and Traditional Economic Lifestyle in Atayal Yu-Chueh Lin Center of General Education, Kun Shan University Abstract The border between 19 th and 20 th is the important turning point for Taiwan aborigine s economic development. In the end of 19 th century, Taiwan aborigines live by hunting mostly and agriculture partly. At that time, women are the one responsible for farming, and elder men will help them in their leisure time. Hunting, war and other acute activities were responsible by young men. Since 20 th century, lifestyle for Taiwan aboriginal has changed a lot. Hunting activities were declining day by day and agriculture economic was developing increasingly instead then replaced hunting. Atayal s traditional producing activities including farming, hunting, collecting and fishing. Farming and fishing is the main economic activities. Women in different ethnic group have different features through different life experience; however; Atayal people who have traditional life style reveals that women have their special economic status and character in division of labor which is shared both by women and men. Women status in Atayal has specific indicator for equality between women and men. Keywords: Traditional Economic, gender stratification, division of labor, economic status 185