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6 7 Vol. 6 No. 7 2015 7 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Jul., 2015 兰丰, 刘传德 *, 周先学, 王志新, 鹿泽启, 姚杰, 柳璇, 姜蔚 (, ( ), 265500) 摘要 : 目的, 方法 110 102, (acute reference dose, ARfD) (international estimated short-term intake, IESTI) 结果 26, (2 ) 78%, ; ; (%ARfD ) 37.7% 7.37% 0.28% 1.53% 结论,,, 关键词 : ; ; ; Residue levels and cumulative acute risk assessment of pesticides in apples of main fruits area in Shandong province LAN Feng, LIU Chuan-De *, ZHOU Xian-Xue, WANG Zhi-Xin, LU Ze-Qi, YAO Jie, LIU Xuan, JIANG Wei (Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk Assessment for Fruit (Yantai), Ministry of Agricultural, Yantai Academy of Agricultural Science in Shandong Province, Yantai 265500, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To assess the levels of pesticide residues and provide scientific basis for regulation of pesticide residues in major apple producing areas in Shandong province. Methods Residues of 102 pesticides in 110 apples from main fruits areas were detected by standard methods The method of cumulative acute risk assessment of pesticide in apple was established by acute reference dose (ARfD) and international estimated short-term intake (IESTI). Results Many types of pesticide residues (26 kinds) were detected in apples. Multiple residues (2 kinds of pesticides and above) accounted for a higher sample proportion of the total number of samples (78%). All pesticide residues detected in the samples did not exceed the maximum residue limit (MRL). Banned methomyl and unregistered buprofezin, spirodiclofen, and triflumuron pesticides were detected. The values of accumulation acute risk of organophosphate, pyrethroid, triazoles and neonicotinoid 基金项目 : (GJFP2015002) (2014NC111) Fund: Supported by National Program of Fruit Product Quality and Safety Risk Assessment and Evaluation(GJFP2015002) and Yantai Science and Technology Project(2014NC111) * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: LIU Chuan-De, Professor, Yantai Academy of Agricultural Science in Shandong Province, Yantai 265500, China. E-mail:

2596 6 pesticides were 37.7%, 7.37%, 0.28% and 1.53%. Conclusion Many types of pesticides residue were detected, but the levels were not high. Organophosphate and pyrethroid, triazoles and neonicotinoid pesticides accumulate less risk of acute dietary intake of apples in Shandong, and the likelihood of harm is unlikely. The banned pesticides and unregistered pesticides are needed to focus on. KEY WORDS: apple; pesticide; residue level; cumulative acute risk assessment 1 引言,,,,,, [1,2],, [3-5], [6,7],,,, [8],,, 2 材料与方法 2.1 样品来源, 2013 2014 ( )( )( )( )( )( )( )7 12 110 2.2 农药残留检测方法 [9,10] 102, 1 2.3 累积性膳食摄入风险评估方法, ( ) 2.3.1 相对强度系数 (relative potency factors, RPF) [11], 4, [11-13] (acute reference dose, ARfD), RPF 1.0, ARfD, RPF [14] ARfD RPF 2 2.3.2 参照农药累积当量浓度计算 (RPF), [16], : n i i i 1 HR C RPF (1) (1) HR, mg/kg; C i i, mg/kg; RPF i i RPF 2.3.3 累积急性膳食风险评估 JMPR (IESTI) ( 2) [17,18] U HR v ( LP-U) HR IESTI (2) bw IESTI % ARfD 100 (3) ARfD

7, : 2597 Table 1 表 1 102 种农药参数及采用的标准方法 Parameters of 102 kinds of pesticides and the standard methods NY/T 761-2008 [9] NY/T 761-2008 [9] 3- NY/T 761-2008 [9] GB/T 20769-2008 [10] (2) U, kg, 0.255 kg [19] ; HR, mg/kg; v, 3 [19] ; LP (97.5 ), mg/kg, 0.6931 kg [19] ; bw, 60 kg, HR, RPF (3) %ARfD 100%, ; %ARfD 100%, [20] 3 结果与分析 3.1 山东省苹果农药残留水平分析, 70, 110 26, 5, 20, 1 5% 10,, 59.1% 33.6% 28.2% ( 2 ) 78% () 26,, [21] ; 5, CAC 3 3.2 累积急性膳食摄入风险评估 [23,24],, [25], 2013 (EFSA) [12] 26 4,, (MRL), 3, RPF, (HRt) (2), ARfD, 4, RPF, %ARfD, 4, MRL 7.5% 32.0% 1.2% 3.0%,, %ARfD 37.7%

