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Lois H. Silverman Mark O Neill Donald Schoen (reflective practitioner) (a deeper understanding of the field) (Silberman & O Neill, 2004: 38) Donald Schoen 7

Gollnick Chinn (Gollnick & Chinn, 1998) (reality) (Hooper-Greenhill, 1992: 1) (gallery) (cabinet) 283 2004 (International Council of Museums, ICOM) (The Definition of the Museum) ICOM News 2006 5 (American Association of Museums, AAM) 2007 AAM (Why Museums Matter) (what they are becoming) (Peter Drucker) 2005: 54 8

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2005: 103 Elizabeth E. Merritt(2005) (Accreditation) (accessibility) (the effective use of evaluation data) (accountability) (inclusive and community engagement) (corporate citizenship) Peter Druck 1. ICOM(http://icom.museum/) MA(http://www. museumsassociation.org/)ma (http://www.museumsaustralia.org.au/) 2003a 19

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Museum Consciousness and Museum People s Birth and Development Wan-Chen Liu* Abstract This paper reflects on the metamorphosis of museum forms, realities and meanings. From the perspective of museum consciousness, the author attempts to provide a useful approach to clarifying the chaos of museum conditions and the different types of museum people based on their identity and social grouping in Taiwan. Through recovering the hidden meaning represented by the existing status quo, the author points out that the museum as imagined community is based on meta-museology. Finally, the author proposes the importance of enhancing museum consciousness to effectively promote the birth and development of museum people inside and outside the professional museum field. Keywords: museum consciousness, professional development, museum identity, museum people *Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Museum Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University 21