2598 6 Table 2 表 2 4 组农药 ( 有机磷 菊酯类 三唑类 烟碱类 ) 各自对应的 ARfD 和 RPF 值 The ARfDs and RPFs of organophosphorus, pyrethroids, trazophos and neonicotinoids pesticides (mg/kg bw) (RPF) organophosphorus pyrethroids triazophos neonicotinoids 0.1 WHO/2004 0.01 2.0 WHO/2003 0.0005 0.001 0.2 0.01 0.02 WHO/2002 WHO/2003 WHO/1997 WHO/2003 1.0 0.005 0.1 0.05 0.02 WHO/2007 1.0 0.04 WHO/2006 0.5 0.2 WHO/2012 0.1 0.3 WHO/2007 1.0 0.9 WHO/2003 0.33 0.1 WHO/2011 1.0 0.4 WHO/2001 0.25 1.0 WHO/2010 0.1 : 2 [15] 表 3 苹果中 26 种农药的残留水平 Table 3 Residue levels of 26 pesticides in apples (%) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Carbendazim 65 59.1 0.0010-0.17 3.0 Acetamiprid 37 33.6 0.0050-0.063 0.8 Chlorpyrifos 31 28.2 0.0016-0.36 1.0 Fenpyroximate 22 20.0 0.0010-0.021 0.3 Pyridaben 13 11.8 0.0020-0.054 2.0 Imidacloprid 12 10.9 0.0028-0.076 0.5 Tebuconazole 10 9.1 0.0045-0.020 2.0 Iprodione 9 8.2 0.0011-0.024 5.0 Cyhalothrin 9 8.2 0.0011-0.043 0.2 Spirodiclofen 7 6.4 0.0010-0.033 0.8(CAC) Fenvalerate 5 4.5 0.0043-0.087 1.0 Cypermethrin 4 3.6 0.0024-0.087 2.0 Trifloxystrobin 2 1.8 0.0010 0.0062 0.7 Paclobutrazol 2 1.8 0.0035 0.011 0.5 Difenoconazole 2 1.8 0.0032 0.037 0.5 Buprofezin 2 1.8 0.0010 0.0035 3.0(CAC) Dimethoate 2 1.8 0.012 0.014 1.0 Triazophos 1 0.9 0.021 0.2 Thiamethoxam 1 0.9 0.004 0.2( ) Tebufenozide 1 0.9 0.0054 1.0 Phosmet 1 0.9 0.0035 3.0(CAC) Methomyl 1 0.9 0.001 2.0 Methidathion 1 0.9 0.0015 0.5(CAC) Malathion 1 0.9 0.06 2.0 Hexythiazox 1 0.9 0.0020 0.5 Triflumuron 1 0.9 0.0064 0.1 : 3 [22]

7, : 2599 表 4 苹果中有机磷 菊酯类 三唑类 烟碱类农药的累积急性摄入风险评估 Table 4 Cumulative acute risk assessment of organophosphorus, pyrethroids, triazophos, and neonicotinoids pesticides in apples / (mg/kg) (HRt) (mg/kg) (IESTI)(mg/kg bw) (ARfD)(mg/kg bw) %ARfD /0.015 /0.32 /0.012 /0.06 /0.043 /0.052 /0.045 /0.037 /0.015 /0.054 /0.063 0.0188 0.000377 0.001 37.7 0.0735 0.00147 0.02 7.37 0.0420 0.000842 0.3 0.28 0.0765 0.00153 0.1 1.53 : 4 [15] 4, (%ARfD ) 37.7% 7.37% 0.28% 1.53%, 100%,,,, 4, (ARfD), %ARfD 100%, 4 讨论 4.1 关于相对强度系数 (RPF) (RPF), RPF [5,14,26,27], (ARfD) RPF [11] 1995,, ( ARfD ),,, 4, ARfD 4 RPF, RPF, 4.2 累积急性膳食摄入风险评估, (hazard index, HI) (point of departure index, PODI) (magin of exposure, MOE) (cumulative risk index, CRI),, (physiologically based toxicokinetics, PBTK) (Monte Carlo risk assessment, MCRA) [28] HI PODI MOE CRI, HI, PBTK MCRA,, 2003 FAO Andréia [18]

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